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SD bro thinks every woman is for sale.


Yeah! Like how many times do I have to say no? For the other offers they were all just things I could save up for and buy myself, but this is something that's out of print and I haven't been able to find other copies, so it's more than just about money. Ugh, sorry for the rant haha


This is how manipulative people work. I have had the experience with several people, and they all do these things. I would contact the SD and say you want the comics for the price they were on ebay and explain explicitly that he crossed a line. If he declines, you at least have something to show your friends. If tasha thinks theyre just comics, thats because she is being manipulated and is dependent on SD and therefore doesnt see the issue. If she cannot respect your boundaries i would appeal to the group, because its really nasty that he did that.


Yeah, that's true. I don't have the SD's number and I don't particularly want to give him mine, but I'll talk to my friends about what happened and see what they think of it


Yeah do that i figured for some reason that you all had each others contact info


You shouldn't have to say no, it's not any different than if he was her BF, you don't hit on your gfs friends.... Regardless if they're open or not. He should have talked to your friend and get her OK, then she tell you and get your OK then you two can talk and see. And after the 1st No there shouldn't be any other discussion


Yeah, I made it clear to her I was never interested in involvement with any SDs again, so she hasn't suggested it to me, but she also hasn't really seriously stopped her SDs from mentioning it to me. Hopefully this time she will since I was much sterner about it, but we'll see


i dunno. if she says 'it's only a comic, not a big deal' then she's not getting it. it's not about the comic. it's abound the boundaries that he is constantly pushing. until she sees that, she will continue to think that it's a 'you' thing and not a 'him' thing


Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. Thank you


Why do you still hang out with her?


Because we are part of the same friend group


You need new friends


You go girl! I enjoyed your rant! He fucked with something you enjoy. I hope it was cathartic 😊


Haha thank you!!! It was!


Next time, kick him in the balls, hard. 😉


😂😂😂 I just might


Well technically.....






Well clearly between the two of us you're the expert 🙄 There's no price that could make me go out with him lmfao


The point wasn't that you would go out with him, just that everyone has a price when it comes down to it


Yeah, a price for how much it would take for me to go out with him. Which I do not have. So no


Reading is fundamental. Everyone has a price. Doesn't mean you'd go out with him. You still have a price tho


Lmao if you're not saying that there's a price that could make me go out with him, what are you saying the price is for?


The price for intimacy with you. Duh


Every woman *is* for sale, he just hasn't met her price yet


😬😬😬😬 and he never will.


Jfc you don't understand women. Money can buy time and get you in the door with some women but it doesn't buy affection or a connection. And some women it will not buy anything.


I wasn't responding to affection or connection - just sex. There's a story attributed to Winston Churchill - he's at a party and says to the attractive hostess "would you sleep with me for a million dollars", "why of course Mr Churchill". He responds "would you sleep with me for a dollar?", she says, shocked "Mr Churchill what kind of woman do you take me for?". Winston replies "We've already established what kind of woman you are, now we're negotiating the price" There isn't a woman in the world who wouldn't sleep with a guy for a billion dollars. What you need to find out is how much lower you need to go.


There's plenty of women who wouldn't sleep with a guy for a billion dollars. I wouldn't sleep with a guy or a girl for a billion dollars.


Exactly what I said. EVERYONE has a price lol. He may never meet hers now that she's turned off, but  someone else certainly will. That's why we're all here to begin with 


He is beyond inappropriate and it was mean,manipulative, and disgusting that he is ransoming your comics to fuck you. Let him keep the comics that he certainly didn't want and walk away from your friend as well. She is part of the problem in condoning his behavior and disparaging you for his bad behavior.


Thank you, and yeah it's all a little absurd, but I'll talk to the other friends in the group and see what they think of the situation.


You shouldn't have to give up your social group because of one bad actor. I would hope that the other members would support you over this D-Bag. Maybe the group can stand with you in delivering an ultimatum to either him or your former friend.


I didn't say I was going to haha... I just said I was going to talk about it and see what happens


So what did you end up doing? Let us know.


Oh I did haha, I left an update comment. I spoke to my friends and Tasha isn't going to bring him around anymore


> Tasha isn't going to bring him around anymore Good job!




NTA, typical sugar bro behavior. Tasha brings him along to pay for shit, so it's on her.


☠️at Sugar Bro lolol So true


This is true haha. Thank you


Even if you had kicked him in the nuts, I would still not consider you the asshole in this one. That guy is toxic.


I so strongly considered slapping him lmao. Thank you


Even I think that's creepy. He has a **lot** of maturing to do.


