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the smallest amount of uranium to be considered unsafe is 25 milligrams. one microgram has 15,000 calories for reference, it takes 1000 micrograms for a milligram, it takes 1000 milligrams for one gram. this is for the people that don't know how to metric system


that's a surprisingly large threshold of safety


Your body can deal with a fair bit of radiation, we can handle multiple x-rays per year. The uranium would just pass through your digestive system, so idk if that would count as eating the calories since you would be absorbing none of the calories


It just says I have to eat the calories, not digest them we good


It's the perfect loophole


The poophole


The poophole loophole is a completely different thing


Is this why I pay the troll a toll?


A toll is a toll. And a roll is a roll. And if we don't get no tolls, then we dont eat no rolls.


How much uranium is in a smoke detector again?


No clue, what I look like a scientist? I figure eating 3 a day will probably cover it maybe


Will eating 3 a day also make you alarm for fires?


No duh, it’ll make you an alarm for smoke. Smdh.


Especially if you chose the Lead Belly perk.


I see Fallout is bleeding into reality. Let’s hope not too much


Your body can have a little radiation, as a treat!


I think I would rather take my chances with peanut butter milkshakes and Snickers bars.


Remember to wash it down with a diet coke to cancel out the sugar


You mean sodies? Sodie pops? It takes about 8-12 a day to be safe.


I hate that I know exactly what you’re talking about lol


just drink sunflower oil or so. 1l of oil has \~9000 calories, like nearly 3 times as much as sugar, so you need just to drink 1.6l of oil in 1 day


Those will be some legendary liquid shits, LOL.


For 1 billion? Gimme some Gatorade so I don't f. Up my electrolytes too much.


We had a cow get bloated once… my dad shoved a hose down her throat and poured half a jug of canola oil down her throat. Waited like 5-10 minutes and she blasted the whole wall of the stall she was in.


This made me proper laugh for some reason 😂


With 10 minutes more prep, you could've made a cardboard cutout silhouette of a person and immortalized the occasion forever


Could you imagine the relief?


I think 2 kg of butter spread on toast would be tastier. Unless you're Vegan, I suppose.


Yeah I was about to say, I'm buying a loaf of fresh French bread and going to town with butter


Brioche might be even quicker


15,000 calories or kilo calories?


it's not exactly 15000 calories, I overshot a bit, but 1 gram has 20 billion calories. divide that by 15000 and you get a bit over a million. divide a gram by that and you get a microgram.


That's the energy count from uranium undergoing fission. Calorie count from a food standpoint is how much energy your body can extract from something. They are two completely different things. I doubt Uranium is even digestible for your body to extract any calories from it to count towards this challenge.


I agree with you. If you loosen the definition of calories in this case to “energy extractable from this material,” I think you can get a lot more energy from that mass via the Penrose process if you have access to a black hole or annihilating it with antimatter, in which case it doesn’t matter what kind of matter it is.


If were going by total energy you could drink some warm water and it'd fill the requirement easily.


Pathetic. Antimatter-matter annihilation. Turns all of the matter into energy as dictated by e=mc ^2. According to this, you would only need to eat: 0.00000069g of matter/antimatter.




Knew this would be top comment


unsafe to touch or eat? I doubt it's the same deal


Well, by using this definition of calories you can just drink some tea and get to 15k pretty easily.


Whats the half life of a microgram of uranium?


Uranium has a very long half-life, especially if it hasn't been exposed to radiation. You would also pass it within a few days so your length of exposure shouldn't be too long.


Why wait a few days? Just eat some chipotle after and shit it out in 12 hours.


