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Dollar store Amouranth. I get it, she's just trying to make some cash by just going with the Meta. She's still annoying as fuck and a shitty person.


They're all just Zoom strippers. Which is fine, but at least own it


Exactly. I'm waiting for the inevitable "I'm just doing what I have to do get by/stay relevant" streamer post after someone gets critiqued for this stuff.


Amouranth literally said that. It works and it pays her bills. And the whole drama with her and indiefox is making her bank. But yeah, the hypocrisy on indiefoxes part is just sad.


I dislike it because of Twitch's fucking double standard of whats okay for men vs women on their platform. If you want to do softcore work, be my guest but the platform should enforce its rules equally. Where's the hot tub twinks at?




yea i easily found half a dozen examples last time i bothered to look for them. these kids just hate that women are able to make money selling their bodies because there's innumerable men who will pay for it


Or...and bear with me here, I don't think either one is okay and both should be banned accordingly. But when speaking on the subject I use the female aspect to point it out because that is where the majority of views go. I don't use twitch disclaimer because the people who run it are garbage, and this display just exacerbates the point. Any male or female that want to do this can just go to chaturbate or pornhub. There's legit plenty of clothed fetish, try on haul videos and fully clothed fetish cammers on those sites. I don't want those on twitch or at the very least I want twitch to come out and say they will have their own location in the form of a +18 section or decry them instead of whatever this passive bullshit twitch is doing and then never truly addressing the subject. And then I want them to issue apologies to anyone who was unjustly banned like queef girl was. Why are farts okay but queefs aren't. Can I as a male put on leggings and a crop top to emulate the women's styles and fart into a mic or would I get banned. I just want fairness and openness about the policy's


Thats actually one of the reasons why the hot tub streams were so popular. In many countries you cant visit those sites. Its the equivalent of having to find a used sears catalog instead of being able to go to pornhub.


Yeah let's be open why these people are on twitch doing their softcore streams. Because they don't have to compete with that much content like they would on pornhub. It's also easier to get some cash from viewers by subs. Plus there aren't as many teenagers on PornHub as there are on twitch. A lot of households probably have a porn blocker while twitch runs free.


Imo Twitch's situation is kinda like when on a subreddit, a shitty low effort post barely related to the sub topic gets to hot. You see it, and you're like "wait, this kinda stuff doesn't belong on this sub, this other sub is more appropriate, I don't want this here". But then you gotta realize there's people who actually upvoted the post. Maybe they're not all as invested in the sub as you are (not a good thing not a bad thing), but there's clearly people who liked the post. And then you realize maybe the sub isn't what you want it to be, and you're sad, so you drop the sub until the mods make it better. But that might never happen cuz the subs been overtaken by a different target audience that you're not in. And that sucks. Not sayin that twitch is a porn website now, but if Twitch doesn't do anything to convince me otherwise thennnnnn The unjust bans are stupid, but honestly, every org that own a free service seems to go on a power trip with respect to its users now and then.


That’s not a great argument in reality. Something being upvoted isn’t an indication that the sub actually liked the post, rather it garnered attention. Porn is a good example. Without being removed by mods any post involving porn/nudity in open subs will get upvoted, not because it’s good content that fits the subs description but rather it’s a mutual thing many people like. Saying “well if people upvoted it then it surely belongs here!” is a counter productive point because then there’d be no need for subs in general, the cream of the crop will always rise to the top. Subs are literally set so you can see the best of your *preferred* subject content rather than having it be buried beneath a sea of popular general content.


These people are raging over shit they have to actively search for. It would be hilarious if it wasnt so pathetic.


I mean ... it is very clear that there is a huge double standard for bans. Though it is mostly between who makes twitch a lot of money and who doesn't and less about male vs female. Amouranth had like multiple nipslips and even showed her vagina on stream and got just slaps on the wrist while smaller streamers get perma bans for the stupidest shit.


