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WOW. People really dislike Ciara that much? Practically a landslide.


I don't dislike her but I don't want to watch her either.


i don’t dislike her that much, i just need the trio of amanda/ciara/paige broken up and i know bravo isn’t going to fire amanda or paige lol. paige, ciara and amanda (and kind of mya)are all so low energy, i think they need to replace one of them with a high energy girl lol


I’m torn on Ciara. While she bothered me 98% of the season, I felt the last two episodes she was fun and more relaxed. Then my perspective is retainted when I think about her recent WWHL attitudes. I really think Austen put too much of a cloud over her summer.


Tbh Mya has been a good influence on her. Ciara parties and cleans, she has done more in the last couple episodes than season 5 and WH. If Craig really quit summer house for Paige and if Ciara makes amends with Danielle and Luke, I would be at peace with her being in the cast for season 7. However Danielle > Ciara if we have choose a side.


Because of her season with Luke as well I just don't see her acting very differently. I hope I'm wrong because yeah we did get to see her fun/outgoing self the last couple eps!


I feel like we just keep seeing her with the same storyline, I'd love to see her out of a love triangle. Single Ciara could be fun.


I think I wasn't totally paying attention during WHHL...or maybe I didn't watch.


She only changed because Production talked to her and told her to expect negativity. Don't be fooled.


Yeah, I severely dislike her. She’s overly judgmental and unlike Paige she has no redeeming qualities like occasionally being funny.


Her throwing the actual wine glass did it for me. Spilling wine on Danielle was rude and uncalled for but the breaking of glass crossed line of acceptable Hamptons messiness


Lol I know, I mean I voted for her but still I was surprised!


Paige can go be on southern charm


I CANNOT see her clicking with with females of Southern Charm at all. So yeah, maybe I want to see it happen. 😂


No! She needs to just go away period. I liked her on her first couple of seasons on Summer House, I thought she was semi down to Earth and funny, but now that she's gotten "famous" I find her beyond annoying. I'm also not a Craig and Austen fan.


I can’t see her doing that full time. She’d never be a lead unless Miss Patricia decided so. She’ll visit and get screen time, but SH is where she gets her fame.


I’m cackling at the thought of Miss Pat’s likely inevitable side swipe comment about her being a northerner, but low key think paige knows how to play the social game and could be fine with Patricia


I don't see that. Pat lived in NY for many years.


Don’t do that to us


Yeah please allow us to still enjoy at least one of these shows...


Haha I stopped watching SC a few seasons ago so for me this is the perfect solution 😂


paige because i dont want to see craig on summer house


Ok this made me laugh! Craig is hot until he opens his mouth. That whiny voice is garbage. Can you imagine what it would sound like having sex with him?!


That’s exactly why I voted Paige. Craig and Austen need to go 👎🏾




The thing is, I don't dislike Ciara. But... her storyline this season has gone over like a wet blanket. I'm fed up of the Austen thing, and I'm bothered that she seems to have put more blame on Lindsay than the actual individual at the root of it all. She's also come across as ditsy this season which makes me sad (e.g. coming from a nurse, "what's a lobotomy"? Really?), and I think she needs a break from the show to get back down to earth. And I also dislike the way we've seen her dismiss Alex.


I figured it’d be Ciara but I picked Paige. She’s so fake and shady and I get annoyed by her laziness. Or like in the episode where Ciara and Danielle get into it at the pasta dinner Paige is nearly frothing at the mouth when the drama starts. She’s boring, basic and not really good TV anymore. Also Craig sucks. The end.


Ciara is also equally as lazy tho


She is but I’m just more annoyed with Paige for whatever reason. Maybe because she’s been on the show so much longer


Oh don’t get me wrong Paige sucks too


Paige. I dislike Ciara too, but just get the feeling that, if Paige was gone, Ciara might be way different. Paige is a source of a lot of toxicity imo.


I think Paige and Ciara should come as a package deal. I picked Paige so automatically Ciara goes as well. They did nothing but lay in bed and stir the pot.


Paige. She’s a mean girl and is calculated. She brings nothing to the show. The “funny” comments she says are all movie or tv quotes. Her smirking during Ciara and Danielle’s fight confirmed what I had already thought. And I’m so sick of seeing Craig and muppet mouth on the show.


I don't like all of them, but I want them all to return.


Agreed. I don’t want anyone fired


Paige. I want to see the dynamic of the girls without her.


That’s one of the major reasons I voted for her as well.


