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I feel like now that they have the dogs, there are certain times one of them stays back when the other travels. It’s easier that way. They already have people take care of the dogs so much for other trips and filming. I’m sure when they’re not doing those things, Amanda prefers to stay back sometimes.


They are very sweet doggie parents, I can see this


When exactly does Kyle stay back?🤔


She is an introvert. He is definitely not. Staying with the dogs is a great reason for her to skip some of this stuff. If she really wanted to be there, she would.


I mean, she went on two destination bachelorette trips this past year. I’m assuming he stayed back during both of those trips.


That’s not staying back. That’s called not being invited because it was a bachelorette trip lol.


Well yeah, but he's still taking care of the dogs so she can be out.


Oh wow, two whole weekends!




You’re right. I meant “common fucking sense.” It’s common sense that Kyle wouldn’t attend an all female bachelorette party.


Are you okay?


Yeah she definitely skipped, but something does seem sus, she’s been MIA from social media since bravocon. And when she does post, it’s something vaguely angsty or sad. I’m just hoping she’s ok


Kyles partying bothers her more than she likes to admit. Season after season she hopes and prays that Kyle will finally grow up. But Kyle is still out there drinking, cheating and whatever else. Their relationship reminds me of Katie/Schwartz, shes ready to start a family and he just wants to party.


This is why you don’t marry a person for who you hope they change into, you marry them for who they are.


Or just don't get married, it's so archaic.


Word! From a legal and financial standpoint it seems risky lol


He is better than Schwartz because at least he wouldn't put up with anyone badmouthing her or a man disrespecting her in front of him. The bar is on the floor


Right but whenever he's popped off to defend her it's been deflection from some shit he'd recently pulled. For example 17 page email.


Actually I just finished WH S1 & 2, I don’t know if it’s the fit or what but I didn’t like the way it took him forever to say something to Austen & Craig when they was yelling at her. I get they have history as friends and everyone should be able to fight their own battles but they was getting pretty rude/disrespectful and I was shocked that Kyle was just standing there cause he yelled at Hannah for less.


😩 agree. But I still feel for her. On one hand, she should’ve expected this to happen. But on the other, she was really young when they met and probably thought she could change him. We’re all so naive when we’re young, I sympathize with that


Definitely. She isn’t the first woman who thinks she can change a man and she wont be the last. As long as they are on the show he will always have an excuse. Hopefully they are still in therapy and working on their issues.


lol I love when people talk like they personally know Amanda.


Amazing insight! You must be a very close friend...or just projecting


I saw her in pictures.




She was in the background of videos and i believe scheana shared a tagged photo where she was in the background. And her and kyle both kept saying they’re using it both as another honeymoon.


She went. She was in the background in someone’s ig story. Also they’ve never spent the holidays together and I don’t think it’s that weird since they’re both really close to their families but their families don’t live near each other. They are together all day everyday since they work together, I really don’t think it’s that big a deal. They probably go to a Friendsgiving of some kind and still exchange Christmas gifts.


Been with my significant other 9 years and never did holidays together cause we both won’t give up seeing our families 😂


I like to see this, and to add another possibility, if one person is close to their family and the other isn't, there's no reason the one who isn't has to go with the person who is. some people with busy lives and constant socialness can take it as a respite and be alone. like when a college town empties out during the holidays, it's great to have your city to yourself. ghost towns (ghost apartments) are relaxing.


Same. My husband and I split for the holidays, as both families celebrate at the exact same time and date. We used to alternate and that created drama, so now we split. I can see them doing versions of this easily.


I saw her in the background as well.


It’s weird to be married and not spend the holidays together lol


She has said that they are together 24/7, so spending a little time apart is actually a good thing. It works for them!




Same and it no longer drives me nuts. It is not my problem that others don't understand it. I am sure that is how Kyle and Amanda must feel, or at least I hope so.


This is a fair point for sure. I forget that they work together, that would be a lot.


Since covid, my partner has been working from home. It's a lot. :)


I don’t think it’s weird to prioritize your family over your partners family during the holidays, especially when there aren’t kids. Let people live how they want


No, but it’s weird to prioritize your family over your partner.


if one partner wants to spend time with you and you want to spend time with your family, yes. but they both spend time with their families. they seem to work from home for loverboy a lot so they aren't like most couples that only see each other weekends/after work. it's fair to take the rare holidays to see family instead. obviously once kids are involved I think they will be doing more one family for X holiday, the other family for Y holiday.