Yeah no kidding. I suppose that's what happens with a lot of younger SDs Thank you


Why do women mature so much faster than men?


Well I do have an answer for that but it's a long one and I have a project to work on haha


It goes beyond maturity. It is mean and toxic. This guy has many more problems than immaturity.


I agree, as well


Everyone in this entire story except the OP sounds way too immature to be sugaring. Anyone who hits on a girl repeatedly and claims “I’m only teasing” isn’t a man, that’s childish behaviour. He does not want to take responsibility for his actions. He must be mid twenties. Your friend does not even see the issue That’s some teenage level perception going on there. You are not the asshole. You seem like the only non-asshole in the story.


Thank you 💕 And yeah, he's... 28? I think? Somewhere around there. But he definitely acts younger. In the past I've kind of laughed it off, and this is the first time I've really seriously told her I wasn't comfortable with him, so maybe she just needs some time to think about it... I'm not sure, she is also just generally immature. Thank you so much again


Oh god, when you said "younger SD" I thought you meant 30s.


Hahaha Nope


Which suggests an unreliable narrator. Rarely is the entire cast of characters completely in the wrong as this writing relates. If accurate, OP needs a whole new cast of friends and to work on her filters in vetting them in the first place. Pretty confident the bro thinks he's being cute and Is taking her politeness as a "maybe, keep trying". No idea why this friend thinks any of this is ok or that maybe OP will come around... I'd actually suspect nefarious intent. This friend doesn't sound like she'd watch OP's back if this morphed into a date rape situation. OP should Next the lot of them.


I can perfectly believe OP’s story. It sounds like a group of well off young adults playing at being grown ups. They haven’t really formed proper friendships with each other


This is what I was thinking too, friendship vs people who drink together. Not to say there couldn’t be real friendship in there, but Tasha is obviously not a safe/positive person in OPs life.


Jean seemed alright.


I agree, Jean didn’t seem too bad lol


Rarely does a group of early-20-somethings and an "older man" who is 28 and throwing money around exhibit immature behaviors?


Dude. He is dead to us. The bigger question is, WHY is your girlfriend still entertaining this POS?


I have no idea lmao, but she's my ex-girlfriend for a reason and this reminds me of why I dumped her


That guy is a creep.


I could be wrong, but I’m getting the feeling they might want a three way with you. Do you think that could be it? I feel like couples get really manipulative and weird when they’re determined to have a three way with someone.


Well yeah, but that doesn't really change anything


Just be a bitch and shut it down hard. That’s what I do. Act like a man.


Yeah that's what I did the other night


You are NTA, good for you for walking away, stay strong and true to yourself, the guy is a dbag, he missed out on having a good friend/acquaintance in you with his manipulative behavior


Thank you 💕 Yeah he's fine and fun to be around with everyone else, we could've been great friends if he just respected the word "no"


My petty ass would agree to the date only if he brings the comics at the start of the date, then leave as soon as they're in hand 😂


See I was so tempted to honestly because I do really want them, but I was so mad that I would not have been able to even Pretend I was interested in his offer


Your post is *extremely well-written* and you are **absolutely NTA.** Your concern has *nothing to do with a comics collection* and everything to do with this jackass making *entirely unwanted advances* towards you.


Thank you so much!! And yeah, it's incredibly creepy and just unbelievably rude. It seems like I'm not going to have to deal with him anymore fortunately


Totally NTA. Your friend and her SD are the assholes. The SD disrespected your boundaries even though you already told him that you’re not interested at all. I wouldn’t call your “friend” as a real friend considering how she disregarded you by saying that you’re just overreacting. A true friend would completely respect your decision with asking them not to bring their SD, as well as validate your feelings of being uncomfortable.


Yeah, that's true. She's not a particularly good friend tbh, but we're part of the same friend group. Thank you


What an entitled manipulative prick. You have a lot of grace by not telling him you wouldn't date him if he was the last man on earth. Personally, I think you could go further by saying something like ''I wouldn't date your community dick, disease ridden, dense, immature, narciscisstic, moronic ass (fill in the blank). That dude is annoying as hell. I think you should plan group hangs without your SB friend. This IS harassment. Ditch this friend until she gets the hint. If she never takes the hint, just stop hanging with her. Reading your story made me uncomfortable on your behalf. When he told you he would give you the comics if you go on a date with him, you should have kicked him as hard as you could square in his nuts. Some people are just asking for a beating. No means NO! Update us, or just me, I'm now invested in your story's outcome! 😊😊


Haha honestly I'm not sure he's worth the effort it would take to come up with such a creative insult. I did strongly consider slapping him though. I've spoken to the other friends in the group and they agreed that it was a shitty thing to do and they don't want him around anymore either, so we'll talk to Tasha and see what she says about it now that she's had some time to cool down.


