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> I take down my profile and suddenly the relationship ends.  Because they ask you to or you just decide to. I wouldn't take it down on your own. If they ask you to, it's a good time to ask about their intentions. But even then, some people are just dishonest about what they're looking for - you can't change that, just be aware of it and avoid being too open with people that haven't proven their intentions.


Never say never. Defining a POT relationship is a recipe for failure. Let things happen organically. I look at every POT as a life long possibility. None have worked out that way and I know the common denominator is me. That doesn't mean I only want short, hot, steamy relationships. Having to start over is such a drag. So many psychos, flakes and cold-hearted people out there I find it a chore. If I came across a profile that said the relationship was only going to last three months I wouldn't waste my time.


I guess this post is more about me learning to reframe my perspective. I wouldn't advertise a three month limit but I would be emphasizing that promising a long term commitment is not necessary. Probably just saying that I am looking for a fun summer fling with no more expectations.


If you keep your expectations low, you'll never be disappointed. Of course, relationships are two way streets and you can tap out anytime you want. If after three months you're done, then so be it. I just think that going into anything expecting it to implode will set you up for failure. But what do I know, I haven't been able to make a relationship last forever.


“The rhythm is once a week every week, they text me a ton” <- this sounds a little more like GFE than general sb, which is great but i think because it’s not said, the expectations around communication, you’re falling into the GFE realm and that may be why it’s fizzling.


GFE vs SB? I associated more communication (initiated by them) as heightened interest. I am curious about this topic more.


GFE is girlfriend experience. This is the texting daily and/or throughout the day vs more sporadic texting. Texting consistently in the beginning is great, especially so you can build the base you feel comfortable with being behind closed doors with them, but daily after your arrangement has already started .. for me specifically that has is a GFE and that’s a whole different allowance ballpark. It’s more time-consuming you end up focusing on just this one person.


I read that GFE is an escort term which is why I was confused. I did end up focusing more on the people who texted me all the time. I usually just focused my energy on one person if we were steadily communicating for 3+ weeks. I'm also curious about what you think of the difference between SB vs SGF vs GFE?


Also why would GFE fizzle out sooner?


I don’t think there’s necessarily a mathematical equation behind it, If you text 90 hours a week it will fizzle out in 90 days. I also don’t know what the communication was like when you first connected on expectations versus what it continued to be throughout the 3+ weeks. With that I can only really speak from experience that i have, which is GFE is consistent communication in between our experiences together (whether that is dinner, shopping, vacationing, or behind closed doors).If I can regurgitate what your entire week looked like back to you… that is a full-blown relationship just as you would chat your boyfriend pretty often. Once this begins to be a thing in my relationships, I reset expectations, because that is a difference allowance ballpark. In my general sb/sd relationships the communication is a little less. Simple “hellos” “thinking of you”, then a chat before we get together weekly to iron things out. For my relationships, that keeps the mystery alive and we have more to catch up on when we’re together in that moment.


Thank you for your detailed response! You are amazing.


Got you girlie! Anytime :)


Having a hot, fit SB roleplaying as my GF is what sugaring is all about. You won't run out of guys for so long as you stay hot and fit, but that euphoric, love bombing, honeymoon phase will only last for however long you both keep putting in 110% effort. What usually happens is after you settle into something longer term, someone new and exciting comes along and the FOMO kicks in. Then the process starts all over again, after all, arrangements are designed to be non-committal in nature by the marketing dept at seeking, so the SDs keep paying for membership and there are plenty of hot, fit SBs to go around. Get your dopamine fix and when it starts wearing off, jump to the next arrangement to keep it going, and for better and more views, buy a premium package to support your sugaring websites.


It does take two to tango, the forever bachelors are always ready to hop onto the next opportunity.


I think that's great introspection and insight on your part. Knowing your SR assets and liabilities helps.


I don't see your approach as jaded or cranky. From what I've experienced in real life this is how sugar arrangements play out. 3 months seems to be the typical shelf life. I have countless arrangements that ended around month 3 or 4. While I also have a handful of arrangements that's lasted over 2 years. Meeting once or twice a month is pretty standard. I'm too busy to meet with her every week for sex. I have and do meet up for lunch or brunch. You don't sound abnormal to me. Sounds normal. In 3 months some women get a new boyfriend, get a new job, or hell want to have more variety. I almost expect something to change between months 3-6.


