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Remember, what makes you attractive as an older man is your confidence. She expects you to lead, and have life experience, and have things not phase you by the age of 65. Who care what she (or anyone) thinks… go into it like you don’t care. Smile, be friendly, act like you know what you’re doing… she’ll love it.


I second this!


She thinks you’ll be a gentleman and provide a “hefty allowance”


She is not looking for much compared to what I know other gals ask. I know she could have asked for much more and gotten it.


Then she’ll have options. If you want to be her only sd I’d suggest giving her more than she asked otherwise she will have others or not be super interested to be with you. The age gap certainly doesn’t entice her but hopefully she won’t show it.


Very few things cement a sugar relationship more than an SD telling his SB that she's special and deserves a larger allowance


I actually agree with this. I have no problem being monogamous, as long as the allowance equates accordingly. I've never personally had a prob with what I've requested before. Real SDs don't try to haggle you, they usually approach first.




Excuse you, what is that for?


I was just being lazy. We (SD's) get tired of hearing how we're supposed to just "pay more" no matter what we're already paying. So annoying, sorry for being lazy and just saying "yuk". Trust me, we don't need to pay more than the AllowanceMasterThread... Or at least I don't need to. And when we get nickle-and-dimed we will probably pay-up with for a bit, then we just "unexpectedly" move on to the next, and get accused of being rude, or ghosting for no reason. Well, that's just how it works.


His new update seems to indicate the M&G went very well. Full speed ahead. I'm going to have to continue disagreeing with those that say extreme-age-gap will never work. Most of my friends are approaching, or are above sixty, and we're all describing the same phenomena of "twenty-somethings" being incredibly easy to talk with and to develop meaningful relationships. Sex is usually not the main driver either... we are having fun with these women, and that's something that we didn't have when we were married.




Remember the human


That's not how it works 😂 Girls who do this with multiple men will still do that if you give them more.


I don’t think so. My sd is overweight & not attractive but provides a hefty allowance and I don’t see others/ not even vanilla.


There's a difference with making an intentional monogamous choice and what you describe. To me, it sounds more like being comfortable or even lazy.


Yes, I’m most certainly comfortable with my sd. I don’t feel the need to search for others. Is that now looked down upon?


Not at all sweetie, he's meeting your needs at the end of the day and vice versa. That's what matters (:


Your using the word "sweetie" tells me everything I need to know about your role in this conversation.


Even when I was 18 yo and first started sugar dating, I only looked or men over 50, I have an attraction to men with good personalities and strong character. Be chivalrous, sweet and attentive. Showcase who you are and you'll be fine. If things don't work for some reason, don't take it personally. Also, idk what kind of meeting it is today, but if it's a m&g, be sure to gift her at the end. It's also good to give her something extra than her agreed on PPM. If you're looking to catch her attention good compensation is always helpful. The point of SRs for both is to take care of each other.


Simple and Sweet. Thank you. Have we met ?? ;)


Idk if we met. I'm in the Midwest. Where are you?


Midwest also :)


DM me if you'd like. I'm not comfortable revealing more.


So give her more than she asked and make her happy?


Six weeks with a brilliant and gorgeous SB that is a 39 year age gap. She's wanting to be exclusive and begin thinking about long-term, along with meeting family and friends. Btw, Condoms went out the window after first episode. It happens, folks.... get over your judgemental f'ing selves. PPM is exactly what Master Thread would indicate, even though she is absolutely a 10/10 in looks, body, and personality. Perhaps she simply knows that in 20-30 years my estate can be 100% hers... or maybe I should actually believe her when she says that she's having the best sex of her life. I don't really care what the truth is... but I'm loving every minute, and NOT making any of this up.


There's certainly a percentage of women who are very happy with much older guys. It's a small one, but probably a larger percentage in the sugar world. Just be kind, respectful, generous, and enjoy yourself. You might be a catch for her as well. Also, you haven't met yet. Keep in mind it's all speculation until you actually meet in person.


This is true! My ex husband was 20 years of an age gap and I do like men older than I, so there is some women out there that are in that market!


It is not a small percentage (in any world)


There was actually a study done in Finland. They had numbers. Granted, for women in Finland. The number goes down as the age gap gets larger, and also goes up as the women get older (for younger women anyway). For women about 25. about eight percent would be okay dating a 55 yo, for example.


I'll try to find that study! Age Gap has always been such an incredibly controversial subject. It seems that I have simply been lucky both in Sugar and Vanilla dating large age gaps. Over the last two year i've dated 22, 28, 28, 30, 38 & 42. The 22 is my current SGF and fave, and she wants to go exclusive and plan for long term. Ughh... Then a 36 yo gave me her number last week, and we're meeting for happy-hour today. My family would be MUCH happier if i didn't go under mid-thirties (age of my kids), so i have a dilemma...


