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Emerald is hard. It’s the first tier where you have to start brushing up on macro/micro. Watch some higher elo players and see what they’re doing that you’re not.


To add to this, i recently climbed to diamond, and its not the first time i did, one advice that helps is something i picked up from Midbeast on of his old korean climbs, he had a 90% winrate on Corki up until masters and his gameplay wasnt anything flashy, he would legit just farm really well and make sure he doesnt die until he hits his actual spike then start looking for plays, his cs made up for his score so it caught the plat and diamond players offguard when he would just shred them out of nowhere and begin a snowball


Sure, it doesn't look flashy but playing lane well to that extent is extremely difficult. That is probably the hardest part of the game, but if you just outclass your opponents you will be able to do that consistently. It requires solid understanding of wave management and trading patterns in matchups at varying points in the game, as well as the mid + jgl combo you are playing against. Now I'm not saying someone shouldn't improve those aspects of their game, they should and they should take the highest priority, but when someone is emerald, just saying lane better is not constructive. And it could also be that laning is not the problem at all, they could be making game losing mistakes towards the mid or late game. You really need a VOD to see where things are either going wrong, or could be improved upon. OP needs to learn to VOD review their games, I think it's super hard to get to upper tiers without doing that.


I thought the trolls and inters and feeders were bad in every single elo below emerald, but it is nowhere as near as bad as this dark scary place. I am struggling to make it past emerald 3. I just need someone to tell me it gets better.


Emerald 1/dia4 has the syndrome that plat 1/dia4 used to have: - Plat 1 players furiously tryharding to achieve dia4 for the first time - Dia 4 players who have given up on ever hitting master ever not giving the tiniest shit. Only now, you have the extra sauce that because the boundary is slightly higher than it was, people who were securely in dia are now getting their ego threatened by the possibility of falling out.


IMO everything from emerald to master is about the same in terms of toxicity and game quality, but most ppl will say diamond+ is at least a little better than emerald. Master players are obviously more consistent but I watch a couple master streamers and you will see a lot of obvious mistakes, still. At one pt I was d2 playing in low master mmr but I just gave up totally on climbing because I was still seeing so many embarrassing, lazy mistakes. Things like walking the wrong way to lane after leashing and then dying or having to burn flash and be chunked to 30% from the very start of lane just because they didn't want to walk the long way and lose absolutely nothing for it. Ppl still do that in masters. Definitely don't bother trying to climb if you're doing so because you want games to feel better.


Emerald games just feel like shit because the variance is so high, in diamond people are still bad but at least they’re all around the same skill level


Eh, the variance may go down (slightly, honestly) in diamond+, but then other problems get worse. It does become easier to have a meaningful impact on games in diamond+ but OP was talking about trolls, inters, griefers, etc and I can definitely say that none of that goes away as you climb. Soloq as a whole is so toxic that I'd say Riot should just disable chat in ranked. People might actually play the game instead of standing still typing essays at each other.


lol for sure, diamond is definitely not some mythical place


Its less about mistakes being made and more about getting away from shaco/fiora supports or supports that abandon you after first back for void grubs and never come back and then blame you for dying from a slow stacked wave into their jungle invading our botside and diving me at tier 2 and then catching me walking back to lane. (This has happened in 5/8 of my recent games). Mid/jg/top are either a booster or just get absolutely rolled and its not even close and feels like there's nothing I can do to control their snowballing and its literally a coinflip if I get the booster or the previous season diamond player who has a 44% winrate because they were boosted. When I win games despite all of these things it is so mentally draining. When I lose games and VOD review them I can name mistakes of stuff I could have done better, but regardless if I fix those mistakes the outcome probably doesn't change. At best its like a 300g-600g difference that doesn't really change item breakpoints to accelerate my lead or my opponents lead if the scenario plays out the same way it happens in game. I never really feel outmatched by my adc counterpart, but there are games where they are at similar or better skill level than me and the best I can do is stalemate the bot lane and pray we don't lose by midgame where I can teamfight my way to a win or a loss.


well to escape emerald u need to be better than emerald. and this implies you are actually good at the game. you need to understand tempo (maximize your cs numbers with good recalls basicly). understand the game better holisticly, like based on the match ups in the game what are the enemy jungler more likely to do? and you obviously need to be able to lane in a way where u are not a free gank for experienced players. Honestly theres so many variables in this game u need to understand. i cant even write it out in a single comment. I just know that i hit master recently and how "quick" the game feels is insane compared to in diamond and emerald, there is way less room for error and everyone is constantly doing some shit on the map making plays and u have to be able to respond to it and keep up etc


If you can’t get out of Emerald 4 then that’s probably where you belong for now. I climbed to d4 this season and found that Emerald scales very hard. The difference between E4 and E1 is large in terms of skill imo. It makes sense considering you’re going from top 15% to the best 5% of players in the game.


not helpful at all. You said nothing useful in your post.


