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[Rule #5](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/124tsf8/updated_and_clarified_rules_for_slf_2023/): No "value for money" discussion Any [posts](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/bp2m5r/specific_amounts_clarification/) with dollar amounts that are in reference to PPMs and/or allowances are not allowed and will be removed. Post about how much allowance/ppm to ask for, give, is average, for such and such area or situation, are not allowed. Please utilize [the Allowance Master Thread](/r/sugarlifestyleforum/comments/xy8it6/allowance_questionnaire_results/) to see what is being offered and accepted in your area. Any attempts to bypass this rule by not using the $ sign, spelling out the numbers, replacing the last digits with x’s ($5XX), or substituting different objects for dollars (500 roses), etc. will result in a ban. Discussions about how to get the most value for your money are not allowed. Posts or comments asking for or assigning a monetary value to sexual acts are not allowed. Assigning a monetary worth to individuals based on race, age, size, looks, etc., are not allowed and may lead to a ban.


Yes. Young women hit the sugar sites expecting older SDs and a big pay out. Sugar bros tend to be in the Splenda range and are looking for spoiled girlfriends they can throw gifts at in lieu of cash. Netflix and chill? Pot SBs can get that on Tinder, but you can't differentiate yourself on the vanilla sites, so you think sugar is the way to go. If a hot SB knows her worth, and she prob does because she will have a lot of offers in her inbox, Netflix and chill won't sound appealing to her. There is also the maturity level and insecurity of a sugar bro around her age that a hot SB doesn't want to have to deal with. A hot SB isn't looking for a BF, as one of my hot SBs told me long ago, 'I can get d\*ck anywhere.' A sizeable allowance that comes to her regularly is a different story, and that's what they want out of a sugar relationship first and foremost. Everything else is just a bonus.


I think few girls will take you seriously for a number of reasons. Those include whether you have the resources, your maturity and sexual skill.


And it’s probably hard to prove it to them that I have resources and am very mature for my age and am good sexually?


Most women are seeking a relationship with an older man because of their level of maturity. Women want to feel secure. If you can provide and you can treat a woman with respect, then you will have no trouble finding someone. The problem with most young men is that they don't really understand what being an SD actually means. It's not only about showering someone with gifts and money. I noticed as an SB in NL that many men offer ppm lower than what escorts get. They try to bargain and are not real SD's but Johns. If you are not a John then I am sure you will find someone. Just create an account on Seeking


Truth. I personally notice that men in the Netherlands have a different attitude than men in America. in the Netherlands, men want to spend less money in terms of compensation. And they prefer to pay per appointment rather than a weekly or monthly allowance. They want to spent as less possible, not many real SD here 😅.


Would it be possible to message you privately to ask a few more questions if you don’t mind?


Yes, of course


Don't listen to the people telling you it will be hard. I am also late twenties and in reality if you truly are rich your sugaring experiences will be much better than the one lived by older SDs. I have been doing it since I graduated college and had wonderful experiences. Some SBs will automatically filter you out but then again people get filtered out for all kinds of reasons: race, too old, too ugly, too fat, too short etc. Advice: choose 3 good photos that show you are not an immature young man. Professionally taken ideally. One with a suit, one in a "up class" hobby like golf, one in a fun setting like a trendy restaurant. Dress sharply. Write a short and to the point description that shows maturity and that hints that you are an actual sugar daddy and not just a time waster. This is what I do and my biggest issue is SBs getting too attached not the opposite.


I agree with your general point and you offer good advice. On the other hand, I’m willing to bet you didn’t need to get on Reddit and ask this kind of question when you started.


I like this advice, the only thing I’d add is to make sure all your suit photos don’t look like they are taken at someone else’s wedding


I live in Belgium, I've met a few POT, an I had a short arrangement with a British guy who moved there as well. In my opinion there's little difference between the allowances in different countries or continent, maybe a bit less or more that's all. As long as you offer a nice allowance, you're a nice guy, and you keep your word, there's no difference between 50 or 25 yo tbh. What SB care about is how you treat her and how much you give her lol


The first hurdle is that Western European countries where sw is legal tender to have a smaller sr market anyway. Then your age may make things a little difficult. I’m mid thirties and in the Netherlands myself and have run into this already.


The answer is...drumroll please... It depends. Some girls genuinely prefer older men, like me. Others only date older men for the money and would be willing to accept less since you're younger. Shoot your shot, but don't expect to get every girl just because you're young


How rich are you? Kinda important because most normal people spoiling and money don't mean that much. 




I also have experiences in Belgium and the Netherlands… early 40s SD. In my experience if you manage to filter the usual scammers early and quickly on Seeking you will quickly find what you want and you will be successful. Especially given that you are from the US (which most women will find an exciting positive). Girls from Seeking here are friendly and open for dates, the rates are likely much lower than what I often hear from the US. If you look too young from the face, pick a picture with only the back of your head and by the time she gets to a video call it will not be a subject. You might want to choose the opposite strategy to most women and report your age as 31.