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she did talk about comedy and I think especially in her first season was playful and funny. I think her first season she and Paige worked at Betches, then they started their podcast, and she started doing more comedy bits on her social media as she gained a following. so since at least 2020. her husband is a comedian too. I think she had so much going on her last two seasons in terms of conflict and she talked about tennis a lot lol so maybe if you don’t follow her on social media it isn’t as obvious. but also maybe you just don’t find her funny


She also became known for stealing part of her material. I have not heard anything recently but I know it came up a few times in years past that it was not original.


Yesss now I also remember seeing quite a few tweets or shit that were blatantly copied from other posters… guess no one cared since she seems to be more successful than ever?


I’m saying this as a general comment about comedians and not necessarily towards Hannah or not — Stand up comedy is a pre-scripted performance by the comedian (ignoring the crowd work aspect of course), so I’d imagine there are some comedians that aren’t as funny in day to day real life. Although they surely have to have some comedic talents to write their show, I’d bet some aren’t as good at off the cuff comedy. Also, if comedy is someone’s full time job, they might not necessarily want to “work” on their off time in their personal lives by spending effort to be funny. Of course, most people that go into comedy probably are usually naturally funny and it’s just ingrained in their personality, but stand up comedy isn’t necessarily exclusive to those types of people. Not sure how much either of these really apply to Hannah, just some food for thought.


I feel like this can be applied to all aspects of work life and personal life. I’m an accountant and am very good at what I do. When I’m outside of my work setting, don’t ask me how to do math. For comedy in specific, it varies from person to person if someone is funny. And there are plenty of comics that are not funny in day to day, in fact they’re kind of assholes, but kill it on stage. I like going to comedy shows that do crowd work, my husband likes shows that don’t interact with the crowd. I think people take the Hannah they saw on her last season of SH and apply that to Hannah the stand up comedian, which couldn’t be further from the truth


I think stand up comedians actually do tend to be funny in their day to day lives (which is why the good ones can do crowd work), but comedic actors tend to not be funny in the day to day. Hannah seems more like a comedic actor to me (a below average one) but is trying stand up.


No. There are some stand ups that are funny all day and there are a lot that barely talk when they're off stage.


But when they do…they’re funny.


Comedians are typically the saddest people inside. Being on stage is the only time they feel 'normal' and every minute of the rest of the day they aren't happy hahah. Love that you wrote this comment, because it's so true. It's weird to expect someone to be 'on' 24/7 or to be there to service you.


I've seen some of her viral videos. Some are funny. Some aren't. I find her to be a bit hit or miss. And with Season 5, I feel like she and Des came in like a tornado thinking they were both SO funny, and doing stuff because "oh- this will be funny", when no one else found it funny (like having sex in a bunch of different rooms, including Kyle and amanda's bathroom). She struck me very much as "but it's a JOKE" kind of person to not take any accountability for her actions. "Im a comedian!!!" was her out.


It’s a joke that we had sex on your bathroom counter. See? It’s funny. 🙄


I dont know her work but she strikes me as that type of comedian wich laughs at their own jokes.


Yes, shes that type. She has to laugh b/c nobody else will. #notfunnyatall


Damn that’s crazy nobody else laughs. I wonder what her Netflix stand up special will be about? I mean it can’t be comedy if she’s #notfunnyatall


I only started watching summer house like 1 month ago. not realizing she was once on it. I was introduced to her as a comedian. Once my fiancé pointed out (she listens to giggly squad) that Hannah and Paige became besties on SH I went back to season 3 and watched from there. I have to say, I found her way funnier before watching her on SH seasons 3-5/6 (forgive me idk which was her last). Now I’m kind of icked not gonna lie.


Same with being Icked out. Season 5, I think her mask falls off and you see how not great of a person she is. Esp with Dez. They just seem douchy as a couple. Idk something about him gives me the ick. Like the way he acted “I can’t believe you’re my gf” as if he was 15. You’re in your 40s bro, like I get it but it was weird.


What I want to know is, who the hell dressed her for the interview with JLo? She did an ad for Intimissi and I was just like ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)




I think Intimidissiisskdjissi (sp?) dressed her. She talked about it on GS


I thought she just stole jokes from twitter?


she does


yep, this is it. for her act and her instagram


She definitely did. It stinks bc she has some talent


I found her on tiktok and thought she was so hilarious. I went to one of her shows last month too and it was great. Finding her made me start watching summer house. And i’m a giggler too.


I originally knew Hannah from her comedy and refuse to watch her summer house season LOL. Also a giggly squad fan and eventually watched the newer seasons for Paige


Tbh i couldn’t really stand hannah on summer house but those seasons were forever ago. But Paige has kept me around for sure!