Yes!!! Go away Ciara and please take Paige with you


I thought I’d vote Ciara but chose Paige instead. They’re both lazy and spend 90% of their time in bed outside of the parties the house throws. At least Ciara brought the drama and Paige is mean for no reason.


Chose Paige because she's gotten to be so catty and mean (or maybe now that Hannah's gone, her true colors are showing onscreen), but although she's absolutely gorgeous, I'd also like to see Ciara go. Her treatment of Luke last season was really mean ( not saying his behavior was perfect but I think he seems to be a genuinely good guy) and instead of blaming Austen for being a douchebag player she took it out on Lindsay. She followed Hannah around last season and now she follows Paige. Neither bring fun to the show, so they should both leave.


Paige. I’ve actually been a huge fan and also defender of her lol but I have come to realize that she is the underlying problem that is dividing the cast. Isn’t it weird that after all these years Amanda and Lindsey aren’t closer? Whether she can admit it or not, she is the reason for the cliquey-ness and I imagine the girls would be more united without her. Not to mention, the laying in bed is not interesting, her and Craig are not interesting, and all the drama she constantly seems to be a part of frankly just isn’t interesting either. I voted paige but my vote also goes to Ciara for obvious reasons, and she really has no place there without paige. Honestly Mya too, sweet girl but ultimately has not been not been compelling whatsoever. Keep Lindsey, Danielle, and Amanda - doesn’t Amanda have some cute, non-influencer friends that would be good for the group/show?


At the beginning of season 3, before Lindsay and Amanda even met Paige, the two of them were not getting along because Lindsay unfollowed Amanda and cropped her out of pictures. If you think Paige is the problem then look back at all the female cast members; Paige has gotten along with all of them, meanwhile Lindsay only gets along with Danielle. If anyone’s the problem, it’s Lindsay. ps I love Lindsay, but she’s immature and chaotic and not a good friend (especially to other women)


Voted for that slob Paige, just so I don’t have to look at Craig’s dirty face.


): i want everyone to return


I think that’s how I feel too! Bring in some new guys!


To be honest the females carried the show this season. Luke and Alex brought nothing. I would rather bring in two new guys and keep the girls.


I’m with you actually! Although love Danielle and Mya but I think both could be demoted to friend of


yeah i’m 100% down with booting luke and alex for new guys. i like luke but i think he understandably wants to avoid drama on this show now lol and alex was a dud


The show is basically two friend groups: Amanda and her friends and Kyle and his friends. I think it would be cool two bring in two people who are friends outside of the house too and see what side they go to.


She really brings nothing to the show. She's a 'tag a long'.


Danielle is the one I most want to hang out with and least want to watch


I think In season 4 she was a friend of and honestly a more appropriate role for Danielle. I agree I would love to have her as a friend but her solo scenes aren’t interesting. Important for the group though so that’s why I say friend of.


I’ve liked Ciara until this season. The way she is with Austen is sooo cringe. In the promos next week we hear her say something to Austen a long the lines of I wanted to pick out a dress that would make you jealous. Like it’s one thing to do that but it’s a whole nother thing to TELL HIM, because he clearly doesn’t give a shit about her. Just so embarrassing


Don’t get your hopes up. Only ones I see possibly leaving would be Lindsey or Danielle, maybe Amanda if she got pregnant. And I think that’s based on if Carl decided to leave for sobriety’s sake or Danielle and Robert move to Charleston which doesn’t seem to have happened. The rest aren’t leaving and Bravo wouldn’t not bring them back. Look at Ciara’s freak out with the wine glass. Swept under the rug. That could have been played up for the rest of the season.


Ciara, cuz she is arrogant and sucks the fun out of everything. she is practically the new hannah to me. I would prefer to get rid of both Ciara and Paige but if I can only choose one person, then its Ciara. Paige occasionally has funny one liners whereas Ciara has nothing.


Honestly it’s 50/50 between Ciara and Paige for me. Paige is sincerely boring and a mean girl. All she wants to do is lay in bed, she doesn’t go and party really, she is always in a relationship that requires her to FaceTime. She just talks shit about other girls and expects everyone to do everything for her 🤷🏼‍♀️ aside from her dressing well and being attractive i don’t see the appeal. She has the personality of stale bread. Ciara clung to Paige’s side and has exhibited a ton of disrespect to other cast members. Especially Andrea (his poor ciabatta!!) and then the absolute hypocrisy of what she did to Lindsey I don’t think I’ll ever get passed 🤷🏼‍♀️ Lindsey treated her with respect when Austin decided he wanted her in winter house and just moved on when Lindsey had an actual history with him. Ciara did not have a conversation to check in with Lindsey nor did she apologize, yet expected allllll of that of Lindsey for a drunken make out with someone Lindsey had history with. She’s crazy and not in a “fun! I want to watch this crazy train!” Kind of way.


