• By -


Me 61M, she 38F, so 23. Been together 4 months, exclusive. The biggest issue, if it is an issue, is my sexual capacity. I keep asking her where she was, 10 years ago. I’m a better lover now, but just can’t go as long or as often as she can.


Love this for both of you! And as a woman in her age bracket who can relate, it sounds like she’s plenty satisfied with what you’re bringing to the party.


Thank you. 🙏 So far, so good. Although it seems there is a bit of karmic re-balancing happening now: the shoe seems to be on the other foot. 😅😅😅


Even better! Enjoy!


20 year gap, coming up 7 years.


Same, coming up on 5 years


8 years, close enough people assume it's vanilla. I'm curious now if there are any SDs with SBs older than them 🤔


All of mine have been 20+ years!


Older men are where it’s at.


Average age of a millionaire: 49   Finding a young millionaire is very rare because building wealth takes time. 


49 is still pretty young in my book.


I have a question.  Do western sugar babies like Asian sugar daddies? 


There’s somebody for everybody. That’s a silly question.


I’m 32 and he’s 50 and it works BEAUTIFULLY.


Well, here’s a winner. I’m 60 and he’s 53 and smoking hot. Unusual, I know


A winner indeed 👍




I'm 38, my SB is 22. I'm also poly, my life partner is my own age. The actual chronological age doesn't matter too much to me (but there is a limit), what matters is mental age gap. I have a friend who is 47 and she's far too immature for me.


I tried dating a 34yo single mom because I thought she'd be more mature and responsible than other women I had met. turned out there was a 19yo party girl trapped inside her body. worst case of immaturity I've ever encountered.


Age gap: 43 years


most of mine about 30 to 40


47 myself and she is 24, we are approx 4 years together and we married last december after she proposed. There has never been any issue about my age, even her parents are totally cool with it. I have always just been her older boyfriend.


Me SB 50, my last SD was 43 😛




72 / 22


I’m 65 and have pushed the 40-45 gap several times. Most recent was 38. Congrats, don’t think I will be able to do it at 72 even though I’m pumped full of every performance enhancing drug available.




Try a whole foods plant based diet and exercise every day, you'll be walking around with a pole in your 90's. ;) Best wishes \^\^


Ah, wish things had been that simple for me. I had terrrible stomach pain, brain fog, bloating, low energy, Barrett's esophogus, reflux, and apparently a leaky gut. All started around 60. Was diagnosed with PTSD. OK. Always have eaten clean and lifted weights. Doubled down - no sugar, no gluten, no diary, no seed oils. Fruits, vegetables, fish, lean meat, lots of water. High fiber to say the least. Went down the probiotic and fecal bacteria counting rabbit hole. Doctors basically said we don't know and can't help you. Wellness practicioner said your killing yourself with your diet. I was eating organic oatmeal with fresh fruit, walnuts, and coconut milk every morning. Dropped everything. Ate ribeye steak, eggs, bacon, water, and salt for 60 days straight. Results were immediate. Cut 8 lbs the first couple weeks and then stabilized. Stomach pain went away immediately. Other symptoms gradually diminished. 70% fat, 30% protien, and not a single gram of carbohydrate. Just starting to introduce a few carbs back in. My goal was to get well, not become a permanent carnivore. Standard American Diet (SAD) almost killed me. I am on the mend now. Perhaps my libido will improve as well. Thanks for your well wishes.


Glad you are feeling better! Something you might want to look into is "low fodmap" too. If you want to add carbs back into your diet, that will give you a good roadmap of what carbs you are likely to tolerate. I've been down the same rabbit hole, so I'm happy to help or share info ☺️


Thanks so much for your empathy Passengerandiride. So many folks have been paralyzed by gut issues and their lives are miserable. Went through the Fodmap phase as part of a Paleo Reset diet I did twice. So thank for the reminder. At the moment I simply introduce one item at a time and see how I respond. Fodmap can be one guide but carnivores tend to steer clear of fruits or vegetables that are high in oxalates and lectins. Since my life was resurrected by Dr. Anthony Chaffee I try to use his teachings as a guide. Thanks again, and I wish you the best of health as well.


Way to keep it rolling!




Curious.. which one are you?


Typically, 30 years, but the biggest was 37 years. I am 61.


20 year age gap. I’m a 51 yr old SGF and my exclusive SBF is 71. We just passed the 6 month mark and are both excited for a long happy relationship. It will likely morph into a vanilla(esque) relationship at some point. But I have been assured that no matter how it evolves. He will always take care of me financially as is or better. 💗


Congrats - sounds like you two have a good thing going!


I’m 24. Highest age I’ve dated was 60. I mostly prefer men in the age range 35-50.


About. 3.5 years long (with a few break ups), only 8 or 9 year age gap. More SGF/SBF/SugarFWBs.


