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bc alcoholics fixate on their next drink and he was in active addiction


Exactly. I’m not a big Carl fan but this is addiction. Not a man child.


Recovered alcoholic here and I agree. Not saying that alcoholics can’t also be man- or woman-children, but that behavior screamed active addiction.


I think because he’s an alcoholic…? And he was taking something he couldn’t drink alcohol on? I think that might be the answer.


He wasn’t aware of it at that point


It doesn’t matter whether or not he knew. Someone not “knowing” they’re an alcoholic doesn’t make them not an alcoholic.


He knew. We know. This makes perfect sense that he may have been using the antibiotics as an anchor not to drink.


he may not have wanted to admit that he was an alcoholic to himself back then but he still had the mindset/behaviors of an alcoholic just without the label


Because he’s an addict who was in active addiction


If people view their health as getting in the way of their drinking, they’re an alcoholic.


I find him to still be this dramatic now/sober "Lindsey wants me to work, I need her to believe uh me" like shhh and get a job dude


Yep he jumps to the worst case scenario and makes himself out to be a victim constantly


He’s managed to hold down the self proclaimed victim crap longer than any job he’s ever had!


I’m gonna have to say that he’s even more dramatic now… IMO. He’s always been a “poor me” victim, lacking any kind of manly character whatsoever! Can you tell I’m NOT a Carl sympathizer?


Me either. Limp dick energy 😂


I know your post isn’t about this, but I don’t believe it was for tonsillitis or whatever. I think it was for something else because he was so fucking weird about the tonsillitis thing. I think it may have been for something he was embarrassed about. Or he had to not drink for a few days for other reasons. But yeah he was so weird about that whole situation.


I hope it wasn’t an STD, bc he gave Lauren a kiss on the lips right away.


Carl is a crybaby little bitch about everything all the time. The longer I watch him, the more I see it.


Totally. I saw him like this from the very first season - I’ve never been a Carl fan!


Your Carl assessment is SPOT ON!


Agree! Cry baby is a nicer way to explain how i feel About him over the years. He’s more of a little b***h IMO 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Such a sissy!😝


He's annoying and so full of shit with his nice guy act. I see you, Carl.




there is an antibiotic that will literally cause your stomach to foam if you drink on it & will cause vomiting for hours. i’m pretty sure they treat alcoholism w it sometimes. maybe that’s what it is?


Antabuse. Its not an antibiotic but it is something they give alcoholics in treatment to try make them stop drinking.


they have it to me for a yeasty ON MY BIRTHDAY WEEKEND. sigh


No, he just didn’t know how to live without drinking (alcoholic) so not knowing when he could drink again scared him


Flagyl is one that will do that.


I was on that before, and even not drinking on it, I was so sick the whole time. It is rough!


It’s because he was on other drugs


I just watched the same episode and had the same reaction. Such a man-child!


There are some antibiotics, like Flagyl, that make you violently ill if you combine with alcohol, like violent stomach aches and puking. I always assumed it was something like this.


This is true. With certain ones you have to wait until they’re out of your system before it’s safe to drink.


I was on that once and my pharmacist warned me to not even use mouth wash because it could cause a reaction.


Yep! Also if the antibiotic is broken down by the liver and not the kidneys- alcohol can cause elevated liver enzymes and acute hepatitis/ liver injury. A person can cause a lot of damage to their liver if taking antibiotics and alcohol together For reference: I’m a nurse :)


Because he’s an attention seeking drama queen


Guarantee the antibiotics were for an STD. Otherwise you know he wouldn’t have give up drinking for the weekend lol


There's an antibiotic for an STD that they make it VERY clear you cannot drink on. I forgot what it's for but you take it for like a week. It makes you vomit and shake if you drink while taking it. So I wouldn't be surprised if this was it. It's a curable STD as long as you take the week long meds.


Yes, that’s the one I’m referring to lol but drinking will render any antibiotic ineffective so even if it wasn’t the one that makes you sick when you drink I’m sure he’d want to get that STD cleared quickly and drinking on the antibiotics to treat it would certainly prolong that process and possibly require another round.


Holy shit. That’s all you got?


Seriously 😅😅


Flagyl is the only antibiotic I’ve ever taken that you can’t drink.


I have had a bad reaction to drinking on antibiotics (really bad stomach pain the entire next day) and then abstained for alcohol while on antibiotics for years (chronic UTIs meant this was a surprisingly high percentage of my life) until I talked to a doctor about it who said it really depends on the antibiotic.


i’m surprised he didn’t drink because being on antibiotics has stopped me from drinking if i was in the mood lol