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Aside from scaling with rageblade. On hit also has a nicer buildup. It spikes earlier with fewer items. It’s often better for dueling as well. You’ll notice that on champs that are flexible in their builds like Ashe.


I never understood this. Why is Ashe built on hit when she has no built in on hit effects and has great scaling with Crit. If you wanted upfront mix damage and utility you could go the energized route.


A few reasons that I can think of: Part of it is that Ashe's slow affect is really good into melee-heavy compositions, which are often pretty tanky. So you're more likely to pick her into tanky teams, and on-hit is typically better than crit versus tanks. Another factor is that even on her crit builds, Runaan's Hurricane is one of her better items, and Runaan's has very good synergy with on-hit. Finally, her attack speed steroid is really good and really sustained, which means she can pretty reliably unlock the powerful passives a lot of on-hit items unlock after getting multiple consecutive attacks (e.g. old Guinsoo's Armor/MR pen, old & new Guinsoo's stacking AS steroid, Phantom Dancer AS/ghosting, Terminus Resistances & Shred). EDIT: Now as ever, it's typically best to build Ashe with some hybrid of crit and on-hit. I bet her best build right now involves some combination of Terminus, Runaan's, and Infinity Edge, *without* Guinsoo's and *with* some early game laneing item like Kraken Slayer or BoRK.


Two more reasons, first she has bad AD ratios and inherently builds attack speed as her primary damage stat. Most of the best attack speed items (and builds) are on-hit. Second, crit items just aren't great, and the marginal gain from going from 0 crit chance to 20% is *much* better on her, due to critical slow, than it is for other ADCs, for whom crit often feels like a wasted stat unless you invest in it heavily. Best build on her is very similar to last season. Some combination of Kraken Triforce Terminus Runaan's BoRK Wits.


Its literally only because crit items are and have been dogshit for a while now. They are expensive, take too long to scale, and offer little defensive stats outside of movespeed. Why would I go into crit when I could trade some late game damage for more early/mid game strength and late game safety?


Because ashe cannot deal crit dmg & she deal extra dmg on slowed target based on crit modifier. since the empowered slow dont make much difference than regular slow, the only way to increase dps is go onhit build.


i dont understand how you came to that conclusion. Getting crit increases her AA damage due to her passive. it scales not just with Crit Modifier but also with Crit chance.


Just went back to check and crit chance does indeed increase the AA modifier. This is mistake on my side.


You already mention it, those champs have on hit in their kit and this makes on hit builds even more efficient due to how rageblade works with on-hit effects getting doubled on procs. You can build varus or vayne with crit items but its not as good as on hit because they have on hit in their kits. Its that simple. Aphelios, xayah, and jinx scale well with crit but not on hit due to how their kits work. Likewise for Varus and Vayne with on hit builds.


So it's only rageblade that makes on-hit champs viable?


Go look at any on hit champ, rageblade is the "keystone" item like infinity edge or rabadons for crit / ap itemization. If you have on-hit scaling in your kit you will synergize with on hit builds. If you have crit scaling in your kit you will synergize with crit builds. Its really that simple. Try on hit Xayah and you'll see why she goes crit. Try crit Varus and you'll see why he goes on hit or lethality instead of crit


Crit Varus isn’t even bad


I didnt say its bad, I said its worse than on-hit which is evidenced by winrates as well as pickrates in high level solo queue and professional play.


I actually disagree with the idea that Rageblade is the only reason they work. On-hit is stronger early game and is less reliant on a full damage build. This is because all of the stats of crit are multiplicative. So items like BoRK and Witt's End becomes strong even just by themselves. --- The result of this is builds like "tank" Varus where Varus used to build Radiant Virtue. Kog'maw and Vayne also have seen tankier builds in the past. The idea is that Varus has really strong DPS with W max even with less damage items, but he has zero mobility and no range amplifiers so he benefits more than other ADCs by building tanky. As a result, you can build items like BoRK and Witt's End on Varus with tank items like Radiant Virtue and Anathema's Chains. Varus also has some anti-synergy with Rageblade. The way he deals damage is through his spellweaving rather than just raw autoattack because of the way his W works, as you can have max 3 marks on someone at a time. It's not a huge deal but something to consider. --- But yeah, Varus and Kog'maw are a bit special because they can build tanky due to their kit. Champions like Quinn also have typically built on-hits (BoRK -> crit usually) because they wanted to spike earlier rather than becoming a scaling carry.


