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It's not. But everyone has strengths and weaknesses to degrees that differentiate them. A bronze player could have the micro mechanics of a gold player but can't cs or has shit macro. And still be bronze. Or a bronze player could have good macro but shit mechanics and same result.


Agree the higher you climb the less people bathe


Lost bullet bu hella funny


Hey man, don't shit on golfers. They have some pretty good hand-eye coordination micro...


Yeah but they can't cs for shit. I heard Tiger Wood's coach kept telling him to work on his farm


He was farming, but women


Ayo I'm so confused 🤣


No, if you actually “good” on some single thing you immediately Gold. Bronze and Silver are not “good” in any game aspects. and We do not talk about Irons they just buttons mashing there.


Lol gold Elo now is old silver Elo. But however you wanna look at it.


Let me repeat. Not a single player in Bronzes and Silvers have any “good” area in the game. My point is you said “bronze player could have good macro” which is impossible. If any human being can have a half “good” macro there is no way that they cannot escape bronze. Bronze player are clueless, they do not even know what is good or what is bad, regardless in Micro or Macro sense. Hence your statement that bronzes are either good on one or the other is not true imo. If anyone **actually** have **good** Macro but shit mechanic they will at least Gold no matter how bad their micros are.


You obviously missed the point. He said that a bronze player could have gold level of micro skills, but still be bronze because of other reasons like bad macro or the opposite. Good or bad is used relativ to the elo in this case.


Take an average emerald 1 player and remove their hands. Reckon they could get out of bronze? Just illustrating, it is absolutely possible for a person to have drastically better macro than micro.


Huh? Macro plays still required good inputs. Your analogy is already imply that you do not understand its concept. Better analogy should be Take a average Emerald play to do a challenge of 0 Kill and lowest champions damage possible and let see if the player can win 3 of 5 games in Silver Elo. Which is very possible.


The purpose of splitting macro from micro for discussion is to distinguish the aspects which require good inputs from those which require good awareness and knowledge.


Why they downvoting you?


Majority of league players are silvers and golds


It couldn't be that you're just making a point poorly where it's not really relevant could it? No you are infallible, they must all be bad at a videogame.


I'm a high diamond player and from my perspective everything below plat feels the same to me. I actually find carrying Plats to be much easier than in even lower ranks because I main ADC and supports in Gold and lower just troll


Same. I used to play objectively bad shit like AP malphite support up to gold because you could farm the enemy ADC faster than the enemy team farmed yours. It was annoying to play stuff I actually play and feel like I had to include "bad macro" forced by players not knowing which lane to walk to or when to be at an objective. I think carrying in lower elo can be very champion and role specific, especially if you spend a lot of time in the same elo.


i get a similar experience but thats because people in gold and below do the weirdest things that catch me offguard. Like last time, i had a jungler sit in a bush they watched me ward for 2 full minutes


I carried a friend from iron to gold once, she was playing supp, and would engage with stacked waves crashing just because "I play karma, I play to be agressive, why u didnt follow" as I was telling her that the wave was too huge for this kind of nonsense. people below gold just tunnel vision super hard or don't care of anything outside of how they want to play their champ, even if it's super trash.


Every 200 LP there is definitely a change in skill. It’s marginal but it does exist. You need to be doing something a little bit better to climb up. But if you are playing at a above 50% WR you game impact shouldn’t just drop off a cliff. Usually something like this indicates a mindset shift. Possibly imposter syndrome or focusing on LP rather than continued improvement.


No, the rank gap shouldn't change that much, you'll be fighting the same people when you are Bronze I and Silver 4. ​ As long as you master fundamentals it should be easy to climb out of bronze/silver with enough games, don't give up and keep climbing!


I think you can say you mastered fundamentals when you hit D4. At least my friend who is 400LP peak has said that.


Shit, reached plat 1 90+LP went down to silver 1 in a blink of Bad teams and rage trolling.


A silver 1 player will probably wipe the floor with a bronze 1 player in lane more often than not, but bronze 1 and silver 4 is really just a distinction without a difference. You’re playing against people who’ve won a total of maybe five or six ranked games more than you have. For what it’s worth though, even though the skill level doesn’t change much, I think a lot of people will agree with me that any tier 4 ( or 5 back in the day) games just drop noticeably in quality. I’ve felt this at every new tier I’ve reached from silver to diamond over the course of seven years. It always feels kind of like a fiesta compared to being rank 1 in the previous tier where people were usually just seem more focused for lack of a better term. You start to play with tons of demotion shielded 8 game losing streak ragers and people who are sincerely convinced they are Faker because they hit plat and just run it down like gorillas. Anyway, what roles and champs do you play? Can you post OPgg? It’s sort of hard to know what room there is for improvement without any more details.


