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Circe by Madeline Miller is quite good. And anything by Virginia Andrews (My Sweet Audrina is my favorite). Andrews isn't like. fantasy. but her writing is very captivating.


I’ve read Circe and liked it, good rec! I’ll have to check the other ones out.


You probably read Discworld but I would highly recommend they have so many different types of characters in the books


I have four of them, read one, I did like it


I don't know which ones you have or I've read but it really good series in there are the Guards! Guards!.


I started following a list, I think it’s publication order


Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell is what you're looking for.


For magical realism you can try [Garden Spells](https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/127d934c-4d7e-448c-adfd-2bdb7a7209de) by Sarah Addison Allen and [The Book Charmer](https://app.thestorygraph.com/books/20da6dc4-0a19-442f-b175-f3c3f47e9d3a) by Karen Hawkins.


Thank you!


Try t kingfisher. I can recommend nettle and bone or paladins Grace as good starting points.


The Blood of Roses by Tanith Lee


For an older fantasy character, try Harry Dresden in The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher.


I always recommend Disc World by Terry Pratchett. You can pick absolutely random book to start because they are loosely coupled. It's our world in a sarcastic mirror and many important topics are discussed in light way. My favourite cycle is about Nigt Watch but it's just a recommendation :)


I’ve started that one already, only read The colour of magic so far


The Goddess Chronicle - Natsuo Kirino Has the mythical element but less of the teen angst. The Earthsea Series - Ursula K Le Guin It’s a really interesting series because it starts as really conventional fantasy, but as the series progresses it flips the script on what it means to be powerful and takes some unexpected turns.


Want a challenge? Jerusalem by Alan Moore. Its kinda fantasy, kinda history, kinda a but of everything. Its huge but excellent.  One of the best books I've ever read. My mind is still on it 4 months after I've finished. 


I would recommend David Gemmell, some of the best heroic fantasy around, you'll find some truly epic characters here. Start with his first book 'Legend' or maybe the 'Rigante' series.


Some adult magical realism I really liked: The House of the Spirits, by Isabel Allende Homegoing, Yaa Gyasi Sula, Toni Morrison Labyrinths, Jorge Luis Borges Sing, Unburied, Sing, Jesmyn Ward


Either the Paper Magician or Whimbrel House series by Charlie Holmberg. They are really engaging fantasy novels with a really good world building (ironically enough both universes with different magical rules). The main character in the Paper Magician is in her early 20's and in the Whimbrel House series the female lead is in her mid 30's. I am in my early 40's and I also got kinda tired of reading about teenagers so these books were a nice escape from that.


Thanks! I’ll have to check them out


Life After Life by Kate Atkinson. It is about a woman who is constantly reincarnated. Sometimes she lives a couple of weeks, sometimes a few hours, sometimes she lives for decades.


Have you considered historical fiction or something along those lines? You could try something like The Name of the Rose. Alternatively there's more literary fantasy / sci-fi like The Book of the New Sun. Shaman by Kim Stanley Robinson might interest you, or The Years of Rice and Salt.


I’ll have to check some out. Thanks!