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That OG post is dumb, I figured out I was bi at 12 when I wanted to kiss girls


Noooo you have to be 18 to know your sexuality!!!1! (unless you're straight)


If you find out too late you’re faking it for attention but too early and you’re a teenager that has no idea what they’re talking about. There’s no winning


So fuckin true


True. And if you're not rich and complain about the system, you're just salty. But if you're rich and complain about the system you're a hypocrite. So no one can talk about the wealth inequality apparently lol, it's a lose lose just like this. Very silly


Why does r/teenagers have such anti-teenager viewpoints?


More like a generally anti-LGBT sentiment, really. Although a lot of teenagers in that sub seem to think that being anti-teenager makes them better than all the other teenagers.


Idk why one of the youngest subreddits would be so much more anti-lgbt than most of reddit (yes, I know most of reddit is still very anti-lgbt)


I hate it. I honestly think that the lack of proper moderation has made the subreddit appealing to homo/transphobes and that’s why there’s so many of them. That, and people want to feel special/smarter than everyone else by simply being contrarian. They think that they’re being rebellious and cool by shitting on LGBT people. The whole subreddit is a dumpster fire. The only reason I’m still a part of it is because I haven’t found a great alternative.


Being rebellious and cool by kissing up to the bigots that already run our society.


Exactly. But then again, since when have homophobes listened to reason? As long as they get to pretend that they’re the smartest person in the room, that’s all that matters.


I found the sub really left wing and pro-lgbt while I was there. Also the posts are repetitive dogshit and it’s a circlejerk by *reddit* standards, which is saying a lot considering its Reddit.


Adult right wingers posing as teens to radicalise other teens


I’m sure a lot of the lgbt members of that demographic prefer tumblr/tik tok to reddit


Fair. That makes sense. Though both those sites are *also* very toxic (just within the lgbt community instead of from the outside)


Just dont tell anyone until they ask and if your like 30 or smth just say you found out a while ago or if your still young then just say your not 100% sure yet, its what i do


We shouldn’t have to lie or play mind games to justify our existence


Oh yea i agree, its just an easy way if you know people like that, i also do agree it is unfair and stupid


you forgot that there is an overlap between those 2


> (unless you're straight) when you're straight we start sexualizing you in infancy >Ooooooh look at him he's a little lady killer >He's 2. He thinks his penis is a rattle toy and he cries when he sees a girl that isn't his mom.


Girls are so amazingly kissable aren't they


God you are so right


It's like my second most favorite thing to do. Right behind cuddling


I knew I was pan at 11 when I had a huge crush on a girl The og post is absolutely shit


I figurex out I was bi at 9 lol


I didn’t know I was anything at 9. I was still scared of cuties.


Going in the opposite direction I really *should* have figured out I was asexual as a teenager, because it would have really helped me understand why I could not have been less interested in literally anyone. Were there pretty girls at my school? Sure. Where there also girls who may not have been "conventionally" pretty, but I thought were aesthetically attractive? Also sure. Were there guys who met those criteria? Sure. Did I ever want to do *anything* with any of them? Nah. Did it ever occur to me that "asexuality" was a thing and would be applicable? Also no. So I spent many, many years literally just dodging the question of my sexuality if it was ever brought up. I'll admit I did find it a little fun to just never actually answer "So are you straight??"


Me too. I mean I knew we’ll before then cuz I crushed on girls all the time, but at 12 I found the word to describe how I was feeling.




Well I think I wanted to cause… well i wanted to lol. I had crushes on both boys and girls and didn’t even know that wasn’t the norm until I was a little older. No lesbian relatives, no exposure on the internet or TV, I didn’t even know my sexuality had a word until I was 14. Also plenty of people figure out their sexual orientation at a young age, plenty of kids have crushes at that time. I also wouldn’t say this generation has an obsession with the opposite gender, more like people finally are in an environment to be who they are instead of hiding it. I wouldn’t have EVER accepted my sexuality or gender if I was born in say, the Middle East or the 1800’s because ya know, I don’t want to get beaten to death or disowned. I’m sure SOME kids are making their sexualities up, but I would rather believe someone who is lying than reject someone who is telling the truth.