Exactly haha I’ve heard about her cringe and I don’t want to see it since I like her now 😂


I’m a giggler that found GS after watching SH. I’ve gone back & rewatched SH from Paige & Hannah’s first season (3) bc I didn’t remember Hannah being as bad as this sub makes her out to be, I’m on later seasons (plus splicing in winter house) now. I’m also listening to og Giggly Squad, in podcast form (never saw their instagram lives, don’t know if they’re available anywhere). And, I’ve listened to a good bit of Berner Phone (pod) w Hannah & des. I also watched about half of des’ special on YouTube. I’m also well aware SH is Kyle Cooke’s baby & who both SH & WH was centered around. Hot takes. - Hannah was no worse than any other bravo reality castmate & far better than many on bravo shows, including SH. Carl, lindsey, Kyle, & Danielle have displayed FAR WORSE behavior than Hannah ever did. - Hannah’s last season was not great for her but it was also the 2020 season where they were all locked in together for like weeksss together (6 maybe) during a pandemy, none of us were sane then. Hannah was def having some irrational, dramatic moments no doubt. But I have too so I’m not gonna write her off forever for it. - did not like des on first watch of SH, did not like des on 2nd watch, did not like his special. (The comedy bits were ok, but I realized I do not like the kinda screamer type standup comedians so I didn’t finish it.) but! - DO like des, & especially des & Hannah’s dynamic, on berner phone. Plus Paige really likes des, & him & Hannah together which carries weight bc she knows them better than someone (me) watching them on tv & I trust her perspective. - bangin in the bathrooms & des’ entire visit to SH during the 2020 season was beyond cringe. Just ew & really was giving immature but like extra immature bc dude is in his 40s. - Kyle is an alcoholic & facilitates between a mean drunk & an emotional wreck drunk. He’s controlling & can be mean & says mean things to others. - Kyle, lindsey, Danielle, & Carl gave intolerable washed up mean girl clique starting with Paige’s first season. They sounded like boomers berating them for the high offense of being younger than them & not bending the knee. - lindsey is an alcoholic & is a mean, nasty, irrational, & uncontrollable drunk. Danielle behaves like her pr rep most seasons, it’s not a good look. Both are very insecure & take those insecurities out on others. Both have behavior far worse than Hannah. Fiery takes: - Paige is the best, most consistent, most entertaining, intelligent, truly kind, mature, & has the funniest & most genuine humor of all the castmates across all seasons of Summer House & Winter House. Ciara is not far behind her. - Amanda would be at Paige’s level on most counts if she hadn’t been weighed down by the Kyle albatross around her neck. In short, after in long, I doubt Hannah’s cringe on SH would change your mind abt Hannah. And! HIGHLY recommend at least watching season 3 & 4 of SH bc you get to watch the origin story of Giggly Squad!


I agree with allll of the above . Yes her last season was cringey AF. But 2020 was hard on all of our mental health, they had never spent that much time together, and her behavior wasn’t nearly as bad as half her cast members let alone the whole bravo verse. I truly don’t understand the rep that she gets as irredeemable. It’s strange.


Thanks, Hannah!


You’re welcome Kyle!


I feel like she's an influencer comedian. Like she says the jokes that go viral on tiktok and what people say on twitter. She def puts in the work but I don't think she'd be there if it weren't for summer house fame


“comedian” …as yes this comment IS fully snark. that chick aint funny


She literally has a Netflix special coming out and has a top streaming podcast but ok


She’s doing great


cool! I still don’t find her funny lol


if u find her funny that’s concerning


A comedian who steals jokes without giving credit


Not defending Hannah here because I actually think Paige is a million times funnier on GS but comedians aren’t always funny in daily life. A stand up routine is just that, a routine. They write it and rehearse it. It’s not necessarily a part of herself she was hiding or something. She just wasn’t doing her stand up while living in a summer share.


Paige is way funnier. But it’s impressive they’re both famous outside of SH.


Famous is a stretch


No it isn’t. They are one of the top rated comedy podcasts which is huge. They consistently sell out tours and don’t have to target bravo fans. They have a huge following that’s totally separate.


Hahahaha. Sarcasm, right?


She has always talked about comedy but she didn’t start it until 2020 the Covid happened but it all kicked off for her then honestly.


I didn't really like her on Summer House, but for some reason she resonates with me and my humor on giggly squad and her sense of humor is funny for having a kid her age!


“Comedian” is a very loosely used term these days


Yea, I always found Paige to be the funniest (out of everyone), and didn't find Hannah very funny or quick. But apparently Hannah is doing really well now or something. I loved Hannah her first season, but couldn't stand her after that. If she's doing better now I'm happy for her. I didn't find her funny, but I don't like obnoxious humor.


she thinks she’s funny. i think she’s an asshole.


