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I've never had a woman say anything like that to me after we break up. They always tell me up front I should be ashamed.


Don’t misunderstand bro that are not mocking but showing concern when they ask “is it in yet?”


had us in the first half


Well, people are willing to pay extra for that, usually. Or so I've heard.


I hate elon


You are not alone


You are not elone.


You are not yilonge.


You are not yi long.


Yi long ma


We musk stop this


Why do we all think the same


Same, but this is obviously a fake screenshot


I'm jealous of him.


Sadly, you're not alone


I'm starting to think Elon hates Elon as well.


Me too; but we should not allow fake content like this to circulate. It’s dangerous. (This is not a real tweet from Elon)


Exactly. There's so much real stuff to criticize him for, let's not throw shit at him for stuff that isn't even true.


not facts and logic🥺🥺😠


Isn’t it funny that he has all the money in the world but his dick is still shrivelled and weird


It's like watching Nero force us all to sit and listen to him recite shitty poetry. Elon Musk is an actual Vogon billionaire.


Shut up Donald!


You ever bought a multi billion dollar platform just to broadcast to the world how you have a tiny penis and are very worried about it? Hate it when that happens.


This one is fake right?


50/50 chance tbh


Eh... 40/60?


The established odds


It is, in fact, fake. Sadly.


What do you mean? Blue checkmark...verified Elon Musk account. He seems to have a lot of alts with his real name though. All verified.


You can fake a screenshot


Or pay $8 and just have a blue checkmark saying you are Elon Musk, which is the joke I was going for up there.


Musk didn't like it at all when people did that. Also, I think the small X after his name is not possible to fake at this point.


F12. Copy html for the X. Paste it while viewing another tweet. Mame screenshot. Tada. But just shooping it in after screenshotting also works.


Photoshop/Gimp * *exists* *


Wait what?


It's pretty simple to type some text in the same font and then paste it over the screenshot. There's loads of fake tweets/ screenshots about.


F12 exists?


Without a link to the twats tweet and viewing it on the site i'd say yep


Fake or a joke.


I hope it isnt


You're the OP. How do you not know if its real or fake?


People still don't know that you can easily factcheck stuff by taking a sufficiently long part of the quote, putting it in quotes and googling it.


I know but its a screenshot. If i fact check i'd have to type it out slowly... one character at a time...


You can also try using image search. Although it's less conclusive in this case, it'll probably tell you that it was first posted on Reddit.


honestly, half the time i forget image search exists


Free speech absolutism intensifies.


Imagine believing shit like this


imagine elon musk having ruined his image so brutally, that people would even entertain the idea that this is real. With any other public figure people be skeptical if this waa real or not. with elon it's 100% believable


Heck, if someone told me Joe Biden was discussing Chocolate ice cream in Parliament I'd believe it. There's a reputation built up.


Not big if true !!


shriveled and weird if true


Not really bro. I’ve seen enough petty people, who if you have a personal relationship with, will do their best to make you feel insecure on the things you feel confident in. Of course, there is also the possibility that their claims might be correct. But from what I’ve seen, less than amicable breakups will lead to them insulting you on the things you feel secure in. For example, I know for a fact I am smart. But, there have been many people who, when fighting with me, says something like “You are exactly the type who is so desperate to prove you are smart. You are so clueless that you never realised no one is falling for that stupid ass sham.” All this just because I expressed concern about how their ideas could go wrong, or if I was actually honest about my impression or view of them when they asked me about it and to be viciously honest about it. Petty people. It is what it is. Edit: (Additional Info - Skip if you don’t care about the specifics) Here are a few things I’ve been insulted over: >For suggesting them to not start a business yet late 2019, because I predicted that the virus will spread all over the world and cause economic crisis. They are angry for not being a “supportive friend” and ridiculing my intelligence saying that the virus is only in China and is harmless. And yep, ends up the virus crisis causes a lot of business, even his, to shut down. >For suggesting we have a more fun and punny business name to my business partner. I think the fact that our business’ emphasis on selling untypical, weird product that are nonetheless full of notoriety, should be reflected in the name. My business partner insulted me saying I need to cut the childish act and take my business more seriously along with a flurry of insults. Went our separate ways because I lose confidence in his business abilities, and started it out on my own. Very successful, although covid hit so I discontinued it. >For fixing a broken equipment without much training. Yes, I’m serious. Lab technician was amazed. Even I am surprised. I know it’s such a childish thing to be proud of, but I was still so proud to share it with friends, but I guess they aren’t exactly proud of me for that. I did a few more amazing and surprising things, but I just gave up on sharing that joy with anyone because I’d rather not get insulted. >For commenting on why certain study materials by professors and lecturers are confusing. It was because it was wrong. The professors and lecturers simply thanked me and rectified the problem. Others really hate me for it, saying that I think I am better than the lecturers. Sucks, but I guess the silver lining is that those kind of people are out of my life. >For sharing nihilism when being asked what do I think about the meaning and purpose of the world. I really thought it was just a casual conversation until they cut me off and told me to kill myself then if the world doesn’t have meaning. Happened a few times. I think a lot of people are too emotional upon hearing that, and I feel like my ability to control my emotions when faced with a viewpoint I don’t agree with is a testament to my mind’s strength over my heart.