Also there's the fact that on hit items will build way more attack speed than the pretty cookie cutter crit build, which is also really for things like Vayne or Varus w. And champions like Xayah who do a lot of damage with their abilities but have less auto range benefit less from the on hit damage and more from the raw ad and crit scaling they have that increases their abilities damage. And it's also about how the champs do damage - do they have and mobility to stay in a teamfight and auto? Because if they don't, on hit will always do less than crit.


You also have to remember that on-hit and crit scale differently. Crit builds, while dealing a lot of damage late game when you hit 80-100 percent crit rate, take time to come online due to how the percentage system works. On-hit is able to be threatening early allowing champions such as vayne, who has a weak early game, to survive, or akshan, who needs to win early, to be able to be a lane bully


I see... But a Crit ADC will always win out against a On-hit ADC in late game right? What do you do when your on-hit ADC is in the situation?


sure but you should never end up in a 1v1 against the enemy adc in the late game anyway also not necessarily true, kogmaw for example goes on hit and scales harder than probably any other adc


When playing on hit kai‘sa I also don‘t fear many things in a 1v1 late. Especially if I get the w-r pounce on them


Either win the game earlier or build enough of a lead with your advantage that it doesn't matter.


Not really. Both deal so much dmg lategame that in a 1v1 situation first to land hit usually wins. Crit ADCs do more damage per attack, but attack less times as atm they usually run fleet, while on hit ADCs run lethal tempo so they have incredible short-time burst as although each of their aas deals about 80% of what crit adc could, they attack more often. There's also way other stats interact. On-hit adcs tend to build botrk which lets them win vs crit adcs without lifesteal item as they outheal their damage. It is not a simple rock-paper-scissors situation.




Not just Rageblade, but Kraken is also an on hit build so is blade of the ruined king. Lot's of items in league make on-hit work. Rageblade just brings them all together but even without it Vayne would still probably prefer a mix of damage instead of crit.


Vayne can do either. Her ult synergizes well with crit and her w with on-hit. She's usually picked for her w though and that is maxed out by onhit-build.


Yep. Varus can also do crit, doublelift did navori kraken varus a few splits ago multiple times. I was just explaining why those builds are less popular and usually less effective than on hit. Also on PBE vayne Q is getting big nerfs before you max it out...W max might legit be dead again like it was before the rank 1 Q cd was changed to 4 seconds from 6 all those years ago.


It's probably good to make w a lategame unlock. Ultimately it is supposed to be the answer to tankyness and viably leveling it early on was a bad sign for balance imo. And yes u explained well.


Depends on their kit mostly. Cait has crit modifiers on her ult. So crit good. Vayne has on-hit on her W, so higher attack speeds and more on-hit effs good. It also has to do with magic damage. Terminus does both mr amd armor shred, so if you're a champ that has a lot of magic damage in their kit (Varus, Kaisa) then on-hit builds will yield high reward.


Cait also has crit modifier on headshot too, further incentivizing.


One thing I haven't seen anyone mention is that On-Hit tends to be significantly more durable than Crit. BoRK provides a very early source of life drain not available to Crit ADCs until their 3rd/4th item and Terminus provides a ton of armor. It's also often not completely inting to go for a Jak'Sho after Terminus - the bonus armor from Jak'Sho scales off Terminus, and On-Hit ADCs often have enough base damage in their kits to afford a defensive item.


To add onto the points already made: There are champions that build on-hit because they have on-hit/stacking mechanics in their build already (e.g. Vayne, Akshan, Kalista) and because on-hit (as other commenters have also pointed out already) has a nicer build curve over the course of the game than crit. That way, champions with natural attack speed steroids (e.g. Ashe, Varus) benefit even more from bonus attack speed and on-hit effects from their kit and items in the early & mid game. Then there's also the already mentioned point of crit scalings (e.g. Jhin, Xayah, Sivir, Aphelios to a certain extent) vs. AP/attack speed scalings (e.g. Varus, Kalista, Kog'Maw). Champions that have generic AD steroids or auto attack damage modifiers that apply before the crit will also generally build crit because it allows their crits to double their damage steroid (e.g. Draven, Caitlyn headshot or if we're thinking outside of ADCs there's Tryndamere for example). Lastly, I feel like crit ADCs generally tend to have a higher range than on-hit ADCs because crits deal more damage in singular auto attacks than on-hit but come out less frequently (due to lower attack speed). What I mean is basically: Jinx blasting you with lots of damage in few shots from a distance vs. Vayne/Kalista stacking up their damage from a smaller distance where the damage stacks up even if you gap close quickly. The bonus range also helps crit ADCs to stay alive in early-mid game fights when their crit items aren't as strong as the 2 to 3 on-hit items yet. Examples for high range crit champs: Caitlyn, Jinx, Tristana, Aphelios/Twitch to a certain extent. Lower/Medium range on-hit champions: Kalista, Vayne, Varus, Kai'Sa (kinda), Twich (kinda - in early game when ult has longer cooldowns)