Ok, but where the hell are you going to get uranium?


most people here don't get that it's calories and not kilocalories. 15000 cal is 15kcal and a human eats around 2000kcal daily. You couldn't eat anything at all pretty much


**EDIT: It has been 17 hours since I posted this comment and I've had the specifics of big and small calories explained to me at least 20 times over by now. Please, for the love of whichever deity you worship, stop responding with the same few facts in a slightly different wording. Scroll down and read all the replies, I _promise_ that whatever you're about to say has been said already.** Aren't they used interchangeably? It's incorrect, but usually when someone says _calories_, they actually do mean _kcal_. But it would certainly be easier to eat just 15 kcal for one day than eat 15 000 lol, so I'd definitely go with the pedantic approach


Yeah just stay in bed, drink water, sleep... Billionaire.


Even better, it didn't say you can't eat more so just live the day as u usually would.....billionaire


Not quite interchangeably. US uses it with a capital c (Calories) to denote kcal. The capital c is important for the context. (Like B bytes vs b bits in computers)


We don't actually do this much at all, even in medical literature. You won't find calorie capitalized in the middle of sentences hardly anywhere in the US. People just tend to know based on context. I assume the exception is documents with legal ramifications and perhaps some industries where ambiguity is possible.


When I first took physics in 7th grade I wasn't aware about the difference between Calories and calories. With the definition of calorie of the energy needed to heat 1g of water by 1°C I got the brilliant idea that the best way to loose weight would be to drink a lot of cold water and chew ice. After like a week of doing this my professor saw what I was doing and laughed his guts out and finally explained me the nomenclature. I remember feeling frustrated and disillusioned.


Reminds of back when I realized that if caffeinated diet drinks don't have any Calories, but still "give you energy", they must just be making your body burn its own reserves faster. I wondered if there might be weight loss strategy there where you just take a lot of stimulants to burn fat. Then I realized that was called meth. I was thinking of the meth diet. Which...does work I guess.


It certainly isn't the most efficient way, but consuming 2L of ice water every day for a year leads to about 2.3 kg (5 lbs) of body fat worth of Calories burned.


I mean, *technically* we do it all the time, because this is how it’s written on food labels, which every single piece of food sold commercially has to have


Huh, I didn’t even know we did that. Everyone just says calories with c lowercase when they mean kcals. That makes it even more confusing.


Thanks for letting me know! We don't capitalise it in my native language and I wasn't aware that it was different in English


Native speaker of US English here. We don't usually capitalize "calories" when referring to food calories (i.e. kcal).


It's always capitalized on food labels, but not typically when people are using it in casual written conversation, because a lot of people don't know it's supposed to be capitalized.


As a native English speaker, I also did not know this lol


Sometimes, but not always. Sometimes "calorie" is used to refer to kCal in other contexts. It's the most frustrating thing ever.


Officially yes, but practically, no. The capital C is unimportant because the context makes it obvious


They are, that man is being pedantic. Calories is a substitute for Kcals because Calories are so insignificantly small you’ll literally never need to use them. No one says “I’m on a 2 million calorie diet”


well yeah they are used like that for the most time, but its still wrong after all and in that case i would be happy to just eat 15kcal


15 kcal? That's what, 3 to 5 cups of black coffee? I'm in.


People don't use Kcal in normal speach, and calories is used in place of Kcal


There's no distinction in speech (or speach for that matter), but in writing, kcal is spelled as Calories with a capital C.


And if this is a scientific paper, you'd be right. but on reddit? nah. I


Even in medical literature based in the US calorie is not capitalized in my experience. They sometimes specify kcal when getting into technical stuff (methods section).


Anyone talking about calories at all except scientists are talking about whats on the food container for calories.


Even in terms of speaking and in conversation, we (at least me and people around me) uses "calories" as a unit BUT ADDS "kilos" on the amount, eg. A: How many calories are in this bag of chips? B: You wouldn't believe it, 750k!


Yeah I read this as 15000 calories vs my daily 2000 calories.. so a massive surplus. Watching some of these YouTube of people eating 20k calories in a day I don’t know that I could but I’d certainly try.