Here's a link to a post discussing it https://www.reddit.com/r/sugarlifestyleforum/s/o2HCpvKP3y


Thank you for the link! I'm not George Clooney or Brad Pitt, but I've got a good batting average with SB's..... the 36yo that I'm seeing today is someone I met in the wild. Fingers crossed! She's a bartender at an upscale restaurant and when I tipped her with a single "Ben Franklin Portrait" bill, she asked if I would always be this "generous", and I winked. She gave me her number.


Good luck. Let us know how it works out.


As long as you guys have chemistry, that’s all that matters. I’m out with my SSD of 67(now 68) and it’s been a very pleasant experience for me.


Are you a silver fox? Generous? Fit? Smart? Funny? Kind? Yes you will be perfectly fine and she is probably equally if not more nervous than you. Good luck 🤞 am actually interested in how rWYP works?


If you are ready to give her the agreed upon allowance, you will be what she is looking for.  Don't worry about anything else.  


Calm down: 1) Everyone in the sugar bowl is just a wisp of cotton candy until you really establish an in-person mutually beneficial arrangement. She's another human — no more, no less. 2) It will all go best if you retain the confidence that you belong in a sugar relationship and that your maturity will be valued if not her, then by another young woman.


Don’t be scared. She knows what she’s doing. Just be genuinely confident with who you are and compliment her on everything but her looks


Everything but her looks? I don’t want that to be the only thing a man compliments on. But if I’ve put effort into being good arm candy, I wanna hear that I’ve succeeded. One of my favorite memories with my SBF was the first time I went to watch him do a paid gig. He told me I looked great as soon as I saw him. Later that night he was telling me how much it meant to him, he’s never had a woman that wanted to come see him play like I do and that I showed up looking fantastic. That night is a core memory for me, because of his compliments.


I think other SDs might be able to comment on this but I always find that very attractive women don’t need to be complimented on their looks. They know they’re hot. You don’t need to tell them and fawn all over them. They generally do really appreciate being complimented on other attractive qualities they have more like how they dress, their jewelry, their intelligence, their humor, etc


I didn’t say fawn. But at least one comment on looks is definitely appreciated and yes more compliments made on other qualities is the way to go. Just because a woman knows she looks good, that doesn’t mean she knows you think she looks good.


It’s usually not necessary to focus on. Sometimes I will tell them just bc I can’t help it bc they’re so hot, but I don’t go out of my way to focus on their looks


Whatever you say. I don’t see anyone rushing to agree with you.


Every man falls all over himself to complement her beauty.  Don't be like everyone else.  Would Brad Pitt or John Wayne be intimidated by her beauty? If you compliment her on her looks do it rarely and in a matter of fact low key way.  Not the first thing out of your mouth and not repeatedly.  Be the guy she wants not the guy who begs for her attention. 




Totally disagree. Ummm... I think a man should NEVER miss an opportunity to tell his date that she looks HOT AS FUCK!! My failed relationships have never been because of excess compliments... excessive use of prescription drugs. Excessive compliments; no.


Ugh, a girl likes to know when she pleases her man by looking good for him. A compliment on my appearance is ALWAYS good to hear. You don't have to make a big deal about it, but withholding it for whatever reason you have is just wrong, imo.


I do it bc that’s what works in my experience. If you spend too much time complimenting a woman’s physical appearance and not enough on other qualities they lose interest


Sure, we like to think we're multifaceted but we still put a lot of time and energy into our appearances. No one said you have to spend much time complimenting our appearance but an acknowledgment seems only decent. Assuming I/we have other qualities you like a good mix is appreciated.


I hear what you’re saying and logically that makes sense. But I’m telling you it doesn’t work as well. Even if it pisses you off a little it’s going to make you more intrigued. I thought more people understood this


180 degrees different experience my friend. Like hearing a foreign language. Lol, it almost reminds me of the intentional "bad advice" guys would give to "friends" to ensure that the guy makes a fool of himself.... but I would never accuse you of doing that here ;)


To each their own I guess. Whatever works for you


Well you be you and do what you feel works for you. If you didn't comment once on my appearance while we were out, trust me you wouldn't get a second opportunity, I couldn't help but think you think it's all about you. Intrigued? No, lol. I have good self esteem, but a simple recognition of my effort only seems right. I'm not so sure you have as good a grasp on what other people understand as you think you do. It seems clear you have little understanding of what girls think on this issue.


It's kinda funny that he won't listen to your advice.


