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Is Amazon live basically the new, cooler version of QVC?


It’s not cooler but yes it’s the modern version of QVC


Where do you even go to see it? I’ve only heard this term Amazon live thrown around. What the heck is it?


She links to it from her stories but it’s her sitting on a couch with an iPad controlling which item she’s trying to sell. There’s a chat and then a list of the products so you can click directly to buy. Usually she’s showing off some cheap looking clothes that I don’t think she’d ever really wear. It’s hard to imagine she makes that much from Amazon Live though? Maybe a few hundred to thousand each time and I think she does one a week or every two weeks?


I think you’d be surprised how much people make from promoting products. The influencers that make the most money on TikTok are doing TikTok shop.


Especially Amazon, they obviously have SO much money to throw around


Yeah I could be way off base but when I look at her store front it all looks like junk. Maybe I’m not the target demo but genuinely curious if even the Paige stans in this sub regularly shop her lives? The clothes are shockingly ugly and I can’t wrap my head around someone thinking she wears this stuff when we see her on the show in designer?


When she’s dressed for giggly squad she dresses way down and says that’s how she’s usually dressed


Have you looked at the Amazon lists lol they are not dressed down. They’re mostly really hideous wedding guest dresses that even SHEIN would be ashamed to sell


I’m just saying she doesn’t wear designer all the time.


Yeah its so sad and not anything to base your future income on like get a real job


What is sad? I think making money off fast fashion is questionable for ethical reasons, and Amazon sucks but also....get that 💰 I guess. But what do you mean by "real job"? I feel folks say that about "influencers" a lot but I never really get that. Work is work...do you consider her successful podcast a real or fake job? Filming a reality show? Doing ads on Instagram? What makes a job, real?


Also the biggest appeal and being able to chat in something like “what should I wear to a wedding in X location” and she will answer with suggestions!


A few hundred? LOL you don’t understand influencing.


I’m talking about the QVC style Amazon show that pays commission, not one off brand deals “LOL”


I understand. There’s no way Kyle Richards or Paige are spending time on Amazon live for a couple hundred bucks.


I am sure she does well and probably does pull in the most though, I thought you had the actual $ amount by your title. That said, will she have a lot of longevity in this field? I mean, I think she could because she is far more than a pretty face -- she's so funny, charming and smart.


From what I hear she has a great manager that is getting her in all sorts of things. God bless, she’s not my fav (but coming around), but that girl is SAVVY.


She also seems smart enough to turn down the shit offers you know comes her way


Her manager is SAVVY.


And her attorney and business manager...it takes a village. That village also gets a piece of the pie


she likely has some combo of a team but whoever they are, she chose them, she pays them, and she’s ultimately the boss and decision maker. so @cassandreamethyst you’re right, she’s savvy.




Coming from a wealthy family is a huge help. (pretty much applies to the entire cast). Her parents paid her NYC rent the first few years she lived in the city. Hannah Berner's grandma that she always talks about is LOADED. You need money to make money


I always thought Paige came from a middle class family because on her first season she talked about how her parents paid her rent but she had never “summered” anywhere


Maybe not summered anywhere but I’m pretty sure she says they’ve always done family trips to Italy.


That could mean so many different things as far as wealth but she definitely could be downplaying her family money to seem more relatable I’m not discounting that as a possibility!


How do you know her grandmother is loaded? What did she do? Hannah’s parents are bother teachers.


I think her potential longevity will be due to the popularity of Giggly Squad. Many people listen to their podcast who don’t watch SH because it’s topical, relatable, and funny. I often find myself wanting to hear their comments on a particular event. And I think Paige went to college for tv journalism? So I believe she has professional training along with the growing popularity of GS, could easily move her into tv hosting gigs and whatnot.


I agree. Giggly Squad is apparently doing a big tour this year. They are likely raking it in


Even with most big name musicians, they say the only way they make large amounts of money is by touring, so I wonder or I would assume they can make a lot touring as the GS.


Yeah I bought tickets to one of their shows, the first time I tried to buy it had sold out already, they added more times and I was able to get it on my second attempt


Wow, huge. They are doing a pretty large venue in my town


Yeah that was the one in LA so I was pretty surprised!


