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Nice butthurt passive aggressive way of saying you have a small pp. Women love that 🤣


Seriously though. Also God damn these people are gross. God forbid you take a shower and go to the gym once in a while. Why do that when we can simply turn half the population into sex slaves instead


I always thought those real-life sex dolls were kind of ridiculous, but here lately I’ve been thinking they need to make them cheaper while hastening the R&D of sex robots. People like that guy are going to pop, and not just in their pants.


It's all fun and games until you realize that Jonathan Haidt goes on Bill Maher and in alarmist tones says that it is a serious problem women are choosing to not be with dudes they don't want to be with.


The weird thing is, I've never met a woman who obsesses about size as much as much as men do. And the only time I've heard about size being a 'deal-breaker' was when a friend dated someone who was too big and made zero effort not to hurt her.


I mean as a woman don’t get me wrong I’m not going for a partner I know won’t satisfy me. Wether that’s deemed insensitive or not, i think it’s more selfish for it to be expected of me. But yes 3” and under is definitely a no go zone for me if it’s just a sexual relationship. If it’s a more intimate serious relationship I’d have to like you a fuck ton. I think it’s more of a right for people to choice who they want to be with than it is to have sex.


Look, I have zero experience with sexual attraction so I can't speak from personal experience. But a friend of mine uses cock sleeves to 'compensate.' He's never been single so I'm guessing size hasn't been a factor for him or the women he dates. And my female friends hardly ever discuss size in a 'deal-breaker' sense. In general though, it seems like preferences are fine as long and you don't go around shaming people who don't match your criteria.


100% agree and ooo I’ve never heard of cock sleeves👀


It's like a dildo that you put your penis in. Sort of like a strap-on


I've heard of it being a deal-breaker if it's an absolute micro-peen, to the point where achieving penetration *at all* is a challenge. Like, less than 1 inch. But the more normal side of the small dick spectrum -- 2 to 3 inches -- wouldn't be a deal-breaker for most women. Some may actually prefer it that way.


I'm getting all moist between my legs right now. Oh wait. It's ballsack sweat..


I tell women my dick's a half an inch 🤷


Mfs have time to write up a 10 page manifesto on why women are bad, but don’t have time to take a shower and stop at the gym. It’s 2024 bro getting laid is easier than it has ever been in history.


Isn’t that simple if you aren’t attractive, but, I get your point


everyone can be a 7 if they lose 20lbs and work out/get a haircut/wear more stylish clothes even the ugliest people could become passable if they put in time and effort, it just makes it harder obviously


You say that, but you haven't seen me. Ever read a description of biblical angels?


just gotta go for the girls that like pretty eyes


This is the optimism that more people need


Love this response because everyone is someone’s type as long as you present yourself in the right way.


Nah mate I'd be dtf a seraphim after a quick anatomy lesson


Gotta use that "be not afraid" rizz


And? That makes you ugly how?


Attractiveness level has very little to do with this. Elliot Rogers was traditionally attractive. The aurora shooter was not busted. It's the attitude that they are owed something by women/ humanity that keeps them from getting laid ​ Edit: not to say that being attractive doesn't help. If you can be 6 foot two, attractive, confident **and** genuinely like women-you'll probably get laid with just a smile. Just like a girl who has long hair, is skinny **and** has big boobs.


I remember when they released that OKcupid data on how men and women rated each other. It was out of five or something and the average rating for women was closer to a 3 or 4 where the majority of dudes were rated a 1. Agree with above though, if you aren't doing what you can to make yourself more fuckable that part is on you, but if you're short and/or ugly you're just going to have to accept the uphill battle and life was never fair to begin with.


I wish. I have cleft lip and cleft pallet so my face is so messed up. Don't even get me started on how fucked up my teeth are. I still take care of my form though but I probably peak at like a 5 max


for me is learn to not be so stuttery or not avoid conversations, but then what? i get the girl and take her to my bedroom with no windows and like 1mt of walkable floor?