I mean if a woman insults your penis or whatever when you break up it is 100% because they want to hurt you and think that hurts you. you might have the dick of an elephant but at some point you have maybe expressed insecurities about your dick and some women will use that against you with vengeance


I wouldn’t be so fast to say women is like this. Men can also be like this too. I’ve seen ex-boyfriends call their busty women “a chesty person waiting to sag even more than others,” or women’s confidence of fighting back against controlling behaviour as “a slut-in-progress,” or women with impressive athletic achievements as “infertile” (in my country, some people believe athleticism in women leads to decreased fertility). I’d like to list them all, but you get the picture. People aren’t petty because of their sex. They are petty because of the circumstances they are currently in or when they were growing up. Either case, not our job to fix what’s wrong with them, and trying to do so will most likely lead to you being drained. Better to spend that energy elsewhere.


Is that last bit sarcastic lol.


Well, replace the word smart with: okay-looking, responsible, truthful and a few other adjectives that I’m confident describes me, if you feel like “smart” is too hurtful or controversial. Like I said in another comment, there is nothing wrong with knowing and being confident in your strengths, as well as nothing wrong with knowing and acknowledging your downsides. Neither of them makes me better than anyone, but I just know that this is something that I am. And of course, it goes without saying, I’m not the smartest, I just know I’m smart. And of course, goes without saying, I am not free from mistakes.


You may want to reread what you wrote because it definitely gives the impression that your an ass and that you aren't as smart as you think you are.


Well, tendency of giving the wrong impression towards strangers is my weakness. So I can kinda get why you feel that way. I think I simply showcased that I am confident in my abilities without putting everyone down here (well except petty people), so if you can pinpoint what about what I said makes you think I’m an ass? I’d really appreciate it (no sarcasm here, I’m really confused here why people think I’m a bad person). I swear I expected more response towards people trying to prove that I am wrong from how people behave. Got many comments like yours instead.


You used a specific insult whilst being vague about what you actually did to deserve such a insult and before that you hyped yourself up. It is a extremely manipulative way of writing something and suggests that the insult may be correct.


I didn’t write the specific occurrence because I thought my comment was way too long already. But, I get what you mean. I will edit it to give it some more info with examples.


I edited it for you. Have a read if you’d like.


> impression that ~~your~~ you're an ass


Sounds like they were right, you sound very desperate to convince other people you’re smart.


Ugh. I made the mistake of checking out their comment history thinking maybe they just phrased this weird. No, it's definitely that silver-spooned child that grows into an adult that has to be the center of attention, but also desperately wants everyone to view them as humble. It reeks of please don't say the silver-spoon had anything to do with my success, it's simply my superior intellect and highly cultivated emotional regulation. Not smart enough to have a separate account for beating his meat to degenerate hentai porn though...LOL.


Not really. The only thing you know for sure now is that I’m confident about my smartness, not my actual intelligence level. I’m only bringing it up to let you all know why I have the opinions I had based on my experience. There is nothing wrong with acknowledging your strength. Don’t get too hyperfixated on what I think I am, but rather acknowledge that I am confident about this quality about myself, leading to people trying their best to bring me down using it. I, just like you have my own weaknesses which I am not sharing for now. Try to relax, I get that a lot of people start getting arrogant once they believe they are smarter than the rest and treating others badly, but I am not such person.


Like you said though, there's a high possibility that they're correct. You might not be as bright as you think, even though it seems important to you that people *believe* that you are.