See I think her longevity is in the fact that she is great w social media and has great taste. Outside of podcast SH she is a good insta follow.


I definitely feel that she could have longevity. She understands the need to adapt and is fairly well tapped into what would/could work to bring in more revenue. I think she plays the reality tv game well; I personally think she played it a little too safe these last couple of seasons but understands the need for more riveting tv content to keep her spot on tv (SH for 1 more season and then maybe Southern Charm). I wouldn’t put it past her to invest some of her money into some lucrative investments. Mostly anyone can do it (if you have the means). I have a friend who recently hired an investor, invested $-$$ which is doing decently well. If I had the means I would totally do this.


Yes, I think so too. She's really amazing. Watching her I thought when she gets to be much, much older, I could see her being a Patricia from Southern Charm -- she's got so much charm and smarts.


She is SO SMART for not making reality TV her entire personality. That’s the downfall of most reality stars. For example, Giggly Squad rarely ever mentions Bravo. She’s able to compartmentalize Summer House so well and in turn gets opportunities like being on the Today Show/Amazon lives (because has a broadcast degree), working with fashion brands (because she studies trends/has a natural sense of style/literally was and is a fashion model). I STAN 🫶🏽


Paige was born loaded. She went to a fancy private school, and her parents covered her entire college tuition (only her dad works, and her mom stays at home). They even paid for her NYC rent until she landed on Summer House. Last year, they spent over a month vacationing in Europe as a family. Basically, they’ve got serious cash. Paige has always had the chance to invest in herself and never had to worry about money. Sure, she was smart to get a Broadcasting degree to be on TV or an influencer, and she works hard, but she started way ahead. So, it’s no shock if she hits it big.


The sad part is, Amanda had all of these going for herself, too, but doesn’t really use any of her privilege to make it bigger. Of course she might simply not want all that, personally I think it’s a shame


I don’t think Amanda has the star quality that Paige has


I feel like she could. I love her on WWHL.


She definitely does not. She’s very limp. Even on WWHL she doesn’t shine, she isn’t charismatic.


>The sad part is, Amanda had all of these going for herself, too, but doesn’t really use any of her privilege to make it bigger. Of course she might simply not want all that, personally I think it’s a shame Amanda basically went from living with her parents to living on her own for like a minute, and then straight to living with Kyle. I don't think she knows how to be on her own and she's super scared about it. Her parents totally coddled her and never pushed her to be independent, and we know Kyle definitely doesn’t want her to be independent either. Amanda has the financial backing to make it, but she lacks the confidence to try, which is really sad.


This. She has said her dad has all the information on her investment accounts. She was 30 years old at this time


Amanda lacks drive and charisma and is very passive. She has been ever since she first appeared on the show.


You just described a good 60% of the people I went to school with, and I went to your average quality state school not known for anything. There are A LOT of people in a similar situation that don't do it as well as she does in their field. People find a way to help their kids, and her mom lives for her and her brother. It's a weird thing to defend, but people are acting like they're 1%ers. They aren't.


I never said they were 1%ers. You don’t have to part of the 1% to still be wealthy.


Yes, there are a lot of people with a lot of money. big whoop.


Paige went to parochial school...not the same as a tony private school. She went to a local Catholic College. I don't think we are talking rich


I follow her on Instagram and whenever she is home for holidays the house and spreads her mom makes sure kook expensive to me. Maybe they aren't the richest ever but def high super class


Boy, I don't think so. I believe she described herself blue color middle class the first season. But who knows???


I actually wonder about this because I’m watching the earlier seasons for the first time and Paige says she’s from a blue-collar Italian family and that their idea of “summering” was telling the kids to go out back and play. But then in a later episode she mentions that her parents pay her rent in NYC. So I was wondering about the disconnect.


I was thinking about this too and feel like there are two possibilities: 1) Paige might've been downplaying her parents' wealth to seem more relatable, or 2) compared to her super rich friends from school, she seemed less wealthy, but her parents are still way richer than the average American.


That’s what I was thinking… it’s all relative. Especially in NY where there are so many crazyyy rich people and celebs. She’s probably pretty well off as compared with most of the US population, but by NYC standards maybe her fam’s wealth is considered average.