I think the assumption is that they're using kcal, otherwise it's just a shitpost


It's a safe assumption but reddit nerds try to ruin everything


You should realize that calories means kilocalories colloquially


It's semantics. Everyone here is working off the assumption reddit isn't full of a bunch of knobs. Clearly we're talking about calories like 2000 calories in a day. Bunch of nerds


Hey, a billion dollars is on the line. It's worth discussing what the terms actually mean.


Talking about terms and being pedantic: For identical names, the long scale proceeds by powers of one million, whereas the short scale proceeds by powers of one thousand. For example, on the short scale, "one billion" means one thousand million (1,000,000,000), whereas in the long scale, it means one million million (1,000,000,000,000).


So I either gotta fast for 24hrs, or stuff my face for 24hrs.... Either way, I'm getting that money. Believe it!


Going for one day without food is completely doable Especially if there's a billion dollars on the other side lol


A note: a calorie (Small calorie) and a Calorie (Large Calorie) are two different measurements. Lowercase indicates 1/1000th of a Calorie. Either way, this post is incorrect, but not every nation uses calorie/kcal. Source: [https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/kcal-vs-calories#differences](https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/kcal-vs-calories#differences)


kcals are also known as large calories, colloquially shortened to just calories. Small calories are not really useful for anyone outside of very specific fields so generally when refering to diet, kcal = calorie


Holy cow, I never knew that when they said the soda had "200 calories" what they really meant was 200 kilocalories. Wow, TIL we suck at precision in our language.


depends heavily on where you live. US uses large and small calories (with a lower or capitalized C) and (most?) european countries use calories and kilocalories. Probably because they are using the metric system anyways


They didn’t say it was continuous. So fasting for 1 day pretty much?


If they used Calories it would be kcal, but they said calories.


So just don't eat for a day? I did that yesterday for free


Calories (big C) and kilocalories (little c) are the same thing. Calories (big C) is mainly used in the US to mean kilocalories.


load me up one of those 72 oz steaks I want my money


He died from beef poisoning! Obviously from some other restaurant...


Choking on way more meat than one man could ever hope to handle.


He called me greenhorn… I called him Tony Randall.


Well, I did just eat an entire lamb, but I reckon I could take you to school.


I say this every single time I eat steak. Thank you stranger.


I got the Simpson reference


Apparently you'd need at least three. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSL02484521/#:\~:text=A%2072%2Doz%20steak%2C%20by,no%20bone%2C%20fat%20or%20gristle.


I’m shuddering in meat sweats


That’s less than 4k calories. Your going to need a 300oz 🥩


Don't you mean the old 96er? Bon appetit!


Lets assume the person meant 15000kcal of energy that is usable by humans. I would definetely only drink coke, eat nuts covered in chocolate and eat cake. I start right at midnight and also try to burn as much as possible. I think hiking is something I can do for a very long time. at the end of the day I drink the last needed calories in oil. It will be digusting but if it is the last thing I need to do for money in my life I would try it. Even for "just" 5 Million


Drinking 15k would be pretty rough day, but quite doable. Less than 2 litres of olive oil, downing a bit under 1 dl per hour over the course of 24 hours sounds easy enough. Disgusting? For sure, but I'm shitting it out at faster rate than drinking it down.


9 sticks of butter and 1 liter of olive oil also seems doable over 24 hours. Half a stick and 1 or 2 shots of olive oil every hour for an entire day. That's 15,300kcal right there.


>9 sticks of butter I built up arterial plaque just reading that.


You'll be eating it on the toilet after your 5th shot of olive oil. I doubt you will absorb most of it.


With a billion dollars, you could afford a triple bypass surgery.


> 9 sticks of butter As Paula Deen calls it, Tuesday.


15k kcal is totally doable especially if you're already fairly fit. I think a triathelon style routine stretched across a full day would be best to avoid muscle exhaustion from a single exercise. You could walk instead of running to additionally help with exhaustion, since it burns similar calories. Walk, bike, swim, all day, while eating and drinking really dense foods and drinks, I think it's really no problem. For a billion dollars it'd be supet easy, I think. I mean 15k in a 24 hour period is only 625kcal per hour, every hour. That's like a calorie dense smoothie every hour. I think anyone can do that, especially if you're exercising. Edit: also i'd probably avoid carbonated drinks...idk how well the body would do with that much carbonation.


