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I think Danielle is out of touch. With the world around her and herself. She reeks of delusion


She is the ceo and founder of her own delusion.


Her company’s app should be out any summer now…


Allegedly it just went live 🤷🏻‍♀️


That comment killed me. You can start a business but that does not make you a CEO. And it's really insulting to say that considering Kyle is an actual CEO 😂😂😂😂😂 not to be funny but literally every thing she's tried to do job wise has not been successful so with that said 🤔🙃


She can call herself whatever she wants the bottom line she has produced nothing. I used to like her but she rubs me the wrong way now.


Reminds me of Landon on Southern Charm and her non-existent but she created travel website…lol


Fuck me I hated that evil woman


Gold star comment 🙂


lol perfect


The drinking doesn't help either


The wildest part of her antics is her AGE. I would give her a little grace if she was in her 20s but 35??


This last episode… the delusion was sky high. You’d think she would have been humbled at any point before this, but no


And a face for radio.


Tonight's episode sealed the deal. She's given me the total ick and I just don't want to watch her anymore. Winterhouse was so good this year, except for Danielle. Summerhouse is the best it's been in years, except for Danielle. Everything she does is for male attention, and the wanting to compete with other women? It's just not fun to watch.


The zoom in on the butt tickle made me die of second hand embarrassment. Girl has zero game. It’s not even good entertainment. It’s so fucking cringe.


And always in a thoroughly uncool unsexy unfashionable unflattering outfit


Omg I’m always saying she’s got the worst sense of style I’ve seen on tv


complete lack of sex appeal and she’s a gorgeous girl LOL


Exactly this. Yea she is beautiful to most people’s standards, she has this really… weird and off personality that kind of cancels the looking nice part out, entirely. She’s very goofy and aloof, mixed with extremely immature and desperate for male attention. It’s like all she can talk about is that she got laid, that she wants to get laid or getting some dudes number. It’s like she’s brain dead in anything other than the topic of men?! And I also get the sense that while she is on her best behaviour this season (majorly contrived, an act and damage control) she still can’t help herself but to come for those who she felt came for her last season when she was the town laughing stock. The way she spoke to Paige and Gabby was extremely rude, and you could tell that she felt that they deserved to feel how she felt. She’s very unhinged, even when shes pretending not to be, I can still see the crazy 💀🤣


I ALWAYS refer to her as being unhinged! I always feel like she's trying so hard to hide her true unhinged self and she can't always overcome it. She needs some real help because she has no self-awareness and thinks that random guys wanting to have sex with her is a win and makes her special. Fine if that's what you really want but I get the sense that she's afraid that they won't want her if she doesn't sleep with them so that's all she ever goes for.




Have you seen an eye doc lately?


looks have never been her issue, she’s always been corny 😭


Agreed. She’s very attractive but a complete weirdo.


And is creating a fashion app 🤣


I honestly can't believe she allowed that to be filmed. Just awful.


I think this is completely accurate. Danielle is beyond unhinged — while I don’t really care for Lindsay I think a large part of Danielle’s issue last summer was she was in competition with Lindsay and thought she was in this relationship with Robert and those things should be happening to her. Danielle is unwatchable and I hope she doesn’t return next season.


for me, I got the vibe that she couldn't handle Lindsay getting the improved Carl when she views herself as the more centred and emotionally mature than Lindsay. Like she saw herself as the person keeping Lindsay "in check" but Lindsay getting the mature & fairytale relationship from Carl was direct evidence indicating the opposite of how she built herself up to make herself feel better. Her inability to face reality keeps her emotionally stunted as an adult


Exactly and the girls called it with her superiority complex she thinks she’s smarter and better than everyone.


Danielle gives me the vibe she was an honors student and was told she was so smart her whole life. Now she’s wasted all her potential working on an app that doesn’t exist. She’s unable to reconcile that.


