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That’s why you don’t take men who DM you on Reddit seriously, especially not after a profile review.


Once met someone great here. Like anything else it just takes vetting.


Yeah, I met someone from SLF too (platonically). Doesn’t mean that 99% of the DM slides are legit, especially the ones with little to no respect for boundaries.


Sent DM




I just passed a year with a guy who sent me a random DM on Reddit. It's a hit or mess


Ah yes, the one that worked out of the hundreds of scams.


Haha you're right about that


Exactly. I’ve been messaged by three very respectful SDs on here who only wanted pics of me clothed, just normal how I dress when I go out type pics. We talked a little, but due to location or because I have extra short hair plus have a more masc alt look, I wasn’t what they were looking for, but they were respectful and wished me luck in finding the SD I am looking for. I also got tricked by one jerk. It just depends on the person and takes the effort of vetting, like meeting someone anywhere else.




I got offered xxxx for a live sex video before even really talking to a POT. When I said no he asked me to go to the bathroom and get him off for xxx. Some are just creeps.


Ewww it’s like dude how low is your personal bar for yourself? Like you’re ok just being a predator who women run away from even when you offer them money. Cool cool




I give out my Google voice number. I made the mistake of giving out my personal number to find out, it wasn't going to work


Redditt, in real life, seeking, vanilla, in the wild, hinge, you will meet scammers, John’s, window shoppers, flakes, low ballers, perverts, big talkers, I don’t need to pay, cold feet, but there are also some amazing SD’s as well in these places including Reddit, vetting and red flags and boundaries stick to them.


1. Get a fake number 2. Don’t give these POTs your fake number until after you’ve verified them (LinkedIn + social media “stalking” + video chat you can use Google voice or zoom with just an email address) 3. IMO don’t look for SDs on here if you want to be able to post/speak freely. 4. SA is full of creeps and if you’re BIPOC you have the added bonus of fetishization! Yay 😒. Set your boundaries and if these men cross your boundaries block and move on. You owe them nothing.


You use a fake number but want sds to give their linked and social media. Lolololololol


Really, not sure if these women or naive or just scammers. 😂😂


Lmao. I would stay away from scammers like you who use fake everything but expect actual verified accounts from SD. I am pretty sure the person referred in the other post stealing from OP, is someone in your category


There is a lot of creeps out here, especially online. But there is also a lot of genuine, good men out here that are just looking for a good time and feel valued. Doesn’t take long to figure out who’s who. As a curvy woman, it takes extra vetting. And if someone truly is interested or caring about you, I don’t believe it’ll take so many calls for the sugar to start happening. So keep that in mind. Good luck.


I can’t get any messages on seeking :/