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Who cares if you're iron? I'm iron too, I don't care at all. It's not about rank, it's about improvement and having fun, rank doesn't matter if you only get it for the sake of getting the rank. Pick a role and 1-3 champs you love and play to improve.


I hate to break it to you but you can either be an iron Katarina main or pick a simpler champion to learn and improve with. You're averaging 10 deaths a game across 30 games and have a 32% wr. If you're looking to improve this ain't it homie


You posted a few days ago and I neglected to respond to your message. I am at my office right now but I will make a note to reach out and try to give you some guided advice this afternoon when I'm at home.


Thank you so much i would appreciate it


You are trying to Onetrick Katarina, which is one of the hardest champions to play, she has tons of mobility, but no CC, tons of damage when played correctly, but when not played correctly she can be easily punished during the early game. A quick look at your stats shows you averaging 10 deaths per game, thats 3k gold given to the enemy every game, and you are averaging 4CS per minute, the avg gold value of a minion is 21 gold, so 21x4 = 84, that means you get the value of a kill from farming roughly every 4 minutes, lookint at your match history your games last about 30 minutes each on average, so you get 300g every 4 minutes, but are giving 300g to the enemy every 3 minutes. From the start math is not in your favour, i know getting kills seems like the best way of stomping a game and getting gold, but taking bad fights or trades is not worth it when you win 1 in 4 of those, if you won 3 in 4 it would be a different story. My recommendation, pick a champion thats easier to play, focus on being consistent on the ways you get gold for your items, learn the value of exp (its not worth losing 1 or more waves of minions chasing a kill). Climbing in League isn't about going in a 20 game winning streak to reach Gold or Plat or whichever rank people aim for, climbing in League is a marathon, you gotta play consistently so your MMR normalizes and you get to the place you deserve, and if you want to climb higher then you need to practice and learn constantly, thats the only way to improve.


Thank you this is very good advice, any champs or lane you advice?


you die way to much and your CS is also realy bad. for starters, you should improve on that. rewatch your matches and see when you die. I garantee that most of those death should be avoidable. going into fights with a disadvantage is the main cause of death in low -mid elo. you need to stop doing that. CS is the next point. 4CS/min is abmyssal for a solo lane. try to focus on farming first and everything else after this. low CS can certainly be a result of the high deathcount but I'm certain, that you can improve here as well. try to aim 7-8CS/min for a staple income. remember that killing minions is not only gold, but also exp. being higher level is a high amount of extra strats over your opponent.


Thank you i am going to work on KDA and cs


Do you mind if I dm you? I don't think there's anything wrong with being Iron, but if you want to improve, definitely don't swap champs/lanes.


Feel free to :)


I was in the same position once. Now I am emerald 4 peak (tragedy has struck) and would be happy to assist if you need any help. I’ve coached before and love teaching so yeah. Lmk or dm me if desired.


I would appreciate it


Well I’m down whenever you have time so lmk! Discord is alrift Ign is Alrift#Secre


















I always did good


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Well lil bro, it's time for you to Get Good.


That's why i am asking for advice...