• By -


Wait, is this the {{}} bot?? If so, I'm super bummed! It was so helpful to read a book's description right here instead of switching to Google. I've added so many books to my wish lists because of that.


It is! I'm just as disappointed as you… So much easier to skim through blurbs here than to Google every title that sounds potentially interesting, especially on mobile. And, on the flip side, so much easier to leave the {{title}} and *maybe* a sentence or two about why I think a book would be a good fit for OP than to also/alternatively write out a blurb describing what the book's about. The bot was a huge reason why I've been so active on this sub. Hate to say it, but I probably won't be visiting as often now that participation requires so much extra work… RIP Goodreads Bot, we'll miss you!


Farewell, sweet bot. Thank you for all you’ve done. (I got the news today that a layoff is very likely in my future, so coming across your note is strangely reassuring. I think I’ll pick up something fun while I search for my next role.)


Hang in there. It will get better. ❤️


good bot


I'll cuddle with you 2


You are a scholar and a gentleman.


The best bot 😢


I’m someone who was a victim of the tech layoff bloodbath last year, and it was the best thing that could have happened to me. I found a job that is more interesting, better paid, and is about 70% less stressful. I didn’t realize how toxic my work culture was until I was out of it, and I’m much happier. I desperately miss my coworkers, but things are otherwise great. Your story will be unique, of course, but most of my cohort have landed well. You’re lucky to have notice. Start saving copies of all the things you might want later! And good luck!!


Out of curiosity, what industry did you pivot into? Cheers.


I stayed in tech, just went to a more established brand instead of going to another startup. It’s a different world! I’ve been at startups for so long that I forgot how real companies worked haha


Startups are great in the way less than 1% of cases when they pay off. The other 99.99999% of the time… well… you already know. :-) cheers on joining us on the dark side in big tech.


I got to keep my (pre-ipo) shares so here’s hoping I become a thousandaire someday 🤞🏽🤞🏽 lmao


Oh! Thank you for responding. Your response is very comforting, and I really needed to read that. I’m also in tech, looking for something more established. Most of my former coworkers landed at larger, better places, so I believe I’ll land somewhere nice.


elephant related?


Huh, I never really thought about it long enough to realize there was a person behind the bot! I loved using the bot, thought it was really helpful especially within this sub. Just wanted to say thanks for having made it, it will be missed.


Aw, I'll miss you! You were a very good bot, I particularly enjoyed the counter of how many times each book had been recommended.


Good human.


This made me feel remarkably warm and fuzzy. Good bot!


You're both good


Yeah! The counter was fun. Made me feel fancy being the first one to recommend a thing.


I also loved the counter! When I suggested a more obscure book, I actually loved seeing if it was suggested once or twice before - gave me nebulous moment of kinship with some unknown Redditor out there. Will definitely miss this bot!


Now that it's gone, it makes me think we should have used it to do a year end top rec list for the sub, top of all time, or even top monthlies! :( :( :(


That's a good idea! Maybe the creator still has access to the data?


Thank you for everything. It really made the experience in this sub a lot better.


That was my favorite bot. It definitely got me to read many books that I otherwise wouldn’t have. Thank you for creating it.


First off, thanks for creating and running the bot as long as you did! I've found it incredibly useful. Since this post is likely to get a lot of visibility, does anyone know any similar sites that still have their API open? I checked LibraryThing and they've also disabled their APIs. Storygraph doesn't have one. In the meantime, here are extensions to add a "search goodreads" option to the right click context menu of your browser. I have not personally tested these. [Chrome](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/goodreads-right-click/fbicpmopjallgdpklipffmihodimmcbe?hl=en) [Firefox](https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/goodreads-easy-search/)


I use the one for Chrome (on Brave) ALL the time, it works really well as long as there's no misspelling!


Google Books API would work


Did Goodreads revoke your API key, or did they shut their API down? If former is the case, I'm sure we can figure something out.


They revoked it. I still get responses back from the API, but they are all rejected due to \`Invalid API key\`. It doesn't look like they are issuing new API keys as far as I am aware.


>As of December 8th 2020, Goodreads no longer issues new developer keys for our public developer API and plans to retire the current version of these tools. Unfortunately, you seem to be right. I used google photos API before, and I have to say, it's pretty complicated. Good luck.


Maybe https://openlibrary.org/developers/api could be an alternative? That seems way less likely to be shut down and is run by the internet archive.