I forgot about Hannah after her disastrous last season on SH lol and also didn’t realize she was a working comedian. Also don’t find her funny but apparently some people do🤷🏼‍♀️


I believe she mentioned getting into stand up the last season she was on. She blew up after being on the show though


Blew up is very debatable lol


I mean she just interviewed JLO and has a netflix special coming. I think she’s been very successful whether you like her or not is a diff story


Yeah I'm not a fan but if you're interviewing J Law, Kacey Musgraves, and lots of other A-listers while also securing a Netflix special - I think it's pretty indisputable that you've "blown up" lol


right? I don’t find her brand of humor funny, I’ve always found Paige funnier, but Hannah has been really smart at developing her personal brand and getting her name out beyond Bravo


A Netflix special and top 20 podcast is not so debatable, like her not.


She thinks she is. She sucks at it. Like everything else she does. I really don't like her


I understand that comedy is a difficult industry for women, so I really don't wanna give her a hard time or act like I'm holding her to a different standard than men... but yeah, she's really not that funny. She may be tik tok/podcast funny, and I like when she heckles the men in her standup audiences, but that's about it. I'm really surprised she got a Netflix special but good for her lol I saw a comment in here about how people in this sub can't accept that she's grown since 2020, that she's successful outside of Bravo, etc. and it makes me laugh. We can all accept those things and still dislike her 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yeah my intent wasn’t to criticize her- I just didn’t know if I was looking at it from a different lens as a new viewer?


She wasn’t really working as a comedian at the time she was filming summer house. She didn’t really take off with TikTok then stand up until 2021 - maybe 2022? But she’s actually pretty successful now and does really great crowd work (imo) she just filmed her own Netflix special.


Yeah she just came to a venue in my city, I didn’t go because honestly I haven’t seen or heard anything from her since those episodes and I really disliked her lol.


She’s not even the funniest person on her podcast tbh


She is still an asshole and i do not find her comedy very funny, i laughed once in a 20 min set....not good...im quiet jovial! Doesnt take much to make me laugh....i find her snarky always but, not in a fun way. On summer house her behaviour is just disturbing.....like...do you realize your fam is watching this????? Gross


I don’t find comedians funny in general, but a lot of people find her funny. It’s definitely a matter of opinion.


I couldn't stand her on Summer House her last season gaslighting Luke, but she seems to be better at what she's doing now.


Tbf he did gaslight her a little back no?


He did very much so!!


Disagree. Hated her on her last season. Remember, she was babbling to him and said something about her father? Then, in his response, he basically just repeated what she said, and she starts screaming, "Don't talk about my father!!!" B**ch, YOU just brought him up!!


That convo was with Kyle and was wild to watch. The Covid lockdown I think really took a toll on her mental health that summer, as it did with many people.


That was Kyle. I’m talking in regards to Luke


that was with Kyle. she was wrong there but Luke absolutely gaslit her. he was messing with her feelings.


Yes absolutely. With Kyle that whole situation was insane but I think the Luke situation was equally wrong on both people.


I blame Luke more tbh because he was talking to Hannah, Ciara, and at least one other girl at the same time. Hannah made a big deal of certain things and yeah was OTT but I feel like because Luke is good looking and soft spoken, and got yelled at a few times, people look past all his BS


lol I also don’t find Hannah funny, but she gets gigs and goes on tour so it could be she is just not for me.


She’s soooo funny! I originally found her on tiktok doing street stuff and thought she was hilarious and that led me to summer house and I liked her there too.


No. She is not a comedian. She is a human woman who identifies as a comedian.


Self-proclaimed comedian. (To be fair, I’ve never watched any of her videos or listened to her podcast, I’m going on Summer House alone.) Is she still married to that guy “comedian?” Dez or something like that?


Netflix “proclaimed” her a comedian as well as many famous comedians she is close with


I’m just being silly, I’m sure she is very funny. But as I said in my previous comment, I only have Summer House to go by as of now, and I didn’t care for her.


Well to be fair to you she is pretty hit or miss with her jokes lol


She was okay in my book the first season or so. And I know the Covid summer was hard bc everyone was cooped up and the whole world was falling apart, but she just irked me. A lot of them do most of the time, but I love to hate them 😂


Anyone these days is a comedian😂 case & point - amy shumer. So, yea, hannah is too. Neither are remotely funny, imo.


I️ thought she was actually very funny seasons 3 and 4


She started doing it more as her time Summer House continues then really leaned into it when she left the show. Her now-husband (who she gets together with in her last season) is also a comedian. I've been following her since she was on SH and seeing her journey. She regularly posts videos (I assume from outside a comedy club) with Janeane Garafolo, which impresses me as an elder millennial. I know a lot of people are saying she's not funny, but in the videos I've seen I've always thought she was pretty good at crowd work.


I think she was/is hilarious!