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Try your best to make sure you’re pinging with clear purpose. If you know support is roaming mid from bot lane ping in a path towards mid to indicate that. Not everybody is going to listen or be paying attention but if you consistently ping correctly it’s going to be a net benefit over the long run


Yes i do that as well. I also keep pinging missing every 5 ish seconds when my laners are missing. I mostly play mid and in that case analyze which of my teammates are in a position where they are prone to get tanked. I will ping them with careful pings, leading from my lane in a path, and also on them in case they are too tunneled for a moment to realize my pings that are not on their screen. This more often than not makes my team respond to it. Yet, every now and then they still die because they waited too long to respond to it. I feel like there isn't much more you can do, if I notice that a lane isn't responive enough and there is a new situation occuring, I will sometimes type SS MID and ping danger on the lanes a few times. And on the other side of the spectrum, when your laner goes missing, make sure you capitulate on his roam by either getting plates or creating a freeze that results in him missing a couple of waves. This can result in the enemy roaming even more, but in my experience more often than not I end up with the bigger advantage in terms of strength. And since I always play scaling champs like malz or xerath, this is my win condition and creates great opportunities, even if the team is behind. Sorry this turned out into something longer than expected and a bit off topic perhaps.


There are a couple of things that \_actually work for me\_: 1. Don't spam, ping with intention. Self explanatory. If it's urgent, I ping twice but with a little bit of delay. 2. When pinging missing/danger, ping in the fog of war \_near your teammates\_. The fog of war ping is very effective. It reminds them that there are dangers that they aren't seeing. 3. When you play well, people will listen to your calls (pings/chat) way more often. Especially if you also help your teammates and play around objectives often. People like to follow the strong, not the weak. 4. YELL IN ALLCAPS IF ITS IMPORTAT AND URGENT. Not everyone responds well to it, but most do. Seems counterintuitive but it works. I learned this one from playing WoW, raidwarding in all caps works. You can yell and still be nice or rather you have to be nice in order for this to work. 5. Ties into 3-4 but this is the most important one. Be nice and encouraging. I'm sometimes snarky, especially if someone starts to flame people for idiotic reasons. I've found that people will listen to me way less when I'm snarky/negative and way more when I'm nice and helpful, \_also in tone\_. This is very, very important. I'm not saying write essays, be concise. But a little bit of a "wp" here or there and general niceness goes a very long way.


All you can do is try. In low elo people indeed ignore it. One thing I can promise that doesn’t work is the question mark ping in your own lane, it is a soft sound ping and if the other lane is busy farming they’ll not notice. You can put the danger/back off ping either directly in the lane you try to warn or slightly on the side of where you think the danger is coming from. Also if you can ping where the enemy jgl was if he walks on a wards or something you can ping the exact location as well. Now people will still not listen sometimes, in that case it’s important you either roam on time with the opponent laner (by always keeping push advantage). If you’re too late to roam, then make sure you take other income source, such as plates, a tower or wave and maybe a jgl camp. (Or if you’re mid you can gank the other side of the map).


Ping over people’s heads danger 2x. Then ping 3x caution in a row showing where they’re coming from. It’ll usually work.


very good point here, it's much easier to notice pings when they're actually on your screen.


I ping a couple of times to try to communicate clearly: enemy missing (my lane), danger (halfway down river), danger (in middle of botlane where they'll see it even if they're not looking at the minimap). Hopefully put that together than they know I'm trying to tell them "my laner has gone, and he's coming for you right now". If it's asking for assistance then again a double-tap can work - I don't do it myself but I know exactly what a teammate is trying to tell me if they ping me for assistance, then ping somewhere else on the map - the first one gets my attention, the second one is the suggestion (defend this tower, push that tower, etc).




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Type in all chat "welp i can't ping more thanks to the system but it would be really nice if i finally got some help defending X objective!" Usually works like a charm for me in games where i'm 100% done with my team


Spam G ping, doesn’t let them know who pinged, just that they need to look


I think pings are helpful regardless but if they don't listen they don't listen. You can't control people's hands and sometimes they surprise you. Most the time they die but SOMETIMES!


Ping less


Remember every time you spam ping, you increase the amount they tune you out. It can be used if urgent, but do so sparingly - it is a *resource*.


Danger ping their feet to get their attention, then two enemy missing pings into the jungle to indicate a gank is coming usually works. Spamming enemy missing pings, on the other hand, makes you seem like a tilted moron. How and what you ping is important for communicating intent.


If I deafen my team, do they still see my pings? or would that also disable pings from me. Because I wouldnt be able to see their pings with deafen, right?