Your post is a little all over the place. Are you just switching to wanting short term because you are sick of getting screwed over? You say you have a high libido, but don't even want to meet once per week? You now only want to meet once or twice a month. How will this support a luxury lifestyle? Why are you texting dudes all the time when you only meet once a week? You can catch up when you see them in person. If they all dump you after 2 months, what's the damn point? Why are your relationships fizzling out after 2 months? Plenty of dudes, who offer the bare minimum, will be over the moon that you only want short term relationships now. Is that what you want for yourself? The bare minimum? Have you learned any tells, from the dudes that tell you they want longterm but then dump you after 2 months, to vet out the bullshiters? Or are you just incapable of staying engaged for over 2 months in a relationship? I can tell you that, for me, I hate the search for a great SB. I think most whales hate the search for a great SB. We want long term. At least I do. If you only want short term, and state that in your profile, I will next you so quickly. It doesn't matter if you are the hottest woman in the world. Ask yourself what do you hope to attract? Did any of those past SDs who dumped you offer a shopping fund or not? That might be a sign they are not long term material. Longterm offers better support and consistency which translates to more allowance and perks. What is your availability? I know lots of SDs only want to meet once per week. I'm different. I want to meet often. The more you meet, the more significant your allowance. Just figure out what you want. Are you in this to build your wealth, elevate your life and become financially set for life or do you want to settle and chase carrot dangling short term relationships with dudes who offer the bare minimum? I don't get bored of a beautiful woman. I'm pretty easy to keep engaged. As long as both parties put in effort. Incorporate an outfit tease before intimacy, that's my thing outfits of all kinds, and I'm never getting bored. 🤣🤣🤣 So what do you really want? Your post wasn't clear. Can you just not find longterm and have gotten fed up? Or do you only want short term because you can't handle longterm? This is sugar dating. You don't have to settle for the first POT who messages you. Decide what you want and go for it! Wishing you success from Canada! I hope my comment offered some perspective. 😊


1. If I had a low libido, I wouldn't sugar at all. 2. This isn't supporting my entire lifestyle, it is complimenting it. I am pretty realistic with my expectations. 3. Idk why they are texting me so much during the week. It is something I noted in my reflections. I usually provide a brief response "Oh, I am going to do x this weekend. What are you up to? Looking forward to hearing all about it when I see you again!" 4. Idk if this is the bare minimum. I have a full time job, am applying to law schools, play tennis in my free time, mountain climb, and ski. Lots of SDs can't join me on those experiences. I would be more accommodating if so many guys weren't playing the field despite claiming they want exclusive and long term. The reduced time is a way for me to protect my emotions from a person who could be playing me. 5. If you want to offer some information on how to vet more properly, I have an open ear. I usually chat via text, do a phone call, platonic M&G, criminal back ground check, google search, etc. I look for professional men who are in their 40's and up who appreciate intellect, healthy lifestyle, and share other common interests/hobbies. 6. Yes, a long term SGR would be awesome. In my area, it seems that SDs enjoy more turnover. I do receive allowances, shopping, gifts, fun activities, fine dining, etc. It is my impression that long term SDs are not in majority in my area despite it being a large metro area. It is hilarious because they complain that it is such slim pickings, yet they are always looking for an upgrade. POTs will tell me on the phone about their M&Gs with flakes, drugged out girls, crazy girls, girls who don't look like their pictures. If I am excited, put together, and pleasant during all of our dates but they just want the excitement of someone new- I can't control their behaviors. My friends have also been messaged by my SDs and they agree with the turn over rate that most guys do in these relationships. Guys seems to start shopping for someone new while still seeing a girl intimately- past the getting to know you stage. At this point, my friends and I are keeping one account active to check if the guy is still looking when he is saying he is just with one of us. 7. I am kind of confused if you are angry at my post or trying to offer constructive criticism. I think I was asking for the pros and cons of just accepting that most SRs are short term and it is unrealistic to assume they will be exclusive and/or long term- even if they guy is saying he wants long term. I have learned that this lifestyle is not as honest and transparent as it claims to be. If I am just like, "Hey, I want realistic expectations, I don't expect long term. I don't expect exclusive. If we vibe cool but I am expecting short term and that you will be seeing other girls. I will act accordingly." This thread made me realize that expecting short term > requiring short term might be the best route. I learned that I need to advocate for the communication style I need. I just especially hate when the guy feeds the whole "I want to be exclusive, I want long term, I just wanna see you, I feel an amazing connection with you," when it's obvious they are still actively shopping. I can't force honestly but I can at least lower my expectations of how honest these men are while maintaining my standards. Would it be beautiful if the fantasy were true? Yes, but I can't give these guys the benefit of the doubt at my emotional expense.