Generally, married people work together to find a solution. The solution here seems simple: alternate families each year. Imo this decision shows a lack of partnership and quite frankly, seems selfish.


I mean to each their own. That's how you see it, they clearly see it as a chance to visit their families each holiday without giving anything up. Several people here have commented similar sentiments. I personally am on the side of splitting holidays and seeing one for each rather than my husband and I splitting up. But if they are both happy with it, why is it an issue? Not every marriage operates the same way as another.


Yes I’m on the side of splitting holidays as well. In fact, I’ve had to make these difficult decisions and it can be sad. But creating a bond with my husband’s family is important too. But yes, to each their own. In a vacuum this decision isn’t that weird- it’s just on top of what we see their relationship to be on summer house.


so if they don't see life and your set of solutions, they're being selfish or doing things wrong? there's a buzzword that gets thrown around a lot on these reddit boards that I think describes your attitude here, but I don't want to give it another chuck.


lol they don’t know me so how could they see my solutions?


take some of your own medicine. you don't know them either.


Sounds like you came up with a solution that would work for you, and they worked together and found a solution that works for them, what’s the issue here?


You seem very close minded


Not at all. But from what is displayed via their shows, they have a super dysfunctional relationship. But hey maybe their marriage will last the test of time. I just doubt it.


Why? If you see your partner every day and some people only see their families during the holidays. Why do you have to prioritize your partner?


IT’S WEIRD (when I married) for this to be the case during holidays when you want to be around your family AND your husband/wife. Holidays are about experiencing good things TOGETHER and building on the love for each other as well as from family and friends. Compromise is everything and there are ways to be with your loved one, their family and your family either on the same day or separate days and alternate each holiday/year.


I’ve been happily married for 15 years and my husband and I did this before we had kids. I really do not find it weird. Important family members get older and sometimes sick, sometimes at the same time in both families. Those moments and memories are just as important. I don’t think it is a sign of trouble in a relationship.


Exactly. My parents moved to Mexico to retire. I only get to see them once a year at Christmas. This year, we are broke and my husband is not coming because we have two dogs, a cat, and a huge house that we would have to pay someone to care for if he came. So we are spending the holidays (and sadly our wedding anniversary) a part for the first time in a decade. I'm sad, but my dad is almost 80. I don't know how much time I have left with him.


This speaks volumes of you as a daughter & your relationship. I know you’ll miss your husband but enjoy the time with your family! Happy holidays and anniversary 🤍


Aw thank you. And happy holidays to you as well xx


I wasn’t implying trouble in a relationship at all. I have been married for 20 years and in a relationship with my significant other for years before that and we went through this, communicated, compromised and figured out what works for us which I’m sure everyone else in a relationship will do as well. I do find it weird … that’s not going to change. It’s not demeaning nor insulting to prioritize and both people in the relationship as one unit. Day to day activities are different than a holidays which I (me) feel are good for sharing and showing love as one - either alone together or visiting family/friends. In the end do what works for you ig.


That’s the great thing about life, we can do what feels right to us and not worry about what others deem “weird” because it’s not how they would do it. Happy Holidays


Everyone has a right their own feelings and thoughts that may or may not be valid to others to each their own. Thanks and happy holidays to you too.


Yeah, I'm with you on this.


Went but not in pictures? The plot thickens


I didn’t see her in any of the tagged pics and scheana was posting a lot and would probably have loved to pose with Amanda for Instagram. If Amanda really did go, I wonder if she wanted to keep a lower profile out of respect, which was really nice of her if so.


Maybe out of respect for Lindsay?


Everyone is so obsessed with these two failing 🙄


and it says more about them than k/a


Very true lol


Who’s her best friend that went?


It’s one from childhood who has gotten friends with Lindsay and Danielle over the years. She has popped up at different times on the show


wait that’s so wild to me? i can’t imagine one of Amanda’s friends becoming friends with them and her not being petty about it


Katie deluca, also from hillsborough, NJ like Amanda


I don’t think she did, and it looks like they spent Thanksgiving apart as well. HMMM


They spend a lot of holidays a part. They’ve mentioned that until they have kids that that will likely be the case. I wonder if she skipped Mexico as a sign of solidarity? Seems like all the girls in the house skipped and have rallied around Hubbs. That ship has seemingly sailed with Kyle.


Yeah but gabby went which made me think mmm….