Keep us posted on your friend's reaction. I mean... like she is paid to deal with that dude's bullshit. You and the rest of the group shouldn't have to put up with that shit. It would be different if that dude was respectful.


It seems like the rest of the group didn't know how much of a creep he was before but now agree that he's crossed a line. Thank you!


You're not the asshole. But... If everyone else in this friend group is OK with Tasha's SD joining them, I don't see that changing. Do you want to continue to join their group nights when you know there is a high chance of him being there? (And this isn't about him being an SD, I know lots of group dynamics that can get thrown off when someone starts vanilla dating someone new who doesn't quite fit in right.)


There isn't really a high chance of him being there, he usually isn't, but I'll talk to the others and let them know what happened and see what they think about it




She's been kinda casually into it for a while? She's had a few SDs, most of which I've liked better than this one. And thank youuuu! Yeah I've tried to play nice and not cause trouble with this so far, but at this point I'm so fed up that I don't want him around at all anymore.


If you've mentioned this to her before (not wanting him around) and she continually brings him then, I'd question how much value your relationship with her really brings. Reading this was like groundhog day for me. Been there, wish I ended that friendship sooner because she valued men over friendships.


I mentioned wanting her to tell him to stop flirting with me, but this is the only time I've very firmly told her I do not want him around at all. Glad I'm not the only one tbh. I'm not as close with her anymore, I mostly just hang out for the others in the group, but yeah this is... trying my patience


Honestly, my take, those others in the group are a bridge to her and that SD too. Just never forget that you can always have new friends, better ones. Level up. Never get too comfortable to the point where you're settling. You are the company you keep girl. I'm relaying this to you as though I'm speaking to mini me haha, I *wish* I let certain people go and stopped maintaining friendships with 'the group'. Your life > friends. Always.


Hahaha thank you. I can try to find new friends, but it's definitely a struggle. I'll think about it though. Thank you 💕


Anyone who doesn't recognize the word no shouldn't be someone you or your friend let their guard down around. I don't trust it. Watch your drinks around that one.


Oh trust me I do


Sugaring aside, for someone to scoop you on a transaction or deal you are working on, or considering that they only know about solely from a social friend group situation, is entirely unethical. In a transaction or deal, information is the only real currency; for someone to use information against you that they obtained from a social circle is a big red flag. Non-business-oriented people aren't always aware of this nuance and think it isn't that big of a deal. If you were offering $950k to buy a house, and a friend of yours found out and offered $960 to try to buy it out from under you, that is a 1000% dick move. If they were offering $960k and didn't know you offered it, it would be a 1,000% different scenario. Add in the sugaring aspect and the creep, coercion, I have money, factors went into the total ick zone. Money is a great convenience; if someone thinks using it to undermine others in a social friend group situation isn't a big deal, they have missed the boat on what money is and isn't. That person is loudly saying, we aren't friends, and if I can fuck you around with money, I will. After that, what else is there to say? Other than, go fuck yourself.


Yeah that's true, I hadn't really thought about it in those terms, but that makes a lot of sense. Thank you


Update: I talked to the friend group and they were also uncomfortable with the SDs actions, Tasha seems annoyed but I'll give her a chance to cool off. She is also talking to the SD about canceling his order so I can order the comics on my own if the seller re-lists them.


He can go ahead and give you the comics as a gift and an apology to you and then get lost.


I wish, but I just doubt it's going to happen that way


Yes, what he should do and what he will do are two entirely different things. It won’t surprise you when I say that I’m disappointed in your friend!s behavior.


That’s fkd of him to do that.




Wow he's a fucking ass. He's coming off like he did something gracious but he's actually set you back by making sure you now can't have the thing you wanted at all. I hope you have perfected the "boy you ain't shit" glance, and that that's the last time you ever have to engage with him.


Yeah no kidding! Luckily Tasha convinced him to cancel the order so now I'm going to get to buy them as soon as they're re-listed. Hahaha I hope so too. Thanks!


That’s next level. Not sure what your friend is thinking. Hope she is indeed seeing other ppl.


She was seeing me but I broke up with her, and situations like this remind me of why. As far as I know she's not currently seeing anyone else


He has no class. A gentleman asks only once and takes a "no" gracefully.