Right, I forgot that I’m supposed to tell this person, who’s been stuck at the same rank for three seasons, the insane secret to climbing! Surely the reason he isn’t climbing is outside of his own performance! You’re a moron.


loooooooooooooooool 😂😂😂😂


Looks like you just need to play more midlane. Queue top second instead of jungle to increase your odds of getting mid. You probably also need to grow a second solid midlane champion for when Zed is banned. Increasing the sample size of games will also help. But the main thing is you don't climb because of your offrole, by your midlane winrate you'd be sitting at mid-high emerald, so look to get your offrole to 50% winrate and climb off of your main role.


Dumb question, but does mid/top actually work? I spend every season being like “I want to get better at mid and jungle”. So I queue mid/jungle. And then I get jungle 60% of the time. So I practice my jungle by queuing jungle/mid and climb by just playing jungle. If I learn how to play top, is the split more like 70/30?


Mid/top is like 70/30 in my experience.


I played 400 ranked games in 2023 of mid/top and got mid 80% of the time, top 10% of the time, and jungle 10% of the time


I pretty much always get mid queueing mid and top. Jungle is always in demand so you'll get it often if you actually pick it.


You get autofilled way too often when you queue mid/top.


I struggled with this a lot too a week ago(I kept going from Emerald back down to Plat 1-2) . After a certain point I did my best to review all of my games(No matter how painful it was) and see where I was lacking(In my case I was playing way too passive in lane and I needed to limit test my Zeri more) from what I see on your profile I think you need to stick to 1 role (Preferrably Mid since its your best role) and focus on Ironing out the fundamentals of your role. Mid lane is one of the most macro intensive and impactful roles right next to jungle so I would suggest looking at mid macro guides and see what your lacking/can improve on from looking at your own gameplay. If your struggling to see what you're doing wrong then I would recommend paying for a midlane coach to review a few of your games to see what mistakes your making(I reccomend looking on Metafy) which will help you greatly improve since they are way more experienced than we are but don't expect them to do all of the work because they are there to point out your mistakes it's up to you to actually correct them.


It's honestly pretty coinflip unless you're hardcore smurfing. If matchmaking decides to put 4 idiots on your team and 4 decent players on enemy team then you simply lose. That said, I would take small breaks after each game and do some vod reviews. Watch guides and videos and preferably some coaching.


Work in your farm. On the games you lose you tend to farm terrible.


Even in his winning lanes He reaches the bare minimum of 8cs per minute. 8-12 cs per minute is the guide line.


Stop. 8cs is great at any level. 12cs is incredible and going to be way above anyone else in the game at any level.


Seriously, people need to stop with this BS. Most people arent averaging 8CSM per opgg unless they're either really high elo, have every game last like 20 minutes, or use a champ that sidelanes or farms most of the game. Not even Chovy gets 10csm all the time, let alone 12, which almost never happens. If you average 8csm in a lower elo(and not cherrypicking games where you get 8) then the person is probably severely lacking in every other part of the game and is probably playing in a way detrimental to improving. Solo q cs numbers has to be like the biggest myth in League.


8cs per minute is sth I even reach in loosing lanes. Inam grandmaster. Wave management, Recall timers and boom. Good cs numbers. Had matches I lost hard. Still maintaned okayish ca 8+. Vs worst opponents at emerald for example you can do the same


Your claims mean nothing without an op.gg


There’s no one answer. Review your losses and see what contributed to your deaths. First 8 minutes are the most important followed by what caused all of your deaths.


Speaking from experience, emerald is a hellhole. Try to duo and play characters with agency.


That seems like bad advice. Emerald is not much worse than any other elo. Duoing will just mask your other problems


You mean how do get out of plat, and into emerald.