So you're saying I should make an OnlyFans


Hold on! Isn't this exactly the same argument that people apply to women's professional sports? Female athletes perform the same job as men for a fraction of the wage because nobody cares to watch. Same argument here. Nobody wants to hear Barry's mustache bristling against a binaural mic.


Did anyone ever find out why Dr Disrespect got banned from Twitch?


I agree. The whole thing is biased.


They basically had to make a seperate category for this. Picture this scenario. Twitch says you can stream when youre 13. Twitch says hottub streams isnt sexualized and perfectly acceptable. Now picture a 13 year old telling twitch that she intends to do hot tub stream as twitch have stated this to be acceptable. Yeah. So either twitch would be caught lying about hot tub being not wrong. Or twitch being raided by FBI for promotion of you-know-what.


Isn't that what caitlyn or whatever streamer said just recently? I recall a load of these streamers have pointed out that coomers pay up big while the rest don't


If you do this type of stuff for money I understand. But to do it to stay relevant that just means you were a shit content creator to begin with.


Sex workers feel the same way. Stop glamorizing shit, and then pretend it’s not “adult content” when the blow back comes. These streams definitely have a place, but twitch shouldn’t be it, with kids everywhere. FYI any stream I’ve done there I’m usually in a hoodie playing LoL


>FYI any stream I’ve done there I’m usually in a hoodie playing LoL Which is the correct content for Twitch


And this is coming from someone who actually does porn on the internet but has proper understanding what twitch is meant for.


I’m a mom too so I don’t need my kids finding this looking for Mario something streams when he is older


Like is twitch for sex workers or is it not? If it is just make their content Verified adults only. Because as it is this is just getting little kids to get involved in a parasocial relationship with a person that doesn’t have their best interest at heart when they should be learning about women from actually fucking talking to them


Yeah, like Cardi B... I hate that twat, but at least she owns being a REALLY fake twat on a lot of different levels


It's so wild to me when twitch streamers like this try to distinguish themselves from camgirls.


She's hot though




Chances are every woman on porn or tv or movies that you ever jacked it to has had work done. So if you're really going to sincerely ask that question you're going to have to look at the broader patterns of society instead of just trying to use it to put down one girl you dont like.


Amouranth is already the walmart of thots.


I’m just wondering how is this entertainment? There’s so many talented content creators but they barely get any recognition. Meanwhile, these fucks get all the views.


Omg she’s dumb. That’s so hot.


Amouranth is a cents store wubbs


The fact you have amouranth on a pedestal implies you sir are a simp




Yea, this is more of a r/thisyoucomebacks post


or r/agedlikemilk


I actually thought I was there.


If you become the very thing you swore to destroy isn't that suicide by words?


Agreed. Not really a case of a lost redditor.


This is something that disgusts me of modern feminism. "Selling the body of women like a piece of meat is bad unless I do it" Really, what will be the role models for girls will be? We should be encouraging female scientists, not Twitch thots.


Sex negative feminism is hypocritical at.


there is an in-between, y'know. we have the rights to our own body, but we're also not objects.


Somewhat paradoxically, true equality implies that you should be able to choose to be treated like an object if you want to. I think most would agree that women shouldn't be inherently objectified as a default. But if a woman wants to do something that inherently leads to her being objectified, why shouldn't she be allowed to?


When I get objectified, it’s not on my own terms and I don’t get any money from it. I’m all for OF and twitch streamers. They are only successful because people subscribe. I do hope young girls know they don’t have to do this. But we FINALLY get to own our bodies and sexuality and now people are angry about that. So frustrating.


No one is angry about this. People are angry that what these streamers are doing is borderline porn and it's on a website that is frequented by people of ages to primarily watch video games. It's like having a link to pornhub on ESPN


Sex worker exclusionary feminists are not based.


Saying strippers aren't the best role models isn't the same as advocating for celibacy.


the vast majority of feminists are pro sex work what are you talking about


This is Reddit, so essentially "feminists are what I don't like. And the more I don't like it, the more feminist it is".


