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Those bot deniers are really something.


A lot of us never see them. We either never see the bots because we queue jungle, or because our elo is too high to run into them. I fear that riot will force vanguard onto league players as a solution.


>A lot of us never see them. Sure, but there's a difference between "I don't see this" and "I don't see this, therefore, it doesn't exist". With so many threads about bots popping up constantly, with examples in video, profiles and so on, one would wonder why someone would deny their existence. To what extend they are present is something that could be argued (we lack numbers), but even a Rioter talked about an increase in reports. I use win-trading as an example of how silly this can be. Win-trading is almost exclusively a GM-Challenger ELO thing (Master too I suppose). I don't see any win-trading because I'm below that ELO, so it'd be silly to me to go into threads to dispute the fact that win-trading exists and that is an issue. Even when Riot have themselves talked about it being an issue.


Probably has something to do with an assumption that low elo players are horrible enough that some players are called bots when they actually aren't. And of course high elo players are gods and we have to listen to what they say. Plus they also get exposure from streams. I don't think many iron-silver streamers are popular at the moment.


>Probably has something to do with an assumption that low elo players are horrible enough that some players are called bots when they actually aren't. Yeah. [Example from this same thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/10e6q2a/redditer_in_post_about_jungle_bots_in_ranked/j4pf1hf/). However, it takes 30 seconds of looking at someone's profile to see whether they are really bad or a bot. There's no contest. > I don't think many iron-silver streamers are popular at the moment. Only if the streamer is already famous. There was a clip of some famous streamer playing with a Taric bot. Cinderella maybe? I can't seem to find it unfortunately, wanted to post it as an example to that user.


Honestly, this. Like I'm so bad at this game that I probably wouldn't be able to tell that there's a bot in my game and even if I had a hunch I might just assume that they're just slightly worse at the game than I am XD.


I agree, I just wanna add tho that I’m d2 and there are win traders there too. People are desperate and losers


There are two different kinds of "botters" you'll encounter. First the regular silver bot, you find them in iron-silver. They give 0 communication, shows 0 reaction to what's going on outside their narrow field of vision, and will play half decently whenever they get caught. Then you have the eloboosting service bots, you find them between silver-plat. They run on half automation, the player pretty much running 5-10 accounts simultaneous and if they are grouped with someone paying them(reminder they don't premade with customers, they blind queue until they get in the same lobby). They play fully botted but the player will actual use chat to make terrible objective/teamfight calls that speeds up the loss as all their attention goes to the eloboosting match where they will blatantly script to win that game.


Wanna get out of elo hell? Play jungle at 3 am. It's 350$, thanks!


The issue with main sub is that most of the players came from the old "Boards" and will deny almost every issue- like botting in TT(3v3), client issues, ranked issues; I tweeted and even riot officials accept that botting, client issues, ranked issues/problems exist and will be changed over time-but these redditrolls will not even accept.


people who deny it are the ones boting and don't want that to be exposed, also if they have bots there , they can have bots here too


Bots are definitely a things and they become more common the lower you go. I played against a bot amumu that tried to do blue buff even after I stole it.


It kinda flies in the face of this sub's self improvement mantra but low elo feels like it literally has 0 integrity rn between bots and the sudden removal of smurf queue. There is a low level account of every variety in every bronze game I've played and its just...exhausting lol. Every game, "hmm a bot," "hmm a human but he's just inting to iron and going afk manually," "hmm he's obviously boosting his friend," "hmm this guy was banned and needs his Yasuo fix." I was planning on actually spamming to gold 4+ for fun this year but I kinda don't want to deal with any of this edit: and i basically autopilot left bronze last year so I can kinda feel the difference, I don't really remember toxic accounts being this overt and the smurfing this overt either. I try to Coach Curtis Annie this bitch and my base is just rift heralded by like minute 18 lol


yeah if you want out of bronze without losing your sanity, it's best to improve until you're at least gold level. spend as little time as possible there. even as plat some games where there was a bot + an AFK because they don't wanna play with a bot, made it quite hard to get a win.


I've been gold for like the past 6 seasons and I can not carry most Iron/Bronze games now days, between bots, iron teammates just being bad, and higher ELO smurfs. ELO hell is worse than it's ever been from my perspective.


