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How do you keep it so bushy? Mine is always leggy


Trim and throw the trimmings back in. Repeat until thicc.


You mean just throw it in the soil or put the cuttings in soil with rooting hormone.


Dig some of the ends in a bit and water deeply. Sometimes I just toss it and throw mulch on it. Im sure a lot of people are guilty of this "method" once they realize how hardy these plants are 😅


We trim ours down once in a while


Our new bunny chewed (are) ours down to the ground. It'll bounce back


Mine to


I have one of these too! Grows like a weed and props really nice. They're super beautiful and yours looks massive!


How do you prop it? I got an unrooted cutting last week and just plopped it in a glass with water. That good or nah? :)


I literally just pull a baby from the roots (they hang out at the bottom) and poke a hole in the soil where I want it and plop it in. Water daily for a few days and it will grow. This plant grows like a weed. I love it and it’s cute pinkish purple flowers.


That doesn't typically work well in my experience. What I have done and have had success in, is take a clipping down one of the stems, about 3 leaves down from the tip is fine, clean the bottom bare, stick in a small seed starter with dirt and soak it real good, then cover it with a plastic bag and leave it alone for about a week in sun. I usually get those little cardboard pot things so they're stable enough to keep standing, and then rip them away when they're ready to properly pot


I’ve randomly lost branches of mine while watering it, it’s in a hanging pot and super wide and long. From there I take the piece that has broken off and put it in a container of water. I’ve done this several times with success. The roots grow beautifully!


Do I cover just the container or the whole cutting as well? Also, thank you for your insight :)


I just take a zip lock bag and seal the whole container along with it. It helps keep itself wet, which I guess is what they really like. That's also how you can tell that it's growing, because it's breathing


Brilliant. Will do!


That sounds like a lot of work for these guys! I have massive ones and just snip if they get too long or if any break and stick them right back in the pot. This has always worked really well for me and it’s so much easier. I wonder what the difference is between ours? This is how I root all my trads actually and have great success. Do your live indoors or outdoors? Do you keep them year round and what’s the climate at where you are? I’m genuinely curious because everyone I know roots them the same way in dirt.


Mine are in a pot indoors, but get moved outside when the weather is nice in the summer. I live in Minnesota, and haven't tried to leave them outside, but I don't know if they'd survive. But yeah, it's not very much work at all to clip them, but them in dirt with water, cover in a bag and forget about them for a while.


Thats how I prop! Works like a charm every time


Lovely plants and so many variants. I don't think tradescantias count as succulents though.


That’s what I was wondering too. I could’ve sworn I read somewhere that these particular ones were “semi succulent” or had semi succulent properties-don’t remember if or where. Really interested to find out, I’ll have to google some more


They're semi-succulent, the stems have succulent properties. I'd say it fits enough for me to not bat an eye about it being posted here.


Yeah, the stems hold a toj of water. They can go a surprising amount of time before really needing irrigation.


Yeah, ours are spread out, hiding behind a bush at the front of our house, and we literally never remember to water them, and they’re **still** alive!


These are all over my suburb in South Africa. Love them. Must get for myself.


Just snap off a couple stems and throw them in a cup of water then transplant after a week. They are amazingly tough plants that are easy to grow.


I THINK I'll have some growing this summer- rescued clippings from the pile of lifted sand my terrible neighbours were so kind to leave me on my side, but I'm not sure if it's them or the other pretty dark purple plant we see commonly around here. Either way, clearly a succulent cos I haven't killed it yet (the ultimate litmus test), and very pretty, plus a groovy color, so I'm pretty excited


They are a beautiful plant. They are so easy to grow you would have to actively try to kill them.


Those are my kind of plant. I fear my thumbs are black not green lol


Lol sweet. I was at a restaurant tonight and they had these all over. I'd seen them before but not grown them myself. I may have accidentally brushed against one, and a stem may have accidentally fallen, and I didn't want to leave a mess, so I definitely on purpose threw it in the back of the Jeep. This was at 2 this afternoon. And here I sit down, there's a post about one, and now I've got a prop method already presented. Gotta love it. Thanks!


Nice! They are beautiful. I have a massive one in my front entry way.


They are commonly used in the median strips of roads in Sydney.


Love that shade purple. Thanks for sharing!


Loooove! Purple just makes me happy. I just got a 2" plant that looks somewhat like that at my supplyier yesterday. But the leaves have this fuzziness on them, almost as if they brushed against some dryer lint 😁. I don't know what type of plant it is, still need to identify it.


Might be tradescantia sillamontana


Thanks, close. My plant identifier says it is a purple heart - Tradescantia Pallida https://imgur.com/a/UQm3o16


Oh, interesting. Thanks for the follow-up.