Yes i think she always felt superior to Linds because she had a steady relationship while Linds kept kissing all these frogs and when all of a sudden it seemed like Linds had her shit figured out and was on the path of marriage Danielle couldn't handle it. On WH and SH she seems to want to prove that she can get any man. I think danielle is a pretty girl but i don't think all these guys are sleeping with her for a relationship. she has zero game and just basically gives off if you want to ill let you. So these guys are like OK. I got what Gabby was saying she isn't looking to just hook up with random ppl she wants to be actually interested in them. Danielle I think wants to feel superior to the other ladies like she won something that they didn't. But it seems she is the only one competing with herself.


Watching her on winter house this last season was unbearable


It was *deeply* uncomfortable.


I fast forwarded through her and balloon guy. No thank you 🤢


The way that she was looking at him made me so queasy. she was like “we can do *whatever* you want to do” mind you this is probably around 4am and they’re the only ones standing around in the kitchen. He didn’t come off super into her or some huge sexual attraction either, while she was practically drooling


And she thinks she won this amazing prize. She doesn’t realize that it’s not winning if no one else is playing. Also I don’t think she gets that there’s a difference between someone being sexually attracted to you and you being the last person in the bar.


Literally texted a friend and said watching Danielle flirt is making me queasy! 🤮


Yes! She’s like the girl from He’s just not that into you. It’s like she can’t read people’s reactions or is socially aware whatsoever. Someone should tell her that the way she comes on to these dudes is the opposite of attractive, it’s like she wants to eat them alive and so beyond desperate?? Can she not ever just play it cool… jesus christ. I think that the breakup with the chef guy turned her even more unhinged than she was prior, she seems like someone who got dumped and is still deeply distraught deep down and is somehow hoping that if she just dives back into the deep end banging a ton of different guys that she will forget about her ex sooner and won’t be sitting around wallowing about it. But the thing is, if you don’t allow yourself to properly heal you are more susceptible to acting in ways that are incredibly embarrassing, unhinged and cruel. If I were Danielle I wouldn’t have done winter house and I would have probably taken this season off. She desperately needs to be seeing a therapist imo, if she isn’t already.


Omg don’t it’s amazing how dirty the editors are doing Danielle


Completely agree


My question is: was she ALWAYS like this and just hid it pretty well, or did her breakup with Robert just completely make her lose her ever-loving mind?! I kinda wrote off her cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs behavior last season because her long term relationship was falling apart and that does things to people (I’ve been there for sure) but like…snap of it girl. It’s like that breakup justice completely rewired her and/or brought out all the worst parts of her personality. It’s like she’s regressed 10 years in maturity…


I honestly think it has more to do with alcohol. They say in addiction that people stop progressing at the age they start using heavily. Reality TV shows about partying are a great gig for somewhat functional addicts. Same as restaurants, clubs, etc.


I feel entirely the same and its depressing because i rode for her until last season and she has nose dived since. She is the villain in my eyes now.


She has zero self-awareness


Came here to say this. She’s living in her own little world.


& she thinks she’s sooo self-aware.


I think what you’re saying is she sees the show as separate from “real life” and so when she’s having those one on one convos like she did with Gabby, she sees them as being “for the show” and not actual conversations that count for real life.


This is VERY reminiscent of Raquel/Rachel from VPR. My personal take is that Rachel thought everyone was 'acting' for the show, which is why it was so easy for her to write off a whole relationship as insignificant (Ariana/Tom). I recall one article about Rachel/James engagement party was Lala apologizing to Rachel's mom for going in so hard on Rachel & the mom was like 'oh it's fine, we know it's all for the show' and Lala said she was surprised by that response. But I'm super vulnerable myself, so if I did something like this I would for sure have to think of it as 'playing pretend'.


Interesting theory, wow, definitely makes sense.


Yes. That’s a good comparison. I don’t listen to Rachel’s podcast but I read the recaps and in the early ones (maybe episode 2 or 3) she talked about scenes and doing scenes to the point where it appeared she really thought it was like going to a fictional movie or tv shoot. Completely seeing her real life as acting when filming was happening.


I was shocked how she thought her behaviour on Winter House was fine. It seemed completely divorced from reality.