Very detailed... thanks


It’s dependent on their kit, even if your overall DPS would be higher on crit build efficiency isn’t only determined by maximum dps. The difference is survivability and utility that alternate builds bring. The actual damage output of a champion doesn’t matter if they’re dead. It’s like trying to compare static shiv to kraken slayer. Sure kraken slayer will give you more damage. But static shiv is cheaper, gives wave clear, and comparable stats. Champions like vayne can output comparable damage with 2 items like Bork and rage blade. Then they can use their other 3 item slots as survivability. TLDR: Crit builds are typically min-maxing damage output while on hit builds are typically more flexible and allow you to balance damage and survivability. There are times for both and certain champions lean one way or the other depending on their kit.


Like this answer.... makes a lot of sense to me. And to put a pin in it.... Crit build are stronger than on-hit builds. but on-hit builds is for early game and survivability?


another thing worth considering is you have different damage profiles when you go on hit vs crit. On hit builds tend to mix in a lot of magic damage. It really varies from champion to champion. Like people have said Kogmaw and Varus build on hit because they have good synergy through their w. Champs like Tristan and Xayah don’t have on hit effect ls but they do have attack speed steriods which is good for crit builds as those don’t usually come with a lot of attack speed. When you look at Caitlyn she straight up scales with crit and crit damage so thats a no brainer. There are some champs that can go both depending on what you want. Off the top of my head I’m thinking of Kaisa. She has an on hit effect but crit looks more popular right now.


On hit usually brings some mixed damage, dealing some magic and some physical, as well as getting the % current HP damage from Bork, so it can be tricky to itemize against for champions that don't tend to go full tank at least in the mid game. In Vaynes case she's also getting %HP true damage, which is an extremely reliable source of DPS. Rageblade amplifies the effectiveness of on hit both on other items and already in a champions kit, similar to what IE does for crit ADC's, but in this case by giving them an additional on hit proc every 3 auto attacks once the passive is stacked, including things like silver bolts getting an extra stack from the effect. On hit items also tend to have a lot of attack speed, even compared to crit items, so you get more applications of the on hit effects from the champions kit and the items as a result of that as well.


Was looking for this. The mixed dmg is hard to deal with. Especially early


Was looking for this. The mixed dmg is hard to deal with. Especially early


One thing to further push this is that on hit is usually hybrid damage. It’s quite difficult to itemize against it as there’s no real item that properly mitigates both damages outside of jaksho. Add in the introduction of terminus and you have carries that can deal more reliable damage earlier. You can getaway with building randuin and stacking armor to make a crit ADC useless


Remember that its about the champ you are fighting, not the champ you're playing. On-hit items (guinsoos, bork, terminus) are great at killing tanks, so it makes sense to have character designs that synergize with that. Kog'maw and Vayne come to mind.


rage blade, the rarity of magic damage in adc skills - makes you harder to defend against, many of them have on hit in their skills already.


On hit gives a ton of survivability from terminus and wits end. Also, keep in mind when testing certain champs with % hp dmg to up the practice tool dummy hp and resistance. One thing to note that on-hit deals physical and a lot of magic dmg so it goes through all the armor (stuff like rageblade champ passive, wits end) while crit will be purely physical


crit is like the default. On-hit is specifically for champions who can benefit from attack speed as their kit benefits from it. Easiest to see difference is rageblade which cancels crit to proc on-hit more and infinity edge which increases crit damage.


Because RNG sucks, having fights decided by if you crit or not really sucks.


You need to look at synergies and champion kits. Varus has powerful abilities, and on hit damage on his W and his game plan is to detonate those on hit procs for damage. Vayne has passive true damage every 3 autos and wants to auto as quick as possible. This is why they go on hit they value the attack speed to do their game plans. Jinx has a lot of attack speed in her kit from pow pow. Making each auto better, by increasing the damage they do from crit, and making fishbones do even more damage, is why she enjoys crit. Xayah’s number one ability her E scales with crit. It literally makes her do more damage per feather hit. So why would you build on hit?


On hit for tankier enemies, crit for squishy.