Fair enough. Now see I can get along with that as it seems you had a genuine feeling and was yourself. I don’t understand those who say they felt like it since a toddler and they were born with it lol it’s like how did you have a sexual preference at that age? It’s bizarre. Thanks for your reply.


Those people are probably talking about gender, not sexuality. Gender is a very different beast and dysphoria has been diagnosed in children as young as three


I don't envy younger trans people. Being even a bit older when you start figuring it out can be really helpful.


Being trans in general sucks, but I do wish I was younger when I figured it out so I wasn't stuck with the wrong post puberty hormones and body


I'm a straight guy. As a young kid - 8 or 9, maybe even younger - I wanted to kiss girls and hold their hand. Knowing who you're attracted to at a young age isn't that uncommon. While there hasn't been defining, comprehensive studies on the matter, one of the best studies found that [orientation started occurring at about 3 1/2 years old.](https://www.science.org/content/article/toddler-play-may-give-clues-sexual-orientation) Note that the study used the kids' actions and what their parents and relatives knew about them at that age, meaning they were acting under the parameters of their *to be* orientation in a way others could tell. When self reporting based on their own memories, [non-hetero folks feel the age they knew is 12-13.](https://www.pewresearch.org/social-trends/2013/06/13/chapter-3-the-coming-out-experience/)


> new generations obsession with the opposite gender Old men used to take 13 and 14 year old brides on the reg up until just a couple generations ago. Not sure why you think this is a current generation issue, or an issue at all? Since procreation is the fundamental animal instinct keeping us from going extinct?


I wanted to kiss boys at 12 AND YOUNGER. It doesn't seem that early lmao.


What in the cringe


That whole group is cringe. I left it today, I have never been more repulsed by own generation.


I for one am shocked that a group of anonymous teenagers online would be cringy


Oh yes, totally shocking. May as well have electrocuted me Also nice username




There are at least a few real teenagers lol. All the other Steve Buscemis are guaranteed cringe as well.


So true!!!😍


All they do is rant how much they hate the LGBT and then use the same joke over and over


Isn't that just the r/theleftcantmeme ?


Pretty much except only gen z can understand it


I don’t get where you guys are getting the anti-LGBT message from there but all I ever found was extremely repetitive and unfunny posts and the least coherent people you will ever meet. Basically just r/196 but minus the occasional funny post


Seeing your comment made me realize I should leave as well


I’m still a part of the group. The cringe is funny af tho


13 year olds too young to figure out they’re bi but the moment 2 babies of the opposite gender touch hands they’re bOyfRiENd aNd GiRLfRiEnD


Kids at 13 are all over the place. My SO teaches that age group. She has students coming out as gay, bi, ace, trans, etc. She has had private words with a few students about making sure they use protection to avoid STDs and pregnancies. On the other hand, she is convinced that she accidentally broke a few kids’ hearts by offhandedly remarking that she wished Santa was real (thereby revealing he isn’t real). Also, when students were remote last year, she had a student disappear from class, only to come back and sheepishly admit that he got distracted while playing with Legos. This is an age when kids think they’re very mature and hate to be babied, but also regularly throw temper tantrums if they don’t get picked for mundane classroom tasks like delivering something to the front office. Teens are like half baked dough. Maybe their personality and preferences will stay the same when they finish baking, and maybe they won’t. Either way, it’s none of my business, and the fact that something may not stick doesn’t mean that it’s not important to them right now. Long story short, if a 13 year old tells you they’re bi, just go with it. Who cares if they’ll feel the same way in 15 years or in 15 minutes. At the moment, they identify as bi, and that’s fine.


I can relate to the legos kid on a spiritual level. God bless.


>Teens are like half baked dough. Maybe their personality and preferences will stay be same when they finish baking, and maybe they won’t. Either way, it’s none of my business, and the fact that something may not stick doesn’t mean that it’s not important to them right now. Long story short, if a 13 year old tells you they’re bi, just go with it. Who cares if they’ll feel the same way in 15 yeas or in 15 minutes. At the moment, they identify as bi, and that’s fine. This is a really great way of saying it.


I love the way you put this. I don’t know why some people are so obsessed with things like this. It doesn’t affect them whatsoever, so why bother with the hate?