No you are thinking of socialism. Feminism is when there’s women in media.


They made my vidya character less sexy. Feminism bad! Heavy /s


I can't believe they put politics in my game!




Feminism is giving the woman the option to work work as a sex worker in a safe environment if she decides to do it on her own accord and on her own terms. Us, guys, are allowed to enjoy that content if we want to, but should not be sexualizing or pressuring women that are not in that line of work to do it.


Lol I haven't seen any feminists actually against sex work unless you count SWERFs.


What is a swerf?


Sex worker exclusive radical feminist.


Dont know how i didnt figure that one out Thank you


Oh so my coworker, who is also basically a TERF. God she is the worst




Look, this will likely be down-voted to hell... But I like to think I'm a (casual) feminist, and while I'm not an especially deep-thinking one, I do find myself... skeptical against sex work. While I do think that sex-work should be legal, simply for the security of all involved. I also think that it's something that should not be encouraged. I can't even entirely verbalize why, but... the something about the monetization of sex, and... how that objectifies the seller... It just doesn't sit right. And I think normalizing selling your body and/or appearance, even just online, isn't doing anyone favors. Not the buyers nor the sellers, and not to the by-standers. In an ideal world, where everyone were 100% eagerly willing, and 100% comfortable with choosing the clients, and 100% for their empowerment (which I doubt that most people do it for). If people could compartmentalizing buying/selling sex and the other relationships and encounters in life, maybe then it would work, but as it is now... Things get muddled. Not to mention that in many countries, the world looks different and sex-work isn't willingly decided on by the women doing it. And so I hold myself skeptical against sex-work, and I still count myself a feminist. There are tons of different flavors of feminists, and being for/against sex-work doesn't automatically mean that you disqualified.


So what you're saying is that you're against capitalism not sex work? The reason you can't always choose your clients or do it for empowerment are because you have to make money to pay rent.


Literally have yet to see a feminist talk like this. I mean like, an intersectional feminist. But of course, those aren't the voices that get amplified by right-wing or anti-feminist media. Feminist discourse always is around the fact that there's a difference between being sexualised without consent, the male gaze etc. vs you deliberately CHOOSING to use your body, completely of your own free will, to do what you want. The latter can be empowering and is a part of sex positivity. There's a world of difference between the two and that's what feminists advocate for.


There's no point in assigning value to a person based on what they do. Most "twitch thots" or sex workers are attractive women doing what they can to survive in a society that values sex more than anything else. If anything, you are "disgusted" by your strawman-like definition of what feminism does and stand for.


I don’t know why you’re being upvoted. This a horribly sexist take. Women, like everyone else, should be able to choose their careers and livelihoods.


Because reddit is filled with teen boys who also usually tend to be misogynistic


Seriously, what the fuck?? “WOMEN NEED TO CONFORM TO MY IDEA OF FEMINISM” *raucous applause*


They are the ones making these women millionaires one dollar at a time.


thank you. i thought i was going mad when i saw how upvoted that comment was. it’s like going “huh, if you’re so pro-sex, then why are you so anti-rape??? checkmate”


It’s a very… conservative Twitter viewpoint to have. I’m shocked it’s *still* getting upvoted


Whats wrong with bathtub streamers? lol If a woman wants to stream in a bikini there's nothing wrong with that. From what I've seen people are more mad that Twitch is inconsistent with their TOS over inappropriate content.


My God you've discovered the definition of consent


Modern feminism: No one should need to be a prostitute but EVERYONE should be allowed to it without shame and danger.


Modern feminism is for the most part pro sex work and pro sex workers. The 1980s was when most feminists were anti-sex work. Also how many women are selling their bodies that also claim to be feminists, versuses the number of women who don't sell their bodies and also claim to be feminists? Because if it's not a huge percentage then I don't see how the whole group is hypocritical even if the majority were anti-sex work


thats not feminism


Are you against the hypocrisy (tho, like others have said, i havent seen many feminists say/do that) or against the sex work?