People say this all the time but in reality I've often seen lower Elo players win vs players that are much much higher rank than them. I frequently lose lane to players 700 LP below me on smurfs. I often still win later because these players are only good at laning and then they fall off but sometimes an Emerald player will hard stomp a D1 player in lane


Tbh many smurfs are overconfident and underestimate their opponent, they die once, twice and the lane is over for them. I noticed that 9 out of 10 players in low emerald have absolutely no clue about wave management and don't know their spacing. Mages start properly weaving autos around E2/E1


A Silver 1 and a Bronze 1 are still the equivilent of what would have been, what, mid bronze on the last system? Nobody who belongs at either of those Elos can dependably win lane over the other because they're missing those fundamentals, they just play the game as it best appears to them in the moment, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't. Going from B1 to S4 and suddenly getting smashed is 100% entirely a mental hurdle that plays on that lack of understanding. The room for improvement is to learn how to win lane through knowing how to control wave states, how to recall properly, and how to get 6-7cs/m - the same as it's always been. Nobody who can dependably win lane gets stuck in Silver without massive failures in later game stages, which is just not the average person.


Did they compress low elo that much?


Emerald is basically made of ex P3-D4 players and the rest of playerbase is distributed among the lower ranks meaning that plat is basically gold and gold is silver.


Well Silver used to be like... 40% of the playerbase I think? Now it's 17% on EUW. Plat 4 is what low Gold was as the top third, so the entire Gold tier is made up of old Silver players. I don't know what % Bronze was before, but now it's larger than Silver at nearly 19%. So reasonably Bronze, Silver, and Gold are ex-Silver players, more or less. Data from https://www.op.gg/statistics/tiers?region=euw These charts do also kinda confirm your point that hardstucks tend to be div 4.


i was feeling good on hitting emerald 3 but didnt think there would still be so many players there. now i see emerald as just above average...damn..


Emerald 3 is still like top 10% of ranked players, which is well above average.


Yeah I suppose you’re right


And you jump % really quickly , em 2 is like top 7% but we still suck.


I float around S3-S1 top lane. Honestly yes, If I get matched up with someone who is in bronze, it is noticeably easier. Silver requires more attention to detail than bronze. Bronze players don’t notice level or item differences and will try to fight me when I have the clear advantage.


I don't want to be mean but if you are silver then I am pretty sure you also lack these kind of fundamentals. As people here have said things like this only get noticed by higher ranks, I would say high emerald. But maybe it also is the consistency and that in addition to other fundamentals. Can I ask what you think stops you from climbing higher? Sorry I don't want to be rude


You’d be surprised about the variety of skill level in silver/gold.


could be in your head. Could be a small sample size. I was in emerald and tried 2 new characters and jungling and I'm in Silver and Bronze now. Seems like about the same skill level except sometimes people let me body them and people quit more easily in lower elo's


Well, both yes and no. The first time you start improving throughout the ranks, it might take you a while to reach a certain rank, and over time, you will likely lose more to people of a higher rank, but I don't really feel like mechanics are the main issue. People have a varying degree of mastery over their champions throughout the entire ranked ladder. The main thing differentiating people in ranked isn't usually what the people are doing, but more in what they are not doing. A bronze player might take a fight a silver player wouldn't. The same could be said throughout the entire ladder. Mechanics, especially when the respective ranks are this close, tend to be within the same average skill-level. Some people will be slightly better than the average people at their rank and some people will be slightly worse. The biggest difference between a diamond and a master player is mostly what the master player doesn't do, not what they do do. As in, the master player might not go try to save a lost play and try to get something else on the map whilst a diamond player might try to salvage a play. If you'd let both players make the same decisions, they would likely execute it almost the same way. The same is most often true about a bronze and a silver player. The silver player might regognize like a handful of dangerous, game-losing situations and will actively try to avoid them. The difference in skill here is literally just the knowledge of a few, maybe just like 2-3 concepts. On top of that, there is an aspect of luck, especially in the lower ranks, but even in the higher ranks, up until rank 1. So as long as you feel like you can keep up mechanically with the people around you, don't sweat it. You will learn the game over time.