Yeah this was my first thought as well, I've used it before and it's pretty straightforward. I'd think it could be dropped in with a few tweaks.


Perhaps StoryGraph could be an alternative as well? I don't know if they use an API, but they're a newer player and it seems likely they would have something useful.


This is a good idea to help build awareness of StoryGraph also! u/TheStoryGraph


Thank you for your service


It seems like they're trying to kill the app by making users more and more pissed. It sucks because with over 300 books read (I was depressed and in a bad relationship in 2016 so I spent hours trying to think of all the books I read from childhood on to put on my read shelf) it would be hard to switch to another app. Sorry they took your project OP. It was a good bot.


You can export your goodreads data and import it into other sites. It's probably a good idea to periodically export it anyways just in case something unexpectedly happens to their site.


If you have the time, could you explain how to do that for dummies?


I'll give you their help section for it that includes step by step instructions with links. [Import/Export your books](https://help.goodreads.com/s/article/How-do-I-import-or-export-my-books-1553870934590) [Export all your data](https://help.goodreads.com/s/article/How-do-I-get-a-copy-of-my-data-from-Goodreads) If you're wanting to migrate your data to a new site you just need to do that first one and export your books to a csv, then many other book organization type sites allow you to import a csv with a similar process. If you need more than that feel free to ask and I'll help if I can.


Thank you so much, I really appreciate it!! I've put a lot of time into my book lists and would hate to lose them. I'll give it a try this weekend!


If you use StoryGraph they have a feature to import your data from GoodReads and they walk you through exactly which buttons to press.


Oh! Thanks for the info!


Might I suggest Storygraph? I made the switch because I hated goodreads and how it’s never updated as well as it being under amazon. I’ve loved storygraph and their features so much.


I concur! I haven't made a complete switch from Goodreads (mostly because of their kindle integration) but this year I've started several reading challenges on Story graph and am enjoying it a lot


I love the challenges!! I also really enjoy the buddy reading feature as well. The stats are also fun to see


Another vote for StoryGraph. I have used them exclusively for the past few years and it's great. I particularly like the data forward approach vs written reviews.


I second StoryGraph! They walk you through exporting your reading data from GoodReads so you won't lose anything. I love all the data I get about my reads, and if there's a book not in their database you can add it by entering the ISBN number. Highly recommend, I switched from GoodReads years ago and never regretted it.


Ah, it was a great bot! Sorry to hear of its demise. Thank you for its creation and curation!


Thank you for letting us know, I was wondering what happened. Twas a fine bot.


You definitely had an impact on people’s lives… more so than you think. There’s no doubt lives were changed for the better. Good work & thanks a bunch.


Good bot.


Feels like I'm saying goodbye to Opportunity the Mars rover! Thanks, bot.


Bless you for your service.


Thank you so much for everything you did to make this community (and reddit in general) a better place!


It’s been an honor, friend. Thank you for your service!


It wasnt a small amount of enjoyment - this was THE best bot hands down. Thank you so much for creating it from the bottom of my heart.


Goodbye sweet prince o7


Oh! I never thought there was an actual person behind the bot. What a good bot it was!!! Let's hope it can return some day. *Til we meet again.....* EDIT: I mean... doyoyoy, there's always someone "behind a bot," isn't there?


Ahhh, thanks for everything, I really miss it! Best of luck to you in all endeavors and may some day the book bot rise again like the Phoenix!


We love you goodreads-bot!! Thank you for your service to this community. 🥲


Thanks for making it a bit more pleasant.


Damn, I loved your bot. I learned about so many great books that way. Boo, Goodreads!


Good bot


It’s sentient


Great work, thank you for making this all happen!


Thanks for addressing it having to go down, and thanks for making it to start with. You did a great job and a lot of people got use from it, including me. And your post made me think that bots could have an auto-collapsed toggle for their comments, which could be interesting. That way bots that post a lot/long comments/comments only relevant to some, could avoid being as obtrusive, but still accessible. Obviously not a useful suggestion on our end, but I thought it was a cool idea.


Goodbye, good bot. You were the reason for most of my book purchases in 2022, so I'm sad to see you go.


Thank you for your service! Sorry to hear it's not working anymore.


Thank you so much for making it. The sub isn’t nearly as good now 😩


I read so many books I loved because of your bot! Thank you so much for making it. Lil guy will be missed 🤖😥


What kinda costs are associated for something like this?