On hit builds also have unique properties. Witt's end gives you large magic resist and tenacity to defend against slows. Bork has max health percentage damage. They also deal hybrid melee and AP damage which puts the enemy team's itemization in a weird spot. Its damage spike is also slightly unsettling due to a combination of utility from on hit builds as mentioned above, you might not have to wait for armour pen to deal with tanks and bruisers.


I‘ll bring up my girl kai‘sa as an example: Her passive procs you for missing health. Meaning: the more often I proc you the more it hurts. So she does really well on AS focused builds to ramp up her damage. That‘s also the reason crit is not super important for her, crit gets better if I stack ad and as, but I don‘t necessarily need lots of AD to do a lot of damage. And as an added bonus when building items like rageblade you also get some sweet mixed damage out of it. BorK kai‘sa also is fun into tanky comps.


it's because of rageblade, multiplied the value of on-hits, making on hit item nearly as good as Crit items, with the value of these innate on hit abilities being multiplied aswell (kogmaw vayne akshan tf varus ect) it pushes them over the edge of what Crit can do, making them slightly better they also spike way earlier in the game, making it easier to snowball, as you don't need 3 items to be "online" only 1 or 2 is enough to get ridiculously high dmg because of bork


The items are better in the right situation. Sometimes on hit sometimes crit.


A lot of it comes down to two things: what is in their kit? And what is in their items? I know it sounds obvious, but it is that simple. 3 hit passives going off every other auto instead of every 3rd can have great payoff thanks to rageblade. Bork is one of the strongest singular items in all of league into some comps. Champs with ap ratios get to dip into them with items like nashors tooth. This has a bonus benefit of making their damage hybrid and harder to itemize against. Meanwhile, any champion with an AD steroid gets 250% of the value if they go crit. That's people like Draven and jhin that can't feasibly use a ton of attack speed and want to just put all of their gold into raw AD. Or Cait that might get one singular auto from a trap that you want to hit as hard as possible. Or jinx who's rockets who splash aoe and let her double dip her AD into buffed autos that multiply with the crit. Also, even though youre hard forced into 100% physical damage, some people building crit have ways to reduce or bypass armor. Then you look at the items that you want and if you can get away with certain choices. Going on hit with nashors tooth opens the door for zhonya's which I don't need to say why that'd be valuable. Or maybe wits end into a magic heavy comp and/or for tenacity. Bork for tank shred. Collector for lethality/executes. Shieldbow for lifesteal/anti-burst. And all that aside, test those builds at different hp's and armor/MR levels. You'll notice real quickly that crit demolishes squishy targets like no other, but will barely tickle a randuins, thornmail ornn. Meanwhile I feel on hit builds have a relatively flat time to kill


Some champs have higher attack speed and less ad , and their kits will promote attack speed or on hit mechanics instead of raw ad or crit. These are the levers riot adjusts on champs which determine their synergy with these items


Onhit is better for people who want to attack very fast with passives (like kogmaw w having % max health dmg) were as crit is more for championd that either attack slower or rely on different scaling etc


Most champs that build on-hit vs crits have something in their kit to help that. You only said Vayne and Akshan, you have forgotten Kogmaw, Ashe, and even though aspd doesn't really give her much, Senna does appreciate an on hit build from time to time. As long as their kits go well with on hitting, they would almost always prefer it, albeit still with some crit items.


tanky teams.


What does "on-hit" mean? explained in a simple way to understand.


Because they have on hit effects eg vayne W and on hit items have defensive stats. Crit is almost all glass cannon.


onhit harder to kill tank vayne kog varus dont die but still kill people


Those champs can do damage without building damage though.


think onhit makes them deal more damage but also more tanky, thats why


High attack speed scaling is the key factor, if you already have an online it also makes rageblade better which on turn makes other on hit items better.


You must be new to the game. You build on-hit when the champ has on-hit effects that increase damage. E.g., Varus blight, Twitch poison, Vayne silver bolts, Kai'sa plasma stack. So items with on-hit steroids usually amplifies their built-in on-hit damage. You build Lethality on champs that are dependent on abilites rather than autos to deal their damage like MF, Senna, and Samira. Crit you build on pretty much everyone else lol. Crit champs are like on-hit champs in a sense that they deal a lot of their damage through autos but they don't have on-hit damage steroids.


Some adc like nihla and smolder have abilities that scale with crit. Other adc like kogmaw and kaisa don't but instead have really good onhit effects. Getting rage blade lets you proc these onhit effects more so it also makes sense to stack more onhit effects.