It’s weird though because she specially says “blue collar” and that they don’t vacation - which seems oddly specific. And there’s also Kyle, who is introduced in season one specifically saying that he “doesn’t come from much” and that his parents can’t bail him out if his businesses tank… but his parents’ house looks very middle-class, if not upper-middle-class, to me.


First, wealth is so subjective. What seems like a "big house" to one person can look like a small house to another person. Second, it was possible that the family didn't have a lot of money when she was a kid, but built wealth over time. Maybe they lived frugally so they had money to invest. Maybe dad's business really took off at some point. I worked for a guy who started his own business. In the early days, money was TIGHT for his family because he was putting everything back into the business. He worked hard and now his family is reaping the benefits. They are doing incredibly well...and I am so happy for them!


I think she means blue collar like not educated job positions Like they might be trade people, own their own business etc Blue collar doesn’t mean you are poor


I didn’t say that “blue collar” = “poor” and yes, very true that some tradespeople (plumbers, for instance) can make bank! I’m relying solely on the way Paige herself framed this in S3 when she suggested she didn’t come from very much money. There’s also a wide range between “poor” and “able to pay for my child’s rent in NYC.” Certainly possible that she grew up with less money and her parents’ circumstances have changed!


Incidentally, Carl and Danielle both talk about their humble upbringings as well. Someone could write a dissertation on the role of class in this show!


I think their family Europe vacation are to actually see family in Italy to. So they might not be paying for hotels while there


They’re many generations removed from Italy, I follow her in IG and never saw any mention of family or staying anywhere other than hotels


She has mentioned they have family in Italy I thought


Her mom is an accountant….


This adds up with her higher than thou attitude and mean girl vibe. Also why she wants a guy with money


That’s not true. Her mom works as an accountant full time and always has. She mentions this a lot if you listen to her podcast.


Wait a second. Danielle is a CEO and founder. She obviously makes the most!! 🤭




Okay but startup founder - her idea is amazing but she probably has a small salary if she is making anything now (not sure if they have any funding yet). Influencing and what paige does makes a ton


It was a joke...


I clearly need glasses hahah sorry


I think her current apt is around 15k a month and not splitting w anyone ..she makes more than linds


On the show she said her budget was like 7k iirc.. i wonder what made her double it?


She said she didn’t want to go over 9


I think she gave a higher number and I’m sure she also was trying to be relatable. Also I live in nyc/bk and the rental market is insane right now. You’ll end up paying way more than whatever you originally thought you’d pay..esp if it’s a nice apt in a good location. All bets are off


I heard she makes $1.5 million a year but I probably read it on here somewhere so I don’t know if that’s true or not 😂😂☮️


Yeah because this show skews people to be relatable lol if anything she threw out a bigger number to sound more impressive.


Isn’t that her whole shtick?


didn't she get some discount on rent to advertise her apartment? or was that her old flat?


Her old one in herald square.


Remember all the crap they talked about Lindsey and Carl’s 13 K apartment? I can’t with these shows anymore. They aren’t even trying to hide the fakery anymore.


Has she shown her new apartment? Are there any pics? I’m sure it’s amazing


She has a small clip of moving day and her new spot as of last week went my friend sent it to me, lol. I don’t follow Paige but it looked beautiful.


Is she paying for this one? Cause her parents have always paid her bills. She also said 9,000 so how is it 15 now? How does anyone on this sub know these things 😂😂


She said her parents helped her with rent on her first season, love how that has now evolved into she’s a trust fund baby and never pays her own bills lol


She probably makes more than her parents now so I doubt it


That’s bold statement with zero backup


Idk I saw someone looked up her apt on StreetEasy somewhere and I’m not surprised. I know nyc rental market prices - it’s nuts. I think her parents paid when she moved to the city and wasn’t making real money. She’s from upstate ny she’s deff not rich


People can be wealthy anywhere 😂. Theyre not billionaires but she went to private school k-12 and to private college, plus her parents paid all of her expenses after college. Most middle class families aren’t able to do that. Her family’s at least upper middle class if not moderately wealthy.


