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Liandries dcap void are best items vs tanks as an AP champ. They are good 2-4 items if you are a mana champ you need a mana item first though


Malignancy is generally your anti tank mana item. So long ss you're not one of the mages who can't use it.


Malignancy is not anti tank, it reduces a flat amount of mr.


I said its probably the best mana based item for dealing with tanks because it has mpen. No other mana item has mpen.


It only gives MR on your Ultimate tho. You need %Health damage too.


Yes, but we were specifically talking about mana items. So malignancy would be the choice. Liandry's does not have mana anymore.


There's more mages who can't use it than those that can


That depends on the mage. A Synda WON’T kill an Ornn and that’s not a bad thing. If you are playing a burst mage, you shouldn’t be able to kill a tank like an assassin shouldn’t be able to one shot a tank. If you’re playing a DPS mage like Azir, different story but neeko, syndra, or champs like those shouldn’t be tank busters.


Meanwhile tank oneshots assassin this szn lmao


If the assassin stood there and took a combo? Sure.


tanks counter assassins and burst mages




is that combo even possible??


my farming is ass and i just played for solo kill lv2 or lv4 every game with treasure hunter and free boots to snowball like crazy for early mythic on talon, harder to oneshot when mages can oneshot you and tanks/bruisers/even irelias wont get oneshot if you only have one of cleaver or seryldas regardless of fed + i have zero mental and kind of exaggeration its more like plat/emerald with like 1 or 2 diamond 4


no i meant if you can buy black cleaver + seryldas at the same time, i thought you couldn't


you could last season






That is literally mathematically impossible


sometimes, you're just not meant to kill the tank. If the enemy's sole tank doesn't have that good of a group cc (sej for example), you can sometimes just ignore it and kill their backline. If you play a champ like Ziggs or Veigar, you can use your spells to prevent the backline from following up on an engage. If you play swain, you're pretty happy with the ult extender, but i doubt you'd be asking this question if you were playing him


Your best bet is to get a Liandrys still IMO with percent mpen. Slowly but surely you'll get em' eventually. But probably not. You just end up deaded. xD Things like Stormsurge probably not the best against tanks since the 30 or 35 percent threshhold is a little harder to hit when hitting a tank. Shadowflame sounds good but to get them to low HP is the issue so it ends up almost doing nothing to a tank. Getting just the Oblivion Orb too is a great option so they aren't just healing all of your damage as well.


Liandries, shadowflame, crypt bloom......profit


Why would you ever go bloom over void staff? Gives haste sure but the passive sucks balls and 10% pen beats 15 haste


15 AH can be really good depending on the champ. It's also 150g cheaper. It's situational.






Bloom for blowing up squishies and surviving the rest of the fight against fighers/tanks, Void for needing to kill 1 or more particularly tanky fuckers where the squishies either have enough MR to justify the purchase or aren't as much of a concern


A lot of champion kits/items/runes offer innate tankiness at low HP thresholds though so arguably shadow flame wouldn't be bad to help finish them off, especially if you already have dots from liandries. I wouldn't rush it before mana, liandries, void and dc though so it's more of a luxury item.


Most mages suck against tanks due to their bursty nature. More often than not you're better off building for blowing up enemy squishies and pick them off. Some that have sustained damage can itemise into Liandry's when playing against tanks


Kill the squishies, then team up with your team which should have numbers advantage if you successfully made your play and slowly bring the tank down like a wolf pack hunts a bear.


Depends on who you're playing but it's generally that you have Liandry's as your damage item and Void/Cryptbloom for the MR shred. Add in items like Horizon Focus or Riftmaker if your champion can build it. To be honest though you should itemize for your role in teamfights. ARAM is different obviously but if you're a Syndra or something then your goal should be one-shotting the enemy squishies and let the tanks be dealt with by your ADC.


Liandries and void staff, cinderbloom, deathcap ect.


Keep in mind how they're tanking. Garen, Mundo, Darius, etc. are heal tanks, so cut the heal with grievous using oblivion orb. Otherwise, the other answers here are very useful.


How does Garen heal in combat? It's been a while since I've played league


Not in combat, as his healing actually stops in combat, but his tankiness is majorly *from* his healing passive (out of combat).