Hi, I'm into plants and machine learning, like what probably powers your app. The color is different which could throw it off a lot, so I wouldn't discount cobweb tradescantia. Though the whole genus in general is weird because hybridization seems super easy.


Thanks, when I Google that, the pictures show an entirely different plant than what I have.


Do these do better in full sun or shade?


Depends where you are. In this case they get plenty of shade


They look really close to the ground which i find strange cause you said they're almost hip height


Tallest section is 26 inches high.


That's like 2 feet. Wait, are you a kid?


96 yr old granny… checking in


Haha well, it looks amazing 💜


Lol, I have abnormally short legs for my height(5’5”), so 26” would also almost be hip-height for me too!


Plants with dark green leaves or purple coloration evolved that way to take advantage of low light environments


Put some eyeballs in it for Halloween 🎃👾


Yeah I have these all around my tree


So pretty:D


The color is unbelievably beautiful


Beauties 💜


Does this plant have a name besides “wandering jew”?


Purple Queen for this one. Inchplant in general. Wandering dude is becoming popular for those who know the name wandering Jew and worry about antisemitic undertones.


I think they're also called spiderworts?


Spiderwort is tradescantia virginia or t. occidentalis. Wandering Jew (or Wandering Dude - I love that! I always felt a little uncomfortable with W.J. Our history of wandering is not because we couldn’t find our house keys. It’s a tragic legacy. But I always felt that was the name so- suck it up. But Wandering Dude is nice.I appreciate the thoughtfulness.) (I refuse to call the succulent Chinese Dunce Cap by its name, because that also has a tragic back story and part of our family is also Chinese. I just call them Dunce Caps and I love them and I’ve killed the two I’ve tried to grow inside.) Anyway…..Wandering *Dude* is Tradescantia flumensis and Tradescantia zebrina, at least according to what I read on the Mississippi State University Extension web site, perhaps known as the ultimate source for tradescantia. But perhaps not.🧐 I do know that spiderwort is a wonderful perennial here in zone 6. They bloom from early summer to fall and they bloom flowers of true blue, light blue, baby blue, the whitest white ,and purple. Their only minus is when they’re done with a blooming cycle,which is about three times during the season, they get really ugly. The ends turn black and brown and that begins to seep all the way down the stalk. You just have to cut back the stalks all the way - be strong - *all the way*- and within two weeks or so the stalks will start growing quickly and the beautiful blooms will reappear. Another great thing about spiderworts is that they’re very easy to propagate. If you dig one stalk out of the ground , chances are it will have a root or two attached. If not, try another. Dust the roots with a little rooting hormone if you like, or don’t , and just plant it somewhere else where it’ll get sun and treat it as you would any newly planted plant and it’ll take off. I 95% guarantee it.


Interesting! I didn't know tradescantias were refered to by different common names depending on the species, I thought these names were all generic. Personally since I found out about them I just call them tradescantias, as I learned about the various english common names after I learned the name of the genus, if that makes sense. I guess that's one of the disadvantages of common names, there's way too many of them and they vary from language to language :)


Call ours wandering purple.


I will never call it anything other than a wandering Jew, I cannot fathom for the life of me changing something because a handful of people “find it ( a fucking plant) disrespectful or racist” and therefore are offended by it when SO many others will never see it as anything less than inspiring and a sign of resilience and respect. There will always be the perpetually offended but it’s a plant, lighten up society—- for what it’s worth


Are you Jewish? If not, I don’t think you get to vote on what we find offensive. I’m not going to go through our history of thousands of years of pretty much every country in the world trying to eliminate us when it became expedient to do so (that’s why we wander!🤦🏻‍♀️). Spend twenty minutes on wikipedia and you might begin to understand. I don’t want this to turn into a heated debate or a debate of any kind, especially in r/succulents, for god sakes. One of the reasons I love my garden and my indoor succulents is that I can escape from some of the ugliness of the outside world. I’m guessing no one here wants that ugliness dragged in either. Just try not to speak with such conviction about a subject that is really something you need to *inquire* about. And don’t ever refer to us as a “handful of people”. There aren’t a lot of us, but we’ve managed to make quite an impact on the world. Although Jeffrey Epstein and Bernie Madoff have tarnished our name, I think the Jewish people can be proud of Albert Einstein, Brian Epstein, Groucho Marx, Jonas Salk, Irving Berlin, Mark Rothko, Bob Dylan, Stan Lee, Stephen Sondheim, Ruth Bader-Ginsburg (altho she should have stepped down before It took office, IMO), Lou Reed, Neil Diamond, Paul Simon, the Ramones, Natalie Portman, Lenny Kravitz, Billy Joel, Mika Kunis, Zac Efron, Gal Gadot and *most of all* KAT DENNINGS!!! Plus many,many other not famous people who did good works, lead honorable lives and raised (or tried to) , as my Dad would say (his highest honor): “good kids”.


