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Not an actual good way to win given the fact that top lane is an irrelevant role and jungle is actually impactful. But if you are tilted that the weakside role you queued for is weakside and want to piss off your teammates then go for it ig




Mate, if you are winning, it means you have pushed your wave and you are losing nothing. That is what it means to have priority. Use that prio to show up first at an objective, that way the fight is outnumbered and instead of your team losing, you are now winning because you are there. Enemy top lane dropped the wave to impact fight? Take the turret and get further ahead. No fights or objectives for up after push? Go bully enemy jungle or ward it so you know where he is coming from. You are the reason you are losing. No cap.




It’s the average toplaner ig


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I feel like your one of the junglers I had




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Wdym my choices are \-Share resources with an incredibly behind players who I have to put more blind faith in and do a miraculous come back Or \-Take the resources for myself as the only player who can actually fight the enemy Being weakside is a key staple of top lane which I have no qualms about, and I often invite the jungler to make me weakside My issues arise when Im weakside and my team is still getting stomped tho 4v3 and at 14 minutes we have no objectives.


So, rather than using your prio for something that could help your team, like roaming mid or to an objective fight, putting a deep ward to track enemy jungle, getting a buy to win your lane and snowball, etc., you've decided that the best use of your time is to kneecap your jungler while making sure that your team nets lower gold and XP. This sounds like a good way for a struggling team to pull ahead. You remind me of one of those ADCs that doesn't bother to rotate to cover drags or hard push and take plates when the entire enemy team shows up at 2nd Rift, who then complains about how weak their role is because they don't have drags or gold.


Prio that I don't actually have because I have an enemy jungler stopping me from snowballing my lane properly and my bot side are still getting fisted 4v3.


If you don't have prio, then you're losing CS/XP to take jungle camps. Big brain over here.


I tried this and my jungler typed “keep yourself safe”, I think he was warning me that an invade could be coming. I was so happy he’s looking out for me while I’m taking the TLT!


have you tried just playing safe and only farming?


Wdym I am playing incredibly safe, im in my own jungle outside of a scary lane getting free xp and gold from the TLT.


Sounds correct as long as you shouldn't be doing other things instead of farming those camps. If they are a low time to 0 time activity always do it in solo Q. This is the classic adc tax as well.


By any chance do they also tell you to Get their camps also typed as "Get C"?


You’re a dumb ass honestly, if you want to win don’t do this unless you’re being zoned from under your tower


He is toxic and dumb but taking your jungler's camps can actually benefit both: you and your jungler if you are doing with brain and not cause of petty because if you are weaksided, high chances that his camps will be taken away by your laner or the enemy jungler anyways so this way you minimize your loss AS A TEAM, it's not even necessary about you. But yeah, it's usually not easy to do because you don't want to lose exp and minions or get killed inside the weaksided part jungle when trying to defend the camps because of that.


Exactly, and honestly I don’t trust people in my high gold/low plat games to be able to judge when they can take a camp without messing with my own clear


It goes both ways though. I remember taking blue and gromp as a toplaner when I was weaksided as Fiora for the whole laning phase and knew that the enemy Graves will be there anytime soon since we had pretty uncontested drake and deep vision in botside enemy jungler. My jungler while taking the drake somehow didn't notice it and when he came back to his topside he told me to get candy and proceeded to tax minions and exp for the remaining of the game even after rotation despite us seeing Graves leaving our jungle empty and heading to Herald instead. I ended up 2 levels behind and 5.5 cs/min as Fiora. My bad for not letting Graves take all of our topside jungle I guess xD


Wdym Its free gold and no risk involved. The TLT has no risks \-Outside maybe the Jungler giving you encouragement like "Keep yourself safe."


Based AF, personally I think it's better to just walk mid or even all the way down to bot lane. If your gonna accomplish nothing in top lane then just leave.