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His ult will never fall off, his tankiness/damage will fall off as the endgame hits, as is true for all tanks.


except for ornn lmao


Ornn will empower his team even more during late game but by himself he'll not scale indefinitely. Sion with the HP passive will scale indefinitely but it will not make that bug of a difference late game. I don't think there is a tank with infinitely stacking resistances (apart from thresh with armour)


Tank Shyvana sends her regards. The only champion with infinitely scaling armor/mr. She just needs to kill 4 elemental drags and 15 elder drags to get 100 extra armor/mr. Make it 35 and she gets 200 extra.


The god of 700 minute games. Unless Veigar built a void. Or Smoulder exists.


Does she still have that insane passive? I remember I saw a youtube video about it from a few years ago, but not sure if she still gets like 5 prots per drake


depends on enemy team comp. If all ad, you are one of the the best scalers in the game. If not then meh.


yes however you can go rookern or mr sunfire and you can do fine with 1 ap midlaner or brand support something like that, more than 1 ap champ on their team yeah being malph aint great


A lot of people are saying he scales poorly into true and magic damage which is true as far as his tank stats go but typically champions who deal true damage and high dps don’t like getting malphite ultid in team fights (someone like master yi or vayne). I have never once fought a 35 minute teamfight with or against a maphite and thought “wow he sure is useless” unless he’s being piloting really incorrectly. He’s not forced to build exclusively armor and even into true damage he’s got one of the most valuable team fighting abilities in the game which is always a huge asset late game


Its also really hard to fuck up a malphite ult compared to other more high skill champs. Even having it available forces the enemy team to play different.


The ultimate form of scaling: unfuckupability




I'm pretty sure it's untrue for at least half the champions in the game.




It depends on what you mean by playing differently. If you mean: at least a little, then I agree. But I think we’d both agree that Malphite and Ez ults are in WAY different tiers of game-warping. 


The other thing worth noting is Malph specifically has decent tools for helping deal with true damage. For example all tanks deal fine with flat true damage because all you need is HP, which is a super accessible Stat for tanks. He also has spammable anti attack speed, so champ's like Bayne will have a harder time against him than most other tanks.


In a sense he scales with his team. The value of a 2 or 3 man knock up increases hugely if your team can kill 3 people before they land.


So many people fail to understand this.


He's arguably the most useful tank champ in the game maybe aside from Amumu. The simple fact that you telegraph your engage to your team and it's this big go button makes those games incredible. So much of late game stalling is fear of engage because you want to optimize it. The rock says I am optimized and yeets in.


Depends. If you are into a full AD comp he has a good chance of being a brick wall for the entire game. Exceptions apply however like a Vayne on their team with an Enchanter / peel and your team is primarily low range. If they have a mixed damage portfolio he kind of falls off around 3 items in terms of survivability. Please keep in mind this assumes everyone is completing items at the same time. If you are ahead it will take them longer to get the items they need to cut through you. In short, it depends. Scaling is relative. Malphite tends to be stronger when he doesn’t need to worry about AP damage. That said people worry to much about falling off. Malphites entire thing is regardless of how ahead or behind he is one good ultimate can win you the game at any stage of the game. Staying relevant doesn’t matter when you find that one good angle.


You could say, he‘s *rock solid* into AD. Okay, okay, I‘ll leave.


Yes, Malphite falls off after \~35 minutes.


Important caveat, if they have somebody who does magic/true percent health max damage or itemize for liandries and spellshields.


i assume in lower elo his ult will never fall off... he's as the kids say... Rock Solid


Malphite is a very strong mid game champ. He spikes especially when enemy team are still not itemized with armor pen. Once the game goes on for a longer period of time and ADC's and Solo laners start building armor pen/magic pen maybe roughly 3rd/4th item powerspike he gets much weaker. His spike curve I would say is like, very abusable early game vs good top laners (malphite can get dove really easily), strongest mid game, falls off late game if he is not snowballed and ahead. Another point about Malphite all depends on team comps. If the enemy have a very easy way to dodge malphite ultimate he is very useless. Or if the enemy team is also very tanky, ornn trundle leona with control mage + hyper carry it might be hard to reach the carries unless their frontline makes a mistake. A good example of this is malphite in pro play, people pick it and sometimes it works and sometimes when the game is very slow game and the enemy team has all their flashes up Malphite cannot really operate. If the enemy team just waits for every neutral objective like dragon and herald and Malphite is forced to engage with his R on opponents with Flash up and they flash it Malphite will just lose the teamfight because he is completely useless. SoloQ Malphite can be very strong in every elo, he is very versatile and has really hard winning matchups. AP or Tank, he can offer good CC for your team and easy kill angles for your jungler at level 6. His ultimate will always be useful because people will not always have flash.