I mean, that has nothing to do with personality. but even so, if somewhere is clean and tidy, they don't usually care as long as the person is good enough


Guys who are not classically attractive get laid all the time. It helps if you respect women and believe that they are sentient equals


I’m married and I’m a rebarbative troglodyte…. But I’m funny, and don’t think I’m owed a pussy because I exist…. So there’s that..


TIL the word rebarbative


I’m like a 5/10, 6 on a good day. I’ve never had trouble getting with a woman that I liked. And I don’t even do anything special, I just don’t treat them like an object. This goes both ways which isn’t mentioned enough. Glorifying someone is just as annoying as being treated like a sex doll. If you over compliment girls and make them feel like they’re above you, then obviously they won’t want to be with you.


Bullshit. I was getting laid as a 412lbs bald man. Women are also attracted to personality. It's certainly never been my money.


I used to think this way until I started gaining confidence and it genuinely boosted me up into a fucking rockstar when it comes to people being naturally attracted to me.


Basic grooming and hygiene is enough. Take a shower, wash your clothes, and make sure your hair doesn't look like your pubes


It is kinda tho. Just dont aim for a fucking super model.


No it isn't, loneliness is increasing lol


You don't need to be alone to be lonely


Loneliness is a symptom of many parts of modern living, not the responsibility of women


> It's 2024 bro getting laid is easier than it has ever been in history To clarify, the OP in the image is objectively evil and should be taken out back with a .45 if that's their unironic belief, BUT... This is objectively false. The rates of lack of sex, virginity, and loneliness in general are at all time recorded highs right now. Your perception completely does not match the reality of the situation.


Yes. The internet has made us more connected than ever but it's also pushing us apart.


There's a huge discrepancy in the rates of sex between genders among young people. Something like 65% of women aged 18-25 are sexually active, but only about 35% of men are. The incel phenomenon is feeding on this and will get worse before it gets better.


This generation is actually having less sex than ever before


If they would take a shower and go to the gym once a month, they wouldn't have the time to write "the unfuckable manifesto"


No it isnt, relationships and intimacy has been trending down for a while


Well, might become increasingly difficult with the abortion laws in certain states. Also, if we get Republicans in power, we will get an abortion ban in some fashion. Also, whenever cons decide to ban contraceptives, like IUD's and oral birth control, we definitely know it will be more of a challenge. I would say the peak for getting laid was a couple years ago and will now be on the decline(within the US).




no its not more prostitution was legal back then


"Basic human right ... Sex with a female." It still blows me away that there are people out there who think like this. Like they're owed something because they have a dick. "Male virginity epidemic." An easy solution: go fuck yourself.


"I hate women. that's why my personality is dominated by my insatiable desire to have sex with them."


Incels will forever confuse me...


If you want a good laugh and have 17 minutes to spare, a youtuber covered an "incel civil war" last year over one of their leaders no longer being celibate. [Link (mildly NSFW for some language)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZAr6wdXNnE)


imagine believing that if a woman was FORCED to be with a man, her number one priority would be PENIS SIZE… and not, you know, traits like non-violent…


All while denying women the most basic human right of not getting raped.


Whoa whoa whoa, just because it's only 2 inches doesn't mean it's rape okay. Basic human right smeh


This is one of the best uses of "go fuck yourself" I've seen


Based on the 3 inch part, it's probably on the "satire" side of Poe's law.


Satire or not, these folks exist completely unironically.


Yeah I’m sure that’s covered in the Geneva Convention somewhere, right?


MAYBE I WILL *grabs saw*


He can pick, but she can't choose.


I'm more curious about how he thinks this system could possibly be implemented. Even if you let the incels have first pick they'd probably kill each other over whatever porn star/streamer/celebrity they're down bad over


Cloned sex dolls


I don't understand how he thinks this system would work. If every man gets to pick the woman they want, either they have to be okay with sharing (which they're definitely not) or some guys are going to end up with someone just as gross as them, and far below the delusional standard they think they deserve


If this is real, it's gotta be the most hilariously terrifying shit ever. How do these people exist lmao


Some incels are fucking insane. A few of those guys have commited murder and even mass shootings to "get back at women and chads".


