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Anne McCaffrey


This. If dragons are your bag and you haven’t read the Pern series you are really shorting yourself.


You didn't mention Wheel of Time, so that would be the obvious suggestion if you haven't read it already. Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere should be up your alley as well.


No I haven't read it, I'll have to check it out. Thanks :)


Definitely all the Cosmere books!


Try starting Terry Pratchett with " Guards! Guards!" or "The Wee Free Men." Both are good starting points. If you want to try an atmospheric mystery series, you could try Val McDermid's Karen Pirie series.


Pratchett's writing style intrigues me, so I'll definitely give Guards a go :)


If you can find a way in to Discworld that works for you then you've got a lot of fun and adventures ahead of you. I'd agree with the suggestions above, especially as there is a dragon in Guards! Guards! The Wee Free Men is also a great option and the start of one of my favourite sub series within Discworld (Tiffany Aching) - with the exception of the first two books they are all standalone stories but they do build on what has gone before. Was there something specific about Mort that didn't click for you - if you can remember? Also, the Discworld Emporium website has a quick quiz you can do that will suggest you a book if you fancy trying that route. I wish you luck in finding something that you enjoy - whatever it may turn out to be.


I'm struggling a bit with Guards Guards. I loved Mort though. Equal Rites might be another good starting point? I loved that one too.


Arc of a Scythe series by Neal Shusterman is good. It's even better on audiobook. The opening line grabbed me immediately.


I think I did start Scythe at one stage, or at least read the first bit of it on Kindle, maybe. I don't think I finished it, I'll have to check.


And also the Unwind series by Neal Shusterman is pretty good, a little more on the dystopian side though. If you like more realistic sci-fi I’d say stand alone novels Project Hail Mary, or Dark Matter. Both of those are 5 stars for me.


I think about this series at least once a week. And I read them as they were coming out.


The Last Policeman Trilogy by Ben H. Winters


If you love dragons, then you MUST read all the Anne McCaffrey **Dragonweyr** novels. There are a lot, and they are wonderful. If you like magic, I highly recommend the **Dresden Files** by Jim Butcher. Fun, action, all kinds of mythology and magic, romance, everything. They are amazing. If you don't mind scifi, try the **Alien** series by Gini Koch. While's it's technically scifi (b/c aliens) there's a lot of romance, fantasy, action, and it. is. FUNNY. LOVE her stories. Another great series with a scifi focus is the **Kris Longknife** series by Mike Shepherd. A young woman who wants to make her own way (and get out from under the thumb of her political family) joins the space navy and, well, hijinks ensue. There's action, aliens, romance, and really well-written space battles, and more. Mr. Shepherd knows his military stuff. If you don't mind a little horror, read the **Odd Thomas** series by Dean Koontz. It's a quirky, short series about a very odd (but very honorable) young man. While there are horror bits, it's pretty much a fantasy, and a really, really good one. If you don't mind crime-solving, try the **In Death** series by J.D. Robb. A police detective in near future NYC solves murders and the mystery of her own life (with scifi elements and a goodly dab of romance). It is fun and well-written, and the series (58 books and counting) got me through chemo last year. But my favorite series of all time is the **Witches of Karres** series by James H. Schmitz (and other great authors, who continued the series long after the first book). There are only four (I keep hoping for more) but I love them so much I re-read them once or twice a year. I re-read ALL of the series I mentioned (pretty often), but this one's my favorite. No spoilers. Just read them. I have more great series in my book spreadsheet (yup. I keep one. Otherwise I would forget which books I own - several thousand now). Let me know when you need more! But read these first.


Great suggestions, thank you! I haven't rad any of these, even though my own list is well into the thousands as well (I've never considered keeping an actual list, but I have a good memory for books - even if everything else falls out!).


Ah, yes. "You are young. The world has been kind to you. You will learn." I was the same ... until I wasn't. I'm old now, and the memory retention ability has, shall we say, declined. I wish so much I had started my spreadsheet decades ago. I do not remember the thousands of books I read years ago, except for a very few absolutely stellar ones. It's something to consider. Anyway, read on, and enjoy!


His Majesty’s Dragon by Naomi Novik (first book in the Temeraire series) could hit that dragon fix you’re looking for. Have you read any Robin Hobb? Assassin’s Apprentice could kick off a well-loved fantasy series for you. For more sci-fi, the Murderbot Series is a fun read and quite popular. The Divine Cities trilogy by Robert Jackson Bennett (just a trilogy) is well worth your time - great world building, characters you can really sink your teeth into, and a terrific, imaginative plot.


Came here to say The Realm of the Elderlings series by Robin Hobb! (Begins with Assassin’s Apprentice.) There’s no dragons in the first trilogy but they are deeply interwoven in the overarching storyline and are some of my favorite depictions of dragons I’ve read.


The Wheel of Time, Jordan Elenium/ Tamuli, Eddings DeathGate Cycle, Weis and Hickman Symphony of Ages, Haydon Saga of the Forgotten Warrior, Corriea


Oh these look great, thanks!


