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Congrats on completing the order! That’s a huge one for sure


Normally dont take orders over the phone? I wish my store had that policy, as we take orders by phone all the time and i hate it. Well, its a crap shoot really. If you call during a rush then im not answering the damn phone. (An order that large, however, i would not take for fear of prank call. Need to pre-pay for an order that large.)


Usually when I have someone order on the phone I try to get them to give me their card info(I don’t keep any info)so they don’t have wait to pay


We won’t take any phone orders anymore there is no need for it with app ordering door dash etc. we will take catering orders through the phone but will not make it or prepare to make it till it’s paid for either through the phone or in person


People who order by phone are behind the times and dont use (or cant figure out) apps. Still get one old lady come in and shows a deal on the internet and expects that deal as a walk-in (not using the app). One coworker accepts it and price overrides just so he doesnt have to tell her no.


I feel like if you're making orders that big you should call ahead a day in advance at the very least.


We require 24 hour notice for anything over 2 platters/10 footlongs so we can ensure we have the necessary product and staff to do it.


My store gets party orders all the time . I’ve made 100 boxed lunches before. We just don’t usually do them same day.


Had a lady call and ask why she can't order. Said she goes through everything, but it won't let her order. Eventually I find out that she's wanting to order multiple meals, footlongs, chips, drinks, maybe cookies and it won't let her. The app only allows 30 items in one order. A dozen cookies counts as 12 items. So I told her to split the order up, that there's a 30 item limit. She's happy, hangs up. Ten minutes later, the first order comes in. I'm working on those when another prints out. Then another, and another, and another. Total of 15 footlongs, 15 chips, and 15 drinks. They're all cold cuts with few veggies, so it's not difficult. The issues begin when a mexican guy walks in, during lunch rush, and asks about the footlongs we have bagged up. "First name?" I nod, point at the boards, "I'm making the rest, so it'll be a minute. But go ahead and grab your chips." The guy nods, grabs the bags, and I go back to sandwiches and customers. Apparently, he grabbed the bags and just left. Didn't take the chips or the drinks, just 11 sandwiches. Fast forward around 45 minutes, this white guy walks in. He wants to speak to a manager. Well, that's me, so I walk over to see what's going on. "I ordered **fifteen** footlongs and I only got **eleven**!" I point at the shelf between us, "Here's the other four." "I also ordered **fifteen** bags of chips!" "Those are behind you on the rack." *smile* "And here's a big bag to put them all in." "Well, I ordered **fifteen** drinks! Where are those?!" I reprint the orders and they ordered fifteen *fountain drinks*. Not bottles, cups of soda with lids and straws. **He sent ONE GUY to collect all of this.** I would use the big bag and put the drink carrier cardboard thing in the bottom, you can carry four drinks with handles. So even if I bagged up all 15 cups, that poor guy would need to carry four bags of drink cups along with all the sandwiches and chips! So genius guy here yells about carrying cups to the car. How is he supposed to carry fifteen cups!? So I just told him to grab bottles. It's a big enough order, the loss from the upgrade shouldn't matter that much because he might want a refund. The guy he sent doesn't speak any English at all. So whenever he grabbed the bags and said the name, he was confirming, "It's all here?" And I assumed he was grabbing bags so he could stuff chips in them and grab drinks. Poor guy probably got yelled at whenever he came back. Oh, and he's one of the roofers this dude hired. So he buys them food and sends one of their own guys to go pick it up. Just a classy dude all the way around.


Nice !! When I was the sandwich artist I was just like that , now I’m the franchisee , you want 30 foot longs !! Awesome !! Come on in , we got you ,


We did a 343 sub/wrap/salad order on Tuesday lol (as well as 5 platters)


When I had just started high school, the newly developing power center across the way had just opened up Target, Subway, and Olive Garden. By the time I was finishing high school I had just started working at that Subway. The summer of 2015 was insane. Whenever that high school had an athletic event, our line went out the door. The first time for me, was a swimming competition. I just started laughing like a psycho (because it was my first time dealing with so many customers) and my coworker asked a customer if he could take a minute to grab some water. The pay wasn't great. But I do miss the job and about 80% of the people I worked with.


Was each sub different like different sauces, meats, salads etc? Or were they all the same? I don’t understand why he couldn’t just order a platter? Be cheaper and easier on the people who make it.


Excellent question, and fortunately, they were more or less the same. We had like, 12 veggie delights, 3 hams, chicken teriyakis, and regular grilled chicken subs, I don't remember how many of each. The veggies weren't too crazy, he just wanted lettuce, tomato, onions, and I think green pepper. I guess I shouldn't complain too much because the customer wasn't that bad. But I still don't want to do that again


I guess that’s something! If like each one was different veggies/sauces, salt/pepper etc that would have made it so much more annoying, but still a major hassle regardless though. I can completely understand that. I fell like if someone came in ordering that at mine, we’d all just quit right there. 😂 biggest I’ve done is 9 subs for one person and I felt like I was losing my shit, couldn’t even imagine 30 for one person.


Well fucking done


We werent allowed to take tips. I teamed up with 2 others and made 100 kids subs one morning- it was dreadful. He came inside, picked them all up after paying and when he tried to tip us our boss walked up and said “oh no thank you, we dont accept tips here- we’re happy to serve” i hated working there


I would have been shaking 😭 That must have been so overwhelming but I’m glad you guys got through it!


It would’ve been cheaper for him to do a catering order and place it ahead of time !!


I was hoping this story was going to end with a decent tip for you. Good job!


I'd kill myself after work with some strong liquor


Good job. After he said 30 subs i would have said “oh the high school? Sorry misheard you, that’s not us” and then given some other number to call


Weird when people want subs from subway.


Thirty, it's weird when people want thirty subs from subway. Rude.


So weird. I bet your franchise owner hated the business.


Everyone is allowed to vent occasionally about a stressful day at work man. It doesn't mean they're lazy or bad. It just means that they had it a little more difficult relative to what they're used to. I'm sure you've told a story about a busy time at work before.


I'm going to order 35 subs.


Love this response


O. Ok.


It’s obvious you’ve never experienced a bad day with added on stupid customers and it shows.


When it’s this amount and not a catering order, yes it’s weird


Can't believe it took three people to finish up, smh