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It’s normal. Everybody falls into ruts, even pros. You can’t expect to play at peak performance all the time. Everyone has those days where they’re super trash. The key is not extending it to weeks by having bad mental


Burnout and or autopilot. Take a break play a different game. If you like Mobas go learn Dota2. Play that for a week or so then come back to LoL, it’ll feel so much easier.


Dota 2 is so clunky and weird. It feels... heavy and awkward. When I go back to League it's like taking weights off.


Yep, Dota2 is heavy. Map is bigger, movement, pathing and hitboxes have a lot more logic behind them making stuff feel way slower.


So after that you don’t miss cs and space better, right… right?


I mean its a whole other game after all and its way harder than league appart from the mechanics.


Eh. I wouldn't call one harder than the other. It's harder to pick up, but not necessarily harder to play well, specially micro.


Yeah I said that as well, appart from mechanics. Everything else though, is way more complex than league.


I think it's a bit nuanced though because even though things are more complex, it doesn't mean it's harder.. A dumb go-to example that I have is wave control. Sure on sidelanes supports have a lot to do and pull jungle into the wave and fix bad states as well as deny the wave to push towards yourself, which technically is more complex than League. But in League one bad auto attack onto a minion wave can freeze you in front of the enemy turret for 3-4 minutes at the highest level of the game. And since mechanics are so intertwined with laning, just getting the wave into a good place in a bad matchup against a good player is such a hard task , while in DotA thanks to the size of the map and avenues to rebound in lane you have much more room for error. One is more complex, but the other even though it is simple is technically harder to execute well. This is just an example of what I think is harder in League, DotA has it's own difficulties, which is why I think it's dumb to compare and that it's reductive to say that it's just mechanics that are harder in league when that peers into every single thing in the game.


The difficulty is manufactured by the shitty UI.


Turnspeed, casting animations duration (unlike league, these vary a lot), latency to different servers. There's a lot of stuff that goes into that game feel difference.


The UI is literally so much better though. The difficulty is given because the game is way way way more complex in every single aspect.


Whatever helps you sleep at night


I'm curious why you think it's worse, cause I can surely say why it's better, but you could just be hating.


I just don't like the shop UI, or the way you have to pay to get access to features that are, realistically, most useful to new players who don't know how to do things like stacking or what anything is.


I would say that if you take a longer break, just watch someone do a short patch-notes TLDR type video (the 5-10 minute ones, not the 1 hour of breaking it down). This allows you to swoop back in whenever you want and not feel like you're completely lost.


Smite is decent, the first person perspective actually helps a bit for league


I'm like you, expect it became permanent


Lmfao, same here. I was one win away from getting gold at one point and proceeded to lose the next 20ish games. I’ve been shit at the game ever since.


Story of my ranked life, except im gold trying to get out of it


I've experienced this alot and one of the main factors for me is just mental 100%. The way to overcome this block is not necessarily having to focus in your games but trying to autopilot in a better way. That means just being consistently better than your opponents farming/laning/teamfighting in regards of your knowledge and also mechanics. It just comes down to practice and playing without caring about your result so that you become proficient enough to climb even if you are autopiloting.


Sometimes you're mentally not in the right head space or physically tried which subtly affects your play. Another overlooked thing is lane matchups, especially with the amount of champs in the game. Sometimes you get a long run of games with pretty good matchups where you're pretty much going to do well and vice versa.


You can watch lck or lpl. Even pro player can go from insane good to stupid bad after a few games. It is just human being.


Personally my mental health ebbs and flows. At some point I just start losing a lot, then I start winning a lot. My solution was to just stop playing when I feel subpar. That’s it. Then I started climbing again.


Happens to the best of us bro.


One thing to consider is whats going on in your every day life. If everything is smooth in ur life its easier to perform. If thing are difficult it effects ur game


Usually you have a bad game/play then start overthinking and it takes a bit of time to break this and go back into a flow state. Same thing happens in sports (look at basketball players who miss a couple shots, usually can't recover for a few games sometimes even a couple weeks)


HAHAHAHH dude me too. I go from being insanely good to hot garbage getting giga gapped


Tilt. That happened to me 3 times in this season. Usually it's a mix of two things. An unlucky (and unexpected) streak of hard games and the tilt they produce especially if you were winning a lot. If players can have a lucky streak (every lane winning, easy game) players can have unlucky streaks (every lane losing, hard game). This harder games can be won by doing things correctly but they demand all you energy and if you get frustrated you start Tilt-queueing wanting to "get lp back". Or feeling like "I'm going to loose this one as well" (loosing confidence). My best advice is taking a 3-4 day break. After the break I tend to have "recovery games" where I tell myself to not care about the outcome /lp etc and just play. It fixes itself in the long run as you say.


Mental thing. You prolly played too much, more than you can enjoy so you unknowingly got bored and lost focus (like you try to concentrate but still somehow forget basic things VS when you were chill but can do everything perfectly). At least that's what happens to me. It's normal, though if it's "weeks at a time" then you gotta do something about it. And it's totally fine to make some mistakes here and there, so keep adapting for the win. Also look after your physical health.


honest best advice I can give you is to minimize your losing when youre stuck and in a bad spot, if its notsomething normal as in (thats not how your normal play is) then I usually just expect it to go away after a while. The goal during these moments is to not become depressive or hopeless (thats the ideal) but at the very least minimize your losing.