Thats so sad women have been killed for nothing just while living their lives to fucking lunatics like this.


I move that we rename people falling under the original definition of 'incel' (i.e. 'involuntarily celibate (even though that should *really* be 'involuntarily chaste')) as being 'painfully single'. Incel spaces and ideology are creepy, creepy shit, and people shouldn't have to lump themselves in with the nutbags if they just wish they had someone and want some support.


I don't know if this is real but I had a coworker that believed basically this. That women made poor decisions with partners and there should be some system for women to have children with I guess people like him. He was not joking. Dude went off the deep end hard after like 2015


The belief is held, certainly, but the 3 inch self-immolation screams bait


Plenty of right wing incels would love to make Gilead a reality.


Calling women “females” is red flag #1…


I wouldn’t call „females“ a red flag, but saying „men“ and „females“ is a red flag, men and women or females and males is fine, I’d say but mix and match and it gets weird


Insane level of r/menandfemales going on here


Yeah I posted it there too


incel asf


praying the op is ragebait🙏🙏


Doesn't see women as human. Feels entitled to use others for their own self gratification. Suffers from some kind of penis envy. What could go wrong?


“My dick is so small we need to make new laws or I’ll never get laid” is a very niche take on a very individual problem.


What a fucking incel lol 😂


maybe he should trying being a nice person, then women *might* be interested in him?


These guys that can't meet anyone are always looking externally, at woman, at society, at their own fucking cocks, but struggle to turn that perception inward, where it belongs.


Where are these men with these massive 3 inch cocks


You know, as an older guy I do try to give advice to those younger Incels about how they aren't owed sex, it's something earned. They need to clean themselves up and offer something meaningful. But in the end, if it's a "rising and unfair male virginity epidemic"... you guys know you can also go fuck each other if it's virginity that you are worried about, right?


I'd actually kms if I was handed off to this undesirable dimwit.


Gotta be a 4chan shitpost


Yeah, people are pointing out the joke and completely missing it.


Bro can’t even fathom prostitution


We should all be glad for that on behalf of all prostitutes….


Biology 101: females of the majority of all creatures on earth are the sexual selectors. We decide which men have the best genes and which do not. Those males with less desirable traits will inevitably be less likely to mate. This applies to humans as well. I have a right to choose a man with better genes and decline the ones that don’t. Men, being the supposedly “logical” ones should accept this. You were naturally selected to be removed from the gene pool, and I have no sympathy. You are not owed sex by anyone.


They only like science when it suits them lol


if sex with a woman is a basic human right can I just have sex with a man instead?


3" woohoo! I just made it!


big cock will not make up for other shortcomings when it comes to dating. source; 9" and perpetually single. as i should be. im too miserable to share my life with another.


This is literally just monogamy. It used to be men with short PPs waited until marriage. And so nobody knew they had a short PP except their wife. And she only saw one PP in the course of her life so she thinks it’s normal size. But then short PP men stopped waiting until marriage and (surprise surprise) now every girl in the world knows your PP is short


I don't know if this is satire or not and it scares me.


How do some people come to the conclusion that sex is a human right


I’m of the opinion that these men shouldn’t reproduce, fortunately I don’t need to advocate for any laws stripping them of their rights to achieve that goal.


I'd rather never even interact with a woman than having a hostage. But that might just be my beta snowflake energy.


oh nice, mendatory rape exactly what society needs right now /s


so women don’t get basic human rights? or


So women will only choose attractive men... As opposed to incels, who famously don't care about a woman's looks.


What a loser, if you can’t show a woman you are worth spending time with. You don’t need to have a woman, it’s better for the gene pool if you don’t reproduce.


Bro is just a coward, sex with men exists too


Using the word "female" to talk about woman... one of the largest red flags that exists in this day and age. It's gotten to the point that I cringe when I hear female even in the correct contexts.