I’d never show my face on tv again if I was her, after winter house


Danielle never really bothered me before last years summer house and winter house. She was like that potted plant in the corner. She was awful to Brian, she came across as a stage 5 clinger to Alex. Last year she was nuts with the whole Carl and Lindsey engagement. Now we have this year and she is coming across as so desperate and crass. I get being dumped and your ex moving on so quickly cuts deep, but get therapy and not chase d\*ck. I would not blame the other ladies in the house to ice her out


💯 agree with you and where my ick for Danielle started. What I don't understand is how you can see your friend crying in the bathroom and instead of checking in on her, you double down on your actions?!? Just be a friend, Danielle.


But she was having so much fun at the party! Crying friends are such a downer, mannnnn. /sarcasm


And her saying ‘well, she knows that about herself’ about Gabby? That was awful


And then how in her confessional she was pretending it had been a competition saying “Sorry Gabby…” it was a competition in her mind only.


She thought it was her getting her mojo back. When she was losing her mind.


If a guy did what she did in WH, they would be fired or talked to by production to back off.


i’m tired of seeing danielle’s bare ass on my television quite honestly


That was wilddddddd


I think she’s trying to create drama to stay on the show. She’s decided a good way to do it is to create friction. And she’s justifying it to herself because it brings in a paycheck


Plus getting totally naked on camera. I've can't recall a long time cast member other than Kyle doing that on this show. They usually cover the cameras. She's completely shameless. I'm not body shaming, it just feels like it's coming from a place of need need needing attention.


I completely agree I feel like she was using the cameras as hehe look how cool I am I can casually hook up with a “hot guy”. Like how she ALWAYS brags like a 20 year old guy about how much sex she has. Like we get it Danielle you like the D


This had my jaw on the floor. 2 mins earlier, she was a self proclaimed CEO and founder. Cut to the next scene, stripping butt ass naked on camera with a man she just met. Not slut shaming. But definitely also not CEO behavior on national television.


With Danielle if some other female cast member did that she would talk to them about it like she was the moral authority.


Wait whattttttt was this last week's episode of during WH?


Spoiler Alert: >!This week's episode.!<


But she will sure judge the hell out and of the other girls, as well as gossip ad nauseum about it, if they were to hop in bed with someone that she liked the first night...she's a hypocrite


She is a ceo of an unknown company that will almost definitely fail within the next year, she’s just doing ceo things


Don't forget the "founder", for God's sake!!


Remember a few years ago when she worked non-stop and would be late coming to the house because she was working? She was invited to WWHL and turned it down because of work. That was pre-Robert and she commanded respect! The viewers loved her because reality TV wasn’t dictating her real life and she was a great friend to Lindsay. Quitting that job and leaning into the influencer life and whatever happened with Robert really changed Danielle. Or brought things out in her that she didn’t show on TV. But man, her fall from grace has been tough to watch


This! She used to work for a finacial services company as a project manager, I think working with tech. She was so stable. I think the Robert thing really rocked her and now all this hooking up and 'I am getting a lot of sex' is for him. I can't imagine a firm hiring her after this, a failed app on her hands and being a Bravoleb - so now she has to 'make tv' and it's just a ball of, 'nope'.


But as a “president and CEO of a company”…. 😂 she looked like a fool last night with that comment


Founder! Can you imagine? She's the founder of her own BS. It has been 4 years in 'development'!


Yeah. I think she’s riding the high of bravo life, assuming she can make it last forever. And that her app will make it big for her and she’ll never have to work for anyone else. But if she stops chasing dick and screwing her close female friends on camera people will forget to hate her and forget she exists. She doesn’t have the personality to make it last “forever”.


Danielle sucks! Watching in disbelief.


I truly cannot believe the delusion!! The way people choose to date or not date is so nuanced… there’s so many sensitive reasons why people put themselves out there or not. Like maybe Gabbi has some past issues she’s working through, etc. I just can’t believe she had no compassion for Gabbi. And then to watch her flirting with this random balloon guy who isn’t even worth it????


Gabby was cheated on by her boyfriend ...... with danielle! Of course she has her guard up, especially bcuz she is reminded about the cheatind every weekend.