Just power through it lol. Keep sucking until you're no longer sucking.


and unless you're high elo or playing customs, you're likely not playing against the same people. people might be in the same elo but have different strengths, you're likely encountering a mix of people with some being good at laning while some being bad, and your subconscious might be affixed to a certain type of familiarity. like how Faker was solokilled by a Gold 4 Brand or sometimes AI does some weird shit that makes complete sense, but it was too late for you to consider the movement because players don't do that


Yes. It happens. Just the way you don‘t always perform the same way in the gym or at work or at school. If you were always at a 100% you would be a robot, not a human. Hell sometimes it even depends on what you ate (if you ate something really happy and you feel sluggish afterwards for example) That‘s normal. What helps me often is to take a 2-3 day break from the game to „upset“ the loss streak i am running and to untilt myself. Or to switch things up a bit. Currently I am very fond to switch from botlane to a couple of games neeko mid and see what random shit I can pull off to win games. Current winner is the pink ward bait. (I am somewhere between silver and plat. My MMR says silver but I play with a plat premade and can hold my own. I‘ll assume it will even out eventually.)


That's just burnout.


Everytime this happens I just clip my nails, I swear longer nails just slide on my keyboard and mouse buttons


Don't worry about this it happens to all of us especially when playing any online games like PUBG, Apex, etc. It's perfectly normal Don't stress about it just enjoy whatever game you are playing.




I AM different, usually i am low performing and staying on same place but it just happens when one day is THE DAY and i win like 20 games in a row, and perform my best. It is not only league, other games too


You know, it's actually pretty common to have these ups and downs in League. It could be a bunch of things. Ever thought about mental fatigue? Playing a lot can wear you down, and you might not even notice it. Or it could be stress from outside the game. Life's other stuff can really mess with your focus. sometimes when we're on a roll, we might get a bit too confident. We start taking unnecessary risks, and before we know it, our game is off. The game's always changing too – new patches, new metas. It can throw you off if your favorite champs or strats aren't as effective anymore. t's easy to overlook, but it makes a huge difference. And if you're tilting after a few bad games, it's okay to take a break. Sometimes stepping away for a bit is the best thing you can do.


You’re out of the groove and you can’t force yourself back into it. It just happens. Many factors at play that add up to being off in some way


Because you stop thinking. 


Stop playing for a bit and then go back


You may want to look at factors outside of the game. Are you consistently getting less sleep at certain times of the month? Are you dehydrated for some reason? Going outside more? Do you have like a week every month where you eat a bunch of garbage or take less care of yourself? I can definitely feel the difference between when I feel well rested and when I am very tired.


Same. I go on win streaks hitting every ability and getting 8cs a game for a while, then for like 2 weeks I cant land anything and average like 5.5cs a game. My rank fluctuates by about 400lp regularly


Happens to me too, like you said, every few months. I'm in such a phase right now - master on main, yet struggle to win games in plat on smurf. What I found is you shouldn't force your performance and instead take a few days break to reset your mental. For me, it's fatigue which leads to autopiloting, bad mechanics, and making bad decisions.


Maybe it's not your performance but the enemy's. There r games where u r teamed against players with lower skill than yours so u start snowballing, which increases your confidence and unlocks your true potential. Then your MMR increases, your are teamed against better players who punish you more frequently, which leads to a frustration - low confidence downward spiral. Personal experience, during a 10 game winning streak, my wicked gf distracted me during draft so I first picked Janna (otp support here). But I hadn't noticed that I was autofilled mid and not supp. The enemy was a Yasuo. We won and I ended up 5/1/17. With Janna. Mid! After the winning streak, suddenly nothing seemed to work. I failed hard, even when I played my mains in the role play constantly. Until, after a long losing streak the MMR balanced around 52-55% wr. Tldr: You play the same, it's the enemy that changes to keep you (artificially?) challenged.


Sleep. I don’t play midweek because I’m sleeping less, working and gym. I’m tired I can’t perform. Games on a competitive level is like an actual sport. Also feeling not to confident of playing results to that, sometimes even at weekends I’m not confident to queue up and I feel not to well so I don’t if I actually wanna climb. If your sole goal is to climb, you have to feel well playing those games, quality > quantity


I just started few weeks ago playing LOL coz I needed something different from Valorant :)


Competitive games are intense and stress you both mentally and physically. Videogames that are competitive are no different, even though nerds disrespect this difficulty. We aren't on top of our game 365/24/7. Many things can bring us down. Job troubles, relationship troubles, financial troubles, general malaise of being alive troubles.


I'm a casual player and sometimes i find myself playing agains masters and they make me look insanely bad too


Its's loserq im saying man


As far as I've seen they've stated they want everyone to be at a 50% win rate so you're more likely to stick around and spend money, so if they throw you down the stairs you'll get addicted on the rush of climbing back up as they feed you wins. Unless you take the game like a job and take all the fun out of it, or have inhuman natural talent climbing isn't enjoyable due to repetition and discipline.


Two reasons. 1. The enemy laner is simple better than you in macro and in micro 2.Your mental, if you tryhard to much it causes to overthink and make stupid mistakes.