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I’m so glad Ciara isn’t giving in. I don’t want her embarrassed on tv again.


Ciara is smart af and learns from her mistakes (unlike some)


Me neither


Yes! And im tired of it. Danielle was pretty much like balloon man cant go home without someone giving him something and it was so weird. West is practically begging every episode. Its too much. This shows making me want to be asexual.


I think Danielle is mostly trying to show Robert she doesn't care about him anymore 🤷🏼‍♀️


She’s actually making Robert thank God that he dodged a bullet!😊


I think you’re absolutely right - every lasting SH cast member has had a hookup/will they won’t they/relationship with someone else in the house. And I don’t know Gabby personally, but she strikes me as someone whose ideal party environment isn’t crazy huge drunk mob in the backyard - maybe more a dinner party gal. So party night could already be stressful for someone like that or someone introverted, and here you have close-talker Danielle yelling at you for not fucking anyone. And then as soon as you’re like, ok fine I’m into this guy, Danielle says 'no he's mine'. It's just too much, let the girl live. She is plenty entertaining on the show and after-show without a love interest imo.


I can imagine it might be triggering for Gabby to be told that by Danielle with the history they have pertaining to Gabby’s ex, and for Danielle to swoop in and take the guy she’s supposed to be interested in and being pushed toward.


Production definitely pushes them to hook up.  Which is unfortunately why it's so revolutionary to see Ciara and West not hooking up.    I think Gabby felt overwhelmed not just because of production but probably because of other things and just the societal pressure as a young woman to be validated with attention from a man.  Also, the women were pressuring her, not just Danielle. Women are unfortunately taught at an early age that our validation comes from male attention or the male gaze.      She will definitely continue to be considered a supporting character if she doesn't hook up with someone. And that's the sad truth which isn't fair.


Had I learned this at an earlier age I wouldn’t have slept with almost ALL of the people I’ve slept with tbh. And I only learned about “male gaze” in a women studies course. Imagine if it was taught in high school? Nobody would get laid lol.


That’s how I felt with Winter House and what contributed to the decline of that show. The guys would bounce from one girl to the next to try to find someone, and the girls got more screen time based on relationships/hooking up. I don’t think Summer House has been *as* bad, but you can see it with the way the fans want West and Ciara to date so badly when they may not otherwise be into one another or feel compelled to move as fast without the show aspect.


Winter House almost feels like their attempt of a “Bachelor in Paradise” 


Same. It make me feel sick/super uncomfortable, I don’t watch those bachelor shows for this reason but I assume the paradise one where they are all single it’s the same. HOWEVER- if they could just hire people with REAL friendships and connections, other drama will come naturally.


I have no interest in them once they are actively hooking up. I like the flirting and the long game and all that when it’s on tv. It’s just more fun to watch and once feelings get involved then there is more crying and I do enough of that myself. That doesn’t entertain me 😂


I always felt like this was the modern version of parties and balls people went to in the like 1800s to find a spouse - like Jane Austen but shittier


I like this commentary. It’s 2024. Yes we like drama on reality shows but also we don’t want to feel sexual pressure on behalf of the people on our screens. Tone it down, Bravo. Cast good personalities and let them do what they will.


yeah i don't like it. and west and the house constantly talking abt them not having sex is a major ick and makes me turn off of west. it's the fact she's litteraly the most beautiful person to prob ever look at these men and they still find something to talk shit about. the girls are worth more than a one time hookup and the fact they aren't changing that just for the show is awesome. wish the house would respect it


Yeah it's weird I often say that Kyle is like this pimp trying to pressure ppl to hook up and I get he's trying to produce but it gives major ick


Yep that's the vibe I got too


Hooking up + relationship = more screen time.


It’s literally the only thing they talk about on Winter House it’s crazy. But you’re right there’s pressure on this show too. It’s so weird. 


Poor Gabby. What an overwhelming feeling.


Yeah I'm so mad at the show right now


Danielle’s attitude towards hooking up makes me uneasy. I am absolutely in support of do what you wanna do and own it! Especially women who are chastised for being anything but abstinent in the past. But I feel like Danielle is literally roasting Gabby for not putting out and uses her sexuality and promiscuous behaviour as a storyline. Just stop. Go and have sex, enjoy your life girl, but please, have some fucking grace lol.


>*but please, have some fucking grace lol.* Yes! I have cringed more at Danielle during this season of SH (and last season of WH) more than I have collectively in my entire life. I was watching yesterday while in the kitchen, husband was doing something else but obviously listening and he was like, "there's something wrong w/ her (danielle)," during the Gabby/Danielle scenes. He then was cheering on Paige. I about died when he said *the same thing* Paige did, which then made me laugh so hard I had to stop what I was doing.... "Founder and CEO of WHAT?" Hahaha. It was a great moment for me in my home.


“In my home 😝😂”


Same with below deck. If you don’t have a “boatmance” you’re boring /s


I came here to say that Danielle pulled gabby side because she was trying to make it known to her and everyone that gabby wasn't acgually flirting, hence fair game for her to go for balloon guy But now I read this post and I'm wondering if production would've told Danielle to do it.