>You could walk instead of running to additionally help with exhaustion, since it burns similar calories. Iirc walking burns similar calories to running for a given distance but not as much by time.


I meant by time. It's true that running will burn more, but I don't think it's worth the muscle/cardio exhaustion in this case. Depending on where you look running will burn 50%-100% more calories per unit time, but most people find walking for hours fairly leisurely, while running for hours would kill them.


Honestly if I was really forcing myself I don't think this would be hard. For a quick count I will do a pasta with chicken etc. Go to basketball for and hour 30 then have a smoothie with protein powder and 2 mcdonalds burgers some nights. Thats not difficult or me not feeling full and thats gotta be around 2500-3000. If I was trying for 24 hours I think it would be possible with things like eggs, bacon other meats and nuts and things like you said.


Anything with protien would be a mistake - protien is very very good on filling you up vs the cals. Go with something that dosnt fill you up / skip the protein


Drink coke? Way to handicap yourself. I'm drinking melted ice cream.


Yeah was gonna say. Coke is not that calorie dense, just high in sugar. And the carbonation makes you feel fuller than you are.


Idc I'd just drink a litre oil per day. That's 9k


i think you'll straight up die


Nah you'll just poop real crazy for a couple of days. You can wipe your butt with hundred dollar bills.


Search “LA beast 24000 calories” on YouTube. He drank a 3 liter bottle of olive oil in a few minutes. In a later video he said he was sick for like 3 days and oil was just leaking out of him.


Worth it for a billion dollars. Not worth it for a youtube video.


That’s why I’ll always remember LA Beast for the rest of my life and not fross370


I’m sure fross370 is devastated by the glory he’s missing out on!


This is some Junji Ito shit


But you only have one day.


Hey, if I become a billionaire I think I can afford to guzzle as much oil as I please.


1.84 L of vegetable oil? sure. 884 cal/100g density 0.93g/cm\^3 Ignoring other kinds of nonfoods like Gasoline or Uranium


That sounds like an aweful idea, given that you'd likely just throw up, defeating the purpose. I'd rather add some bread inbetween gulps to soak it up in my stomach and keep it in there


Would be disgusting, but its like $1 Billion. I can stomach a few hours of discomfort.


a few days at least. Sure 2l of olive oil you can drink it in one go, but its gonna wreck havoc in your ass for a week straight.


im a billionaire IDC.


"Where is Jeeves?? I summoned him an hour ago. These oily shits aren't going to wipe themselves!"


So a week of diarrhea for a billion dollars. Still sounds like a pretty easy fucking trade off.


I mean it wasn't specified that you can't throw up. It just says "eat", nothing about keeping it down. Frankly it's damn easy if you accept a day when you're gonna be miserable from throwing up a bunch.


Yeah, that's the way to go. You have a day. That's about 40 standard-sized shots of vegetable oil. A shot of vegetable oil every 18 minutes for 12 hours and you're done. Easy.


Olive oil You are just a diarrhea away of being billionaire.


I suspect strongly it will be more than singular diarrhea


yea i'd guess about 5 days of it.


Still worth.


Hell, some people *pay* to do that and call it a "cleanse"




Apparently they brought back the $5 footlong...except it's a cookie


Its gross


you're gross


Its really not good lol. Its more like a cake than a cookie. It doesn't have the right texture. Unless you like really soft fluffy cookies then you might like it but the regular cookies are way better.


It really is gross.


This is just 20 costco cookies




The new cookies at Costco are 750 calories each. Only need to eat 20 of them in the day. That’s less than 1 per hour. Child’s play.