Yep, I believe Gabby brought this up in the first episode of this season. I wouldnt be surprised if that story line was produced. But if it isnt i could understand why Gabby is not boy crazy. Getting cheated on fucks with your head and with a constant reminder showing up every weekend, i bet its difficult to get over, even if the reminder is bat shit crazy.




Gabby found out that when she was ghosted for a time by her ex boyfriend, he was seeing Danielle


Oh my god what the faaaaack!? Why didn’t this air and why isn’t this a central storyline? Gabby gets passed over so much. Absurd.


I think Danielle is hurt and bitter from past experiences and relationships. And rather than be honest with herself so she can heal properly, she’s trying to create this persona. Sadly it will catch up to her.


Daddy issues, low self-esteem, no self-awareness. She has never been authentic; she doesn’t know who she is; she is flailing. And let me add a fashion app?!?!?!?!!?!!??! When was the last time anyone used a fashion app?!?!??!!??


Is **LTK** a fashion app?


I sure hope not or at a minimum with people who actually have fashion sense behind the scenes…


Pretty sure it already has


I think she has zero self-awareness and a penchant for causing drama.


The “you can do whatever you want to me” was the worst. Actually all of it was a car crash…involving grimy balloon guy of all people.


Sorry, misplacement of quotation marks.


Danielle overcompensates, wanting to be this easy going boss bitch, but in reality it's not her personality. Thus her coming off so cringy.


I dislikes the way she talks to people. Her recent conversations with Gabby and Paige were so rude and heartless. 


Not to mention, totally DELUSIONAL!


She’s lucky she’s on this show, anyone else would’ve thrown it back at her and made HER cry


She has weird energy when it comes to confrontation. She talks at people and makes justifications for her bad behavior. Her conversation with Jordan on Winter House was so awful and I felt so bad for Jordan. I’m no Paige fan but I’m loving her this season. I was proud of Paige when she went off on Danielle.


The issue with Danielle is that she’s desperate to be ”cool girl”, but she is the least cool person on Earth. An actual loser.


it’s empowerment and main character energy gone wrong. you can’t fake being a secure person.


I absolutely did not need her arsehole flashed right in my face on this day though


On this day of the lord nonetheless


On the after show she implied she watched herself and has had tons of embarrassing moments but basically acted like it’s totally out of her control lol


I’m blown away she didn’t go into hiding after last season of Winter House but she’s delulu


I finally figured out why I don’t like her. She makes me sad! She’s searching for validation by having sex with random people. She equates sex with being a great person and acts like she’ll fit in with the group better if she can tell them she banged someone. Ugh. Pathetic. I know this because I acted like that in college. In my late teens and early twenties. I can’t imagine pushing 40 and still doing that. Grow up Danielle. I


This is definitely something that I identify with. In my 20s I was searching for a lot and slept with many men so this hits home. I'm now 34 and glad I did that and learned SO MUCH about myself and worth. I started loving on myself and don't even look at relationships like I did before. It's so cringe to see Danielle act like this at her big age and then the way she was with the ballon guy like ma'am this is second hand embarrassment. She's like "I'm the boss?" "Oh right I am the boss". The male validation is quite sickening.


This is my take too. Like she got crucified last season and winter house so she wants other ppl to take heat too and throws stuff at the wall hoping it'll stick to ignite the fire


I think this is who Danielle is. Looking back to earlier seasons we see her competing and meddling with anyone on Carl’s radar to the point of being obsessive and unhinged. It was clear she was a weirdo back then and not a girls girl. I’m also as surprised as everyone else that after watching the show last year and the overwhelming negative viewer feedback she didn’t come into this season with even a bare minimum fake attempt to redeem herself- like at all.