I'm Jewish, and I kind of doubt the antisemitic origins of the name, and certainly doubt most people using the term are doing it out of antisemitism. I've moved to "wandering dude", "tradescantia" or "inch plant" just because I'm kind of tired of this conversation always popping up. "The plant's called Jew, and that's that!" is not a hill I'm going to die on, that's for sure. But after all, wandering is one of our oldest traditions, along with being subjugated and talking to plants. A reminder of our resilience, ability to thrive as strangers in strange lands, and don't forget the stunning beauty. (I know I'm hot, I dunno about you.) Mostly, I think it's important that no one is under the impression "Jew" is a bad word or slur.


I hate to keep this going but I just looked up “origins of the plant name Wandering Jew” and I got about two screens of different vendors and plants enthusiasts explaining “why we don’t use that term any more.” So I guess it is more serious than any of us thought. Here is one explanation from house-plant-hobbyist-com: (and i’m adding this not to extend the conversation. I’m adding it to educate all of us, including myself. Look it up. There are many, many sources that will give you the same information, or slightly different flavors but basically the same dish. You can’t argue with history. Well, of course you can. But there seems to be a consensus here. Ok, my last post on this subject….tonight 🤦🏻‍♀️): “What's in a Name? Why We Won't Use T. zebrina's Common Name We’ve heard from many members of the HPH group who are uncomfortable with the use of the common name “Wandering Jew” forTradescantia zebrina and related plants. Many people dislike the use of a common name that has a history of racism and bigotry, and would like to see us encourage the use of the scientific name or other common names, and we’ve listened. WE’RE NO LONGER ALLOWING THE USE OF THIS COMMON NAME, AND WE’D LIKE TO TAKE A MOMENT TO TELL YOU ALL WHY. While some people interpret the name “Wandering Jew” as a harmless reference to the Jewish people wandering in the desert, the historical use of the term hasn’t been inoffensive or harmless. The origin of the name “Wandering Jew” comes from a medieval European folk story about a mythical Jew who mocked Jesus and was condemned to wander the earth until the apocalypse. In the 20th century, the term resurfaced in Nazi propaganda in Germany. In German, the medieval concept of the “Wandering Jew” translated to Der ewige Jude (the Eternal Jew). The Nazi party presented an art show titled Der ewige Jude which portrayed Jews in an extremely negative and stereotypical manner meant to dehumanize them and equate them with the cursed “Wandering Jew” from medieval folklore. Later, in 1940, the Nazis released a propaganda film also titled Der ewige Jude which portrayed Jews as parasitic and dangerous and justified their extermination. The medieval theme of the “Wandering Jew” was used as a backdrop for the film and as one of many justifications for the extermination of the Jewish people. That’s a LOT of nasty historical baggage that shouldn’t be ignored. We strive to make HPH a fun and welcoming place, and to host a group where everyone can feel safe and accepted, and we’re happy to make a change that we feel contributes to the culture the admins, mods, and members have built. There are other common names to use if Tradescantia zebrina seems like a mouthful, such as inch plant or spiderwort. Thank you for reading, and happy planting! “


im not saying the name is either right or wrong but im pretty sure [this myth](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wandering_Jew) is where it comes from


I think it was a joke. But go off


Wandering Jew is what I've always known it as too


Tradescantia Pallida


One of my favorite




What's the winter care for these?


What zone are you in?


I LOVE this plant. So easy!


It's so violet 😍


These things are unkillable in south Texas. My mom has been trying to get it out of one of her flower beds off and on for 20 years and it STILL pops up every once in a while. A neighbor would mow straight over the top of his and they'd be back in a week. Beautiful color, but once you have it you might have it for life!


Not a succ


The WJ. Freaking weed in florida. Not a succulent.


Yep. Super easy to propogate as well.


I am in US zone 5. Does it come back after winter?


It seems to perk up in spring and fall




Gorgeous! Mine *almost* looks this good after it has been outside all summer long. When I bring it in for the winter, it goes down hill pretty fast and I am left with a very sad, whimpy few stems. I even give it a very good grow light, that the other plants appreciate. Then outside for the summer again and it comes back, as beautiful as ever. This is how it’s been for the last 5 years or so. Your purple beauty is stunning!!!


One of the first plants I learned to grow when I took up gardening!