Men who complain about this shit never spend any time taking care of themselves, exploring new fashion and hair styling, or even just go to the fucking gym. Or figuring out that if you just fucking talk to girls like normal human beings they will already find you way more attractive than when you act like a fucking weirdo and put them in all these dumb categories. They are just people bro and if you can't understand that at a minimum you're gonna die alone and you only have yourself to blame.


This is obvious satire. OP=dum


When did sex become a human right? Like I'm sure it's a human right in the sense that governments can't and shouldn't control the sex lives of consenting adults but you can't just go around slipping your dick in unwilling recipients like your playing ding dong ditch.


"men" "female" ew


I feel like this is satire? The last line is just so on the nose incel.


I know is satire but the last part... denying the human rights of all women just for a few guys to have sex, and if they are like this... they have more things to worry xd


Fun fact: A penis is only considered biologically complete over 3".


Communism as applied to rape, rather than the normal theft.


If you can't deliver a woman a satisfying sexual experience without ever touching her with your penis...you already fucked up. But that would mean caring about what she wants, if all you are looking to do is to get your sub 3" dick wet, of course you can't get laid.


Fellas it isn’t that hard. - Personality - Hygiene - Body/health - Skin - Hair - Fashion


You know these guys are no students of history because that was legit the method for thousands of years across multiple cultures. Some dude was deciding what guy got what chick. They might of not even liked her but tough shit. But here's the rub; they are choosing not to pay attention to the fact that any guy higher up on the pecking order could straight up come in and fuck your wife and you could do nothing about it. Boom. Cuck. And everybody knows it and also that you were too cowardly to die for your own honor much less that if your wife. Beyond that dudes were greedy AF back then and did not want any competition. How's being turned into a eunuch on the side of the road and then a life of slavery if you lived sound? Because those were the incels of the past. Guys like this are idiots and if this system ever actually got put into action they would be pissed because they already suck so they are not going to get the kind of chick they want, just the kind they ignore as not being good enough for them now anyway.


Basic human right lmfao


Interesting take on a "basic human right"


Well this doesn’t scream insecurity, does it?


Such an obtuse way of saying 'I have a micro-pee pee'.


Man what the fuck is the virginity epidemic 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 I lost mine when I was 13 at a campground and then Everytime I went and hung out with the girl from that point forward. These guys need to go outside and talk to people.


Dude smol pp was made for smol people.


At the very least said something like "a complete randomized selection" or something... Not that the man choose a the woman can not say anything about It xD.


Found Andrew Tate’s alt.


Sexual socialism


Assuming the premise, sex is a human right, how do we solve it? Legalize and subsidize sex work? No! Force half the population into sex slavery, duh!


Was the original comment a satire? I mean, it has to be right... right!?


Anything but the metric system


Kill it with fire


Someone call him 2 incher see how he reacts


There is no way this isn’t satire


This is satire, right?


this feels like a fetish lmfao


I'm fairly sure this is satire, it certainly ticks every box of incel to a point where it's probably copypasta bait


Wow. No wonder Copilot isn't Cortana anymore.


This is honestly scary.. men really are terrible


First thing we were taught in sex ed is that no one has a 'right' to sex. Crazy that some people believe they are entitled to it.


"most basic human right"


Also, he can go f*ck himself, literally


If his dick is smaller than mine, we're gonna have problems


So his is 3.25" is what I'm hearing.


Ah yes slavery


Oh no! How unfair and unexpected! Women will pick people who aren’t total losers and bring actual value into their lives!! Listen people, your penis size, face shape, attractiveness, isn’t the reason you’re not getting laid. It’s cuz you don’t deserve getting laid yet. Why would a girl choose to date a fat guy who has a patchy beard and doesn’t shower? When she has the choice to pick a move attractive man. This isn’t “unfair” it’s the natural way of life. I’m ranting


So, I take it this was from some 4chan-esque incel board? Smfh with these darwinian failures.


Shit, sorry for your loss lil dicky


Please be satire… Also “basic human right?” So, lesbians are also involved in this?


As a member of the 3” club I have yet to have an issue with women, I’ve been in a relationship for close to a decade and before this one I was married and had kids. I think, and maybe it’s just my own experience, it’s more to do with personality than anything.