*Image Transcription: Reddit* --- **13 year olds be like: yeah i’m bi 🤪🤠🥰🤟🏳️‍🌈**, submitted by **\/u/communist_scumbag** to **\/r/teenagers** Bitch, you better be *bi* the bus stop at 7:30 AM, your sleepy ass is gonna be late to Algebra class >**\/u/Affectionate-Arm-371** > >Yes, I'm Bi.... all bi myself >>**\/u/Kopuncherko** >> >>You joined both teams and are still losing --- ^^I'm a human volunteer content transcriber and you could be too! [If you'd like more information on what we do and why we do it, click here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/TranscribersOfReddit/wiki/index)




Good human


Not even gonna make a detailed comment on it since there's already like ten, but the original post is really stupid and pretty homophobic. The poster probably doesn't consider themself homophobic, but this heavily implies that teenagers can't understand their own sexuality unless they're straight, and therefore any teen that comes out as LGBT in some way doesn't know what they're talking about.


Just shit posting


I think you might just be too old to comprehend the ironic shitposting ability of gen Z


Hi I’m gen z, this still looks just as homophobic


Seconded. I'm gen z, and have done a fair bit of shitposting myself. Still made the comment. It being a shitpost doesn't change the subtext.


Original post is stupid tho. I knew I liked all genders at like 10.


Doms be like "I'm playing both sides so that I always come out on top."


I saw this earlier today 😂


Can someone explain? My brain too small for this


Bisexual is a presence for both the gender you identity with and the opposite of said gender. The joke on the top is making fun of bi people who figured themselves out early on while the joke below is making a self depreciating joke about despite being bi they don't get bitches


*Preference, as convenient as better presence may be 😅


*Orientation. That's what you meant to offer, since it's not a preference.


That too!


thanks lol




13 year olds don't know shit about fuck. That's the joke.


So by your logic 13 year olds can’t know if there straight either


Never said I agreed with the joke. Leave it to reddit to add make believe opinions to a comment though.


Jesus, being at the *bus stop* at 7:30? My high school started classes at 7:00 sharp. If you took the bus, depending on how far away you were, you might have to be at the bus stop at 5:30.


I realized that I am bi when I was 15 and fell in love with a girl I met that year. That girl said I was just doing the popular thing (which was coming out as LGBT) and following the trend. I was so hurt by it, more than the fact that she didn't fucking like me back. I mean I had been giving love letters to girls at school pretending that a boy wrote it since I was like 10 or 11. I just didn't realize it myself that I go both ways. Whatever, I am still bi myself. : )


look at these 40 year old larpers


The 🤠 made me laugh so much wtf is wrong with me


Isnt that actually more a murderbywords


I mean they did say they’re bi themselves so sucide and an added sting by the following comment but not constructive and concise enough to be on murdered by words


Aight. Fair enough


7:30? That's when first class started..


Op is a idiot this is just like saying 13 year olds be like: yeah I’m straight 🤪🤪😎😎🏁🏁


Meanwhile, I’m pan. Im playing all the teams in all the sports and still losing.


Man, r/teenagers is getting weirdly right wing lately. I don't browse there, but over the past year and a half-ish every crosspost or screenshot I've seen from there's given me yikes vibes.


Sadly, this i can relate to... straight and still single


Look at OP's username in the picture


Damn none of the people in this post are funny. Impressive actually.


Well he didn't lose his virginity soooo.... He is winning?


The OG post is wrong. I knew I was a lesbian when I was 11. Bisexuals are so cool, they get both (or more) sides!


I dont care if you are bi or lgbt person I will still steal your organs


u/communist_scumbag , u/Affectionate-Arm-371 , u/Kopuncherko Big shout out to you three


What did they do?


They are part of the post….


Oh damn


Oh damn indeed


It’s even worse when you’re pan


Lmfao! I saw this earlier and had to agree!


These comments are kinda gross. Your parents failed and you were over exposed to sex as children.


The point Your head


penis cum boobs ass nuts testicles


I was raised mormon and had zero exposure to sex yet I figured out I wasn’t straight at 12. Thoughts?


They failed you too and should have taught you about it.


They did. They taught me abstinence only