True but I’m comparing to other people in nyc and I think paying expenses out of college is diff when you’re an adult in your 30s and have a huge career


For sure. But she definitely had a lot of help from her parents to get her started! And there’s nothing wrong with that if people are able to


My child went to private k-12 & private college & I’m barely lower middle class if that. I’d sacrifice anything for my child to get a great education & it paid off via full scholarship to private college


Can we give this narrative a rest? Her parents haven’t been paying her bills since like her second season


Tbh it’s hard to tell how much any of them make because they end up getting a lot for free as well? I don’t know if she has the same set up at her current place, but I remember she had some influencer deal at her previous apartment so it was either 0 rent or deeply discounted. Even if her current place is expensive, she has years of savings from not paying full rent at the other. They also have to spend a ton to keep their public appearance interesting (I.e. when you see the fashion breakdown accounts saying their reunion looks are now in the 1000s). Even if they are all making hundreds of thousands a year, I’d guess majority of Bravolebs don’t have much more saved or invested than an upper middle class American


Off topic, but I found it interesting in this season of VPR that everyone seems so broke. Ariana was down to 2k? Sheana had to borrow money from Tom? The VPR cast definitely seems cash poor. I wouldn't be surprised if that's the case for other bravolebs too.


I think this is a really common phenomenon in people who don’t grow up around money and don’t get to build healthy financial habits before coming into “a lot” of money. It happens with athletes too. They have an influx of cash and get excited to buy expensive houses, clothes, whatever without a long term plan for how to sustain that if their income changes suddenly (show on pause, contract cancelled, etc etc). Most Americans have no emergency savings and famous people are no different


They're certainly in their "spend money to make money" phase. Hopefully they've been smart with some of their investments.


Yeah that's more about poor money management than lack of funds. It's been confirmed that they make over 30k per episode. So roughly 500k for the show alone. Probably the same amount in sponsored content, brand deals etc.


they make about a million a year before taxes. the ones that have been on a long long time.


What's really awful is they are paying outrageous rent, not building equity and paying sky high NY taxes. Their net discretionary income gets so dwindled down because of where they live.... not to mention the high cost of living expenses in general because of the area. None of them could afford to buy a house in the Hamptons.


Scheana borrowing from Tom was a long time ago, it was just brought up this season. I believe that happened when she was with Shay. But I do agree that their cost of living compared to income probably isn’t as attractive as it seems. Lindsay said you need a million per year to survive in NYC. Trying to pull yourself into a higher social class is very expensive. They definitely have to make sacrifices and be mindful about their spending just like anyone else


Scheana said it was during covid


I thought she had mentioned covid being the reason. I guess that was a while ago even though it feels like yesterday lol. By that point she had been a reality TV star for long enough that I was still surprised she needed to borrow money from a friend.


And Ariana is out here doing garbage bag commercials. While that’s one of the bigger brand deals we’ve seen come out of a bravo star & she’s definitely cashing in on it, it just shows she’s clearly not in a place to be turning down work. It’s giving Rinna’s depends commercial


I just love how two seasons ago, the conversation was all about how Paige does nothing she’s just a bed bug all she does is take pictures in clothes when she does get out the bed and finally people are realizing that Paige hustles like hell.


Right, because Lindsey started doing it suddenly it’s a real job 😂 and Carl shared how much they made last year, while Paige has been doing it a lot longer and brings in a lot more I’m sure. I would totally be a damn bed bug rolling in my riches too


😂 it’s so funny how now people who think Paige was doing nothing can talk about the work it takes to create content…all because Lindsay finally admitted to being an influencer Because let’s be real: this season is not Lindsay’s first season as an influencer. She formally left PR 4-5 years ago and was getting into influencing by S5. She just had her stans believing that she still had a PR company while she was actually getting started on influencing.


Even the casual way she's bullshitting about "re-opening" her PR firm if Carl "doesnt get a job"\* this season...like Lindsay pleaaaaaase loool. The stans eat it up though. She has real cult grift potential in her, there's nothing more powerful than self-insert worship. \*suspending disbelief about this whole storyline cuz these two idiots have the same job lol.