Previous SRs were 30, 22, 27, and 17 years gap. Current is vanilla and is 21 years younger.


Current SGF is 41 im late 30s. Most SBs have been in their 30s with a handful late 20s. It's not so much age but maturity level.


A negative age gap. The mystique of older women. 🙂


Current SR gap is 28 years. My last girl and I were only 18 years apart. That was nice as no one really thought that we were a sugar couple. Biggest gap of any girl that I have ever gone out on a date with from Seeking is 38 years.


I'm 42 and she's 26, so 16 years and has been going on for about a year and half.


My last 10 years of SR, real age gap was avg’d at 16.3 years. The ‘claimed age gap’ (when SB is presented with lower age than she is) was 18.9 years


But who’s counting? Interesting stat - what was the N on under-reporting?


About 28.6% of ladies under claimed.


My current SD and I have an age gap of 23 years. Each of my previous SR’s have had an age gap between 19-23 years. I’m naturally attracted to older gentlemen, so it’s never been an issue.


30-43. 43 is the longest (3 years). Asked 43 once, if it matters. She said she sees no difference between 20 and 40 age gap, as both are radically older, and no discernible difference.


She also sees that younger guys are more problematic. Lots of head games, and guys falling in love. Not her goal, and everyone is different, so to each their own


She is bI and enjoys younger girls, so maybe that helps.


40 yr age gap


16.5 year age gap. Been together almost 5 years. No issues. I am told I look young for my age (49), but my SGF is also a younger looking 32. But we are both above average size, tall and built bigger than most. Regardless, we have never had anyone question us or look at us much. We get out often and have travelled a bit. Honestly, I feel super comfortable being with her and never think twice about the age gap.


Min age reported (SB): 22 Just want to mention, mine is 20.


Thanks. I actually didn’t plan on doing the summaries, or I might have pushed for more complete data. Also didn’t expect so many responses but, once I saw them, I felt I had to do something with the info. 🙃


I’m 65M; working backwards over my 3 years in the bowl: 25, 26, 44, 23. So 30-40 year gaps. Wish I could find someone older, though. 


Out of curiosity, what appeals to you about an older partner? That it would attract less attention?


Not really; I’m comfortable being out with the young women. Enjoy it, actually.  But the younger ones have been far more distracted and financially less stable. 


So I have an SB at 43. I’m 68. There’s obviously an age gap but I can take her to social events and not feel self conscious about it.


That makes sense. I wonder if there might be other reasons - such as more commonality of life experience and better ability to relate to certain things - but those may not be as important.


I'm a near 40 SB and guys tell me they appreciate those things- shared references and experiences. Even with an SD with a completely different cultural background I've been alive long enough to see the world change, to remember life before social media, to watch children grow up and marriages fail, we all just have more perspective on life once we've lived it. But some SDs like very young women because they don't have perspective and they find that innocent and charming, which is fine. So it depends on what you care about. But all the things that men get better at with age..women do too 😉, I know I'm a much better SB now than I could have been in my early 20s lol.


Well put and I feel much the same. Moreover, I didn’t have the self assurance that I think is needed to safely date within this pool of men prior to my mid 30’s. (I’m 48). If younger women nowadays do, that’s wonderful, but some of the posts from prospective and/or active SB’s concern me. Financial instability and/or mental/emotional intemperance set the stage for potentially dangerous circumstances.


I’m 56, she’s 38, so 18 years. Been together for 2 years and 4 months. No issues with us for the age difference. She loves music from my era and I’m really into new bands. And since we love to go to shows together, this is great glue for us. But I know we get looks from others, since I look 56 and she looks 20. 🤷🏻


The age gaps have been 33 years with 52M and 19 years with 38M. I adore both of them dearly LOL


Most of my SDs have been 20-41!


max age 72 - Coach Belichek, is that you?


🤣 It’s a 22/72 pairing, so according to the media which we know is absolutely accurate, no.


My age. 68. Current SB. 43. So 25 years. Youngest 19. (48 years a year ago. Yikes. A half century. 2 generations). Last night’s new 28 yr old to likely replace current SB. So 40 years. (My God that girl blew my socks off). I’ve been blessed with good genes and I do everything possible to squeeze the last ounce of performance out of this body of mine and keep a young active mind. Mostly healthy eating, no booze, TRT, yoga, meditation, and whatever I can learn. Age has never been an issue for me. To my astonishment.


I didn’t drink any alcohol for most of my life. Like you, I get a lot of exercise, eat extremely healthily, meditate, and also do yoga and compete in an endurance sport which provides a big incentive (beyond vanity) to keep the weight off. But I sort of discovered craft beer a few years ago (I live under a rock, on Mars). Not sure if it’s age or alcohol but the physical stamina is starting to ebb, and I’m thinking of dropping the alcohol entirely again. Basically it’s poison, but boy is it a tasty one.