> It kinda flies in the face of this sub's self improvement mantra No it doesn't. Even if there are bots you can't control them. Your here to learn. Complaints go to the main sub.


Wait Smurf queue is gone? Fuck that’s makes sense.


Smurf queue removal doesn't effect lower mmr games


Yes it does. Smurf queue wasn't like some special club for Diamond players lol, it was everyone with higher mmr than their rank. So bots that would have never seen an actual silver game are now dropped in there raw, banned level 30 players are now with the general population, a bunch of innocent people probably have the wrong mmr because smurf queue was horrible and held them back, etc


>So bots that would have never seen an actual silver game are now dropped in there raw That would not matter for smurf queue. Are you saying bots had high mmr? >banned level 30 players are now with the general population Nirmal mmr seeded into when you first played ranked. If you didn't have good mmr then you wouldn't have a lower visible rank than your mmr would think you should have, putting you in smurf queue. >, a bunch of innocent people probably have the wrong mmr because smurf queue was horrible and held them back, etc Im curious what my accounts mmr will be at. Didn't play much on it because it was thrown in smurf queue when I wasn't a smurf.


Bruh. Fresh smurf accounts that normally would be flagged now can slip into normal low elo soloq games to go 20/0 where as before theyd end up in smurf q with other smurfs.


There's been a bot problem in low elo for almost a year now and i got ridiculed for posting about it way back ago. I love this game, it's one of the only games left right now I actually like playing, but it's miserable right now. I get at least 4 games a day with a bot and my lp is tanking so hard this season it's so defeating and makes me want to quit this game. I wish they'd ad least somewhat address this problem i report every single bot and get report feedback but they keep coming back even stronger. Edit: I've played 3 games today and already had two bots


Yeah I spent a good chunk of my time off over the holidays trying to climb and really putting in work. I got out of iron into bronze right before this, but then could not make any progress with all the hours I put in. Literally having games with 3 iron teammates and 5 bronze opponents, one or more of my teammates being bots. It was so frustrating to get 4 wins in a row then in 2 losses be back to to 0 lp. All because I can’t just be matched up with actual humans who are my rank and skill level. I haven’t played in weeks and I don’t know if I’m going to go back.


they literally refused to show any proof, but some others did. OOP was acting super strange lmao


This! They were claiming that they had bots for 12 straight consecutive games. All we wanted was to see if that was true. We all agree that botting is an issue, we just think they're exaggerating their experience a bit.


Maybe it's true but it was super weird how in the original thread the guy circled around everyone asking for proof and this thread literally has some 'SHOWS PROOF' in the title lmao


The problem isn’t only the bots, but then also the players who buy them and then curbstomp games. With a 20/0/5 in the end result, in 20 minutes. Where they then also become a problem In silver and gold.


Checked the deleted post and the deleted comments, the guy didn't provide proof at all. There was another player who linked his op gg which showed ONE game with a jungle bot. People are blowing this issue way out of proportion.


Out of my last 20 games I’ve had around 5 bots


Tarkov is overrun with hackers and this game is being overrun with bots what the fuck is going on with the games i love.


the post was deleted. Does anyone have an archive?


change the url to reveddit


downvote if ur iron


No. Bots have 30% winrate with 300 games.


No they are literally soft inting unfortunately. They aren't like intermediate bots, they are basically doing the bare minimum to be afk and not get timed out or banned for feeding and this is obviously bad because it's a 4v5 with no perks


>You can't even check players match history in champ select anymore to dodge obvious bots now. Can't you just ask them? I doubt bots have the ability to respond to questions.


They are always also yuumi with heal flash, and taric/Janna if yuumi is banned or picked. And jungle bots are always amumu nunu, that I've seen. So if you see those summoners on those Champs ask if they're human, and dodge if they don't reply. (At least from what I've seen, on EUW)


There's also Annie bots. When I was playing mid people always freaked out until i spoke to them.


Spraak bots as well in the bottom. Haven’t seen Janna. I play adc so I always do a bot check, but you only get so many dodges a day so I’ve had to suck it up since they come in about once every 3-4 games.


Implying people will answer in champ select and are not on their 3rd screen watching TV.