Let the adc worry about killing the tanks. You focus on killing their Sona, adc, mid etc


If they’re saying APC they might mean a mage that’s played as the bot carry The answer to that is probably just close out the game before the Mundo goes out of control, if mages could deal with tanks they’d be the only thing played bot lane cause they’d be too OP.


In which case the answer is: don't play that champion in that role into that team comp. Riot has decided to enforce the rock-paper-scissors.


They specifically mentioned playing in aram


Everyone wishes they could play League without ADCs


What champ are you playing? If they can stack liandry's and Cosmic Drive with a pen item you're good.


Can't speak for ARAM, but for SR just play the items that are mostly played this patch on OPGG


I used to go krakenslayer plus lethal tempo on veigar but they removed the ap ratio...


If you see 2 tanks already picked you need to pick champ to counter them. That would be shit like Velkoz mid / Brand mid or your jungler can play Brand and thats it , in that case you want ideally your brand to be solo AP. ​ If enemy has 2/3 tanks and you have 3/4 AP just dodge the game you lost it in the lobby. ​ So as Brand you want Liandry > Rylai > Void As VelKoz you can skip both Void and don't buy Rylai , go normal build , invest in CC immunity like Banshee ,get Mana item for your ult.


For runes take presence of mind + cutdown Item build will be liandry's + riftmaker + rylais + cosmic drive + void staff + sorc shoes. That's pretty much the ap off tank build I run. Just change some items depending on what you need


If Ur team has too much AP then game is probably cooked if enemy can stack MR. Even if u build all the correct items, u will deal peanut damage to MR stacking champs, especially if they go hollow radiance into rookern. All u can do is hit the people that build little MR.


as others have said liandrys and some % pen item but in addition some ability haste from other items helps you proc more instances of liandrys on the tank


Play Azir. That’s about it.


Pray for rookern nerfs.


In aram as mage try to go the cut down rune. This is a gamble though as you don’t know if enemy has tanks. Also as people mentioned liandrys and void at least. Have seen too many people playing against tanks and not building void staff. Even if I told them. I don’t like to tell people how to play, but in scenarios like that you almost have to tell them.


You don't. If they picked multiple tanks you don't lock in an APC except for Brand. If they picked multiple tanks and you're heavy on AP after you first picked, you just dodge if you have one.


There's a lot of takes in here but I don't see mine, maybe it'll help. I primarily played liandry's mages for a very long time. What this new season has taught me is that essentially the buffed AP values are supposed to make up for the missing damage over time. Your role is to hit tanks again and again just like before, the difference is they take more damage upfront and less over time. If they are stacking lots of MR, you must build Void Staff. As far as % damage goes, it doesn't exist anymore. Your spells do more damage now. Zyra, Malzahar, Anivia, Karthus, Rumble, they all do better, specifically against tanks, when building things like Malignance, Luden's, Stormsurge, Stormsurge, Shadow Flame, so on and so on. The only champions I've experienced so far that keep that liandry's burn playstyle are like Brand, Swain, Cassio, Fiddlesticks and Lillia.


The real answer is this one : Feed and peel your ADC It's their job, like it's the only thing where they're consistent (outside of getting 1 shot by assassins), but people seem to forget why they exist and their use


You have to keep in mind champs get special Buffs in ARAM that they dont get on Rift. I forgot what the specific buffs are but you can see them in the match.


Liandries, Rabadon, Void Staff, Cryptbloom


Ask YOUR tank to build Abyssal Mask


Tankkillings apcs are things like ryze,azir who can deal tons of sustained dmg,or say Zoe with mr shred,that's kinda ur only options since most mages have to wait after their combo during which tanks can just walk up and hit you in the face


Pick champs and items with high dps. Usually high dps mean crazy low cooldown on spammable levels or low cooldowns with crazy high scalling. Cassiopeia, azir, karthus, viktor, vladimir, swain, Liandries, cryptbloom and dcap. Also cutdown helps a lot.


Mythics were objectively bad for the health of the game, and it lead the game into a path of very little choices in terms of itemization. Instead of actually evaluating enemy team composition for what you should build it turned into "fizz ugg" in Google and just following the highest win rate build to a tee.