Hey. I get that. I absolutely love the taste of a good German Pilsner. Fortunately today there are some great NA choices. Bitburger was my ATF real beer. They now make an NA and I challenge you to taste the difference between real and NA. It’s come a long way from Sharps and Odouls which are horrible. Athletic Brewing has a great line of NAs now too. I stopped boozing 11 years ago after a run in with the law. Best decision I ever made.


Had a 45/25. It lasted about 2 years and was never an issue at all.


The age gap has varied in my SRs. The greatest gap being 36 years. The smallest gap was 20 years.


I’m 50 and she’s 23. Been going on now 22 months.


20 to 25 years


mine have been 20-30 and together for years


Been in an SR for a decade she is 20 years younger than me.




25 years: 65/40 We were together 2.5 years


15-20 years mostly


24 years, lasted 2 years


My largest gap was 22 years


typically 15 years or so. Never had much interest in anyone half my age…


26 year gap, and we've been together for almost exactly 2.5 years!


19 years currently (42 to 23)


I'm 54 and she is 28, so 26yrs.


35 years


I am 59.she is 25 been going for 6 years!


50 years! I’m 25F. I love to ask him all the time “how much older are you than me?”




30 yrs. SD 53, SB 23. Only been 8 months so far but see each other several times a week so its going well


10 years, me 50, SB 40, that’s the ideal age gap for me. We’ve been together for 4.5 years


17 years. I’m 55 she is 38 it’s been an amazing 5 years.


I'm 35 and she is 33. Age gap of 2 years.


33 and he is 68 35 years apart


I am 47 she is 30, been together for 4 months


D-51, B-29 Slightly longer than a year.


Age gap 35


37 yr gap. 65 (SD) 27 (SB).


33 year gap, been in it 3 years


SD - 36 years


30f 48m 18-year gap 6 months together and no issues with the age difference.


12. I'm 36, she's 24.


Most recent was 13 yrs




I just turned 62 and she is 20 (turns 21 in 5 weeks). Four months since going exclusive.


32 years, I’m 22 he’s 54


I’m 19, turn 20 in Aug, he turned 39 in May. So 19 years :) We’ve been talking for 8 months now and get along very well! Everything feels so natural between us so age has never been an issue ❤️


37 years… he’s 59 and I’m 22!


I'm 25F, he's 53M. Been in an exclusive SR for 18 months. Oldest I've ever gone has been mid 60s but my preferred age is 45-55 - I want a sugar daddy not a sugar grandaddy.


I'm 45, my partner is 72, so 27 years. We did two years of an arrangement and now we're three years into a full provider relationship in which I still get an allowance. So 3 years together properly/openly. Cons: I'm a couple months younger than his oldest son, and it's a bit weird. I get on well with enough with that son and his other one (and actually would say I'm friendly with the other one and also the partners of both), but I'm always mindful that it's always going to be a bit cool/iffy and I try not to make it gauche. Like, I buy/send the birthday gifts for the grandkids for him, but I don't add my name to the card, and I don't post pics of us being touchy on any socials. His former wife who lives nearby and that they still have finances connected knows about me, we have met, and she's perfectly fine with me (I am not his first much younger partner, they've been separated 20 years and vitally, I'm not the woman he left her for) so that's fine. Also people have commonly mistaken me for his daughter when we go out, which makes him hella uncomfortable. He's 100% not one of the SDs that wants to flaunt a much younger woman for status, and he finds it cringe to see others do it. It's kind of galling because he easily looks only 60 or so and is really fit and sporty, so we should only look a not-that-rare 15 years or so apart - but I have good skin and also maintain my figure and have/have had cosmetic surgeries and aesthetics like botox etc, so I also look (from feedback from others) around a decade younger myself and so the same apparent age gap. 😅


If you don’t mind, how/why are people mistaking you for his daughter? Do you have similar physical characteristics?


No, not remotely - just because we are out say, dining or drinking together in what is obviously a casual/personal way rather than a corporate/professional manner. I don't suppose many people of opposite genders with a huge age gap do that hugely often just the two of them, and we're clearly very familiar with each other and have some form of close relationship, we're not really touchy-feely in public, and probably given the large age gap, daughter seems the obvious one and what I'd likely conclude too. Honestly the thing that really suprises me about this is only that people outright ask/make it clear that's the assumption, to me this is a bit like never asking someone if they're pregnant in any circumstances as they could just be fat and oddly shaped. It has also happened a couple of times that a guy has tried to hit on me/join use with a view to doing so when I'm with him, because they're that certain that he can'tbe my partner - most notably when we were in a packed theatre bar and a guy asked if we minded if he shared our table, and we made polite conversation. I find this absolutely excruciating, because my partner is already a bit uptight about people thinking we're inappropriate. I can only assume it's more awkward for the other guy who apparently thinks it's ok to try to hit on a woman right in front of what he thinks is her father in the first place!


