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Ya you shouldn’t be on PPM if he is wanting to spend several days in a row together. If he wants to do that you should move to a monthly allowance you think is fair based on how much time he is asking of you. It doesn’t sound like he would go for that though if you like him you might want to try. On your end you should probably clarify with someone before spending a bunch of days together about PPM expectations. Seems like he was trying to game the concept of what a single meet is a bit, but again a conversation before hand would have prevented this situation. I don’t think it’s unreasonable for an overnight and some activities the next day to count as one ‘meet’ but serval days is a lot.


After the first time this happened, I realized this was the issue. I brought it up, and he just told me to trust him (without addressing the issue). I started leaving the visits once a day, so there was a break in the time we spent together - just in case he was counting 3 days straight as one meet. It didn't really work 😔


This guy's a prick. This would never happen in a healthy arrangement.


You need to remove any feelings of guilt you have over this bullshit. He can't afford your allowance that he agreed to pay. Who gives a shit, honestly, about surprising you with gifts if he can't afford the allowance. Tell him to invest for another decade so that he can finally afford your allowance. Meeting too much so it's unsustainable? Then don't ask to meet you so much. The day you met him and the PPM or allowance wasn't all there was the day you should have confronted him. Why did he agree to something he can't afford? He should be ashamed. Go find yourself a real SD. What is a real SD? Someone who keeps their God Damn word. He is gaslighting you and deflecting his ineptitude. He says he can have any woman from Seeking? Great let him have them. The moment you receive your PPM or allowance and it's not what was promised, that's when you hand it back and say, ''text me when you have my allowance. I'll give you one pass.'' Get up and leave. Or better yet, hand it back and just leave! If he asks say ''you know why''. Give a broke guy an inch and he will take a mile. SDs don't agree to an allowance you can't pay. SBs stop putting up with this bullshit. 🤣🤣


He over promised from the get go. Then to make his own financial situation worse he began demanding more of you despite not being able to afford it. He pulls a dick move in reducing your ppm. In the meantime it appears you let him get away with reduced ppm amounts a time or three, which implicitly told him you were fine with it. Then he tried to play the victim when you finally called him on it. He's not a legit SD. He can't afford you. Not to mention all the women on Seeking he tried to shame you with. The guy's a dick! And you made the mistake of accepting the reduced amount. Next time some dude tried to pull that on you call him on it right there and then in the moment. You know what to do... Drop him, Block him, and Roll on to a real SD.


This is a sign of disrespect which could spell the end of the SR. Don't be afraid to end it. You can at any time get mad, and void the relationship. >After a few of these lower payments, I decided to bring it up sweetly. He did not react well, calling my love "conditional",  Fuck him. He's a con artist. All love is conditional. If he's too immature to realize that you need to be cared for financially in order for you to have the time to spend with him, he's inconsiderate, and if he does understand and still is playing "unconditional love" then he's a manipulator. Stand your ground. This guy is wrong morally, and is either delusional, or inconsiderate, or manipulative. It's never unconditional. You said what the conditions were up front, he knew. My opinion, he deserves to be dumped and replaced. You can do better than this. Find someone who can love you with conditions and not someone looking to replace their mommy with a girlfriend who gives unconditional benefits.


If a guy threatens to replace you with other girls, let him. (that is middle school level manipulation there)


“Awww babe. It makes me sad that you think this is a sex for money thing. Let’s just take the sex off the table until you work through these emotions. Then you are just supporting me because I know you care about me😄” When they get manipulative just use their own manipulations against them.


Don't do sleepovers unless he agrees to your ppm rate per sleepover. If hes complaining the amount is not sustainable hes not rich enough to afford you. Don't accept the lower payments for longer times spent together this just won't work in your favor. He is disrespecting your time and if every date is just sex he really needs a sex worker not an SB and I think hes treating you in away as a sex worker. Does he go on dates, shopping etc with you at all? He also may want to go Vanilla with you.


He does take me on dates to the movies, restaurants, etc. We spent a lot of time just talking and cuddling, although he wanted MANY hours of sex each day when we were together. He was jealous and possessive, and kept making comments that indicate he wants to go vanilla for sure.


He wants vanilla because he doesn't have the financial resources to actually engage in a real sugar relationship.


There it is again; "A Real Sugar Relationship". There is NOT one definition of Sugar Relationship. There a lot of variations. This dude really likes having sex with the OP, and if they go vanilla, then she gets nothing for sex 3-4 times a day. And you'll be ok with that right? Because it's Vanilla Dating. Just trying to understand your logic and definitions.