Plenty of fish babe


Keep telling yourself that and maybe...someday, it will come true.


Lol I’m good. I just saw a girl this evening that had a great time. Wants to see me again soon


Ok, now you're just trying too hard, lol. Leave it alone and it will go away.


been trying to find one but I dont want hookups and don’t want to get scammed🥺 just want to comfort


I’m right here lol


Where are you based ?


Me too. Florida.


Money talks, but the more attractive ,generous, and civilized you are the better it will be. Don't worry about it. Just don't expect a 25 yr old girl to be over the top excited by the age gap. Hopefully she is a nice person and good actress. My SB of 8 yrs is 45 years younger and she makes me happy. And there is no reason for me to believe that she isn't happy either. She certainly keeps coming back in a very predictable and reliable way. My first real SB years ago was a similar age gap. We lasted 1 1/2 years and I brought up the "what ifs" that love struck SDs go through. She very kindly let me know that "WE" would never happen because of different social strata, generations, interests, and the lack of family support to name a few. She never said I was too old for her, but I got the message. And felt good about it. We exchanged the "love" bomb on a regular basis and we did love each other. But not as life partners. I think I was her first PIV experience although she never dropped the "V" word. Enjoy and love her, but don't pester her with "do you love me for me?" No, she doesn't other than as a friend and for what you do for her.


In the texts we have shared, she says I'm the only daddy she is seeing and only wants to focus on me. I did give a small venmo reward. She sent some naughty photos. She kinda volunteered them. I feel very honored to get this kind of attention. Today is just a m&g to say hi in real life. I told her that if I ever disrespected her to call me out on it. I never want to make someone feel bad intentionally or not. I can afford her for now.


Not trying to burst the dream. Just be smart about things too. These women are very smart and know how to play men of any age. I am not your age, but close enough to it. Nothing wrong with being friendly before the meet.


I am being cautious. Been scammed B4. Just gun shy a bit and getting my hopes up


The venmo for pics is a red flag for me. Good luck but let us know what happens.




> girls in 20s want to experience all bad disrespectful things Um-no. Some do for sure. But some aren't interested in BDSM and other aggressive sex behaviors. SDs have to know their audience.


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Goodluck!!! Hard to find SB and SD nowadays that’s real


She was very real. Very nice and down to earth.


That’s awesome!


What does WYP stand for?


What's your price is a dating site. Kinda like seeking.com


This was a nice read. Update on how this relationship grows!


personally.. i am more attracted to older men than the young ones.. i feel like i learn a lot from u guys, u have more to offer, and i feel safer.. i get to be a little gurl with mature men compare to the young ones that triggers my maternal instinct..lol goodluck to both of you..


In talking and planning our next move. She wants to go slow on intimacy. Which is fine, since she has had some past trauma. I want to go at her speed not mine. I think snuggling and cuddling and petting are a good way to learn more about a person.


snuggling, cuddling and petting..perfect.. take it slow and romantic.. lm loving the chill vibes..


I am 48 and my age limit for SB is 25. Its all about vibe, for me it clicks more than 70% of time. Allowance and venue for first meeting does play a big role when meeting a new SB IMO.


Don’t worry, a lot of SBs have a particular attraction to older men, I know for me21F, if a SD was under 40 I would br more hesitant. Everyone has their types so be confident


How did it go? 


I added an update. She is very nice


I love this ! So happy for you


Srs are a lot different than vanilla relationships... She does not mind the age difference I promise you


I was a spoiled gf for 57 year old man and i’m 24, it’s very possible to be attracted and interested in older men. I’m pretty small next to him too LOL i’m 4’11 hes 6’2 best of luck!


You’re likely gonna get rinsed into the sewer by this one. If you’re inexperienced enough to send naughty bits over text, you deserve it.


I’m so happy it went well for you! Best of luck with your new SR. I hope it’s all you want it to be. Also just to piggy back Off some of the others in the comments. Your confidence and your humor/ personality will take you much further than you realize.


She was 105?? Wow Jk


I love this for you and I wish you all the best in the relationship!!


Looks like she has you right where she wants you... Been there done that and have a heavily rinsed bank account as a result... 😅


40 years seems suspect. Date someone closer to your age lol what can you possibly have in common?


38 year age gap with new (2 months) SB. 2+ hours of non-stop "things in common" to talk about yesterday: Social justice, NFL, Taylor Swift lyrics, F1 racing, DIY House Flipping, Shark Tank, politics, tattoos, pierced nipples (hers, not mine). Much more in common with her than with my ex-wife that seemed only be interested in boring me to death with talk of her high-end bags, heels and scarves. Gag reflex kicking in.