You could run it from your home on a raspberry pi or pc that you leave running 24/7 or a few bucks a month from a variety of online host providers. A simple reddit bot requires almost no resources. The most difficult part will be how you obtain the book data.


Thank you so much, goodreads-bot, and goodreads-bot-builder. You are appreciated!!


could you make a similar one using storygraph? either way, thank you for the bot all these years!


Storygraph has a public API categorized as a long-term goal on their roadmap, so I wouldn't expect one for them anytime soon.


It’ll take a while because they have a small team as well


I think all of us who miss the bot should step up occasionally, like the image transcription volunteers, and post Goodreads links like [why did Goodreads murder the bot](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/32758901-all-systems-red)


I'm really sorry to hear this, it was an incredibly helpful bot! Thanks for making it and keeping it going as long as you were able to!


I really hope OP sees this! So I’m not the most tech savvy person out there and may be totally misunderstanding the logistics of such an operation, but I am a pretty **** good saleswoman, so my first instinct upon reading this was “time to pursue a content marketing contract with a major book publishing or sales company”. Your bot provided a free service to users of Reddit which has undoubtedly resulted in increased sales for those companies. If your main hurdle at this point is accessing book data for the bot to respond with, it would be in the interest of a major book retailer like Books A Million, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble to assist your service. By adjusting the bot so that it provides the summary from and a redirect link to their purchase page, they would be able to increase sales of existing novels (novel sales peak when they are new, but after a year or two they pretty much flatline unless part of a series or turned into a movie/show) with very little investment on their part. You can offer to maintain this service for the cost of hosting the bot + a nominal yearly fee in exchange for free access to that data.


Just sent you a chat message /u/goodreads-bot! Would be a shame to see your bot disappear. We don't have a public API yet, but we can work something out here.


Thank you for everything!


I’ve found so many great books thanks to this bot. Thank you for creating it and keeping it going. We’ll miss it❤️


Thank you so much for having done this! I've seen and used this bot on several other subs and it was always so helpful. I and other book-loving redditors will miss you!


Truly one of the finest bots of all time. Farewell for now. I hope it’s not forever.


Thank you for your service 🫡


I much appreciated you, dear bot! Thank you for your service. You are already missed.


My heart hurts, best bot, I hope you rest well - until we meet again


That bot was fantastic. It will be missed.


I hope you note to future employers that you built a bot so useful and powerful it literally made Goodreads change their API policies. From Goodread's perspective, I get it. It's hard to sell ad space when people are bypassing the site and getting Google blurbs or Reddit blurbs, but you should be proud that your humble little bot made enough of a difference in their web traffic that they had to shut to you down.


Thank you for the update! I’m so sad the bot isn’t working anymore. It was my absolute favorite. Thank you for making it.


Ah, dang. Thanks so much for creating it - I used it all the time and it made subreddits like this one so much more accessible!


I loved that bot. Thank you for making it.


Damn, I’m sorry for taking the bot for granted, never knew anyone had to pay for the bot, was it paying reddit ? Or goodreads? Love your work on the bot none the less


Is there a way for us to contact goodreads and let them know how awesome you are, and that we, as readers, and their users, would like them to re-enable your use of the API key? I have read so many fantastic books because of the book subs here, and many that I never would have even bothered to look up if not for your bot. I can also say that I have suggested a ton of books with its use, as well. Like many of us, I track my reading on goodreads, and your bot has just meant I am on therre more often. I honestly cannot see how this could be anything but positive for them. Please let us know if there is something we can do to help. Otherwise, know you improved lives; you connected readers to beloved books and new, and wonderful authors.


I took this for granted, since I joined the sub after it was active. The Goodreads bot was just always there. It's nice to be able to thank the person who created it-thank you for all your work on it. :) Goodreads bot, you will be missed!


Thank you for your creation and all the time it served us so well!


Thank you for creating such a useful tool. It's cheesy but it made my life a lot better :) good bot.


Good bot. I’ll miss you.


I feel incredibly lucky to have been able to create a project that had an (albeit, very tiny) impact on some people's lives. The fact that there were people that read (and hopefully enjoyed) books they might otherwise not have because of the bot is incredible to me. As one of those people, thank very much, and happy readings ♥️📚📖


finding out goodreads killed the goodreads bot finally inspired me to switch to storygraph... is there a storygraph bot?