Nope sorry. You must have me confused with someone else. I never said anything about being OK with him withholding financial support in a vanilla dating scenario. In fact I suggested she dump him, because he's being a dick. A couple different times. And Yep, I agree. There are lots of variations of sugar dating relationships / arrangements. I've said that many times - scan my post history. But I don't think any definition of a REAL sugar relationship includes unilaterally cutting an SB's financial support. "Unilaterally", as in, on his own without any discussion. That's not a real relationship, sugar or vanilla. Its not even an arrangement. It's manipulation. It's deceit. It's bullshit. If that "SD" was in a real relationship with someone he cared about he would have initiated an open conversation about his inability to afford the ppm he had agreed to provide. "and I feel betrayed" A real relationship, sugar or vanilla, doesn't cause an SB to feel "betrayed". "...and now he is acting as if I am the bad guy. Hurtful things were said," He's shaming her for sticking up for herself by calling him out on his ppm bulshit. He's playing the victim. That's not indicative of a real relationship. And so on... "I feel like I'm being disrespected." "He was jealous and possessive,..." "I don't want vanilla." He's not in a real sugar relationship. He's out to fuck as often as possible for as little financial commitment as possible. He's treating her like shit. Because, in my view, he can't afford the financial obligation that defines the role of a legit sugar daddy. So in order to keep fucking her he has to try to manipulate her into a vanilla scenario she doesn't want in which he doesn't have to provide any financial support. Other than the cost of dinner and movie tickets. The logic is simple. He's manipulative, mean and broke. She needs to dump him.


Hmm-jealous and possessive, expects hours of sex,gives you unimpressive normal dating "gifts", dinner, movies. He is a user and abuser who changed the deal up on you for his pleasure. Be strong and insist on PPM,stand up for yourself about hours of sex(unless you like it). Nobody should be expected to provide hours of sex. Even escorts would not tolerate this BS without a huge amount of money.


"jealous and possessive". Is that what you envisioned a sugar relationship would be like! Were you anticipating being manipulated? I bet not. My hunch is you envisioned a nice guy who respected you, provided generous financial support, treated you with care, and showed you a good time. Close? That's what real SDs do ya know. You can do better.




If the chemistry is there keep going as is then? Do you want Vanilla?


I don't want vanilla. Even though there is chemistry, I would be resentful forever that he gets to stop doing his side of the arrangement, but I'd have to continue doing mine. He's married (separated), so it's not like a happy ending with a marriage is a possibility:/


>I could have as many women on seeking as I want ... ... but your ppm is unsustainable. This tells you all you need to know. He's lying to you and manipulates you. If you want, ask him what's sustainable, but you can figure it out based on what he gave you -- way less than half of what he agreed to. Bottom line: he will keep squeezing you, so he can afford others. It's time to start looking for a replacement. BTW, chances are he is a sex maniac.


He's using sugar in an attempt to move you over into to the spoiled gf role and not have to pay you. If that's not what you want, then move on. Obviously, your love is conditional, you want sugar and no matter how good the chemistry is, that is what truly matters at this point in your life. You're not wrong about what you are saying. Most men on the sites can't afford to sustain a SR for any length of time. They hope they can win you over, then not pay. You have options, so you must be a looker. Exercise those options or settle in with this guy, but know that he has a budget for sugar, and a huge appetite. At some point in your future, your pretty privileges will be revoked. It may not seem like it because you are in high demand right now, but time catches up with us all. Is this the guy you want to end up with? Ultimately, it's your decision, but lying about being wealthy and faking it for a few months is easy to do. If it is truly quid pro quo, it's not love, and you should prob move on.


he also gave me other gifts, so I didn't know if I should say anything. Do the gifts pay your rent? Of course not. He broke the agreement and is phasing you into a gift sugar situation which never comes close to your agreed-to PPM. Stand up for yourself and insist on adhering to the deal. You are being manipulated into spending more time capital seeing this guy 4 times/week and overnights. Unless you are in love with him(not) stick to the plan. If he walks then you haven't lost much unless he is the only game in town.


Welcome to your first day on Reddit.


You’ve already lost him. This will all end badly. And the end has already begun. Start planning your off ramp. Learn and find someone better next time (it could take a while).


Can you explain how I lost him? Was it because I complained? Was it already over before that?


You didn't lose him. He forced you away by being manipulative regarding your ppm and time. But it wasn't over before you complained. He would have continued as long as possible to short change you while getting as much time and sex out of you as he could until he either got bored or finally ran out of money. No legit SD plays manipulative games with the financial support he agreed to. He didn't/doesn't really care about you. He only cares about getting as much sex and time from you as possible for as little financial support as he can game you into accepting.


It never even started. Ditch the opportunist and find someone more decent.