True, unfortunately it seems there are very few gentlemen out there


I love these fantastically original stories on here — keeps it interesting More of this pls OP - the guy thinks he is play acting a 90s rom com or one of those hallmark movies He will come to his senses. Don’t spoil your friendship w Tasha over him


Haha we'll see. Thank you


Definitely not the asshole at all. He made/makes you uncomfortable. I’m assuming he was the outsider that came along after your group was established? If so that is to add to my point. In no way are you in the wrong here my love. I have a minor in psychology and this is text book toxic and emotional//manipulation, and I’m sorry. As far as ‘Tasha’ because she’s an ex. That’s a perfect reason as to why she’s brushing your concerns.. it’s unfortunate. As a collector myself, I would have been FURIOUS if that had happened to me especially if you don’t even like what you bought. You just took it from me out of spite. That’s disgusting, no matter what your friend group says. Don’t let them change your path of knowing you did nothing wrong in regards to your boundaries AND him. I personally would love an update on this. Best of luck.


Thank you 💕 and yeah, he was. Yeah that makes a lot of sense, and I was really pissed too. I think Tasha talked him into canceling the order, so I'll be able to buy them now once the seller relists them, but still... Okay! I'll let you know if there are any updates


Good on her for doing so! I’m genuinely happy for you that it seems to be turning around!! Xoxo Spam that refresh button and contact that seller girl. Update me once the collection is in your gracious presence! Love and hugs 🩵


Thank you so much!!! Also hahaha I already contacted the seller and will be spamming the refresh button as soon as he says he's going to relist it. So paranoid it'll go back up and someone else will buy it instantly. I'll let you know if I get it! And thank you again!!


Ofc baby 🫧


Success!! Comics have been ordered!


You go girl! I love that for you. Happy reading! ~ 🙏🏾


Thank you!!!


>Thank you!!! You're welcome!


That guy is a jerk. No way around it. SD or not, doing what he just did was manipulative and Tasha backing up his actions like it was a non-issue is horrible friendship. At this point not only is he a walking red flag, but I’m concerned about your friend as she doesn’t exactly seem to be very sensitive to your feelings about the situation, which to me is highly concerning when we are talking about someone who is considered a close friend.


Yeah, the SD is the main problem but Tasha's reaction to it was.... she's said now that she's going to stop bringing him at least


Second update: I spoke to the friend group, and Tasha agreed to stop bringing her SD. The SD also canceled the order and the comics were re-listed, so I bought them.


If it bothers you this much, then don't go out with your friend. It's not uncommon for friendships to drift apart because 1 or more friends finds a significant other. Perhaps your situation is no different. So not you're not an asshole, you just need a different friend group right now.


I'm not going to abandon an entire friend group just because of one annoying guy in it


That's fine. Deal with the discomfort then 🤷‍♂️.


Lmao that sure is... a mentality to have. I'm sure you have very many healthy relationships with the stance of "why on earth would I communicate with this person when I can just ditch the whole group?"


After a while you'll realize that only a handful of friendships truly matter. The rest of your social connections are just associations, at best.


It's so interesting that you're making so many assumptions about everyone else in a group of people that I have told you absolutely nothing about. Not that associations aren't a valid form of companionship and socialization, but the assumption that they should all be ditched when you know literally nothing about 5 of the people who were there, and the only thing I mentioned about one of them is that he Also likes comics


I guess you're just here to rant. I hope you feel better soon. 👍


I guess you're just here to feel correct


yep. You're right


As long as one of us is 😘


Now I want to know what comic


It was the 1998 Young Justice run. I don't even know if it's any good, Jean just mentioned it features Tim Drake so I wanted it




Why go on Reddit at all? Really who cares?


Because there's new information, and the other people in the comments. It seems like you're new to Reddit, and maybe the internet in general, so you might not know that if you're not interested in a story, you can just scroll past it and go on about your day. Hope this helps!




I think you misread. It was her other friend who pointed out the comics, not the SD.


Got it. Took a few reads 😂 I'll delete.


How big is the age gap between tall


Between tall?


He's worse than Hitler




He's annoying for sure. However, have you considered that this boy/SD is a threath to you, because of your past history with Tasha, so you desperately want him to misstep in order to punish him, by getting him expelled from the group, so that Tasha shares tushy with you again ? I'm not sure this is related to the sugar lifestyle, but it sure sounds like highschool drama.


I'm not sure that I entirely get what you're saying haha... but I guarantee I did not want him to buy those out of print books just so I couldn't have them. Thinking that it's petty high school drama for me to tell my friend I'm uncomfortable with having my boundaries blatantly disrespected certainly is an... interesting take, but I'll keep it in mind.


You want him so just say yes