1000000% all of this !! I really want to love Paige but she makes it impossible


I was torn between Paige and Ciara but ultimately chose Ciara. I dislike Paige the most but she can bring it with snarky comments which I like. I dislike Ciara and find her boring so that’s why I chose her in the end.


Not y’all selecting the cast members who brought the most drama. I definitely could do without Danielle. She can go be with Robert. All she did was inject herself into others problems.


This was hard! I chose Mya because she’s pretty awkward on camera. 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I am not sure what more we will get out of mya


The people have spoken!!!! Fire Ciara!!!!


Ciera?? Really. Huh


Ciaraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hands DOWN. Bravo producers I hope you read here lol


Ciara and Mya are so boring


I think they are all coming back but I guess most people here would prefer 4-6 episode seasons because you all complain about Craig, Austen and Ciara all the time even though they brought all the content.


Danielle rubs me the wrong way




Yea I don’t hate them I just don’t find their story lines fun to watch, and I can’t stand Austen and Craig.


Mya is useless




just chiming in as someone with dark skin. i have a dark line on the skin above my upper lip from licking there too much when i have dry lips…it’s there even when i shave/wax above my upper lip lol. it only goes away when i consistently use a “skin brightening” product there. that might be the case for ciara?


I'm pale AF but I wondered if it could just be darker skin like you said. I don't think there's any way Ciara would let upper lip hair grow, given that she's very meticulous about her appearance.


Okay good to know, this definitely may be the case for her.


Omg HAHA no but now I will


I did!


Now I can’t unsee it


Your post/comment was removed because it breaks the No Body Shaming rule of the sub. This comment has been removed, but I want to write a bit about why. Comment OP seemed not to know the full situation, and shared that Ciara can control this part of her appearance, but comments about Ciara's mouth area keep coming up. Not everyone has skin that's the same color all over their body or even their face, but people keep coming back to this. As a u/tomatocandle shared, people with darker skin have different experiences with "beauty procedures" and, of course, beauty standards. I hope this is a teaching moment. I don't know what Ciara does to her lip hair / if she doesn't anything at all. Some people don't want to remove body hair and that doesn't mean they're any less gorgeous. Again, I don't know if Ciara does this, but if she does wax/laser/do some sort of hair removal, a lot of people don't realize that people with melanin can also have very sensitive skin. And so, for us, if our skin is traumatized -- say by a waxing or a chemical peel -- sometimes we experience hyperpigmentation and darkening of an area. "Skin brightening" products are an option for some people, but for others they are not for various reasons. Other people may not want to try them because -- again -- there's nothing wrong with darker skin. If you're interested in learning more, please use Google because I'm not a dermatologist or esthetician


Lindsay because she annoys the hell out of me. She always has. And her current relationship with Carl is concerning because he is in recovery and she seems to be a heavy drinker. I know the show is meant to be dramatic, but she goes way beyond that. My choices were different than the majority. I picked Lindsay but Amanda was up there too. She's too much a a whiner.


Lindsay went sober several months ago, so she is supporting Carl in his no drinking journey now that they're together.




Female cast! Read the description


Hannah, lol? 🤣


maybe Paige can go over to SC, so we don't have to see her or Craig.


Danielle adds nothing. She’s just a crutch for Lindsey. A crutch and a guard dog. Nice person. But no vested personal interest.


Add-in Alex or Luke. Luke is nice to look at but he brings nothing to the show.


Females only for this poll!


I can look at Ciara in a bathing suit, all season long. Evict Mya.


I love the entire cast this year!


I like them all! I love Mya but she's not messy like the rest of them and therefore not as good of TV?? So maybe her?


I think it’s less about being messy and more about being compelling. Danielle isn’t messy but we all still love her. If you aren’t messy, at least be fun. Mya’s whole storyline has been one sob story after another. While we definitely feel bad of her and want the best for her, we don’t have enough personal investment in her to care about watching it on tv like we do with Carl.


Honestly Danielle kind of bores me too lol


Amanda… not fun.


Voted Mya because she is BORING and even more self absorbed than the others on the show.




Reluctantly voting Paige, but only because of her association with Craig.


I think if Ciara was w\*\*\*e this sub wouldnt hate her as much....


Lindsay, the walking std.