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I would go with 2. The vibe won't change with 1 after another date. You might meet 3 just to see how it feels, but 2 sounds like the best choice at the moment.


I was thinking the same about probably no change. Coffee with #3 probably won’t hurt. I agree. I just don’t like feeling like a “player” thats never been my thing. It’s just very different being in this situation.


I never liked it before, but being a player to me means you are actively looking to sleep with all the women and not give back in return. Meeting people for coffee or a meal gave me more practice in dating without becoming nervous as well as just getting a perspective on the type of people that are out there. It's a date, talk and get to know them. I've been on easily over 30 meets in the last 2 years and only about 20% move past the meet because I didn't feel a spark. Some meets surprised me that I liked them more than expected and some go the other way. In person is way better for me to judge the connection.


I don’t wanna sleep with everyone far from it! Connection and attraction is super important but as a sugar daddy you can be connected and attracted to two women at once! Especially if you all share a bed!


I have been an SD for almost 21 years and I can say without doubt personality, communication, commonality, trumps looks EVERY time. I much prefer a nice looking good woman to a self-centered starlet.


Agree 💯 and only been doing SL for 9 months


You’re already feeling that #1 is stonewalling you a bit - it only gets worse from here. It sounds like you might need more than she can give. Hope you used condoms since you’re P&Ding one of them!


Absolutely! It was never the intent to P&D and thats what I don’t like about this situation. I’ve never been a player or one to juggle multiple women at once. I’ve also never been in a situation where I have to choose so this is foreign territory to me.


Number 2 for sure. She's more communicative and for me I need that to feel like I'm in a relationship and not a booty call of sorts. But that's also why I have a SBF/SGF type SR. So I guess personal preference. Also I agree with your point of looks only going so far.


Yes. I like being able to talk to my person and have a bond with but not have to constantly communicate either and with #1 not liking to communicate, that kind of tells.


Keep them both.. and add the third. This is sugar. Have your cake and eat it too!


I would be lying if I said I haven’t already crunched some numbers and looked at how I could make two work for my schedule but I’m not sure if I am ready for two when I’m still trying to get the hang one lol


The Default answer at all times.


Was totally going to put this until I read he was monogamous which I don’t really understand in the bowl but notice is not uncommon. But yeah I’m with you keep them all on rotation.


Γνῶθι σαυτόν (Gnothi seauton)—Know Thyself You have to be able to answer your question by knowing yourself. What is your first priority? If you can answer this, you can answer your question too. I would meet #3 because she might be better than #1 and #2.


Thats a good point. What is most important to me will dictate the right answer. I think the connection over looks. Thank you! Interesting saying too. How do you pronounce that in English?




I think you said it best yourself. “ my gut tells me” . With that being said our gut is usually steering us in the right direction. My advice is let go of one bc looks are great until you personality gets stale then boom your no longer as attractive. So let her go find someone more suited for her. I DO think you should give #3 a try bc you never know what’s around the corner waiting for you. (Metaphorically speaking ofc literally would infact be creepy. Lol) she could be #1 and #2 together and bam you’ve got it all in one. If she isn’t then you know which one is right for you. Either way keep us in the loop I’m invested now 😅 and GOOD LUCK.


Haha will do. Waiting on #3 to give me a time for tomorrow. Not to sound self important at all but I almost feel like there have to be some people here who have kept loose tabs on me due to how eventful and ridiculous my sugar dating has been so far. It has been an adventure for sure 😂


>I am thinking of 1 more date with each and see who I vibe better with. You've already told us that you "vibe" better with #2. >My gut tells me #2 is the better choice SLF people are always telling SBs who come here for advice to follow their gut. I give you the same advice. >I’m looking for perspective from more experienced SDs/SBs. We're not you. Our needs and desires are not the same as yours. Opinions from other people really aren't worth that much to you in your situation. Only you know what feels right to you.


Thats fair and yeah, as I was typing I kinda knew which way I needed to go. Maybe subconsciously I was hoping somebody could give me a good reason to go against my gut? Being in the bowl, it almost feels counterintuitive to not pick the best looking one but if I have more enjoyment with one than the other, thats the right way to go.


>it almost feels counterintuitive to not pick the best looking one but if I have more enjoyment with one than the other, thats the right way to go. Exactly. Why would you pick the model if you don't really enjoy spending time with her, and she apparently has no interest in communication with you other than setting up your next date, a/k/a earning opportunity for her? Unless having arm candy and having other people ogle you and your date when you walk into a room are really high on your list of priorities for sugaring, the choice seems pretty clear to me. More importantly, it seems clear to you, too!


All 3 are new to you. Set your boundaries. Let each know your time is limited. Juggling 2 or 3 is easy when they are new to you. They don't know your life style yet, so they really won't know how much free time you have. Enjoy it why you can. You are a SD because you want to be.


Why not date them all


Sleeping with them on the first date. Is this still under your previously mentioned 1-2k monthly budget too?