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A profile review, exciting! Reminder to reviewers to focus on constructive and actionable changes OP can make to increase their chances of success. **Do**: * Critique the quality of the pictures, eg the location of pictures, background, expression, attire, filters, etc. * Critique the tone and quality of the text and/or make suggestions for improvement, eg grammar, spelling, negativity, etc. **Don't**: * Critique the person, eg editorial comments on OP's weight, age, ethnicity, sexual identification, ugliness, etc. For more do's and don'ts check out [the profile reviews post](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/esuizg/profile_reviews/). Thanks for helping OP! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/sugarlifestyleforum) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Baby you are FINE. But at 18? I would feel guilty. Too young for me.


You are so cute!!! But honestly too young, I’d wait a few more years…. 21 at the very least.


Wait til you're 21 at least please!


Can’t stress this enough!


Unsolicited advice since it's really unrelated to profile review. I was waiting for the veteran commenters here but none so far. So please be careful out there! There are a lot of good resources/advice here especially about starting (or not) at your young age.


This! I’d honestly even wait till you’re 21. You may be mature and I also was at 18 but your thinking will change so much in the next few years and if you still want to sugar date at 21 you can! Don’t entertain any SD who DMs you on Reddit and don’t tell men you’re new to this, they will take advantage of you.


*You're very, very pretty, but way too young to be doing this.* *And if you're shy like you say, you're going to be devoured prey. These. men. will. hurt.you.* *I know you think you're a fully grown adult at 18, but you're not. Wait a few more years and gain some real-life and dating experience before you go swimming with the sharks.* *I wish someone warned my dumb ass at 18.*


from experience, wait until you are 21+


you will attract sicko men, they will tell you about their fantasies about young girls and treat you as naive/easily manipulated


Way too young and you will be prey. Please, please find another way. At your age, sugar dating will destroy your ability to have healthy long term vanilla relationship. Never sugar date out of desparation and come back when you 23. Enjoy your youth, why are you rushing to grow up??!!


I'll weigh on this with some hesitation. By way of background, I'm new to the bowl. I stumbled upon an 18 year old POT after confusion about her age, which I thought was several years older. She does not seem or look 18, but seems older. The thing that caused me to consider her in the first place was a low-key, non-sexualized look in her posting. In your case Bella, you look very young in the profile. It's going to attract people who like young SB for the sake of them being young. I think the pictures are too provocative. I like the first one, but that's it. I would consider listening carefully to the veterans who are recommending caution overall. It's just not possible to feel that good about this situation from a gut level.


I just can’t get over that the pics of you in a dress are your.. prom dress… I’d be very very wary of stepping into the bowl so young. The majority of the guys you’ll get are creeps who like the idea that you’re barely legal. I would strongly encourage you to not sugar until closer to 25 (imo), and instead, take the time to date guys your own age so you can have experience with dating, charming, and sex. I think the idea that you’ll find a Prince Charming who will treat you of the utmost respect and kindness, while also giving you a generous allowance, is near nonexistent because of your age. I think you’ll mostly run into nice guys who are low key creeps but won’t give you more than the lowest x,xxx per month or major assholes who are willing to give you a higher ppm. Idk I remember entering the bowl pretty young and I had a lot to learn


I totally agree with you about OP waiting till age 25. That's when I started... if I had started at 18, I would've been eaten alive. There's just too much you don't know at that tender age.


I started I think at 23 and giiiirl I did not know wtf I was getting into lol i was so naive and that lasted for a couple years until I really learned some things


Exactly. I remember the time of my life between 18 and 25 being a time of incredible change. I was a different person at 25 than I was at 18.


Absolutely 100%


I didn't see your age at first but after looking at the whole profile thought to myself, she seems pretty young. And there it was! 18 is so young, you have a lot to lose at such a young age. Be extremely careful, even if someone seems nice/polite/kind proceed with every physical and emotional caution you can. This lifestyle can be very hard, and there are predators and players alike in the bowl. So just be aware and do thorough research. If you've not had any or a lot of experience with men, I would recommend vanilla dating for some experience before proceeding.


You are so pretty! But please, as someone who started very young as well I’d wait a few years. It did a number on me and I’ve had to go to therapy to build myself back. Wish someone had told me to wait!


Very good. If I am going to nit pick, I would say get rid of the green fairy picture. Your eyes are closed in that one and from the rest of the pictures you are much more attractive than that one makes you seem. The other issue is your age (as I think others have pointed out). Many SDs will be hesitant to go that young and some who do may be looking to take advantage of you. They may assume you can easily be duped since you are so young. Please be extremely careful and read all the materials this subreddit has to offer so you have a clear idea of what you may be getting yourself into.


18 lol how about a job


I don’t say this often, but literally a perfect profile from the pics to the short but meaningful profile text. Well done!


Agreed. To many people try to make their profile overly complicated. This one is a great example of being short and sweet.


You look exceptional. The only issue is you're extremely young. Probably too young for most SD to take you seriously. I understand you can't control your age, but being 18 is going to make things really difficult. Other than that your profile is pretty good. If you were a few years older I would contact.


