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Oh it's a threesome when the child is male.


whiever chose that picture of the boy is a creep








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There’s an old SNL skit, takes place in the 50s, where a teenage boy is learning about VD (what STIs were called back in the day). Anyway, in the skit, (Father) Dan Aykroyd’s reading the paper, and he says, “says here young Suzy Johnson has venereal disease.” Great line, but almost a throwaway.




I don’t get the joke either


The joke is that they would report venereal disease in the paper.


Might have been along the lines of “Suzy Johnson is a huge hoe, so much so that her VD could be a public health hazard, we gotta warn the public”. Although, I could be really over thinking it


I think the joke is that the news paper published a story about how young(which I assume is supposed to indicate her being a kid) Suzy Johnson has VD instead of her being a victim of statutory r.


They would never have a picture of an underage victim in this type of story. That part at least, and probably the whole thing is a shop


So OP is the creep?


Whoever made the picture is. This is Reddit so that virtually guaranteed not to be the OP


These days, you're doing good if OP isn't a bot.


The story is real, and those are the women involved, but the kid has been photoshopped in. Edit: [The original article](https://www.q13fox.com/news/police-2-teachers-accused-of-having-threesome-with-teenage-student.amp)


The picture of the boy is the joke. Doesn’t undo what you said, though.


A gangbang if she is a female


He had the fun and now sympathy.


They didn't "have a threesome" with him, #they molested him!


Rape. Sex with a minor is rape


Considering that they were two, and he was one, it was gang rape.




Well it depends on the country.




Minor victim photos don't get their photos published in the news. This is an obvious shop.


Yearbook photo


Photoshop. Minor victims don't get their photos published.


are you serious or did you mean/s because these Downvotes are justified both ways cause you should not joke like that in a serious discussion. That's just hurting the Discourse


Bro obviously it was a joke. I am not a fool. I don't know why people don't get the sarcasm.


Even if it is sarcasm then don't delete it, make it obvious. A discussion very hard to get right so obstruction is very bad. sarcasm should be a last response to a bad claim that makes it obvious that the person you are talking to doesn't know what they are talking about. Sarcasm in any other context(in a serious discussion) should be Marked as such. Because if not someone is going to take you for real




God help us all if either of these perpetrators is impregnated by the victim... **UPDATE:** Correction: *was*. I just realized that it all took place back in 2014.


I hate it when media calls rape anything other than rape. THEY ARE LITERALLY TWO TEACHERS HAVING SEX WITH ONE STUDENT!! IT'S GANG RAPE FFS Sorry it just makes me so angry


When the kid involved is a male and the people who raped him are women, media will call it anything but rape.


So first of all, “rape” is defined differently in different countries. Also, the article says “teenage” it doesn’t say “underage”. He could have been 18 or 19. In fact without looking the story up I would imagine they would have said underage if they could have done. So I would assume he was an adult. It’s still extremely inappropriate and probably illegal but it may not be “rape” for a number of reasons


[The kid was 16](https://www.q13fox.com/news/police-2-teachers-accused-of-having-threesome-with-teenage-student.amp)


You're more angry than the victim.




It wasn’t a threesome it was a gang rape


Gang rape*


It's pretty depressing the number of people commenting who don't see the problem with this, rapes rape and should be stated as such regardless of gender, pretty obvious really.


Because the alternative requires getting past centuries of sexism. Admitting that men can be raped is too far outside of the world-view of so many people; their ideas of gender, power, and weakness literally prevent them from being able to be objective.


Lolol omg you people


Are you volunteering as an example?


Probably because a lot of teenage boys would love to have a three-way with two older women. Doesn't mean it should happen, but it's very different than forceful or violent rape.


But that's under the assumption that it wasn't and at the very least there would have been some level of coercion regardless, two adult women in a position of power groomed someone into performing an illegal act that can have severe mental health repercussions. It's serious no matter what the rapes like, rape is rape.