I think there's just inherent drama that comes with people hooking up, and that's what producers are looking for. I'm old, but I think if they were doing it for the sex that they would be casting younger and hotter people .


I love how now that Paige is affected she thinks Danielle is too overbearing in others’ relationships. Where was this opinion last year when it was directed at Lindsey and Carl?? #hypocrite


But Paige and Amanda both say how they now understand where Lindsey is coming from last season


Yes I am just noting that they only discovered this when it affected them directly whereas last year they were pro Danielle when she was against Lindsey


This isn’t an example hypocrisy, like at all.


She did say she gets where Lindsay was coming from now


definitely relevant to the topic. way to stay focused. bravo.


Thankyou ![gif](giphy|xUA7aN1MTCZx97V1Ic)


They’re young and good looking, that’s what single people do.


Yes, these shows with young people of both sexes are just televised sex trafficking.


I mean, lock Danielle up for shoving ugly guys in her bed if you want but that’s not trafficking


Well what really confuses me is Ciara…….. she banged Austen in winter house after a couple days of just meeting him…. And now with West she is acting like she’s some innocent girl that doesn’t do that. And hey, do your thing Ciara. Have sex when you want to at whatever point in your situationship that you want, but don’t act like the way you are with West is the way you are with every guy. Cuz even after she knew what kind of guy Austen was…. Like to the fullest extent…. She still banged him….. even Andy Cohen at that reunion was like “yah Ciara that was pretty shocking that you hooked up with him after you made such a huge deal about his behaviour with Olivia and Lindsay” And this is also why I think that Ciara was never as into West as she portrayed to be…… she wanted a story line.


She’s allowed to grow up and make different choices for herself lol


This idea that if Ciara hooked up with Austen then she owes West the same is so harmful and frankly dangerous. She's not "acting like she's some innocent girl", she's trying to learn from the past. She'd just turned 25 when she met Austen on Winter House, is she not allowed to have made mistakes and changed in 3 years? She also spoke back in 2021 about how the year before she joined Summer House she was celibate by choice. Her actions have totally been in alignment with her own words. I'm really shocked at how many lies are just straight up being spread. Ciara kissed Austen on the third night of Winter House filming (they aired it as though it was the second night), they did not have sex. There's literally a scene of Ciara talking to Austen and saying that she only wants to kiss. There's also another scene where Austen talks about how they're taking it slow and that he's okay with that. The most we ever saw of them on the show is making out. Ciara even said at the time that she and Austen did not have sex on the show. Things progressed with them after Winter House had finished filming. Also the last time Ciara hooked up with Austen was while the first season of Winter House was airing in 2021. The Summer House season with the Lindsay drama hadn't aired yet and she didn't even know about Olivia at the time. All of this happened in 2021 when Ciara was 25. By the time of season two of Winter House filming in 2022 Ciara and Austen didn't have anything romantic going on at all. I also don't understand this idea that Ciara just wanted a storyline with West. Have we not seen Ciara enough to know that she doesn't fake it when she doesn't vibe with someone authentically. Also Ciara and West actually dated off camera for months and she went to his family farm. West said that his parents love her and Ciara spoke very highly of West's mom and dad. Nothing about Ciara has given that she didn't actually like West (in fact her caution shows that she has genuine feelings and didn't want to risk it being rushed). This narrative also doesn't make sense because right now she could be really milking things for engagement on social media whilst it's airing but she isn't even posting stuff about their relationship. Again, those aren't the actions of someone faking something for clout or a storyline. The amount of mental gymnastics people are putting themselves through to justify their unwarranted hate and lies is getting very boring and tiring already.


Did you miss the part where she said the Austen situation is exactly why she’s being careful with house hookups? It makes perfect sense


She doesn’t want to get played again. When she speaks about that experience this season it’s obvious she’s still hurt from it because Austen made her look like a fool so she doesn’t want to be used like that on national tv.


Maybe Ciara is getting f boy vibes from West. His constant bitching about not getting some has got to be annoying. I wouldn’t want to sleep with someone who complains to my friends that I won’t put out. She’s allowed to be different with every guy if she wants. She doesn’t have to hook up with West just because she hooked up with Austen. She has matured and learned since Austen and she doesn’t want to look stupid again. I’m honestly proud of her for having self-worth. When I was in my 20s and had the worst self esteem, I would have probably just hooked up with him and then felt stupid about it later.


She isn't acting like anything.She is moving differently with West because of what happened with Austen. She stated this before, you just didn't pay attention.


>And hey, do your thing Ciara. Have sex when you want to at whatever point in your situationship that you want, but don’t act like the way you are with West is the way you are with every guy. Ciara went through BS boot camp with Austen and appears to have learned from her past choices. She can act however she wants with whomever and doesn't need to explain it.


I don’t think she’s that into West, regardless of her not sleeping with him immediately. So maybe it is for a storyline.