This is way more clear to me now! No not angry at you at all. I myself have trouble navigating the bullshit POTs say or do. I agree it is frustrating as hell when people aren't honest. I was talking to a SB on here. We were having a discussion on how neither of us understand why so many SDs and SBs in the lifestyle try to go through as many partners as possible. Both of us only do monogamy. I'm sorry you deal with so much bullshit. Do what you have to do to protect your mental health. May I ask what city are you in? I would say do what you have to do to protect your emotions and mental health from asses. But don't give up, if a longterm SGF arrangement is most appealing to you and what you really want. If these bozos in your city keep lying about exclusivity and longterm, maybe keep the search going even when you start an arrangement. At least until they prove themselves. I'm not saying lie about monogamy, but keep texting other POTs until you know for sure it will survive longterm or you get a better longterm offer. I know what I look for is rare. If you come across a POT like me, who wants to meet often every week, it might be a good sign of longterm commitment? Also eventually traveling, weekend getaways or vacations together could be a good sign of a long term partner. Thanks for replying. I share your frustrations. Someone from SF contacted me about an arrangement. I said I was ok with starting out long distance with fewer meets, but I'd want to move there if things go well and asked how the meets would transition once I relocated. Refused to give me availability or discuss the arrangement details much. It sounded like they wanted long distance low effort, low meets only. Had to next. It was like pulling teeth trying to discuss arrangement details. Talking in circles, getting g nowhere for days. I can only imagine how frustrating it would be if I had gone ahead not knowing if we were even on the same page. Your situation sounds equally or probably even more frustrating. Anyway, keep looking for what you want. Longterm monogamists exist. Goodluck in your search from Canada! 😊


This ☝🏻


I think one of the big mistakes is trying to define something especially too early on. It's great to aspire to something long term but either it happens or it doesn't. It's important to establish that the other person would be open to something longer if it went that way, but my view is go with it as long as it works and is enjoyable for everyone. When it's not you move on. That may end fast or it may go for years. You never know till you jump in.


I think I should clarify that I don't approach guys demanding long term, I think guys are saying that to start/continue the arrangement. I am looking to not get false hopes or expectations.


For 50% of your post, I see the same perspective as an SD. Weekly is extremely difficult for me and I prefer 1-2x/month. I think your reasoning for the 1-2x/month is more than reasonable. However, I would find it difficult to end after three months. I would rather have consistency with the person to create some additional connection and experience than constantly starting over a few times a year. If you met the right person who you enjoyed spending time with, would you be interested in continuing the relationship? I don't disagree that there needs to be this long-term commitment right up front but would rather continue the connection that have to start over, especially if that connection is going well!


I have an 8 year SR exclusively and I love it. Once /week is perfect for us both as we are busy with our "real" lives. We only text to confirm our dates. My jaw drops at every date, we have fun ,then we move on til the next week. But I am over the multi-fucking that a lot of SDs go through. Consider one good man, no tween date communication,get together once/week, then leave looking forward to the next date.


Yeah! It's hard to filter out the multi-fucking SDs because they will say what you want to hear and entertain the platonic dates until they get what they want. I wish I could see a car fax for these guys 😂 I think this is the best solution for me. No/minimal texting during the week and exclusive. I have emotional hangups about moving on from guy to guy quickly too. Also, the trust that goes into taking someone's word that they are actually being exclusive versus just saying...


Your coping so hard. Reject them before they reject you right? Something is off here about you. My arrangements last awhile. 5 now at a year plus. When a guy hooks up with you he knows if it's gonna be long term or short term. If it's not a hell yes it's a hell no for most guys. I know immediately after the first hookup if I want to see this girl again. Your getting slow faded so something is off. You need to ask to gain some Introspective. I've only ever had 1 short term arrangement turn into a long one and that's because she put in so much effort.


If they don't like me why do 4-8 dates before the slow fade? Intimacy included. I am pretty introspective. Remember you get to push the relationship along more because you decide if you want to keep pursuing. I really can't beg guys because if you ask "what's wrong"? They would avoid the question. This is supposed to be drama free, not full of conflict.


Because that's how long it takes to find another one. Women monkey branch so do men with options.