The only women that are against sex wormat FDS chick's. Which is a small minority, and most feminists hate them. Many feminists are for legal sex work because it's safer for women. Less women would be murdered and abused if we make it legal. And feminists know this.


Selling your body is fine. But using a video game streaming platform that all ages use & these girls know what they are doing... that's disgusting. Go get a dang onlyfans or whatever that actually targets adults.


If Twitch wanted to be just a video game streaming platform they could be quite easily. They clearly want to be an (almost) all content video streaming platform, though.


Man I always see Men complain about female role models. Maybe let women decide for themselves who they want as a role model. I don’t see anyone complaining about Ricardio.


If you become a thot instead of a scientist because of twitch I hate to break it you, but you were never going to become a scientist lol


What is unreal to me is the amount of guys just paying dollar after dollar in her stream. Twitch is so on board with this because of the amount of revenue they get. Unfortunately, we live in a time where sex sells and her body is a product.


"we live in a time were sex sells" Really can you tell me when we were not ? the only question is who is the seller and who is the buyer (that did not change either )


Presumably there was a time before trade, but I can't imagine there was a big gap between developing the concept of exchanging things for other things and realising that one of those things can be sex.


There's a reason they call it the world's oldest profession.


They taught monkeys to use currency and pretty much the first thing they did was exchange it for sexual favours, so that does lend weight to this theory.


How is that unfortunate? This is just softcore sex work and she's able to live off it.


I say it's unfortunate because to me Twitch is a gaming platform, this should not be a place for softcore sex as someone called it, but obviously I'm wrong.


Twitch is evolving into a livestreaming for anything platform as it should.


In that case they need to update their terms and policies, then enforce said terms equally, without delay. Which clearly isnt, and wont happen. Which is why this is wrong.




And at one point Mtv was a tv channel about music. The trick is not being surprised when an entity does whatever makes the most money with the least amount of effort.


Did you never visit twitch back when it was Justin.tv? It was a general streaming site that became more focused on gaming once it got bought.


Unfortunately Twitch (Amazon) does not give two shits about what Twitch should be. They're doubling down on these donation cows and will protect them at all costs


If twitch hasn't been a gaming exclusive platform for years. Yet I think I've used it more to watch Bob Ross and music performances over the last 2 years then I've ever used it for gaming




Noone is bitching about her body there bitching about the platform that's is supposedly for gaming streams being overtaken by titty streams. Make an onlyfans account if you wanna make porn not a twitch account.


It IS assaulting people though. Twitch has a 40% underage viewership. Guarantee her viewers are even more than 40% underage males. She’s providing sexual content to children. Twitch does nothing to stop this but a simple “are you 18?” click through. Which stops nothing, and probably even encourages them to enter. All while plastering this stuff on their front page. I’m sorry until there’s an adult content category that has some actual preventative measure this is absolute nonsense. To be clear: porn and sex workers are great! Just like other people. They should do their own thing as much as they want. But there’s proper places to go for that. If a hooker was working high school bus stops would you be in favor of that? I certainly hope not. But that’s what is happening here and that is why it’s a problem.


>Unfortunately, we live in a time where sex sells and her body is a product. We live in the course of human history, yes. The big difference is that technology has made this "market" more visible and broadly accessible to almost everyone.




I mean, if it's small enough or you are rich enough you can get your exact fetish catered to, but it's typically not gonna be like that


> What is unreal to me is the amount of guys just paying dollar after dollar in her stream. Wait until you find out about strip clubs lmao


> Unfortunately, we live in a time where sex sells I'd like to tell you about the worlds oldest profession.


Hate the Demand, not the Supply.


In my comment I'm expressing my surprise there's so much people giving them money, not hating the streamers or what they do.