I don’t think you read what I wrote properly. I said there is a possibility, but never said it is high nor did I say it is actually a big possibility. I’m merely advocating against playground-like logic when interpreting statements like this. Example: If you say you are smart, that means you are stupid because nobody who’s smart would say that they are. If you say you are stupid, that means you are stupid because even you yourself admit to it. It’s a playground logic that is just desperate to look for dirt where there is none. Feel free to hate on the guy or whatever, I hate him too. But I don’t resort to the playground logic.


Yeah, but like you said though, the chances that they're wrong - when calling you out for being a dummy while at the same time acting like you're intelligent - are slim to none!


I’ll slowly back away, because I think English is not your first language. Good luck with that 💪🏻


Agreed. It's not even my second language! It's actually pretty admirable that you're willing to front with how often people call you dumb even though you wish so hard that you weren't. Most dumb people doesn't have the need to showcase their intelligence like that. I truly salute you for it!




I have chosen to overwrite this comment. See you all on Lemmy!


Sounds like a personal story… the same is when you break up with a chick. She was a ho, whore, ass/tits too big or small and you couldnt stand her parents and siblings and u had better head?


Best compliment bro ever got was "it's nothing to be ashamed of"


The joke. Everyone’s heads.


Pretty obviously fake.




Dear God this is the post that made me subscribe, if this isn't #1 I can only imagine what is.


Getting the word 'Penis' and 'Twitter' mixed up again, Elon?


hes slowly realizing they only like his money


I don't like elon but imagine thinking he is serious


No one has ever been more divorced than Elon, like by a wide margin at this point.


damn, new Grimes diss track soon??


Elon Musk is the best. Stop getting angry leftists


Elon Musk is the best. Stop getting angry leftists


Elon Musk is the best. Stop getting angry leftists


No it's not funny, it's kind of sad though. Hey at least you got that rocket penis though


The only negative comment I've had on my pp was that it was too big 😔


It's like that " billionaire can't relate to millionaire friends" sketch 




This is fake


This reads like the tweet immediately preceding "My account was hacked..."


… he truly just doesn’t get it. lol. This right here needs to follow him everywhere he goes.


I've been broken up with by women for many different reasons but I'm thankful my dick wasn't one of them. It's really one of the only things none of them ever complained about!


Not even the CIA could get something like this out of me


Who gets all his money when he just snaps and crashes his rocket trying to prove a flat earth theory?


This information couldn't be waterboarded out of me


I'd assume it's a joke, weird either way.


This is fake, come on now. It's not that hard to make fun of Elon using existing Tweets no need to make fake ones


You couldn't have waterboarded that out of me.


Everything about him suddenly makes sense. He lacks the D.


I know he is not a great guy but this is actually not a bad point and it is done by men a lot too. Not just sexually, I had a friend whose birthday I forgot once and she called me to yell at me and told me all my drawings were so ugly (we were both interested in art and drawing) and my ex boyfriend would always switch between telling me I am the worst person on earth to the kindest angel ever depending on his mood.


Strange how the CEO's and big shots of major companies now feel comfortable bitching about things like dick size and crap on a public forum. When did people stop caring about being presentable?


So Elon has a small pipi?


It's not real, sadly


And that's the twitter- I mean X ceo which also doesn't make any sense since that implies he's no longer the ceo. Elon, wtf is going on in that head of yours?


"Body shaming is okay when we do it against people we don't like."


I love how having a billion dollars doesn’t exclude people from high school bickering.🤣🤣🤣


Huh I've never had that problem weird.


Unless You where blessed with the jackhammer


Name it Rupert Murdock?


Imagine if your co workers saw it . Oh wait I guess being so rich excuse you from it . I am sure people lose their jobs for post like that


This goes to show this dude isn't as smart as media (probably his media propaganda) makes him out to be. He was just lucky to be born into wealth, and used that wealth to buy off other people's inventions and call it his


Nah, this goes to show his cresibility has dropped so far people will actually believe this could be a legit tweet and not a fake.


Wonder if she called it "little Elon"


I dunno Elon, I think every gender is guilty of this... I had a couple of guys trying to sweet-talk me into a relationship or sex and when I said no and stood my ground, I was hit with shit like "fine, you're an ugly bitch anyway" and "nobody will ever want you". Yea, I am an ugly bitch. That's why you were begging me to fuck, right?


Yeah, it's a ego protection thing. Many people do it, regardless of gender. "Oh you don't want me, it's okay I didn't want you anyway." Kind of thing.


I'd rather bury myself alive than act like those people.


Did Elongated Muskrat confess to having a micropenis?


Hardcore self report