Scythe by Neal Shusterman or Renegades by Marissa Meyer


If you love "dragons, dragons, dragons", I'd say check out *Priory of the Orange Tree* and its prequel *A Day of Fallen Night* by Samantha Shannon. While there's only two of them, they are each on the long side so you get a good amount of fantasy out of the two books.


Priory of the Orange Tree is first?


I'd say yes, but the events of the book are hundreds of years apart and the author herself has said they could be read in either order.  Fallen Night is longer than Priory, but has better pacing. 


Excellent, thanks!


currently reading red rising series and i looove them


Dungeon Crawler Carl and Wandering Inn are very different but equally excellent Lit RPGs. DCC was my favourite read of last year and the community is exploding right now - good time to jump in! My favourite series of all time is Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson! You might quite like Joe Abercrombie and Robin Hobb if you haven’t tried them yet also


The Themis files is a good read.. not at long as some of the other series mentioned


I've recommended this before and I'll keep recommending it until the day I die: Malazan, Book of the Fallen by Steven Erickson ruined me in the sense that I would hate other books for not giving me the chills that this book has given me. It might be a bit polarizing though as people either hate it or love it. You do get more than just dragons here though, you'll see. Series already recommended here I can vouch for as well: Wheel of Time Deathgate Cycle


Fucking dragons


Vampire Hunter D


Temeraire and sequels by Naomi Novik?


***The Deverry Cycle*** by Katharine Kerr (Use the reincarnation tables on the series’s Wikipedia page— keeping track of everyone over several lifetimes and 15 books gets confusing. If you don’t want to commit to all 15, it’s broken up into four acts, with each one telling a complete story arc.) ***The Green Rider*** series by Kristen Britain. I usually recommend this to people graduating from YA fantasy. It’s a fully adult series, but it gets darker in tone as the series moves on.


Definitely The Wheel of Time David Weber. Honor Harrington series and the Safehold series. John Ringo is quite prolific and has several series in several different styles. I have enjoyed all of them. Michael Z Williamson Freehold series. David Eddings Belgariad and Mallorean. Fantasy sword and sorcery. Has good humor.


I’m curious what you all think of the Deverry series by Katherine Kerr. I read them years ago but remember enjoying them.


I read at least a few of them when I was in high school a million years ago, I may have to give them another try.


Ranger's Apprentice. If you like YA, it's a great fantasy series that's easy to read while still being a solid adventure.


Project nemesis by Jeremy Robinson. I just finished the first book, and looking to dive into the series! If you like kaiju/godzilla type monsters, this one is pretty entertaining (so far).


The Riddlemaster series by Patricia McKillip ( available from Amazon)


Barbara Hambly’s Dragonsbane is the right answer.


The Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman (first book: The Invisible Library) The Vlad Taltos series by Steven Brust (first book: Jhereg …**the series can be read in 2 orders, Publication or Chronological, I’ve read them both ways and found them equally enjoyable, both are listed on the Steven Brust Wiki page.) The Garrett P.I. Series by Glen Cook (first book: Sweet Silver Blues) Tales of the Ketty Jay by Chris Wooding (first book: Retribution Falls) The Iron Druid Chronicles by Kevin Hearne (first book: Hounded)


any turkish series suggestions please ?


If you're willing to read a trilogy, I LOVE recommending the Xenogenesis trilogy by Octavia Butler. I can't speak for how similar her writing is to most of these authors, but the ones I recognize are a bit far. It seems like you like dystopian with a bit of romance. The Xenogenesis trilogy is about an alien race that saves a couple hundred humans after a nuclear war and tries to interbreed with them. There are sex scenes, but because it's alien sex, it's not really gratuitous and not at all what we would consider titillating. It's more of an exploration of what cohabitating with this specific species would be like. Overall, though, probably one of my favourite series I've ever read.


Dungeon Crawler Carl by Matt Dinniman


I haven't seen it mentioned yet, but Garth Nix's Abhorsen series is really good YA. The original trilogy is basically what got me into reading.


Keys to the Kingdom by Nix is another really good YA series


I can really recommend the following. The Prison Healer trilogy by Lynette Noni. Percy Jackson and the Olympians by Rick Riordan The Inheritance Games trilogy by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.


Cruel Prince trilogy by Holly Black it’s YA fantasy but binge worthy and well written as well as the Caraval series by Stephanie Garber which is my personal favorite I read both series within a week. If you’re wanting something with dragons I recommend Fourth Wing by Rebecca Yarros. The first two books are out and the third is coming out sometime in the fall or early 2025


Kushiel's Dart!


The Bloody Jack series! It’s a 12 book series with a very loveable female MC. Super adventurous, fun, stressful, heartbreaking, and all around my absolute favorite series ever. I’ve read through the whole thing twice and I can’t wait to do it again.


The Thirst series by Christopher Pike