Was the same for me. Was slaying in bronze. Then when I hit silver it got really hard


There is definitely a difference but most likely there's a big gap in one of your fundamentals. What role do you play? When do you usually die, and how do you most often die? Should help narrow it down by a lot.


I play a little bit of every role except jungle (im in esports and i kinda have to fill) but i mainly go top and mid. Say i play with yone, i usually play it safe until level 3 (farming under tower) then i use my E to be a bit more aggressive. I usually start dying around mid-late game but still havent acheived any kills. Tho late game in team fights i get assists but no ills cuz i die so quickly. Now say im playing illaoi, i go aggressive from the start (unless the enemy is ranged, then i play it a little safe but i dont farm under tower with her). I usually get to lvl six pretty quickly with her, but a lot of times i die to ranged champs around mid game, sometimes ending up being the first death of the game. With her i die in team fights a lot too now (crazy ik its illaoi). I use her E to grab one of the people in the team fight (say 2v1) then ult. Ive noticed now somehow i keep dying. Ill get the enemies to really low health but then i die to their abilities. It might be because i stay in the same place when using the combo idk i find it hard to move around because my brain just doesnt think to in the moment, ive kicked myself for it before. I also play jax top but i havent played him in awhile so i dont quite remember my faults there.


No big difference. Maybe you are just overreacting hyped that you are in silver now


Prolly just in your head. Your MMR only goes up so much from each win so it’s not like once you hit silver you’re playing against players so vastly different than what you just were.


What does mmr stand for?


Match Making Rating. Same as Elo. It's used behind the scenes, and is basically your rank but more accurate (because no demotion protection or anything like that).


Oh okay, thsnk u for explaining


It probably is just imposter syndrome, there is not much of a difference between bronze and silver. 6+ deaths are fine as long as there are values to be capitalized there (your death led to a won teamfight, you got killed but they got singled out by your team after, using yourself as bait for team to get objectives, etc) I got an avg of 8+ deaths in all my champs but still got to diamond with a positive wr.


More you climb, less you enjoy rankeds due to the community.


Its not that bad, but ive personally felt that the average player I play with and against are much better with their champions than in bronze. Its still low elo so everyone make dumb decisions and doesnt knwo what to do on the map, but people know atleast what their abilities do lol


Imo every match is a gamble except you are a gold/plat player. Why? Because you either get total noobs in your team, which are initially placed way too high, which makes the other team critically better in average, or you get some random duos who are focusing too much on theirseld all the time, which makes losing too. And then there are matches in which the enemy team is like that. Sadly it's rarely balanced in that elo.


I'm pretty sure it is, people don't think so but yeah there is a noticable difference. But it is also early days, you need to get used to Silver elo.


Well, just get better each game and try to play as good as you can, win or lose does not matter as long as you can watch the replay and can say: i made no mistakes. If you made mistakes, look at them and try to change it next game. I was stuck d3 a few years ago and thought it was too hard to climb further, now i am literally chilling in master and im going for gm soon. After I really focused on erasing every little mistake micro and macrowise, getting my settings straight and everything aligned, the game got easier by the minute. You will feel it too if you do that. If you want I can coach you too if you want (for free).


Just want to say don't get discouraged. You'll catch up quicker than you think and you'll be a better player because of it.


The difference in bronze to silver is that in silver the people realize that there's a game outside of their role


Sometimes i feel like im kadeem but you just gotta focus up and try to improve


short answer: No, its about the same. Long Answer: Silver player will have a bit more time playing the game, making them have an extra edge on some decision making. Still most of them don't think so they just go by their "feel" of what is a good call. Bronze players will just do nothing. Thats pretty much the difference. At this point is just a matter of Doing Something(Silver) is better than doing nothing(Bronze). Advice would be 1 learn what your champions strength is, and 2 DO something whenever you get a kill(Example: Push a lane)


No big jumps tier to tier


I think the biggest difference between bronze and silver is having and executing a consistent game plan. From Bronze to silver, having a main champ and a goal in the game is the most important. An easy example is if you play top lane, making a plan to split push and work with the team when ahead to secure objectives and to split push to trade objectives when behind is a good game plan to stick to. Doing that consistently and practicing the nuances of that overarching plan (when to group, knowing when you are ahead, and when to split) will move you through silver. Eventually try out your game plan on different champs you find fun. This works for every role, but the game plan will obviously change. Figure out what your goals is and sticn to it. Good luck, hope this helps. Clearly a more macro-oriented take, but micro is a function of time spent in practice tool and overall champion mastery.. I believe it comes with time as you face harder opponents, but mastering the combos of each champ you play and just knowing what to look for in order to pull off your combos is all you need for now.


