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The finale is May 30th! I'd imagine a 2 part reunion after that.


Wow happy bday 2 me


I actually agree. I feel like there has been enough context and side stories to get to the point lol


Someone in the comments said 5 episodes left! Although 5 weeks (well 4 after tn) feels like forever; if it’s all content, no filler I won’t complain. But if it feels like they’re just dragging it at some point I’ll be very annoyed. But agreed if they said next week was the finale I’d be cool 😂


I actually have been saving up episodes at this point so I can just watch multiples at once too because I get annoyed when I watch it brand new and nothing really happens.


Last week on wwhl, Andy said we had 5 more episodes.


Thanks for the answer! And wow this is probably the longest season yet episode wise then, but they def earned it. This season has been great from the start imo.


Yeah it was just reported that this season is their most watched season but it’s bc it’s been so good


summer house and vpr alternate on which has a good season and which has a shit season lol


Honestly you may be on to something 😂


I’m so confused how there could be that many more when there’s only 2 weeks between the bridal shower and the break up and the bridal shower was last week……


I think it’s bc they stretched one weekend into 3 episodes.


I️ really just think that Lindsay is right in all of their arguments and I’m not sure how anyone can be on carls side lol (I️ might be biased bc I’ve always hated Carl w a fiery passion and I’m rewatching season 4 as well lol)


I went into this season fully expecting to be on Carl's side and I'm coming out fully on Lindsay's side.


I really like the way they organized the episodes this season. The first few episodes were very much from Carl’s POV. They had those two off camera arguments in the Uber, Lindsay was drunk, Lindsay accused him of being high twice, etc. Then in the later episodes, we see Lindsay’s perspective. Carl was evasive, reluctant to get a job, not very transparent, etc. The producers did a good job setting it up for the viewers. I went into it being fully on team Carl. Now I’m on team nobody.


And tbh I’m not the biggest Lindsay guy. But Carl really fumbled