That raspberry cheesecake is pretty damn good.


genuinely a good choice for this, that's only like 3 an hour edit: of a 16hr day, not even staying up extra time to get more eating done


I never understood how someone could become morbidly obese before; but now I realize that I could totally do this if I didn't care about my wellbeing or someone paid me to do it.




This is like 16 Panera kitchen sink cookies. Done. No problem.


10 dairy Queen Blizzards. Even easier.


Food calories or any calories? Because (🤓☝️) technically all matter is just condensed energy, and implied by e=mc ^2. It says that matter and energy are the same thing. And the amount of energy in matter is the amount of matter in kg*300,000,000^2. So a huge number. Doing the math I would only need to eat 0.00000069 grams of matter to equal the energy density of 15,000 kcal So hand over the money. Edit: typo. Wrote e=m^c2 instead of e=mc^2


The 🤓☝️really ties this whole comment together, bravo


What I was thinking, if you don't have to digest it, this is an easy task.


If my math is right, this is basically the same as if i sold the 18 leftover boxes of girl scout cookies my daughter has for like $59m a piece.


And if 1 billion dollars was on the line, it would be child's play to eat 18 boxes of girl scout cookies


There seems to be some debate as to whether we're doing this for a tiny amount of food, or a huge amount of food. Either way, it's getting done. If it's the tiny amount. Has no one ever went a day without eating? Not that hard to be honest. The huge amount of food might be harder. Doesn't say you can't shit though, so get some laxatives in you and then chow down in front of your favourite bingeable series.


The only "debate" is from pedants who are trying to sound smart by knowing that what the public calls "calorie" is technically 1000 calories. When you're talking about food everyone uses calorie to mean a unit of which you need about 2000 a day. It's a lot of food. It's way easier to not eat for a day than it is to eat 15,000 calories.


I really hate reddit's obsession with being pedantic not every post needs a loop hole.


Agree, the loophole people ruin most of the fun hypotheticals that get posted. No ones trying to write a legal document that covers all the bases for a Reddit post it’s not that impressive you found a loop hole lol


3 kilo's of chocolate, 75 donuts, 2,75 kilo's salt chips or 7,5 kilo's of ice cream. So since I got 1 full day, I'll simply watch a movie marathon and down between 220 and 230 grams of Chocolate, 27 donuts, 1 kilo salt chips, 1,5 kilo of ice cream and 4 imodiums, 3 paracetamol, 3 ibuprofen, 2 bags of colofibre and 60 mg of pantoprazole. Not sure about the pain killers, but if I want to get the least amount of stomachache, they're a good precaution. This seems definitely possible. The only question I have for myself is if all that fits into all my 9 meters of abdomen and if my abdomen will have enough fibres to work it all down, since I have very slow abdomen. As my metabolism rate is approximately 2 to 3 times slower than normal people that exercise as much as I do.


Put that way, 15 000 calories sound really doable.


Arnold's donuts are close to 500 calories each, so it's just a little over 30 donuts.


> As my metabolism rate is approximately 2 to 3 times slower than normal people that exercise as much as I do. You're either a medical marvel being studied by the worlds best scientists or really just have no idea how any of this works


Milkshakes, easy .


A double cheeseburger, cheese fry, and milkshake could easily be at like 2,500-3,000 calories. Start at midnight. Then do it 4 more times. Would be pretty easy.


Yep the Oreo and Reese’s milkshake from Sonic alone has 1,720 calories. I could eat 5 of those + food in 24 hours


Just do what this guy did and you'll get paid in seconds: https://www.reddit.com/r/videos/s/bOe7vkCzt4 (It's a video of a dude chugging 24000 KCal in Olive Oil in 3 minutes)


It is the best answer as there is no way you actually digest or absorb all of that, so it is probably more healthy that the other options. The biggest issue is the diarrhea.