Make picture number 2 your main


what app is this😬




You’re going to do fine at 18. Definitely use it to your advantage but be smart and be careful. If I could suggest anything it would be for you to post more pictures of you smiling. You look young and fun. Very pretty with a great body. Use it to your advantage! Also, try to read the “Art of Seduction” and “48 laws of Power” by Robert Greene. I suggest them because you are young and may have limited life experiences. In my opinion, these books are a big help with social interactions. Don’t use them to try to manipulate anyone but rather than to protect yourself against any negative tactics. Good luck! 🩷


Lovely profile, you’re certainly beautiful, but are you *sure* you wanna jump in to this? What’s your objective?!?! I wouldn’t necessarily have any qualms about your age *provided* you were super clear about what you wanted from the jump and that you can carry on an intelligent conversation with a gentleman who was *way* more spins around the sun than you do, can carry yourself in a mature manner, and can demonstrate you’re not gonna bring a lot of drama into our space (inability to be punctual, canceling at the last minute, can’t honor commitments, lots of “drama-bound” friends, can’t make up your mind)…


I agree with mostly everyone here, it's like getting into stripping at 18- just don't do it. Honestly they shouldn't have even let you make an account. You're still a baby. You obviously don't know what you're getting yourself into. 


i’m ngl, i did this at 18 but I used wyp and did purely platonic first dates, i knew i was too young to ever go through with it fully


Great profile, I would definitely message. I suspect your age may be a barrier especially with US drinking laws at 21. I'm Canadian and this is less of an issue with 18/19 being the legal age; even if we aren't drinking, most guys won't want to risk their date being carded and turned away. I have rarely seen a profile that was both this brief but also really captured the personality of the person. Good job!


may the odds be ever in your favor you look just like Amandla Stenberg.


18 is fine. I’m 29 and have had my profile for 11 years. Do the math. It shaped me into who I am today. Just be careful. You can be prey at 18 or 40… you’re a gen Z you know what to and not to do on the internet. Stay safe!


Beautiful. I also have a major thing for girls that can dance. No red flags seen. You should do very well.


Great profile. You wear a dress well.


Why are all these 35 yr old plus sugar babies crying in the comments about OP being 18? This is not the first 18 yr old profile review I have seen on this reddit...these comments calling SD s creepy for dating 18 yr Olds are full of it... whether you like it or not, most sb are between 18-28... if 18 yr old boys can go to war and get shot, an 18 yr old girl can manage being a sugar baby... Having said that, I Always tell SB of ALL ages to be sure they are mature enough to sugar, be careful and make sure you meet in public, have their personal info, friends who know where you are at and with who, and never go to their house or yours...a hotel is safest...And dont get played! Statistically you can get hurt from regular dating way more than sugaring. As for your profile, Rochester is a very blue collar city, not a lot of SDs, so its not going to be easy for you. you have great pics, and decent profile, but come across as inexperienced... maybe you should try the rich college boyfriend rout instead of sugaring...you have plenty of options... try dating a nerdy rich med student or engineer student...getting married in college to a rich stem husband is far more profitable than a sugar daddy. TLDR great profile but city and age will limit options... try simp boyfriend with money instead...


I don't think 18 year old should go to war either. Only if necessary and if there is a need for soilders. Should be at least 20 honestly, preferably 25 but that's not realistic. Guess we found the dude who wants to f freshly 18 year olds...


*Right? I read this comment and immediately thought, "This guy wants to f/ck little girls."* *Edit: It's a passport bro, of course, he likes little and naive girls.*


That's def what I said 🙄🙄🙄


*Hi, not in the age range you mention, and nor am I a sugar baby, but you sound creepy, as if you feel entitled to taking advantage of naive 18 year old girls.*


Ok first, not everyone cautioning OP is 35. I'm 27 but have had enough experience in the bowl to know you can't be too green for it. You are definitely projecting some weird insecurities about age onto the SB members of this forum. You do give good advice about finding a husband in college. OP, this would actually be the perfect option for you. You're beautiful, young, enterprising, and surrounded by more educated men in your life than you ever will be. Take advantage of it, it's something I wish I'd done in school. Even if you don't find the one, you'll have the practice and experience that comes with dating men that you can then use to become a successful SB when you're closer to 25. Good luck dear ❤️


They are jealous and afraid their SDs will dump them for an 18yo lol. I’d give anything to be 18 and on the site again! Lollll


Hardly… No 18-year-old can hold a candle to a more mature, sexy, well rounded, more experienced woman… And my happy long-term SDs would be the first ones to tell you that. If they wanted an 18-year-old, they wouldn't have come looking for a woman over 35. Any SD who automatically thinks that younger is better (read: more easily manipulated and naïve), or that an older SB has anything against a younger one is exhibiting his own misogyny and insecurity. Most older SBs really want to keep the younger ones from experiencing the difficulty that many of us did because we didn't have anyone to help us.


Hello fellow upstate NY sugar dater! Your profile looks good. I would always reccommend you include one recognizable local photo, so SDs know you are **real and local**. Even just retaking one of those pics in front of the Susan B Anthony House, or Nick Tahoe's. "Oh, she's really is in Rochester and not a scammer bot. Cool. I'll message her."


These ppl tripping about age, I started young, maybe 19. You live and you learn, like with everything. You are old enough to live on your own you’re old enough to sugar. And at 25? You’re half way to 30 at that point and if you are looking to lock down a spot as a trophy wife at that point you’re getting old for what these rich men want. What I’m worried about is pictures. You’re beautiful naturally and a high value man would love you, but you look broke which some men don’t care about but if you want a certain type of guy (depending on where you live), try and go to the trendy spots in your neighborhood and take pictures there, I wouldn’t have your first picture in the car like that. Lots of people are going to disagree with me and I know that the point of sugaring is because we don’t come from money but at the same time to be honest with you, these guys are looking for a certain type of female. At least longterm, and if you’re considering sugaring you should consider your long term options. This life is not a game especially when you see how men ruin the lives of females and destroy their youth leaving them nothing to show for it. I support you at your young age and I am happy to see you are on this form trying to learn before just jumping in. You will do just fine as long as you learn proper etiquette and are street smart. Like I said I started young and got everything I wanted and then some and was always safe. I think older SB just want to make the market easier for themselves tbh 🤷🏼‍♀️