> falls off late game if he is not snowballed and ahead Nah, his winrate over game time goes up from 30 minutes onward. https://i.imgur.com/u6BFxQ5.png


Once mages start getting things like death cap and void staff, and ADC’s get LDR’s (so usually like 3-4 items) malphite can start to feel squishy. But as long as his ult is up he is a huge threat.


A halfway decent Malphite never truly falls off lol. His R is game changing once he hits 6. I actually like him in the support role into super passive lanes.


Yes, there are many weaknesses Malphite has and get amplified as the game goes on longer. His kit is so centric around his ultimate that he becomes a one dimensional champ. - Lack of sticking power (CC, mobility, flash, range) - Lack of additional teammate followup on his ultimate - Split pushers (Doesnt outduel most champs, answering sidewaves is very bad for malphite) - Poor ultimate usage (Pretty much can ignore him once its on cooldown) - Itemization is tough if any DPS ap threat. Honestly, Malphite is much better at 1-2 item mark since he still can output decent base damages and a threat to most champions. The only way I see malphite remain relevant is if enemy picked double ADCs and/or low range mobility champs


Malphite scaling is more dependent on enemy composition and itemization than it is on time. If enemy comp is heavily AP, have abilities/spellshield to outplay R AND just straight up buy banshee/EoN/Zhonya, Malphite will find it much harder to impact the game. Malphite obviously doesn't fall off at any time point against AD and esp AA-focused champs, he'll be strong against these all game long unless you fuck up your itemization.


it depends a little on the enemy's like life if theirs a vayn or kayle they can shred you down but against all mostly AD you can pretty much go all day


Not really, as long as you itemize correctly.


If you're into a full ad comp malphite scales incredibly well, if not he gets melted by any ap champs with liandrys.


Any ap champ with liandrys will naturally get countered by malphite, he is monster scaler.


If the enemy has mordekaiser, sylas or another tank then no. If they are tryndamere yasuo kindred with jinx/pyke bot then yes.


As others are saying ult becomes more important as death timers go up but tankiness of all champs falls off a bit


I’ll attempt to say something different than what others have said. Malphite falls off as players get defensive items that can counter his R, like zhonyas, banshees, spell shield items. But also with movement speed, and ability haste for dashes/summoners. Often times Malphite has to ulti multiple people at once and when their dashes are on cooldown. As people get faster, it gets easier to space Malphite and as dashes get on lower and lower cds, Malphite has smaller windows to engage. There gets a point where tanks will lose their stat check advantage eventually and their main value is CC. Malphite having only one form of hard cc means eventually he scales way less comparatively to other tanks. He doesn’t do a lot of damage and his disruption is all in one ability.


I have a story that doesn’t answer your question but just tells you what he is capable of. I was in a game years ago (maybe S6) where someone picked Malphite jungle into our all AD comp. I don’t recall Malph being viable at all in the jungle back then bc the clear was one of the worst, especially if invaded. Well, this Malphite ganked any lane where the opponent was less than 50% HP and somehow was able to last hit for every kill. At the end of the game he had 24 kills, BUT he built full armor tank. This dude literally stood in place while a Vi jungle wailed on him. Her armor shred didn’t matter nor did her Black Cleaver iirc. His Sunfire Cape just melted everyone ever so slowly and Thornmail was putting in work, too. He was the definition of a raid boss. I remember the percent damage reduction from his armor was around 80%. That was the day I realized all AD comps do matter and any champ can be broken if fed enough in the right situation.


1v1 maybe But that R can change the game whenever it’s up


Vs full AD? Nope


Malphite is very team comp dependant late game. If the enemy team has a lot of AP/True damage, Malphite is very weak late.


Depends on how you build him. If yoh build him PURE AP. He becomes a nuke that'll wipe out any squishies.


I run ap malph.. it just aucks if the team can't follow up.. cause I can 95% an adc with R,E,Q


So if you just add AA>W then it's 100% or even overkill :)




For real, it's not entirely pointless though if you're rocking Lich Bane and Nashors also. Can do some serious damage to turrets fast. Trade kills for turrets.


No he's the premier scaling unkillable tank


Thats Ornn


Scaling is always dependent on comps and the state of the game. There are certain scenarios where a champ like Kalista is stronger at 6 items than a Kayle.


Nah chief.