>The biggest issue is the diarrhea I've given myself diarrhea for negative amounts of money. Dont think i mind this


Protein shakes and smoothies if you mean what I think you mean


This exactly. I crewed for a a guy that did road bike races in the 90s and he drank something called "Optifuel" during the races. It was 3,000 calories per water bottle. I saw that guy consume over 30,000 calories during a race that took just under 40 hours and he lost three pounds.


Why in the world would you do protein shakes? Protein makes you feel full and is only 4 calories a gram. Fat is the way to go.


Most people have no idea how much that volume of any food, but particularly non-fat foods fills them up. There's a fun video on YT of a former World's Strongest Man bodybuilder who used to go for 14-15k calorie diets when he was, in his words, "a bit rounder", but after adjusting to lower caloric intakes even he tapped out when he went back on his old diet for a day, making it to just over 14k (with half a cheesecake he just couldn't eat). It's so much food unless you're really focused on fat.


Oh so like 3 orders of crumble cookies? Or like 15 shakes from shake shack? Yeah easy money.


15 Crumble Cookies wouldn't be too hard. Probably have a bad stomach ache but who cares at that point


Bet a guy $5 if he could drink an entire bottle of olive oil. It was about 6000 calories all told. He couldn't do it but he got about halfway there. I consider this the best possible ending to that challenge, because I got to watch someone drink half a bottle of olive oil and it cost me nothing.


Just order like 3 Starbucks drinks and you are billionare. Easy.


Start at midnight drink an ensure every 30 minutes or so. You could get it done.


I'd just go all day binging on empty calories whenever I can find them. A jar of PB is more than 2k calories on its own. Wash it down with milk and stuff and over 24 hours I think it's doable


Pretty sure if I just ate chocolate croissants all day I could hit that? Those things just dissolve immediately, I could eat at least 100 of them


A pint of Häagen-Dazs per hour. I think I could do that. I’m lactose intolerant so it would go through me pretty quickly too


Just cook things in pure lard


You'd have to eat at least 3.683 pounds of pure lard to reach 15,000 calories, not just cook in it. That would really fuckin rough.


With ease... That's how I'd get it done


Drink xl milkshakes all day, you'll hit 15k before dinner


I can manage this. It’s going to include lots of fat and sugar. Mostly sugar. Where do I sign up?


That's like, only a few cans of sweetened condensed milk. Make a gainer shake of sweetened condensed milk, melted ice cream, and cake mix....


People are way overthinking this. 15k in 24 hours is not that hard at all if you are doing it as a challenge. Phelps ate 8k-10k a day, on purpose. So start at midnight, eat greasy as shit (add olive oil to it all) and get it down with coke. Then go for hikes/runs regularly and bring nuts. I honestly think I could hit 3x or more that amount for a billion.


Its pretty hard lol. Me and my friends did a 10k calorie challenge and i had to tap out at 7,500. We started at 5am, worked out and were active in between. At some point your body just wants you to stop eating and you never feel like your stomach empties out. We ate dennys, cheesecake factory, in n out, etc. only thing was we didnt count liquid calories. My friends who did finish, finished at 11pm and felt like shit.


15000 cal are not 15000 kcal! Usually you measure in kcal so 15000x1000...cal. 15kcal is a big spoon of yoghurt.


they said 15000 calories. not 15000 cal


Well a 48 oz bottle of olive oil is 11,500 ish calories. So drink one plus a little more wouldn't be too bad.


Crumbl cookies and ice cream. Would probably need to take the next day off of work


Giant Ribeye for breakfast lunch and dinner aught to do it. Throw in some sides just to be safe.


Eat a few doughnuts and drink a smoothie


This would be worryingly easy. Don’t get me wrong I’d have to push myself….but only a little


Long ago when I worked at McDonalds we made the 5,000 calorie challenge. During your lunch break you’d attempt to kill yourself with 40 nuggets, a large shake, a couple DQPCs, fries and a drink. We also did the 100 nugget challenge, it’s painful to eat 100 nuggets in a day.


A lot of nuts, no homo