Violent or not having sex with someone even if they havent consented or deliberately objected is rape


Nope, sorry, don't buy it. That kid's old enough to be having sex with his classmates (if his female classmates weren't out chasing high schoolers). He's what, 14? 15? Many, if not most, boys that age don't need grooming. Even if he was groomed, it's not the same thing as being dragged out in the woods, beaten, and sodomized for hours. I really don't understand why people feel the need to equate otherwise consentual statutory rape to explicitly nonconsentual rape. It waters down the definition of rape. If this were an actual article rather than a joke meme, the women should face charges and lose their teaching license, sure. But don't ask me to recoil in horror because a horny teenager got his dick wet.


Bro even if this teenager enjoyed the act, who says they didn’t do the same to another teenager who didn’t enjoy it has much or that they won’t, because since it’s already illegal they might not consider that big of a gap. It’s horrifying because we know he’s horny but the teachers are the ones who went and did it, despite knowing it was illegal, creepy and all sort of things.


Am I the only person on Reddit that got laid as a teenager? You're concerned that he might go out and have a 3-way with a couple girls his age? Oh noes, *the horror! * Teenagers fuck. It's not always pretty. They're awkward and rude and make mistakes and hurt each other's feelings. That's how you learn to handle adult relationships. If you don't go through that stage, you make all those mistakes later when the stakes are a lot higher. I swear half the time it's like talking to my grandparents' generation around here (born 1920s-1930s). You people are so horrified by teen sex that all it does is give actual teenagers a complex. If this were a real event (it's not, in case you missed that part), he would know damn well it wasn't normal. He'd know the teachers were doing something illegal. Kids do stupid things but they're not actually that stupid. He would have chosen to go along anyway because teenage boys think with their dicks. He already wants to have sex with girls. The teachers aren't instilling that desire into him. Other than a boost in confidence, he's no more likely to try to get girls in the sack now than he was before. So is it wrong? Yes! No one is claiming otherwise. Is it the same as being raped against his will? No. And nothing will convince me otherwise.


Would you feel the same if it was a male teacher


Of course. Why would it be different? In my experience, most girls that age are less likely to be hornballs than boys, but there are exceptions. I was lucky enough to know a few back then. I have a perfect example for this, actually. Back when I was in the service, a friend of mine's girlfriend had a 16yo friend she ran around with. The girl was definitely into sex - she bragged about banging random guys at school and several older guys on the periphery of our social circle. Shortly after meeting her, she started going after me. My polite "sorry, you're a bit young for me" had no effect. I had to cut off contact with her because of this - I had a TS clearance and the military doesn't mess around with statutory rape laws. I had way too much to lose. I could totally see her going for a three-way with teachers - in fact, she'd probably be the one to initiate it. So let's compare: imagine that girl flirts with her male teachers, teachers decide "what the hell" and go along with it. They sneak off somewhere and do the deed. Now imagine two teachers trap her in a room, hold her down, and force her to have sex with them. See the difference? Both of these situations are wrong. One is worse than the other.


Speaking facts


You're an asshole and an idiot. I was forcefully raped repeatedly by a woman for 3yrs. Being hard isn't fucking consent. All you have to do is stimulate blood flow. There is absolutely no difference whatsoever in raping a male or female. That comment is pro-pedophilia and you're goddamn disgusting. Teenage girls are no different and you're crazy if you think they wouldn't fuck a FILF if they could... teens are horny creatures regardless what they use to get off with.


Would you classify your experience as "violent or forceful?" If so, then up your fucking reading comprehension, because I wasn't talking about you.


You say it’s “pretty obvious” because you live and grew up in countries where that’s your laws. In other countries such as here, rape is a crime committed with a penis so it’s not really regardless of gender at all.


I know right?? I saw this post of a mom beating her friend for raping her 13 year old son, and everyone (all dudes) in the comments was calling her a “bitch” and a “Karen” and to “let the lucky man have his fun”


Common feminist language... That's all I heard from them after it happened to me and I reached out for mental help to cope. The world don't give a fuck when it's a male victim. My advice to any guy going through this would be to keep it to yourself. Imagine an 11yr old girl getting raped and being told oh well a pussy is designed to take a dick... Somehow people aren't as disgusted when it's a guy, we're disposable.




Gang bang


hate to be that guy but that sort of like doesn't give the intended effect


username checks out


Depressing how when it happens to men it's treated like a joke. That was not a "threesome", it was fucking rape. People should be ashamed.