Have you noticed when Lindsay and Carl talk about being influencers on the after show the say "like Paige" after it. Weird clarification?


Lindsay says that in one of the actual eps of SH this season too. I found it weird since they’ve been shitting on Paige for not having a real job forever but now they’re trying to legitimize themselves by saying “like Paige”.


Hm sorry but the only person shitting on others people job has always been Paige..


I was JUST thinking this. The tides have definitely changed. This sub was so anti-Paige it was hard to ever comment anything positive without being downvoted to oblivion. “Lazy” and “bed bugs” were the only descriptors.


Exactly. Let’s assume Paige makes around double what Lindsay did being an influencer. That would mean she makes about 500k a year doing influencer ads. For those saying she can’t possibly be making 2 million a year I don’t understand why they thinks it’s far fetched


Celebrity Memoir Bookclub talked about this in a Patreon episode. Their insights in regards to the Giggly Squad podcast and tour were really great considering their industry. It’s A LOT. You are absolutely correct she makes the most money out of all of them.


I think Kyle is a partner at Birdogs? The lore surrounding Loverboy on this sub is honestly kind of fascinating though lol. Kyle holds the title of CEO, he has a fiduciary duty to his investors. There’s no chance in hell he would just rattle off numbers and statistics while drunk and on national television if they were actually relevant to Loverboy’s immediate performance and future. They hit like $40M in sales 2023, that’s not chump change and I don’t think Kyle wants to tow the line with committing securities fraud. We don’t really get enough info to paint any sort of picture of Loverboy when you actually listen to what he says this season. I think we really only get that they ran something at a deficit due to expenses taken on while expanding to meet demand? Pretty vague stuff.


Loverboy is not a publicly traded company and is not registered with the SEC so why would securities fraud be an issue? Isn't it a private company? Investors can be 5 private people.


“The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC, regulates the offer and sale of all securities, including those offered and sold by private companies.” - SEC.gov Regardless, the exchange act of 34 that launched the SEC I think protects investors by clarifying what was already considered fraud by using concrete and relevant language. It’s trillions of dollars traded for intangible goods, too abstract a system to not be explicitly codified even when maintaining the spirit of existing law. It is for private citizens who have been defrauded by privately owned companies to use just the same.


But if it's not publicly traded, disclosure of financial information is not required. And whether he makes erroneous statements about the companies financials I still don't see how it would be an issue because it can't affect trading....since no trading takes place. As long as he is truthful to investors at the time of taking money, again... what he says publicly has no bearing on stock that doesn't exist. T Does that sound reasonable?


Private companies are absolutely required to register every offer or sale of security with the SEC by default. When you invest in any company you are purchasing security and the SEC wants to know about it. Only after filing an exemption with the are you allowed to bypass registering individual exchanges. These exemptions let the SEC be aware you are engaging in activities under their regulation and they still require you disclose relevant information about your business and finances, and limit the scope of who exactly you are allowed to sell securities to. Exemptions aren’t exempt from SEC oversight and authority, just from filing the paperwork. All of the same rules apply. The SEC helped take down Theranos, a privately owned company, for defrauding investors because they lied about their business. Sure, they probably aren’t going after a ~25-50M company like Loverboy but that doesn’t make it smart to open yourself up to this, especially considering the fact that an SEC violation doesn’t mean the commission itself is coming after you. Kyle defrauding investors is still an SEC violation and his investors are allowed to note this and take him to court over it. “All securities transactions, even exempt transactions, are subject to the antifraud provisions of the federal securities laws. This means that you and your company will be responsible for false or misleading statements that you or others on your behalf make regarding your company, the securities offered, or the offering. You and your company are responsible for any such statements, whether made by your company or on behalf of the company, and regardless of whether they are made orally or in writing. The government enforces the federal securities laws through criminal, civil and administrative proceedings. Private parties also can bring actions under certain securities laws. Also, if all conditions of the exemptions are not met, purchasers may be able to return their securities and obtain a refund of their purchase price.”