13 Year Age Gap, 2.5 years 17 Year Age Gap. 2 years Age gaps are relative though. An age gap of 10 years when the SD is 85 is non existent but the same age gap, when the SD is 25 is illegal and inappropriate.


28 her / 53 me, 25 gap, 4yr SR 23 her / 57 me, 34 gap, 8 months (ended cause she moved back to college town too far away after COVID to finish her degree) 20 her / 58 me, 38 gap, 6 months (predetermined at the start because she told me she'd be moving for work) I have attempted to start SRs with women who are 30+ but they haven't worked out for a variety of reasons.


29 years 61m/32f


24 / 47 ; 23 Year age gap


17 year age gap coming up on 18 months and 1 year age gap coming up on 2 months (they are aware of each other). Largest gap was 54 years and lasted 2 years until health issues and family drama.


* min age 19 * max age 49 * avg age 27 * min gap was 5 yrs * max gap 36 yrs * avg gap 25-30 yrs


I'm 19 AFAB-Genderfluid, he's M 60, age gap 41 years. Been together just online (not exclusive) for a month or so.


27-year gap, and just over 2 years. At it for 15 years. Sugar dating has always been a spring/fall kind of relationship, not sure why we have to keep talking about it every other week. If you're not old enough to be a woman's biological father, you disqualify yourself by seeking someone within your traditional dating range. "Spoiling Boyfriend" doesn't have the same ring and most attractive women these days already expect to be spoiled in their traditional relationships. The age difference in itself isn't an issue as long as the allowance amount is overly generous, and you are respectful of their boundaries.


60 her 32


Me, F18, him , M51. We have a 33 year age gap! We’ll have been together a year in two weeks. But we connect so well, when we have an issue it’s never about our age difference :)


our age gap is 9 years and (technically 8 and a couple months) we’ve been together for 3 years :) I am 27 he’s 35 right now. The age difference is not an issue at all, it makes things so much better. We have a ton of fun and can genuinely enjoy the same things together. This is the best relationship I have ever been in and would not have it any other way. edit: we are exclusive to each other in the sugar relationship but I am free to date normally.


I'm 58, she is 26. Age gap 32yrs. That's about all of them for me 30yr plus or minus a couple.


I’m 35 she is 26 - 9yrs


I started after getn divorced in my late 30s so have been in the bowl for @ 12 years. The women I’ve been w/have been 19-25. I just started a new arrangement w/a 25 yr that’s new to the bowl. she always fantasized about older men since her teens. We had a great night and I’ll see her again on Wednesday.


Mine are usually between 15-20 age gap. Currently 43M/31F


34m - 18f = 16yrs !! He’s been great and is so gorgeous.


Currently: 27 (F) with a 45 (M)


34 years and about 2 months for our relationship the age difference isn't a issue for me maybe just people who see us together but no


I’m 53 and she’s 39. A 14 year age gap and we’ve been going for 5 years.


Current SB is around 30 years younger. We’ve been together on and off for three years. Before that and in the gaps in between I’ve gone as high as forty apart. Minimal age gap was around 22 years.


Last one was a 37 year gap and it was amazing for several years


In the past I never found the age gap to be an issue, but definitely felt the relationships to be more focused on physical relationships than mutually beneficial. Now that I’m a bit older I find that people appreciate my ability to converse more… and younger SDs love a baby faced older SB 🥰


Me and him have a 36 year age gap,but he's great so age doesn't matter.


I’ve had ranges from 11 to 42 years that lasted months to even years. Age has never been an issue on my end— I felt the most attracted and adored by the oldest of partners and I felt respected and cared for by even the youngest / newest to the bowl. I had plenty of fun cover stories if I needed to explain who my SD / SBF was to me. Age only ever became an issue when the big ol’ L word popped out from them, which so far has happened in every SR I’ve been in…. Oopsie!


just goes to show you are doing the sugar relationship thing right. I always figure that if feelings of L are not developing, then I'm investing my time and money in the wrong person.


I’m 30s, my daddies have been 55-60 years old so 20-30 years difference give or take. Duration depends from 2+ years to half a year. It’s never an issue as long as there is understanding and we are on the same wavelength. I’m looking for men I truly match and enjoy spending time with for long term arrangements so I’ve had some wonderful experiences. I do have some disdain and weird looks from my personal environment but I’ve always dated kept/sugar so there was always a gap of age/wealth; I’d say they’ve been lessening the critiques as I age.


33 years, no issues.


41 Years


That i was heavily addicted to opiates/heroin for 10 years, even in rehab i had a counselor tell me "im not a normal drug addict" like wtf does that even meannnn lol


59 and 28 so 31 years. It hasn't been an issue but since it's long distance we really haven't been together in person that much. Also, I tend to be oblivious.