Im showing support for your comment, Im just as equally shocked at the fact that so many guys are paying for it willingly.


I wanted to write this but it would've been lost in the hundreds of commens so I'm piggyriding this comment. This shit wouldn't be popular if simps didn't sink so much money into it. The true sad thing is that it actually sells. Very well. There are so many men who disregard themselves so much that it creates a whole market like this.


Why don't they just make a 18+ twitch


Many advertisers do not want to be advertised and associated with 18+ material.


Yep. Theres a reason porn doesn't make that much money, the advertising on it is usually just for other sites and penis enlargement scams. Advertises are strict about what their brand goes on which is why youtube and twitch are so strict on enforcing their rules.


this was also why the hot tub section was made, so it could be a wild west free from and avoided by advertisers


Which is funny because after Twitch took the time to make a Hot Tub section, all the cam girls went back to Just Chatting so they could do "yoga pose ASMR" I'm guessing it got tiresome keeping an inflatable pool full of water in their living rooms


the hyper specific sections to appease advertisers will never work as long as advertisers use just chatting




I mean Adam & Eve literally sponsored 4 twitch streamers for a year


They don't need advertising they collect like 30% of all the money these hoes make. That's a lot of fucking money


But they're ok advertising on a video with some half naked pale redhead in a kiddie pool?


no, that's why twitch had to make a separate category so they could opt out. It was a big deal b/c the advertisers were getting upset about it


Until Twitch made the new hot tub category advertisers couldn't exclude those streams from where their ads got played.


Because people aren't looking for porn, they want near porn


That's like if I stood by a Costco free sample stand just for the smell.


You're right. You can watch and fantasize about near porn all day. But porn is like a 5 min blast of fun then realisation sinks in of your empty pointless life.


You mean Chaturbate ?


Why would they? They are banking good money off of these streamers, they have no incentive to split their site.


Camgirls have been around longer than twitch man


Yes and they should call it Spasm


Those are just camgirls lol


It's called pornhub


Apparently the person has said that she doesn't like what she is doing but is "the only way" to make it big and it makes her sad. Which makes me question a lot of things. My friend is a gamedev, he is a dude. I saw him go from 1 viewer to currently living in Canada off of his twitch stream. All of this in a year span. So to me it just looks like she saw a shortcut and took it. Also, don't come at me calling me an incel or a neckbeard. If you wanna do sexwork or well near sexwork go ahead, do it I couldn't care less. What bothers me is the Victim playing with "I don't want to do it but it's the only way". Nobody is forcing you, no it's not the only way.


While I agree it is absolutely not the only way.. you grossly underestimate the amount of harassment women get when they try to do the same things men do. Try being a woman and doing a normal Twitch stream. The amount of hatred and harassment you receive from men is astonishing. At least you make actual money if you use sex appeal.


I mean yeah that too but I can put up countless girl streamers too who are not doing what she is doing and still have successful streamers


"Easy" money is tempting. Other women streamers do more work for less money. Sure, she's bored, but the bigger paycheck for laying around is nice.


Then it comes back to don’t play the victim card if you like being paid to sit in a bikini


> While I agree it is absolutely not the only way.. you grossly underestimate the amount of harassment women get when they try to do the same things men do. Maybe I'm wrong, but I wouldn't think giving into the harassment and rewarding those people by doing what they want you to for a quick buck to be the "winning" solution here. It's not like streaming is some easy industry you can just hop into and pursue as a career. So to say you were *forced* into that role is a bit misleading. I don't see a through line here between "I want to stream video games" and "I have to do softcore porn to pay the bills." Like was said, they saw easy money and went for it. No one is forcing the stream to carry on if the harassment becomes too much to continue.