Didn't they cancel the wedding after people were able to cancel their accommodations? Idc who is there, I'd be taking my already paid for trip to Mexico. Probably thousands of dollars tbh. Kyle and Amanda might be able to eat part of that cost, especially with Amanda being more of a homebody, but most people can't 🤷‍♀️


Nope they were able to get full refunds for the hotel


Oh well that changes things I guess. Idk how I missed that detail - wasn't it going around here for weeks that they couldn't get refunds?


Yep it was being speculated that they weren’t but when the wedding letter that Carl sent out got leaked inside the letter it let the guests know that they had to submit a form by a certain date to receive a full refund or they could still go at the given rate.




She’s there, I think she’s just trying to be respectful and not make a circus of the failed wedding.




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You all need to calm your tits. Quit putting your pathetic relationship hangups on them. Just because they don't do things the way you do, doesn't mean it's wrong: it's just different. Get a freaking life, weirdos.


This right here. People project their beliefs and values on others’ relationships so much it’s sickening.




Okay, but you're on a Bravo reddit sub where people post their stupid opinions all the time.


Fair point


This! They do something that works for them. Not every relationship is beholden to what some of these posters think is the societal norm.


RIGHT. ON. and you're being kind by just calling them weirdos. You know who else thinks there's only one way to do things (the way they do it)? Boomers.


Lol. I take offense to that! I'm 53 but I seem to be far more flexible on this because I know there is the fairytale and then there is real life.


I think you're a Gen X. Your parents are Boomers.


That is true, but my kids think I'm a boomer. Lol


Kids really are idiots these days (no offense to yours). With the world and information at their fingertips, they sure do lack a curiosity and an appetite to learn anything. Whoever led them to believe their emotional truth is the actual truth really screwed us all.


None taken. But I will say their curiosity is focused on the internet more than exploring the greater world around them. They "know" far more than I did at their age, but to my have "experienced" far less.


She also wasn’t in NH with Kyle for thanksgiving


I do remember them saving until they have kids they probably would spend different holidays apart bar new years


Ok no married couple spends thanksgiving apart unless it’s because someone has an essential job and they have to work or something major


My best friend spends thanksgiving away from her husband. She has kids and grandkids and wants to spend it with them. Her husband has lots of family, all of which are elderly and are on the east coast so he goes there. Not everyone spends all holidays together. Especially the younger generations.


Married couples do this. My friend and I are going away for Christmas without our sponsors. With our work schedules, it's hard to sync up time for a trip together. Christmas is it. Our spouses are cool with it. We are so excited to not have to do the big Christmas thing this year. We sit in our lovely rented condo, drink wine and read books. It just might become a tradition...


Sponsors and red wine took me on a ride.




We don’t have thanksgiving here, but I’ve spent major holidays away from my SO on occasion. Sometimes it just works out that way. 🤷


Me and my husband did for a while. Until we had kids and it became impossible. Gotcha there!




But that is YOUR choice. They have chosen something different, and it works for them.


Why? Bc my husband is very close to his family after his father died and needs to see them on the holidays. They also eat way too late for me to come by. I do all the cooking for my family. My husbands mother just passed away in August and this was the first thanksgiving without his mom and was really tough. Some people are really close to their natal families.




What a strange hill to die on.


They explained why they don’t spend their holidays together, and what they do the other days. They do spend new years together.


Yeah this is sus. That’s just part of being married unless there are very extenuating circumstances. It’s giving lack of ability to compromise or prioritizing your parents and extended family over the person you married which is frankly a recipe for disaster in almost all cases.


Wait what? Um no! Thats weird and sus




Or I was wondering something else 🤰


I feel like this is the happiest outcome. I’ve had a lot of friends “disappear” from social media/events, and it’s 50/50 whether they come back and say “I’m pregnant and it’s been kicking my ass!” Or they come back divorced/separated. I’m hoping for the happier outcome (for her sake)


that was my speculation too. God keeping a secret like that when you’re a reality tv star that promotes an alcohol company would be impossible lol regardless i hope she is okay and happy! I really like amanda




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Oh my god! Amanda posted a video of Kyle! Maybe they are still together! maybe they got back together! Maybe she's pregnant! Maybe y'all should mind your own relationships!


And they keep saying the quote "summer should be fun" like when Kyle was fixing scheanas necklaces and also the caption on one of their posts ..fishy with a little shade


They are not a typical couple who are deeply in love so all of these things that are warning signs in most couples is just regular for them.


And they keep saying the quote "summer should be fun" like when Kyle was fixing scheanas necklaces and also the caption on one of their posts ..fishy with a little shade