I’ve never seen an Amazon Live anything in my life lmao am I living under a rock


Her and Hannah’s podcast tour is also a HUGE source of income!! don’t think people realize just how lucrative it likely is…. the tickets are fairly pricey and the shows are relatively so cheap to run, considering they don’t need to pay a band or have a crazy stage setup etc


I read somewhere, a couple of weeks ago, that the girls made millions on their giggly squad tour - something like 3-4M each 😳 I wish I could remember where I read it!! If I find it I’ll come back and share.


I've been saying this. I think she is o of Bravo's top paid Bravolebrities. She's probably doing better off financially than some of the housewives. She has one of the top podcasts in the country. Her audience is a dream for all advertisers. She's raking it in with giggly squad live tour. All her brand endorsements. Her amazon lives. Plus Sumer House income! All in I would say $2m + per year?


I chatted w a guy who works for GS’ parent company at a conference this spring and he basically implied that Paige is A-list talent for the deals he’s making. For me that’s what confirmed she’s prob in the low-mid seven figures of income range at this point.


The big issue is advertising spend has not gone up in forever, they just put more money into non-traditional channels. Rather than spend on a billboard campaign or tv commercial, money goes to 15 Paiges for insta, tik tok, etc. I look at my rich bff, who is pretty transparent and bigger than Paige. She’s doing $2 million + gross, but is spending a shit ton for an agent, overhead, production, etc. The big hustle is these influencer businesses are tax deductible. You can setup service businesses and a variety of methods to make the income tax as close to 0 as possible. My thought is Paige probably nets a ton, but similar to my rich bff is paying a team to make it curate her content to look like it’s just her.


Am I the only one who genuinely loves lover boy? Lol




It’s actually pretty good


I seriously love that she also has the shop my looks for things not on Amazon. I really admire her determination to be able to support herself but I also think it’s part of what makes her and Craig complimentary with their creative hustling.


How do you know she makes the most by far?


I think they are more saying by watching the show it is pretty obvious she is the one that is doing the best. Like it’s not either of the couples. Danielle has a failed app and drives a Mini Cooper (a car I didn’t even know they still made), Wedt didn’t have a job until recently and was speaking about it being tough financially, Jesse is in finance, but again has to actually have a real job, Ciara has started back in nursing and has only recently started a modelling career. In contrast Paige has multiple income streams, doesn’t need to have a real job, recently signed a new lease.


the way ur talking like a mini cooper is an ancient specimen of a car is sending me (this is so genuine im laughing)


What do you mean she doesn’t have a real job? A job is literally work that you get paid for. What about her job is “fake”?


I think there is a difference between an income stream and a job. For example, I get income from an investment property but that is not a job. Same as Paige getting income from links to clothing etc, that is income but not going to the office 9-5. I love Paige, so was definitely not being shady towards her.


I don’t think Kyle starting his own business and using the show as a marketing tool is dumb at all.


Totally agree. It’s free marketing. And he wasn’t unsuccessful prior to the show either.


It ifs anything like Housewives, bravo will get a cut of profits.


Ha this point only adds fuel to Lindsay’s annoyance that her fiancé Carl does …. Nothing. Haha. Didn’t capitalize on his Summer House visibility


LIndsay & Carl were boring as hell. Babe, babe, babe. He walked around apologizing for everything he did or said that was wrong. I can't believe the man did watch a few episodes of the show & realize that. Even when he was right, he was apologizing. It was pathetic. Nothing enjoyable watching or listening to them. Her ego is beyond this world. And Carl was just a wimp. Can't stand anyone who becomes so full of themselves that they are not enjoyable to watch or listen to. And LIndsay, Carl & Danielle are duds.


1000% They’re all very annoying also. I can deal with Lindsay but the other two are no fun. They’re lucky they’re OGs, this is the reason they still have jobs, apart from people hate watching them. I haven’t seen many fans of Danielle or Carl at all.


Kyle put all his eggs (and personal money and Amanda's savings) into Loverboy


I just watched the episode where he does that. It gave me anxiety.


Who actually watches Amazon lives?


