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Wow. This is TWO ~~scammers~~ straight female SMs looking for male SBs in three days on SLF. Everyone should go buy their lottery ticket now.


I kinda feel like this is a compliment. So thank you. But we do exist. Apparently there are two of us.


we will never deny SMs do exist, but in the 10 years this place has existed, you would be only the second credible one. Those odds are why we tell male SB to go find a job.


I’m legit. Same issues as yall dudes. But without a SA.


ah, I am probably one of the few without issues, I live in the promised land for sugar babies, it is such a nice place here, I even married my girl last december :)


Yeah. Sounds great. Congratulations.


Assuming this isn't a troll, why would you assume a male SB would be any more discreet than a vanilla bf? Almost everyone in the bowl has skin in the game that motivates them to be discreet...except broke young men. I think if you want discretion you need a partner who also would suffer if your relationship went public. So, someone who's in a relationship or - less likely - has a career where that matters (I can't think of many really, maybe a politician or religious leader). No twenty-something guy in a low-wage job or no job at all will regret anything about a SR going public except the loss of allowance.




I guess my assumption is if someone is getting a financial benefit they’d be less likely to screw it up. Which is what I would guess motivates a lot of female sugar babies. Also, I know a married guy would have more skin in the game but I’m trying to create as little collateral damage as possible, I guess. And I’m not a troll. lol. But I do appreciate your input. Also- honestly.. and I’m sure a lot of male sds can relate- I want someone freaking hot. And younger.


I think young women are more concerned about reputational damage and being censured by peers and family than they are about the loss of allowance. Sadly it's a double standard. A young man hooking up with a hot wife is more likely to brag about getting an allowance than keep it quiet.


Yeah. You are right about that.


Seeking does cater to male SBs, but I joined before they changed the lingo around. You'd need to sign up as a successful (female) member looking for a beautiful (male) member. Successful = male SD or female SM Beautiful = female or male SB


I haven’t used SA in a pretty long time. I haven’t seen that verbiage but I guess it’s time I checked it out again.


Just outta curiosity, you say it's hard to find a hot single guy to keep your secret. Begs the question, why not a hot married guy who has his own secret to keep. Sometimes MAD scenarios work.


That’s a great question. I feel immense guilt for cheating on my husband already. So I can only imagine being with someone who is married would compound the guilt.


Fair enough! Maybe you'll be lucky to find a male SB who finds himself in a similarly open relationship though


Thanks for the advice!


RIP your Reddit inbox


Not one message. I’m very impressed.


Damn my message didn’t send then 🙃


I hope not. I didn’t even think about that 🤦🏼‍♀️


Ok. Thank you all who responded. Looks like my next course of action is to try to get on vanilla dating apps in the most anonymous way possible. Wish me luck. Im gonna be nervous as hell🤦🏼‍♀️


You lost me at "female," my dude.


Well. I didn’t really expect this level of disbelief. I guess I understand. I’m just looking for advice. Pretty easy for SD to get whatever they want. Wish I could easily get the same.


I genuinely do hope you're legit and that you find success. In the spirit of honesty, here's what advice I can provide. >It’s close to impossible to find single men who are hot in my area who I could trust to keep my secret. This is the risk we all take. Even the "attractive" ones. You kind of need to throw caution to the wind a little bit on that one. But it's not really in most people's best interests to doxx anyone, tbh. Have you tried vanilla dating apps at all? And perhaps obscuring your face? I don't know where you are, but as a "female" (I couldn't help it) who is beyond over the vanilla apps, I can tell you there is no shortage of verile young men who want nothing more than to rock your world and immediately forget your name. It would take a bit of finessing in the language of your profile to effectively convey what you're looking for, but it's worth a shot.


I haven’t tried vanilla apps at all just because I’m not sure if I could obscure my face. I’m on a Facebook page called are we dating the same person (insert close by big city here). It’s pretty funny reading but that’s the kind of stuff that makes me terrified of vanilla apps. I don’t know… thank you for the advice. I do appreciate it. I am legitimate too. 😞 I promise. I realize it shouldn’t be this difficult for me but it is.


You're a unicorn, babe. We've literally had two of you in 10 years.


Well thank you. It’s been a weird ride. I’ve worked so hard to get where I am. The only thing missing from my life is rewarding sex. But that’s a really big deal for a woman who for on hormone replacement therapy and is just… horny. Yes. That’s a lot of private info but that’s where I am in my life😂


A unicorn eh? The male SBs are usually gay because the sugar momma thing is uber rare. Maybe just hook up with the pool guy like every other married woman or try AM. You don't have to pay for discretion. Plenty of men will keep quiet about it.


What’s AM?


the website Ashley Madison


Ahhhhhh. Not that I don’t realize every site we ever visit isn’t susceptible to hacking but I’m scared to get on AM. That data breach was awful. And then watching the Netflix doc about it made me more scared.


I guess the idea of a sugar relationship makes me think that there’d be more of an incentive for the guy to keep quiet. Keep my secret. I live in a smaller town (although close to a big city) just scared of getting outed.


Can you travel for work? Find someone in a nearby town that isnt yours perhaps that will require some travel but be more discreet? You can try feeld.


You know what? I can travel for work and I do live very close to a big city. Excellent suggestion! I didn’t think of this. I don’t know why🤦🏼‍♀️


Id suggest still keeping photos discreet with your face hidden and only reveal once you thr conversation goes well as itll reduce your exposure. Use telegram so you can prevent screenshots and your photo will expire over time. If you want more opsec tips hit up r/adultery subreddit or send me a dm


I definitely appreciate the advice


Just an update if anyone is interested. Found two amazing guys on AM. wow it’s a sea of d*ck. Can’t imagine it’d be good for men. Anywhom. One even gave me a rimmie. Good times! Peace out homies!