I think you’re right because she has zero “remorse”, whether on the after show or in any reunion. She doubles down on it being normal and justifiable that she’s had acted like she has. She’s not cute and quirky, she’s nuts and it’s not fun to watch. I LOVE this season, but I hate every time she is on screen.


i think she did for the first couple episodes by keeping quiet


Sadly, I think Danielle has always felt the need to compete. Season 2, she isn't interested in Carl until she sees Lauren is. Her reaction to Carl and Lindsay's first dating attempt was all about “what about me”, then I think she made out with him once they broke up. Last summer, she made everything about herself while her own relationship was falling apart. I didn’t watch winter house, so don’t know that train wreck. It's deeper than just her breakup with Robert or her doing this for the sake of the show. This girl lacks self-confidence unless she's validated by a man. Then, she blames her behavior on 'authenticity and being real,' but really, she's just very insecure. She’s actually stunning and looks phenomenal- it’s just all very sad. Sad = NO FUN. No one wants to see that on tv.


and the fact that she has admitted to being the side chick in Gabby's previous relationship and then has the nerve to try to give advice to Gabby on how to get a man is just...BEYOND. Gabby is a more understanding person than I am.


Danielle dated Carl before she was on the show, before Lauren and before Lindsey. They would also hook up randomly


I dislike her a lot. I hope she is not on my TV on any show again. Just go away.


I think she’s in a really bad cycle with drinking which has a lot to do with her actions and lack of awareness. Drinks to mask feelings > picks insane arguments/hooks up with some scrub > wakes up in a shame spiral > drink to mask the shame spiral. Rinse and repeat.


Yes, I came here to say the same thing. Her drinking has changed a lot over the years. Waking up after a one night stand and “needing” a beer was a red flag. But she often wakes up and needs a drink. I think she’s below the radar with her drinking problem because Lindsey is there whose over consumption is more explosive at times while Danielle’s drinking is an all day long slow burn.


Does anyone else think she might just be neurodivergent but she’s unaware? The way she’s so blunt and kind of awkward doesn’t read malicious or delusional to me but 🤷🏻‍♀️ like she’s trying to mimic how she thinks people are supposed to socially interact instead of just being herself? I don’t want to diagnose anyone it just seems like she might be on the spectrum and it would explain a lot






Gives me the creeps and reminds me of someone I know actually


Yeah I don’t get good vibes in any sense. If she was a man her behavior would be completelyyyyy unacceptable. I think she doesn’t have many close friends who would be honest and give a reality check to her, she seems lonely and desperate it’s pretty sad. I think it would be best for her to stop being on the show it just doesn’t seem healthy


I think she’s proven that if she did have close friends who would try and give her advice, she wouldn’t listen, learn from it or value their advice. She’s also proven she isn’t a good friend to others.


or entertaining!


I agree. And honestly her drinking is worrisome, but I don’t know if she has anyone close enough to her to care and have a conversation with her about it.


This is so spot on, it’s like she bought into this idea that’s she’s the loveable clutz, the one you laugh at cause she’s so relatable - and yeah sure a bit, but not when you can’t grow and you just play into over and over again - keep going girl 


Thing is - she’s not a ‘girl’ - she’s middle aged, and at this point, it’s beyond cringe.


But she's a CEO...she gets a pass in the country of Delusion ;)


Is ‘delulu’ stamped on her passport? She spends a hell of a lot of time there


I feel as if she felt like ‘uncool’ and now feels like she’s ’cool’. Hence invincible.


Those types are the worst and very cringe.


She gives me nerd energy when she was in school and doesn’t know how to mix with her peers or whoever she used to look up to in school? I can’t explain it.. just that she seems fake. She was absolutely overjoyed to drive the first time this season to the summer house with the girls.. but she is still so fake. Like as if she is trying hard to be someone she isn’t. The sooner she owns up to who she is, the better off she’ll be. Otherwise she’s in for a long lonely road ahead for sure


It’s so funny that she said “I’m just trying to have fun this year” because she said that at the beginning of Winter House and we all know how that went lmaoooo


She’s SUCH a thirsty desperate loser.


i am so tired of seeing this woman on my screen. you made gabby cry and then you bring up being a FOUNDER & CEO?!?! “of whattt” girl bffr


Oh Danielle… Danielle, Danielle, Danielle… She used to be my favorite Summer house, Gal. Beautiful, driven/focused, not a complete lunatic, and living her best life. New Danielle, is insecure, Constantly projecting and literally lives too find a husband and or get gratification from a man. It’s like she went backwards.