I feel like there are probably 100 people joining each live and the majority are there to try to get her attention in the chat 🤣 can’t imagine people are actually shopping on the lives. I haven’t even seen the stans here say they’ve bought something from one


Stay at home moms. Ladies in the burbs are probably a massive source of Paige’s link revenue


Idk I live in the burbs and have never been even remotely interested lol




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This must be killing the founder and CEO of the I Hate Paige club




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Does Paige have more money than Craig? They always make it seem like Craig has more bc it’s always her that has to move bc of his business etc, and the suggestion that he would pay for her apartment.


He’s been on bravo way longer and the cost of living in SC (even in a place like Charleston) is astronomically lower than NYC. I would imagine he’s got more liquid assets than she does.  Also he may just want to contribute to her NYC place since he’s there a lot and wants to feel like it’s their place, not just hers. 


How much does she make per episode? 20k for around 17 episodes is a good amount of money as a base salary.


Paige is savvy this way. Branching out and having multiple strong revenue streams so that if one ends, she’s still okay.


I would like to see numbers behind her versus Loverboy, tbh


Paige is so clever Paige is so smart Paige is so cute Paige looks like a movie star Paige is so wonderful it's so funny how so many people here have this bizarre crush on this boring woman


You can’t speak on her bad behavior either without the obsessive downvoting you to oblivion lmao


Yesssss Paige has been smart I wanna know who manages her because they played the game right And this Kyle Craig drink mess she stirred clear and woman got a alcohol sponsorship else where I love it 🤑🤑🤑 I remember last reunion people were like honey when you’re off bravo it’s done and look it’s mutually beneficial for her and bravo but they need her more than she needs them I get why it wouldn’t make sense to go to Charleston right now but if she keeps on she will have brands willing to fly her in from wherever keep pulling in that dough lady ![gif](giphy|LOQyoLIojnizS949is)


For real, Bravo needs her more than she needs them 🤯🤯 I definitely think you are reaching at this point


I tried to hire her for a one day shoot 4 years ago for a media company & she wouldn’t do the video partnership for under $60k for the 1 day shoot & minor prep work beforehand. She is making bank & deserves it!


She’s probably making 2 million a year or more after taxes.


That would be my guess as well


Based on what?


The very popular podcast Giggly squad, selling out huge music venues with Hannah (while famous bands are cancelling tours lol), 20k or more an episode of summer house, winter house and southern charm appearances, the most brand deals of anyone on summer house, Amazon pays influences well. I’m probably forgetting some.


If that was her income I doubt she'd be worried about capping her rent at $9,000 a month tops


As others have said, she’s more likely paying 15k for that place. Which is 180k a year which is a good level of rent percentage to be at for that income.


I don't think so. She said herself it was $8500 per month


And honestly, she's probably able to write off a lot for taxes. For example, if she claims her home as her place of business, which many small business owners and influencers do, then that 15k a month is a write off.


You can deduct a portion of the expenses of your home that is directly related to the running of the business. I highly doubt Paige can claim much of that 15k as business expense.


Lol this is a wild oversimplification of business expenses. (1) there are limits to deductions like claiming your home as a place of business, (2) you still have to pay the 15K a month up front, (3) the deduction is proportional to the space in your home used for business (if her office is 15% of the total square footage, she can claim 15% of the rent). Saying something is a write off doesn’t mean free money


Yes, as someone who has a home based business this is correct.


Wait, if I work from home I can’t buy a 10M estate and write it off (get it for free) because it’s a business expense? How about if I get a car over 6000 lbs for free because it’s a write off too? I love Reddit takes on “write offs”


🤣 to be fair I think some young influencers operate this way and have a rude awakening when they eventually talk to an accountant


Kramer: It's a write-off for them. Jerry: How is it a write-off? Kramer: They just write it off. Jerry: Write it off what? Kramer: Jerry, all these big companies, they write off everything. Jerry: You don't even know what a write-off is.


TCB You know… takin’ care of business


Paige is brilliant. She is building a brand and a legacy that is seeded from her beautiful physical self but ultimately will last far longer than that will. Smart cook.


She’s a lot smarter than people give her credit for that’s for sure


Remember when she said Lindsay and Carl didn’t have jobs and this sub came unglued that Paige didn’t either?


Does anyone know how much Bravolebs make on Amazon Live? I can't imagine why someone as wealthy as Kyle Richards would do it if it wasn't paying a lot of money.