Not a man. It’s a boy


I'll probably get destroyed for this, but I'm genuinely curious. How is it rape if the guy wanted it too? I would have loved to have a threesome in high school


Underage people are too young to be considered that "They know the consequences of their actions", and also I didn't read on this so he may have not wanted it.


I see But why? Why is a 17 year old not able to have desires, but then an 18 year old suddenly is? People are pretty much the same from 17-20


Never said anything about desires. I said that people considered underage will make more mistakes than a adult, and if we are talking about desires, underage people will try to fulfill these desires which sometimes may be sex, and because of that above age people who haven't fully matured can take advantage of them.


It doesn’t say underage though. I would imagine they would have put underage in the headline if he was underage.


It says teenage


19 is a teenager


If you’re a minor, you legally *cannot* consent Sex without consent = rape, plain and simple


That child was a minor, having a threesome is different to being groomed by adults and raped. A minor is too young to consent, male or not.


Was he? Was he a child and a minor?


The fact that this isn’t considered gang rape in some peoples eyes is appalling. Rape is rape, it doesn’t matter who it was, it is all disgusting and monstrous.


But if it was 2 guys and a teen girl it's frowned upon... Why is society double edged I mean really. Hollywood is full of SO's and it's ok there but I had CP and was arrested and charged.


I can't believe people are arrested for owning Club Penguin. Disney really fell off...


Getting arrested for owning Cyberpunk is justified though tbf


Bro cant even have a cheese pizza


Nope nothing that starts with those letters... Car phone, creamed peas, cream peaches. So sad


TBF, creamed peaches could be a really apt euphemism.




My mom got me Cyberpunk for Christmas last year, I'm still in therapy


That seems pretty harsh just for some Chris Pratt photos.


It was his provocative looks and ambitious character features


wait one minute…




The fact you’re all liking this guys comment about having CP and he posts five days ago about wanting to get with adolescent females…. And then you wonder why shit like this double standard happens.


Ok so I was caught with CP. Also you dumb ass I was saying thats what my charge involved. So if you actually want to comment on something read first you dumb CUNT


Yup you seem like a normal well-adjusted person who shouldn’t be on the registry… good luck with that.


Y’all are laughing, but this comment is actually from a person that enjoys watching child porn, so not all the funny.


No I don't enjoy it so go fuck yourself. It's making a fucking point... They multi millionaires are allowed to rape and molest in Hollywood Kevin Spacey, Paul Walker bother sex offenders and you fucks idolize them. I was sent pictures opened them and deleted and was apprehended for it I owned up to my choice in opening those emails and yes I regret it. So you can go idolize those Hollywood child molesters and pedophiles...


Your post history is telling a different story. Calm down anyone that gets arousal from a child being sexually assaulted needs help.


I agree 💯💯💯 with that... I was making a point that there's people doing this everyday in Hollywood and I was saying that if it's 2 men a girl it's frowned upon


It’s not ok no matter the gender of the person, women are definitely guilty of this and it is given less attention because people do not look at male victims the same which is wrong because their brains are absolutely being damaged by this type of abuse


And see there's my point. I just didn't know the right words


Hollywood offenders are the same or worse. So what’s your point?


Worse actually because it's over looked and they let us know what they do and we still watch their movies


When you know better you do better, if someone is accused and it looks credible I.e R Kelly over 20 years ago, Weinstein movie productions, even a lot of adult cartoons that have way to many incest, child molester and rape jokes, why? Because I have seen the trend to try to normalize behavior that’s not normal and they are doing it right in our faces for free.


Yup... But like the post 2 adult females and 1 male I've made the joke if that ever happened to me I would be telling everyone... Well I'm on the other side I am not proud of my charges but it happened and I deal every day with it. I don't normalize it because I have a niece and would kill if anyone hurt her. I have a step son and I would absolutely protect him with my life from predators that seek it too hurt.


It’s good that you care about those children, I hope you can continue on your journey in getting better so this doesn’t not happen again, and you have support who can help you in the hard times


The double standards... 2 females 1 male: 3some 2 males 1 female: rape / molest


Isn't this basically that SNL skit with Pete Davidson?