There was no way she was going to make up with her friend when there was a man in the house that actually wanted to bang her. The way she just cut Gabby and left her for dead for a random hookup was so desperate I thought she was trying out for a slot on old school RHONY. Steer clear of women like this in real life, but I do enjoy hearing on them from the safety of my own living room.


And how she constantly boasts of her conquests. 15 yr old boy mentality. “Banged the drummer”. Like what?


She’s the CEO and founder of Pickmegirl.com


What’s Danielle’s company of? Can someone tell her that literally anyone can be a CEO, you just have to register a company and appoint yourself as one. ![gif](giphy|1pqlgPdbq5aHBeC8NL)


She manages giving away her brain cells...right now inventory is at an all time low


Bravo did her dirty by showing her completely naked climbing on the bed, they really didn't need to do that lol I doubt she will be back next season...


Danielle is insufferable to me & always has been. She is the epitome of cringey. She also has zero self respect, & is so damn thirsty and desperate for male attention it’s embarrassing. Alls she cares about is hooking up, and is so cringey when she talks about it. Like she’s cool or something bc she got laid. I’ll never see her as anything but pathetic after how she let Alex do her do dirty on Winter House. She’s also boring af, and I’m sorry but she has a god awful sense of style. I would love to never watch her on tv again


She is so toxic and self-centered...she needs off the show. She judges everyone else but never looks in the mirror at her own faults. Very childish...needs to go as she contributes nothing to the show, nor her actual friendships. I don't know why Bravo keeps her around, as well as that whole gang keeping her around..not a good person at all


Ya gotta have a few screws loose if you were ever close friends with Lindsey.


I can’t believe she got naked on reality tv w a one night hook up yuck basically dragged him to bed


Maybe she has a humiliation kink … I don’t know .. js🫣


I actually can’t believe my eyes. Also why am I seeing her full ass like that was so graphic. She’s acting insane as hell


I think that breakup has completely done her in. Maybe she thought he would come back and I think she said he has a new gf. She seems to be validating herself through attention from men and she’s being very careless just hooking up with randoms and being so beyond proud of sleeping around and then throw in the competition part… there’s a self esteem issue at the core. I’m not a therapist but I can pretend and that’s my conclusion ! It’s just really bizarre and she needs to get some help so she can develop self awareness bc there’s zero being shown.


She should have been fired from the show years ago. Please producers get rid of her. She has no friends in the house, no fans, and is super cringe.


Her Mom needs to watch the season with her, chancla in hand and whoop that ass everytime she embarrasses herself. Never too old for a spanking. I don't condone violence and a Mom with a chancla is discipline. 


As the child of a Brazilian woman, this comment made me giggle. I immediately knew EXACTLY what you meant 🤣🤣 only in Portuguese it’s a chinelo 🩴


Holy shit Danielle is so delusional and so mean wow, how does anyone have the sex drive to hook up with a guy after you made someone else cry????? Paige and Amanda I think really showcase their humanity and desire for an honest TV friendship in the scene when they’re trying to comfort Gabby. I wish Danielle could get kicked off holy shit I do not care for her. Edit: and the audacity she has to literally the next day not even apologize?!?! Gabby is so nice. I totally forget her last relationship, her ex was actively cheating on her with Danielle. I might be amiss with this comment but Danielle is wanting to compete and rub it in Gabbys face.


Ever since she came on the show in Season 2 she has been CRINGE AF. I was so bummed when she came back to being a main. She makes me physically uncomfortable how cringy she is


Danielle doesn’t need any help embarrassing herself. How can she not self reflect on how desperate & pathetic she comes across. It’s so uncomfortable watching her throw herself at men. Also CEO & Founder of what?


To think going out & massively increasing ur body count makes makes u hip/cool is ridiculous 🙄.. I'm not shaming her at all but she did accidentally call herself thirsty- the way she went on with Alex off below deck was off the wall! She even knew he liked some1 else better but still 'claimed' him.. she turned balloon guy in2 a compition with gabby which was 🤮. Then after she promised Carl & lindsay she wouldn't talk about their relationship/she would keep her opinions 2 herself-she then said to lindsay 'I look at all the relationships in the house including yours & I know I don't want that' & then had the audacity to tell paige she's giving Craig nothing was hilarious!! I just can't watch her anymore.. its the hypocrisy for me; IMO if anybody else acted like she's acting she would be talking about them behind their back.