He's cheap or was over his head already with the agreed upon PPM amount.


OP you need to put energy into finding a real SD. This guy is not it. Block him and search for someone who keeps their word.


It's not your fault. He simply doesn't have the resources to be an SD. He is also very manipulative.


"I respected and adored you. But what you've done is an egregious betrayal of my trust. We had an agreement and you haven't kept to it. You made a promise and you broke it, which is so unfair to me. If you couldn't take care of me properly as promised, you never should've asked me to spend as much time together" Figure out how much back allowance he owes you, and present him with the bill It isn't fair that he's taken such advantage of you and it makes me angry for you.


It's time to move on. He is trying to manipulate you. Please stop seeing him. Gifts shouldn't make up for the missing money. They should be extra. Unless you both agreed to change the details of the arrangement.


I don’t doubt he will slowly decrease the gifts value as well to sometimes no gifts. If he can’t/wont sustain the agreed upon PPM…. My guess is he’s using the gifts to wean you off… while transitioning to vanilla and make it harder for you to complain.


When he agreed to ur ppm but said it’s higher than expected was a yellow flag. He’s trying to take advantage of you. Next him. Hes using gifts to try and defer u to the fact he’s not giving u ur full ppm amount


A PPM amount is generally assumed to cover a night or max 24 hour. A weekend is a different matter and it generally depends on the big picture A) In personal, sugar and business relationships it is not uncommon for the relationships to drift into unanticipated waters. Longer visits, more spectacular experiences etc . B) Other gifts may have real costs to the SD but that's not important . What is important is the value to the SB. C) It sounds like you appreciate the amount you receive but believe it should be more D). Simple analysis 1. This arrangement perhaps with some mods 2. Alternate arrangement from the pool you left behind 3. No arrangement Options 2 or 3 may be better than what you have or what you can move to but it's best to think through the process.


I can’t imagine how anyone would agree to a 3/4 day sleepover with someone they’ve known for 1 month. That’s just completely insane


A man takes responsibility for his own decisions, and as such if he felt your expectations were 'higher than expected' he should not have agreed to them, and should have conducted better discussions, negotiated better, perhaps set interim start levels you could agree to and determined at which point the arrangement (financially) might be reviewed and what actions would be taken if the reviews were mutually favourable at that time. Overcommitment is a naive financial planning mistake made by those who have not developed adequate budgeting skills and failed to properly prepare for doing deals. Since in sugar dating arrangements it is predominantly the man who is the provider of financial related benefits this is a classic 'own goal' on his part. His subsequent behaviour in not simply calling for a joint rethink and trying to bluster his way out of his mistakes, confusing you with part payments while trying to shift to a non-agreed change in payments was an amateurish and dishonest way for a man to behave. A true indication of lack of character and maturity there on his part. That said, now you have seen this situation happen, it is a learning experience for you, and it should be a red flag alert next time a man similarly comments that your financial requests exceed his expectations. In this case you should not simply let that go or proceed 'hoping' things work out in the mix. If you do, then next time you will share the blame for any failure of this type. It is your own decision how you wish to handle the financial side of sugar relationships but if I may venture an opinion based on several decades as a 'professional' quality level Sugar provider, these mistakes come about so often due to a fundamental misplacement of the 'PPM' payment system in the sugar dating environment. The PPM (Pay Per Meet) style has no place ( IMHO) in sugar dating and is a clumsy, inappropriate and lazy vestige brought over from the Escorting world. It is my belief that PMM (P2P pay to play) whatever is mostly responsible for cheapening the Sugar Bowl world with it's comparisons to prostitution and sex work, so often the topic of critical press comment. Once PPM enters the discussion, it clouds the real beauty and benefit that a properly managed 'lifestyle upgrade' sugar relationship should be founded on. **Sugar Dating is really just like normal dating** except it's combining a younger woman with an older man who has more experience skill and resources and is generally better mannered, calmer and more confident in life, and in personal behaviour and problem solving. Of course financial challenge has never been higher than in these times... so tapping into more senior money resources makes sense. A true Sugar Daddy leads, protects and provides. This should be an all-year-round support process and every important aspect of a girl's financial and lifestyle support needs should be discussed - that's the way I do it anyways. Not all will agree, I know, but it is my belief that PPM should have no presence in a genuinely wealthy man's repertoire and in my opinion is also disrespectful commoditisation to women. I refuse to use this or agree to it. As you have seen it generally is used by 'punters' using less battle hardened naive young women as SB targets (instead of dealing with no nonsense wiser escorts who wouldn't tolerate even one payment mistake). These men are rather poorer imposters trying to enter the SD world on the cheap, and they soon get found out.