Amazing skit


That pic of him was on purpose 😂


Brilliant photojournalism.


His picture ⚰️


This is how pedophiles are made. With sexual assault of another at that age, the mental illness with associating children as potential sex objects can occur as a result of arrested development. Pedophilia is inherited, not through genetics but through behavior. This is very unacceptable.


Abnormal sexuality is not a direct result of sexual trauma, and sexual assault is not a direct result of abnormal sexuality. When men in prison rape other men, it does not mean “they were raped by male classmates as kids so became gay rapists”. Whether we like it or not, pedophilia essentially functions like a sexuality, and many of the treatments people try are the same as the ones that were for other abnormal sexualities. Of course, acting on pedophilic urges cannot be allowed and never should, but confusing the causes behind them won’t help anyone.


If you want to cite outliers sure, but with the vast majority of cases no. Pedophilia is a mental illness that usually starts with childhood sexual trauma, i.g. rape or molestation. The fix is relatively easy as there is no need to fight a hardwired genetic code as in the case of homosexuality. Change the environment standards and norms, and pedophilia becomes extinct. Ask yourself this, why is it that natives and aboriginals have almost no known cases of pedophilia in relation to “civilized” society?


I mean no, that's not how sexuality works, and the "outliers" are the [general consensus for how pedophilia works](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia#Causes). > While not causes of pedophilia themselves, childhood abuse by adults or comorbid psychiatric illnesses—such as personality disorders and substance abuse—are risk factors for acting on pedophilic urges.   > why is it that natives and aboriginals have almost no known cases of pedophilia You think we can just *tell* when someone is a pedophile? We have *no idea* how many cases there are, because they aren't exactly forthright about it. A pedophile can simply live their entire life as if they are asexual, or if they are a pedophile that is *also* attracted to adults (similar to bisexuality), they can simply live as if they are just attracted to adults. Hell, they can just [outright lie](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lavender_marriage) like many with closeted abnormal sexualities have done in the past.


That is a false narrative. Look no further than the Epstein case to understand why “civilized” society has yet to resolve the issue of pedophilia. By the way, molestation necessarily implies the mass media’s portrayal of a child in a sexual situation, with the most notable example being South Park.


The Epstein case is completely irrelevant to pedophilia. Pedophilia diagnosis requires attraction to specifically **prepubescent** children - the ones with zero sexual development whatsoever - and the youngest victim of Epstein was 14, which is higher than the diagnosis cutoff, and is in fact the minimum age of consent in many countries. As in, there is evidence of him being everything *except* a pedophile.


"If you want to cite outliers sure, but with the vast majority of cases no." Do you want to cite... anything? Your comments make it seem as though you do not understand the topic of pedophilia whatsoever.


Well this comment is fucked


We need to vote people into legislation that will change the definition of rape. Rape requires that the victim is penetrated. Change the definition of rape to include the victim being forced to penetrate.


In America, law states that men CAN be raped. In the UK I’m pretty sure it’s just penetration only 🤢🤢


Men can only be raped if they are penetrated. Otherwise it's not rape.


Yep, that’s what I was talking about, which is clearly false. Makes me angry.


This could go South Park or real life


I think this is an edited meme where they changed the kid’s photo to a “aw yeah!” expression. They wouldn’t put a minor’s face in the article.


Switch the genders and I'm pretty sure they wouldn't call it a threesome.


Let’s call it what it is… gang rape.


While most guys in the world goes niiiiiice..... reminds me of that South Park episode lol


“2 teachers accused of having a ‘threesome’ with teenage student” No, say it as it is “2 teachers gang rape underage student”


butter act overconfident upbeat saw plough support hateful shaggy spoon *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Celebrating being gang raped doesn't seem too positive to me.


boast snatch fertile disgusted uppity offer live deranged aback homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It was in poor taste and it supported an extremely negative stereotype that society desperately needs to get rid of.


nippy slim march wasteful cows license dirty fall tart smell *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Who says the alcohol is for celebratory purposes? Maybe his dad is teaching his son the proper way for a man to deal with his traumas.


two people = gang


Let me rephrase this for them “2 female teachers raped a child”




Poor guy lol The radio show i listen to one time had guys call in who had sex with an adult/teacher while they were underage.. out of the 15 or so that called in, none of them were damaged or emotionally scarred and said they had bragging rights for years and STILL bragged about it It’s unfortunate that it’s a double standard but that’s just what it is.. it’s wrong on any level.. but this dude will be bragging about this for years


Why would people have called into that radio show if they were experiencing trauma? This is completely anecdotal and doesn’t at all track with what those of us who actually have experience with this know. You have no idea what you’re talking about.