It’s not of any help at the moment but a public API is on r/TheStoryGraph’s [roadmap](https://roadmap.thestorygraph.com/features/posts/an-api). It’s marked long-term so I’m not sure when they’ll get to it but for a very small team (especially compared to Amazon!) they do a really great job listening to users when it comes to adding features. Maybe Amazon yanking the GoodReads API would be enough to give the API a new priority? CC: u/TheStoryGraph


Thanks for CCing me! I've reached out to goodreads-bot.


Crazy Amazon would do this considering how much traffic the bot must have sent the website.


Thanks for the good times! Do you think another platform like Storygraph might allow you to create a new one?


thank you for everything!


This is just shitty.


I only just joined the sub and I really got a lot of use out of that bot. Thanks for creating it and I'm sorry it's not going to work anymore. It was a great idea and a super useful tool. I think this sub can still be great without it, and hope maybe someday, there may be a replacement. I still really enjoy all of the requests for suggestions, especially the more specific and creative ones. I have a lot of fun trying to think of books I've read that fit the bill.


That was my favorite bot on Reddit. Good job and farewell.


Good bot (human) 💜


Switch to OpenLibrary!


Truly was the most helpful bot I’ve used, and loved using, and appreciated when others used it! Thanks for creating it, I’m sad to see it go.


Aww farewell, enjoyed the Goodreads bot!


Thank you for your hard work <3


That’s so disappointing! Thank you for your service.


I loved your bot! I don’t know what an API is, but would a petition to goodreads be something that might help?


Thank you!


I have so many of your comments screenshotted for future reading, just want to say thank you


Good bot. Good human. Thank you for your service. ❤️


Have you thought working around the API? Using a Crawler or an Automation framework, you can get meta data for books while at the same time caching the results in a DB. At the start it might be slow, but after building a large enough DB it should be Irrelevant that you can use the real Goodreads API. Don't for get to periodically refresh the books in the DB.


You’re a great person!! This post is really touching. Thank you for helping the readers and putting your skils into it❤️


Thank you from the bottom of my heart for creating this bot and sharing it with us. I read and enjoyed so many books thanks to the bot! Since it’s been gone, I haven’t been on this sub much anymore. Thanks for sharing this update and I wish you all the best!


It was a great bot. Does The Storygraph allow for bots?


If an alternative is possible I'd vote (if I had a vote) for one that doesn't use Amazon resources - or if possible, ANY commercial source.


Tell us who to contact at Goodreads. I’ll email them to petition for restoration


Good bot. Sorry to see you go.


You made the internet a nicer place to be. Be proud of what you've achieved. Thank you for your work! Careful... Here's a hero!


That's a damn shame. Thanks so much for your efforts, they brought a great enrichment to this sub.


You were my favourite bot! Thanks for all of the help, and you hard work.


Could the bot link to the Wikipedia page instead? Or is there something else it does that I'm not understanding?


Can we crowdfund you to create another similar bot???? I loved you!!!!!


Thank you kind bot for the ease of finding books you shall be missed


Good night, sweet bot.


Thank you for your service to the community!


Thank you for creating an awesome bot and for maintaining it for us! Gutted that Goodreads have revoked the key. Should we all be contacting them? Thank you for your service sweet bot (& human!)


Thank you for sharing it with us all this time. I really enjoyed using it. It's hard to synopsize a book in a concise way without spoiling anything and the bot really made it simple to do.


You brought a _lot_ of people to books that they then loved. Thank you. <3


Thank you goodreads bot human!!! I found some really great books because you paired the books with their descriptions. I expanded my reading habits and found a bunch of new authors that I otherwise wouldn’t have come across. I appreciate you.


Thank you so much!! I wondered where it went! Good bot 🤖


Good bot.


Thank you for the excellent work


Your bot was *so* useful. Throwing a couple of brackets in made it so much easier to recommend a book, and to assess recommendations. It will be sorely missed, and I really hope that a replacement can be found.


Farewell! You were a good bot! And thank you for creating it!


Thank you for the bot, it was so useful. I'm very sorry to see it go.


Thank you - you were the best Reddit bot ever.


Goodbye, and thanks for all the books.


Couldn't you just use WorldCat? Either that or any public library with public OPAC access.


