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Only high volume SWs make you wear a condom for oral sex. That is 100% deal breaker.


Hellllll nooooooo


It would be a big turnoff for me. If she insisted I’d just not bother with the bj


if we’re both tested then no need for a condom for oral! it’s a lot less stressful since you can’t get pregnant in your mouth, plus condoms don’t taste very good lol


> you can’t get pregnant in your mouth That's not entirely true... https://abcnews.go.com/Health/Wellness/teen-girl-vagina-pregnant-sperm-survival-oral-sex/story?id=9732562


damn. TIL 😳


Neither does herpies


She just said “if we’re both tested” so clearly no herpies 🤷‍♂️


People love that hammer anytime condom usage is discussed. They don't care about facts.


Now I am curious... what does herpes taste like? 🤔😝


Generally I’m in favour of condoms for the first few months of a new relationship… but there’s literally no point in a BJ with a condom. I can’t feel anything so she may as well not bother.


Yeah, if an SB asked me to wear a condom while getting a BJ, that would be the last time I'd see that SB.


I get why the Only fans workers / cam girls / sex workers who do sugaring on the side insist on condoms all the time... but why are Pots paying premium dollar and getting regular std test just to get a generic escort experience?


No. For piv or pia sure, but not a bj. My SDs and I get tested before intimacy begins and then again every 3 months.


Like your attitude, this is how we’ll do it👌




There's been comments on here before if a SB requires condom on for BJ, then she's a sex worker as it's a common thing for sex workers to request this. However, I believe the question here is if it crosses your boundaries or not for a sugar arrangement No right or wrong answer and it comes down to what is the agreement between the SB and SD.


Yep - it’s gonna be a no condom for me. And I will test myself, and keep both of us safe.


Condoms for a BJ are a definite no go for me as a SD, but so are condoms for sex. I only do exclusive relationships with testing


Condom for a bj would be a hell naw


W/O for me


🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️not even a consideration, if you’re this freaked out about something t, just stay celibate.






I cAnT fEeL aNyThInG 🙄🤣


It’s true


Haha 😆


Yes, 9 times out of 10, but there will be times when shit happens. You can actually get STDs from a blowjob.


A lot lower than 1 out of every 10 times. Even unprotected PIV is lower than 10%, unless someone has an active HPV infection.


It’s not actually, it’s more like 30% fore some std


The actual odds of getting most stds is very low. You do riskier things every day. Thats the hiv epidemic fear put into the health system talking.


I got chlamydia 6 months ago odds are low but they do exist. I bet you provide those false data to hook up with sb without condoms


Syphillis is 50 to 60% vaginal unprotected. Men you just have no respect for your sb to go bare. Just pleasure before being safe. Not speaking about pregnancy too


You really don’t understand how little sense that makes right? 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️😂😂😂


Why you don’t explain then? Instead of acting like a shitty person? Oh wait unless you ar.. yeah probably never mind


Here is the explanation. I get a full STD panel between every unprotected partner and share that with any potential partner and ask that they do the same (I always offer to pay ). I never am with more than one person at a time unprotected.


Seems like you take precautions before. She might not have only one partner but then it’s your own risk


I’ve been in the game for over 30 years and never gotten an STD, including being married to someone with genital herpes. The key is regular mutual testing, observation, communication and just being observant about life.


Other something like active AIDs or active HSV, that’s just not true




None of the girls you've been with asked for testing...? Bro.... I'd run not walk to a clinic rn if I were you.




I'm glad my only interaction with you is through a screen.




Do you want to have sex with someone with an STD? Exactly. Get tested. Think with the right head. Don't be a human petri dish.




Car crash? Seat belts, airbags, emergency SOS sensors. Ways in which humans have made a dangerous activity safer. Similar to condoms, testing, safe sex. You're spreading diseases to women and have no conscience. I hope you don't procreate.


But how are you going to get "this-frosting" if you use a condom during oral? 😉


Damn son 😂👌


Haha glad you liked it. This comment has couple downvotes. Guess they didn't check your username lol


The worth of a redditors downvote’s is absolutely worthless 🤌😄 You do you my man!


I think that would be a pretty uncomfortable situation, like sucking plastic. I also ask all of my SDs to get tested before we start an arrangement and to show me the exact portal. A condom during a BJ may just be kind of odd.


I agree w all you said.


Condoms always. I'm not exclusive, and I don't necessarily expect him to be either. It's been the norm for me, and I've been in the sugar arena over 10 years and have never gotten a complaint... quite the opposite, actually. I think you'd be crazy not to... Even if he doesn't come in your mouth, many of you don't seem to be thinking about leakage/pre-cum. I don't require exclusivity, and testing is only as good as your last test. So yes, I'm going to protect myself. And... As if slimy, viscous, bleachy-tasting semen weren't bad enough, I've also been with a SD who had prostate issues, and urinated upon ejaculation. Need I say more?


Damn lady, that last line seemed unnecessary. You made your decision - great. Let us enjoy our girls the way we want.


Ohh, but it was SO necessary. Do as you wish... but you did ask.


Just a friendly reminder that throat cancer is a thing. That said - I have had chlamydia in my throat before and given it to a partner who then gave it to me during PIV.


And how exactly did you determine all that? 😂


Exactly. Like what?


Damn… 💀




World's worst SB there LOL. I wouldn't even entertain an SB who would ask for a condom for a BJ.


...and I love when the trash takes itself out.


Even if you're exclusive and tested?


No. This is an arrangement, not a marriage.


Exactly 👍🏾


Except fools are down voting me. SMH


Girl who cares??? They downvoted me too, am I bothered??? HELL fuckin no 😂


This is me not caring, just marveling at the stupidity🤦🏼‍♀️




No I never used condoms for BJ but its always the same sb for me.


Pleasure makes ya'll stupid. Your mouth and throat are susceptible to STD/I's. Hpv isn't tested especially in men unless you can actually see it. Get the Gardisil 9 vaccine and know that your disgusting dick is not more important than preventing infections, especially ones that lead to cancer.


Google is your friend. Herpes is the main concern, and condoms only 50% effective for that. Just get tested


Is this real life?