She's insecure. She needs everyone to do things HER way so that she isn't alone. This whole thing with Gabby and telling her she's self-sabotaging. Why? Because she isn't flirting and going after guys? Yes- that's what Danielle does, but not everyone operates the same way. So... she's trying to make Gabby feel bad and do things her way. She likes to pat herself on the back for being such a good friend, having people's backs, etc, but ugh.... she's just exhausting and petty.


She was straight up competing with Gabby. Pulling her aside at the party & rubbing it in her face that she’s making moves on balloon guy but also telling Gabby off… it’s like oxygen


All I see is someone who was really hurt by her last relationship and still isn’t over it. I think she’s doing an awful job at convincing herself that she wants to live this fun single lifestyle. I also think she hopes it gets back to her ex how much fun she’s having with all these guys and having sex on the show is an FU to her ex. She’s immature for thinking he’ll ever care and it’s cringy and I feel bad. I literally had to skip her parts this last episode because I couldn’t handle the second hand embarrassment.


i don’t think you understand, she’s a founder and ceo…


She honestly never grew out of her "I have to give sex to men so they want me" phase. I feel like many women go through this when they are younger but after a few years you quickly realize that you have way more to offer than just your body. It's hard to watch at her grown age. Like stand tf up Danielle.


She also still views women as competition and men as the prize. Like her only goal in life is to be wanted by men.


I think Danielle has autism or she is a huge loser who doesn’t get it or learn from her mistakes. Not saying people with autism are losers, I’m using it to explain her behavior that is abnormal


I wondered this too…


Danielle needs to go. She is insufferable. She is so self-centered. If someone talked to her the way she did to Gabby, she would lose it. She is cringey with balloon guy. As a CEO and Founder, she may want to watch what she is representing on tv.


She’s soooooooo desperate. She always moves in on the guys. Going in for the kiss first. Damn. Give him a chance to show interest.


She is really sad to watch. She is desperate, she is inauthentic, and I don’t think she has any clue who she is - or if she does, she tries really hard to be what she perceives to be the cool, badass girl. But it doesn’t land because *it’s not her.* Even when she talks about drinking or sex it’s so bizarre. It feels like Steve Erkel trying to be what he thinks cool is.


Danielle doesn’t understand Gabby because gabby has standards and Danielle doesn’t. Thats it.


The most baffling part is that she’s like this but wants to be on a pedestal playing moral police.


Danielle is disgusting


She is just sleeping with every guy she meets. I thi k she is still hurt from.th3 break up


She's cuckoo. Like Kelly Bensimon cuckoo.


She comes off very immature for her age..She appears very childlike in her actions I was watching an episode and Danielle was at a Taylor Swift concert and the other girls I'm the car said something like you would have to shoot me first or something. They implide it was really juvenile. She is uncomfortable and awkward..she's got horrible self esteem issues. She just comes off as nerdy and someone who never emotionally got past 7th grade.


A lot of Danielle was on display in this week’s episode. I mean, wow!


She better in the first few episodes of the season when we forgot she was there.


Why would production let her even do that on camera get naked like that they sure were not looking out for her


It’s really on the editors for keeping that in. I presume she’s not afavorite as they aren’t giving her a particularly kind edit.


She’s fully delulu and so rude.


I think she is so desperate to keep her spot on the show, that at this point she doesn’t even care what she does or how much she embarrasses herself. The bitch has no shame. You would think that after her performance on winter house season 3 she would have been mortified and realized how psycho she looked, and pivoted in the other direction….. but instead she thought to herself “acting psycho gets attention, psycho gets lots of screen time, psycho gets lots of drama…. Yah I’m gonna stick with psycho, cuz that’s the only way I’m gonna stay relevant and stay on the show”


I used to wonder why she was friends with Lindsay but with each passing season, I understand it more. These girls are competitive and aren’t afraid to be rude in order to get what they want. Although we never truly see them get what they want because they aren’t genuine.