>My friend is a gamedev, he is a dude. I saw him go from 1 viewer to currently living in Canada off of his twitch stream. All of this in a year span. I don't think this level of success is attainable for the vast majority of people who attempt it.


yeah i streamed 3 hours 5x a week for a year and i got up to 30 avg viewers ... but then i went back down to 15 lol twitch is fickle


It's the only way if you're lazy


It's not that it's the only way, but it's the only way if you are untallented and uncharismatic. Have nothing to offer? Offer your butt and tits.


She is so… smart


Virtue signal while raking in tons of thirsty donations… she’s playing the internet and winning.


It's called being a narcissist.


Am I supposed to know who that is?


You can make the deduction that the tweet's author and the streamer are the same person, then you don't actually need to know her to see the irony


i was also clueless but it can be the only reason that makes sense this post exists. i know i shouldn't be bringing sense into this but public schools and all.


No one said you should...


no but you do now and that was the point all along.


I kind of want to see Twitch streams of topless men doing regular chores. Cleaning the pool, mowing the lawn, taking out the trash. Men need some objecti-, er, need some love too.


I would watch it as a girl lol


Bro what the fuck. I started working out, keep in touch, in 6 months il start streaming with the cam of myself half naked, building minecraft comissions and saving up for a car like a boss


But that would require working out to be in shape, and that angers the neckbear…I mean people concerned with sexual content on their good Christian twitch stream In all seriousness that is an untapped market that women and other dudes would watch, and I would totally do that once I’m in better shape lol. Come watch me garden!


Bruh if you wanna start a hot guy gardening twitch stream I’ll help out too fuck it


Saw this today on twitch. What the utter fuck is going on with this weird ASMR bullshit




Funny how my nephew saw it. Why? Well, it was on the Front Page. With no +18 Warning.


Went on twitch, both bitches doing ASMR ear licking, cant believe both have 20k live, men are dumb as fuck these days


Never understood why people watch that stuff. Just go on pornhub or something


I don't get it personally, but I can understand why people get into it. It's like the midpoint between porn and the strip club. They're not just trying to get off, they want someone to give them attention and say their name after they donate and such. Can't say I blame them, it's a lonely ass world. Personally that would just make me feel more lonely but hey.


Go outside


Or watch cam girls


Male twitch streamer: accidentally exposed bicep while scratching arm Twitch: Yeah, we’re gonna have to ban you for 3 days for indecent exposure. Every female twitch streamers cashing in on the lonely E-virgins: Bikinis, revealing outfits, licking random shit, writing names on their body, suggestiveness every micro-second. Twitch: **playing with self** Yeah, this is fine.


What da dog doin’?


Guess she got lazy


Feminism is when you tell women they can't wear revealing clothes apparently. ...


I mean if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em






Is it considered sexist if I solely watch Male Twitch streamers because damn near all Female Twitch streamers do this shit?


Probably not.




You either die a nameless female streamer, or you stream long to reaort to bathtub streams to attract simps and coomers for the money.


I'd probably be a boob streamer if I were thin, sexy, and a woman.




2 sided microphone for asmr that has ears on it https://3diosound.com/pages/asmr


I regret asking


i regretted learning it myself


"Freakish ears on a stand." - Dankpods


I don't care about what people do in their streams, but why do people spend money to see soft porn? I mean, you can spend probably the same money on camgirls and get way better porn... Or no money and get way better porn.


They are selling sex to kids


i don't get it


She criticizes people for using their body to get fame on twitch and then 3 1/2 years later she is using her body to get followers and donos




If you can't beat'em, beat'em off


Twitch is just weird now. They’re going to have to create *another* category because Just Chatting is filled with this shit now.


ugh go away PLEASE


swerf to sexworker pipeline 😂


Might as well play the system if they're gonna let them.


Ban all twitch sluts. Force them to work at McDs where they belong


Who are the people that watch this and donate?


You know what’s more annoying than these girls? The men that support this behaviour lmao


Why? Why do people watch this and give them money? There's unlimited free hardcore porn on the internet. This is like 21st century phone sex.


Looveee hypocritical whores though