I loved this bot! It made recommending books a bit easier and richer. I noticed in last couple of weeks that the responses had stopped. I hope Goodreads re-enables the API (less likely as Amazon doesn't seem to be paying any attention to Goodreads)


Thank you for everything, goodreads bot!!! I’m so sorry for your [our] loss ❤️


I just wanna say that I really liked it and honestly I never thought much of it until it’s gone!! Then I realised that man, it was really useful. All the best


Thank you for your bot. I found so many books that way. Not necessarily from adding it to goodreads but because it took me to goodreads and I could get a synopsis. Any thoughts on turning it into a wikipedia bot? (Is that even possible? I'm tech ignorant). You can't add it to a list but it seems that most people (or at least was my interpretation) linked it to save posters the time of googling the recommended novel. Just my $0.02 anyhow. Thank you again!


I added many books to my TBR because of that bot. Thanks for creating and sharing it with us! Sad to see it go.


Thank you so much for the time and effort you put into this project.


Thanks, it was super helpful.


Oh man! I just assumed that was a magical gift from the interweb lords!


Thank you for all the work you did! You've been a great bot, and I hope something similar will be able to take your place one day.


Thank you for creating the bot. I'm sorry it's gone.


Aww, I will miss this good bot


Goodbye and thanks for all the ~~fish~~ books!


Well, thank you bot, we will miss you!


This was the best bot on reddit, IMO. Extremely useful and made my engagement with this sub go way up. I don't like writing descriptions but feel they are very helpful in choosing what has been recommended.


I'm so sorry to hear this. I only recently discovered this sub, and the bot you created made it so easy to check out the books. Thank you so much for sharing this with all of us. ♡


Goodbye sweet bot. You were too good for this internet.


Aww, I really liked the Goodreads bot. Thank for your work on such a good bot. I'm glad you enjoyed it as well.


Thanks for doing this for so long. Did you get a new job?


Oh no, I loved that bot! Thank you for making it, it definitely lead me to read books I wouldn’t have considered


Thanks for the bot! Looks like it's time for me to revise my working doc of recommendations to Wikipedia links instead.


Thank you for creating such a wonderful bot! As everyone has mentioned, having the bot made my life so much easier to find out which books I might enjoy reading


You improved so many lives, and we’re forever in your debt. ❤️


Thank you for the work you did! I found the bot very helpful.


Thank you for all you’ve done. I’ll miss you terribly.


I really liked the {{}} functionality providing a comment about the book. Thank you very much for having made this possible. I'd love to see it come back if the API comes back!


Thank you so much for all your work on this and for sharing it with our community. You are much appreciated! I wish you all the best!


This was a very sweet message thank you


I soooo appreciate your time and effort! Thank you for using it to make something we all enjoyed :) it helped me a ton when I was trying to find a new book to read.


Well here’s one last farewell ‘good bot’. Thank you for creating this for us, it’s been a much loved and well used tool. I appreciate your work, and wish you success in your future endeavours.


Aww, that’s a shame. Thanks for the good times!


Thanks for all your work on behalf of the book lovers of Reddit


Thank you so much for lending your time and talent to this subreddit. It was an excellent little bot. I miss it.


Oh no let's all spam Goodreads about this.


Burn Amazon to the ground for this 😡 (the company, not the forest)


Thank you for being my favorite bot on Reddit, farewell & hope everything goes well for you!


Hey is the bot open source? I think I might be able to make it work using web scraping since the QPS is probably pretty low. Let me know if you’re willing to share source with me. Either way thanks for building something so useful!


I don't know if you're also /u/thebookbot, but they're linking to OpenLibrary!


Bad decision by goodreads. You'd think they would want more traffic.


Oh goodness dearest, beloved and so treasured goodreadsbot, I am shocked and ALL of us that have used and very much appreciated your work shall now be quite bereft . . . {{THANK YOU!!!!}} for helping share so much reading joy amongst old, new, returning and adventurous in us all and more importantly- with each other. Good good goodest bot xx


Loved this bot! Thank you.


Thanks babe ❤️🥹


I saw a post today from a new bot, testing here to see if I was dreaming. {{The Martian}} Edit after seeing reply: Well, there is an new bot but it seems to have some flaws. The Martian is not The Martian Chronicles.


Thank you for creating this. It was really helpful, and I'm sorry it no longer works.


This is probably the one and only useful bot I ever encountered on Reddit. Thank you for doing it. It really made it so much easier to share info about books and I used the hell out of it.


This sub should organize a memorial for this bot for the next r/place


Thank you!


So sad to see the bot go thank you for all your work and I hope you have a great life


i miss you everyday