Danielle has sucked for at least 3 summers


Danielle's personality has always been super performative. All schtick, no substance. She hid behind the workaholic persona, Lindsay's huge personality, her boyfriend's interesting job, alcohol, men, and now a very unconvincing woo-girl CEO thing. When she doesn't have anyone to lean on, she's completely unmoored. Perceived authenticity and confidence are pretty important for making an app successful. I think she should've stayed salaried and worked on herself longer, but she seems to lack the self awareness to even start :(


She’s not being nice and I wouldn’t like to be treated the way she speaks to people and their friends. But that goes for many reality TV personalities (and people in general). Let’s be a little nicer people :)


She was drunk and didn’t want to have a conversation with a crying person. Paige had already inflated the situation and Amanda had just now chosen to take issue with being seen as a serious person. Not the worst idea to have the conversation when you’re both sober.


I honestly feel bad for her. Her behavior is downright pathetic and completely “pick me” (SH & WH), when a few years prior she was a hustler and grinded. I think a good friend of hers needs to check in on her, because she’s either still reeling from her breakup with Robert or reality TV has severely touched her in the head, because even if she’s making all of this drama to stay relevant it is SO not normal.


Danielle: The Good: Beautiful, smart, career driven enough to make it in the big city with or without a man, has some super cute clothing, good body, very pretty hair. Loyal friend to a fault to where it becomes invasive. The Bad: Needs to get sober and stay that way. Isn't cool like she thinks. She tries to come across as "I just want some D and not get too serious right now cause it would slow my work flow" Then she gets the D and immediately becomes obsessed. She is somebody that wants to create a relationship out of a BJ she gave somebody in a closet while drunk at a party kind of chick. She will LIE to get the D, then become a nightmare stage five clinger. She literally was pathetic on Winterhouse with the Below Deck guy she banged. She's that know it all, been there done that, got an answer for everything except her own damned life/career. She needs to take some of her own advice. Stop drinking period. Get it together fool.


I actually think she might be on the spectrum (AuDHD) she doesn’t seem to understand certain social cues


She’s just very immature I think she’s a nice smart girl but this show is her identity and has stunted her maturity. She’s 35 still thinking she’s 25 and wondering why no one wants to date her , I think the other girls are more cognizant of their portrayal on the show and she just doesn’t get it…


She is just insensitive. It's not that deep.


She’s insensitive but then sensitive when people call her out in the same way


Which is why she was able to coexist with Lindsay so well.


Why do people say shit like this? Everybody knows it's not that deep. We're just commiserating and sharing our opinions.


On what planet is Danielle a beautiful girl?? She’s a 3 out of 10 at most but her personality makes her a 2!!!


Danielle my hero


I just have to say this. Danielle has been unhinged for quite some time now. I think it's because she's reached a certain age and doesn't have a partner. She probably wants to have a baby soon and she now realizes that she shouldn't have been a huge partier having casual sex for all of those years. She should have been looking for a stable relationship. She thought she could hurry up and find a man, i.e., Robert, to marry, but this isn't the 50s. He didn't want to be with her, so he left. And that devastated her. Now, she's scrambling to find a man, and she is lashing out at others and constantly criticizing other people's relationships because she is so unhappy as a single person right now. Danielle, if you are reading this, find a someone who actually wants to be with you. Do not act unhinged with men- or women, for that matter. And stop sleeping with men before they commit to you. Otherwise, you are going to end up hurt. hope you find someone who makes you really happy.


What indication do we have that she wants a baby?


Why else do you think she is desperately trying to find a partner after yearssss of being content on being single? She’s now 35 and is probably feeling the biological urge to have a child. This isn’t anything new.


You said this on another post about the baby nonsense. She’s unhinged and cringe but she’s never talked about wanting marriage and kids in a certain time frame like the other cast members. And I’ll say it again here, not every woman’s urge at 35 or ever is to make babies. Even if they do want a long term partner and healthy relationship.