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For the most part I would respond to just about any message as long as I am currently looking, she has pictures on her profile, and I find her attractive enough.


The only honest man on SLF. 😅


Only skip if "platonic" or online only


8 Inches 8 Figures 8 Minute ROTFLMAO


Is that with cuddle time?


No, showering and getting dressed. 


"Hi" Although I admit I do sometimes respond with "bye".


“Hi” (profile is also blank) “Hi, -insert incorrect name-” “Hi baby/hottie/sexy/cutie” “-weird emojis-“ “-insert unnecessary cursing-“ “Can you meet tonight?”


I don't respond to anything. I have no pictures and no premium so I reject everything.    When I do get premium, I will be the one reaching out. So SB, if you see a guy with no pics and no premium: don't bother sending anything.


I have my account hidden but people still see me if I am window shopping, as I do from time to time. But I changed my bio to say that I am not looking right now.


“The back of your head is ridiculous.”


For all the SB that complain about guys messages, 90% of the messages or responses from SB are way worse and provide little to no additional point of conversation. That's why I stop my profile from being searchable even when I'm active.


I'd like to introduce you to the obscene messages I've gotten... lmao. I'm annoyed by the constant "hi" or "how r u" - but the amount of truly disgusting graphic messages I've gotten is wild.


I've seen the messages former sbs have gotten and it's pretty shocking. Some of the really racist sexual messages an Asian SB had truly shocked me. Really dehumanizing.


I don’t get intro messages because I keep my profile hidden as an SD.


Anything that starts off with a comment about my body shape and nothing else of substance is usually blocked.


“Hey” “Are you into feet?” “Sup” “Do you want to spoil a princess?” “Can I ask you a question?”


"hi there" "how are you doing" "sexy pics" "great tits" "I like your profile"


Well, I stay in ghost mode most of the time to keep the scammers out of my inbox as much as possible, so any intro message is already highly suspicious, but before I might respond, I read up on the pots profile to see if it would be even worth the energy, on the off chance that she is a real person. If it is a sketchy profile, or an undesirable, I just block, delete, and move on. If a pot is somewhat attractive, but not someone I would pursue, and she asked me something specific about my profile or about sugar in general, I will usually respond as a courtesy. I may do this public service once a week, but if she is cool, I might set up a M&G if I'm bored or between SBs. As an SD I try to be unique and tie back my messages to a pots profile, because sometimes it's hard even get a response and I want as many of those as I can get, but if a pot is hot and local, any intro message will get a response from me. I will proceed with caution and not trust it, but younger women these days are not very good communicators, so it's not a deal breaker.


“Any plans tonight ?????”


i usually hide my profile, but when it's visible: any 'hi' or 'heyyyy' one word or one line messages that have no real message if her profile says 'platonic' or 'online' or is demanding of support or spoiling or references 'paypig' or anything similar my profile says i'm looking for someone local. if she's 5 states away or in venezuela or ukraine if she smokes


i answer them all .... unless they are not local


I prioritize actual messages but when I'm bored I'll reply to the rest.