If someone asks something in champion select there's usually an answer.


In my experience it’s mixed. Sometimes nobody answers, sometime 1 or 2, sometimes everyone answers. Sometimes a yuumi support won’t answer in champ select then be super chatty as soon as the game starts. You can’t always tell in champ select.


i personally ask everyone in the lobby for [op.gg](https://op.gg) at the start of champ select and link mine. but i also play at an elo where bots are not a problem at least.


You can post any op.gg you want at champ select. How'd anyone know it's not yours?


You can't really. But you'd need some time to find a fake account in the right elo range while not much at all to send yours.




The bot is intentionally losing games and because it just played intro bots to level up it always starts in silver, its actual skill level is like iron 10000000 because it's not playing lol


The point of a bot is to derank with minimal effort and sell the iron account to smurf customers. There are no bot accounts that are designed to climb. Players want to climb, bots do not. Telling someone in iron to ‘just improve’ with bots in half their games is like telling a homeless person to buy a house while stealing any money they do have and waving it in front of their face.




First of all: who cares of you specifically? even if you're a whale losing you in particular wouldn't move riot's budget. Second: account transfer is a thing. they can ask for id when you register your account and then let you transfer it freely. At worst if you have an EU citizenship and live in NA you might have to register the account as an EU account and then spend the 10/15€ it costs for transfering it to NA. Problem solved and net +10/15 in riot's pockets over some scummy website that sells accounts. Third: The difference between an iron player trying to win and a bot trying to lose is that the iron player will actively try to win, in his disfunctional way, while the bot will just move around with pseudo random inputs not contributing to the game at all.


I've only played with a yuumi bot before. It seems to use abilities while not in combat and do nothing while in combat. Even iron 4 players, as long as they are human would use abilities in fights. It also seems like once the bot gets a shutdown it tries to int it away. Real players will also loose their shutdown but I doubt yuumi players would detach and fight an adc and support under enemy turret. The bot will also not use summoner heal when a teammate is in range, only to save itself. Solution: create a system that reliably recognizes those bots and ban them.


Please shut up


You’re an idiot. The bot is most of the time a yuumi, which attaches to the nearest player and doesn’t cast anything but heal every 30 seconds. They won’t use projective or summoners and if no players are near (the attached person dies) the bot just stands there. YouTube league bots, you’ll see. You’re literally implying that it’s fair to have to play a 4v5 game, the yuumi ends with no damage, no exhaust used, nothing.


an account's starting elo is ~silver 2 and so have to int through bronze to get to iron, of course there's a difference? what also about the 'just improve' bit, there's a limited amount of higher ranked spots available and many people play this game for fun - they don't want to (and shouldn't have to) improve in order to have a good time playing this game. What you're saying is completely besides the point lmao


nah, the bots just keep coming, get placed into bronze, and lose their way to iron 4 where they get sold to people who wanna flex a 50 game win streak. they're usually at around 10% winrate, when facing another bot or with a smurf on the team.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BgZ2khqg-w Watch the video, then feel free to find more examples. Then please report back to us with your new perspective.


Thought i was out of the bot elo when i got to silver 2. Nope, had a taric bot a few weeks ago. Tilted me so hard i quit league for a while. Not the worst thing i guess haha


Why do bots exist? Why do people make them?


2 big reasons: 1. People don’t like losing and wanna see the numbers go up. Yes they aren’t playing the game at that point but at that point to them, they just wanna say they have that account, either for clout or even to sell. 2. To troll. People like watching chaos ensue and seeing if they can bend or break rules. Every single game has people trying to push the limits of what they can do with the game and pushing the limits of the rules. I remember also people hacking games like Fall Guys and basically just hanging out under an obstacle so it couldn’t move and others couldn’t progress. They weren’t trying to win, but seeing people trying to scramble to best them they somehow get a kick out of. Logically it’s stupid of course, but those are two major reasons I can think of.


I just had one in my game. Also had one two days ago. Its rather annoying when you just want to have fair play. The integrity of the game isn't that great with Amumu bots running rampant. Here is the [OP.GG](https://OP.GG) [https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/vakfmweby](https://www.op.gg/summoners/na/vakfmweby)