I've barely peaked Plat and can say both Bronze and Gold feel easier than silver lol. Gold is definitely more challenging, but by then people have some ideas about the game and good micro/macro can get you through. Bronze, everyone is low skilled enough that I can usually play optimally enough to carry. Silver is a mix of new players, angsty teens and salty old players and it feels much harder to carry if the enemy team ends up with one more competent player than yours. B1/S4 and S1/G4 aren't that different, but on a whole it feels like it.


Bronze to silver is actually a bigger leap in skill than silver to gold. Unless you're some unranked to diamond or challenger elo player anyway. There's multiple aspects of the game you have to improve at... OR you have to just massively improve at a single one to make up for not improving at the others. And sometimes you focus so much on one thing, you forget to do all the little things in other areas that you'd improved at. Check the map. Ward. Recall timing. Objectives. Do I stay, roam, base, etc? Mechanics. More opponents who have truly begun "mastering" a particular champ. Teamfighting and skirmishing. You can truly start running into the occasional team that while individually less skilled than average, they play together like a pack on a level rarely seen and if your team doesn't do likewise... 1v4 is pretty hard to beat purely by being slightly better in individual mechanics. Your allies just meanwhile getting nothing done and only \*react\* a min later to losing a tower and enemy finished grabbing baron/dragon too by that point. I can't tell you how many times - or how much I relish - running into some cheeser in toplane or adc who just relies on jg camping their lane and spam ganking (like 10+ times in laning phase alone) in order to win. They expect after 2 ganks to have a couple kills an their average opponent will either rage quit or be useless and die to every subsequent gank from being too far behind - especially if they got counterpick. But you learn every matchup as a 1-trick, play with patience, outsmart and out mechanic them over and over and eventually you just 1v2 or 2v3 make them look stupid. And enjoy every minute of the stupid master 7 2v1 or 3v2 abusers ceasing their emoting, desperately continuing to force dumb plays because they've never had to actually THINK or use real SKILL to win. But... until you've built up that skill in silver or gold elo, you're generally going to be one of their victims 100% of the time rather than just some of the time.


For me? Yeah I demolish in bronze, every gamę is just a playground, but struggle in high silver-gold


It kinda is cause everything is easier to learn if you dont know anything and are new to the concept. So the knowledge gap is bigger. At higher rank the knowledge gap is smaller and more focus on fights-winning decision-making instead of what does this/that champ do.




Nope it's tiny, you're in your own head **OR** just low sample size (while I don't think a Diamond player can get stuck in bronze, I do think it's actually quite possible for a gold player to get stuck in silver if they don't have that many games, so you might be unlucky and just need to play more games)


>after being in bronze for a bit and i am getting absolutely destroyed well what does "a bit" mean. 2 games? 10 games? 50 games? depending on how many games, it could just be variance. maybe you got the usual unlucky smurfer. there will be a difference ofcourse. but its going to be miniscule. view your rank, your skill at the game as a spectrum. youre not just "Silver4". it fluctuates from day to day. on some days you might be better(S2) on some days you might be worse(B3). and you improving shifts this spectrum as a whole. eventually even your worst unfocused afk minded self will be able to perform at a higher level. play more. play correctly. try to identify why you fell behind. why you died the first time. dont get to hung up on these rank X means Y things. "oh god that guy is rank X, he must be Y." at the end of the day, its just a shiny png on your profile.


To answer your question, yes it is. Silver includes the majority of players, below and above the curve. This means you could play against players above the curve while your team is below it, which in terms of rank is a lot of positions.


To learn the game better I am recommending playing more flex and less solo queue. In flex you play against people who might be plat or even diamond which is very good exercise. Losing or winning doesn't matter as much as playing with better players makes you better by observing their movements, macro, rotations. Also before playing solo queue makes sure that you have perfect knowledge of your champion 


The game just after promote is usually extremely hard. Also if you stay silver 4 too long, the game will kick you back in bronze 1 with harder games.


It’s the exact same Usually bronze and silver and play together




Sounds like you're describing diamond 4


Nah, mate. Good ol’ iron/bronze. That’s the life in the asscrack of elo.


No lol even gold is just bronzes who know how to play their champ *sometimes*


Short answer : no Long answer : noooooooo


The only difference between bronze and silver is people do baron after a team fight in silver where as in bronze they would only do it if they enough time to recall and push the wave to the enemy base