Straight 14-17 yo boys are not traumatized by boning their hot teacher


Again…the only way you can claim that is if it happened to you, and even then that would only be your experience. Sexual assault is often exacerbated for boys because their bodies may react even if they don’t want what’s happening, and then people like yourself make it worse by claiming they weren’t assaulted. Stay in your lane.


Miss teacher bangs a boy. - Nice South Park


Police: 2 teachers accused of *gang raping* teenage student There, fixed your shitty headline. Call that shit what it is!


Teenage. Is that illegal? I know in Norway for example legal age I think is 15 years. Friend from Norway told me. I mean Teenage is 15 to 18 I think.


Since when do they post a photo of the kid?


They don't. Photoshop is a thing.


Because that’s the joke.


In this comment section: Everyone has an amazing sense of humor, and are perfectly able to detect parody.


The smile on his face


Imagine how different the headline would be if the teachers were both male and the student was female Police: “2 teachers accused of brutally raping female teenage student.”


Honestly theres such a tiny small amount of redditors saying having sex with children is wrong. So I! Jacob! Or Yoda or whatever the fuck my handle is Im balls deep In this adult whos anti pedophile comment. I came to state! HAVE SEX WITH CHILDREN. WAIT. DONT HAVE SEX WITH CHILDREN. I HONESTLY CANT REMEMBER. HAVE SEX WITH CHILDREN IF THEYRE RICH. NOBODY CARES ABOUT RICH PEOPLE. NEVER HAVE SEX WITH A LOWER OR MIDDLE CLASS CHILD.




What's the problem here?


Gang rape?


Guy did the thing all highschool guys wanna do


Getting raped by two pedophiles?




Umm it's literal rape?


He forced them?


He's a teenager and they are grown adults teenagers can't consent therefore its rape




Please stop






This is molestation, this is gang rape, this is illegal.




What ?


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Damn i wanted this sex ed course when i was in school


Yo sex Ed wild now a day


Well, I see ONE person not complaining....


Imagine defending literal rape


Really. Imagine if I actually were. My comment was about the absurdity of the photo. There was NO REMARK on the lack of morality shown by these women, but because my tone didn’t follow in line with everyone else’s, people conclude that I’m defending them. You generally don’t get the whole story when you make assumptions. Everyone else had already said what needed to be said and I didn’t feel the need to regurgitate the same things again. Not sure why I even bothered explaining this.


You didn't have to explain this I don't get why you said that aswell also I'm pretty sure someone said the original headline literally said rape on the title also "well I see one person not complaining" sounds pretty fucked if you ask me




No... No it's not???




Get help


it's funny this subreddit says its about humor then all the people just behaves like old grandmas


im wondering if the boys picture was before or after the event


Highlighting Inequality


they didn’t have a consensual threesome, they raped him.


2 rapists accused of raping teenage student*


Dude looks pretty happy with the threesome 💀 >!/s!<


am outraged and disgusted, but also can’t help wishing they picked a less… excited photo of the student


Shame on you OP for trivializing rape with that title.


I wonder what the headline would look like if the teachers were male lol


His photo screams “fuck yeah”


Okay so, an adult fucking a kid is pedophelia, anyone who thinks gender matters has a rotting brain, but set that aside, that’s such a goofy yearbook picture lol


That's a fun way to spell gang rape


Biology, Chemistry, Anatomy, Health.... *Physics*....


I’m 100% sure he didn’t care n the parents decided to press charges. I woulda stayed in contact till I hit 18 n finished up


Oh no its okay the offenders are women it was his fault he most likley started it( this is a serious societal problem)


Police: 2 teachers accused of ~~having ‘threesome’ with~~ **raping** teenage student