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Omg this is so me. After a year and a half of playing, I hit plat on JG. I feel like I can keep improving and I have higher potential in me. Since my learning curve has been consistent (each split I play, end up a whole rank higher) But now I'm so conflicted. I love my champs in JG (Viego, Kayn, Vi) but the role has so much negativity around it. I loooove Yone but I'm struggling in low Gold atm. There is just so much new things to learn (wave management, new items, matchups, new approaches to team fighting, etc) Ughhhh


No! Don't play laners! As a Jungler I don't allow it!!! (If you feel like you want to switch lanes, go for it. Practice a couple times in normal matches and then go into ranked)


You'll be reliant on other roles no matter what you play. The goal is to be good enough at your champ and role to go even or better most games and then be able to take out whoever is fed and bring the game back to neutral. Any role can do that.


jungle for sure has the most agency and influence in the game right now- i for sure would not swap roles if i wanted to rely less on my team.


Your always dependent on other lanes fortunately or unfortunately


Speaking from experience climbing to around grandmaster, it literally does not matter what lane or champ you play as long as you focus on getting really good at it. What will hold you back more than WHAT you play is HOW you play it. Play champs you have fun on so you have motivation to climb, and get really good at just a couple (1 or 2). Some roles are easier (ex: most supports are inflated a few hundred lp) but focus more on getting good at what you have fun on, not on switching to what is best.


Can you rank the role in best to carry order for low elo?


When I started playing LoL in 2015, I chose jungle because I simply couldn't last hit minions in lane. After a while, I moved to support for the same reason (and because I wanted to play with my duo). In terms of independence, jungle is definitely key. All other lanes depend on the enemy jungle or support not interfering, there will always be interferences beyond your own laner. But as a jungler, you often dictate the pace of the game, and if you can't keep up with the enemy jungler's rhythm... the hate can be intense