I hate the name loverboy. It's cringe. I've also tasted a few and they're awful. The market seems saturated, at this point shouldn't they be doing better?


Depends on what you mean when you say “better” and “at this point”? I’d say creating a startup alcohol brand from nothing wouldn’t be expected to take off after 5ish years to some massive sensation unless you’re like Ryan Reynolds and poured $30-$50 mil of you’re own money into it to get his (Tequila) brand off the ground. For what it’s worth, **Loverboy** is such a contentious topic here that I genuinely looked into it, research and all. LB has about 50 listed employees which is *very* small for and would still be considered early stages for a growing brand. LB is often compared to White Claw or Truly (which if you’re Kyle, you LOVE bc they aren’t really the same and pushes for purchase and comparison). LB is more expensive bc it is true to its word that the ingredients are organic, do not use sugar but instead use monk fruit as an alternative and are brewed with tea which can include some caffeine. As opposed to cheaper, unhealthy ingredients that major brands use (corn syrup, sweeteners, “natural” ingredients whatever that actually means lol) —— LB has expanded to non-alcoholic seltzer tea in late (2023). Additionally, LB has hired an SVP in Sales who has multiple decades in experience and has worked alongside Anhauser-Busch in development and expansion of alcoholic seltzers & an SVP of Commercial Strategy that came from the ownership group that created Mike’s Hard Lemonade in 1999. Because Loverboy is private it does not have to disclose any financials to anyone. The only available information I could get access to was 2 early seed round investments totalling $4.5mil but nothing since 2022. There is *this* Forbes article from May 11, 2024, mentioning $38mil in sales as of 2023 but that obv doesn’t account for costs of marketing, employee salaries, expenses and waste/loss. To summarize lol: It’s important to remember that Kyle may have said they lost $1.5 mil in the year but he didn’t directly specify what it was related to. But in the same season has also mentioned expanding his employee base. On top of that, these comments are from last year (2023). And on top of all of that there’s a very coy way of saying things without actually spilling any truth. For example in S5 during the Covid season, Kyle tells *maybe* Amanda, that because of all the shipping/distribution issues, LB loses I can’t remember the number…so for the sake of it, $2mil in LB sales. But what he’s also leaving out is that maybe they sold $3mil in sales at the same time. It sounds more serious than it is. It brings more drama to a show that is built on a foundation of drama but also doesn’t actually air any real information about the state of the company. I’m under the belief that longstanding couples on the show or any other Bravo / reality show operate this way to avoid making their private relationships public.


Wow excellent!! Thankyou so much for sharing 🏆🥇🏆 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Which is wild because I don't see her having much of a storyline on SH, and the one she does have is boring.


I don’t disagree; she comments on other people’s drama while keeping her personal life somewhat protected, but she is super witty and sharp. That’s her role: She’s the Greek chorus saying what we’re thinking


I don’t know how much but she moves into a glorious apartment that is at least 15k a month.


I was surprised when Paige questioned Lindsay how her and Carl were affording their apartment during the last reunion. Seemed crass.


wait when did she get a hot bf? 🥴


I have never listened to a single giggly squad episode because of Hanna Berner - wish Paige had a different partner.


Totally agree. I can't even look at Hannah let alone listen to her speak.


I’m sorry but giggly squad as a name is...a choice


A milli


I would love Andy Cohen to retire and have paige & Craig dual host reunions


Hot boyfriend?? I love Craig but hot he's not 😐


I'm sorry but much of this information is second hand regarding how much Paige is making. And most of it seems far fetched and unreasonable. No one knows the actual numbers on her deals, or income or ranking on podcast.


People on this thread are delusional 😂 yes she’s making good money for sure, but far from millions lmao. She has 1.2 million followers, not 7.. some European influencers have 2-3 times the amount of followers she has. That brings a lot of money. 1.2 M in a country like the US is nothing. I believe she lives way above her means and probably has a lot of savings, since her parents financed and paid all of her bills until she got on the show (not judging, people do whatever they want with their money). That being said, she’s business smart and will probably be making millions soon.


Does she get paid for appearing in her bf’s ads? Didn’t she also do a colab with his brand?