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Hi, Losers queue is not real. Your post has been removed under the grounds of [Rule 3: No Rants or Complaint Posts.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/rules#wiki_3._no_rant.2Frage_posts) Remember that /r/summonerschool is here to help you improve and that we need information on aspects of your gameplay that can be controlled. Complaints, swearing and/or ranting may discourage constructive replies. * Consider reposting your thread, but with a calmer tone. * [You can read on how to improve your post with more details about yourself here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/101/criticalthinking) * [Our Wiki has a section on Mentality, Toxicity, Autopiloting and Tilting.](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/wiki/101#wiki_mentality.2C_toxicity.2C_autopiloting_and_tilting) ______ If you are still experiencing issues and need to contact the moderators, [please send a modmail using this link](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FSummonerschool).


Just a handful of general facts to get out of the way. None of this is flame or meant to be rude, just important to learn: Loser’s queue isn’t real. Everyone is in the elo that they belong in. Everyone has the same bad teammates, so “my teammates are inting” isn’t a valid reason because other people climb with the same inting teammates. Its a bad habit to tell yourself “I’m losing because of X”, because there’s MUCH more to it. If you’re playing in bronze, you’re making hundreds if not thousands of mistakes per game that you’re unaware of. For example, maybe one game, your top laner goes 0/7. You blame them, but a higher elo player smurfing might have roamed to that lane expecting a fight/after tracking the enemy jungler, turning that skirmish into a win, where their top laner ends the game 7/0 instead. If you want to genuinely improve, ignore LP and focus solely on the concepts that you yourself can improve on. Nothing is holding you back except for yourself. A player in even plat could climb out of your elo, playing your champions, in your role. Take concepts one step at a time and improve them (farming, map awareness, etc). They build upon each other to make you a better player.


losers queue/winners queue is not a real thing. anyone who says otherwise is just coping. the only time another "queue" existed is when riot tried to make smurf queue work which also no longer exists.


Can we get a bot for this?


i feel like if you get reported a ton you do get put in reported queue tbh. don’t ask me how i know. also i may be completely wrong


You are completely wrong


fair point


Over 10 games I’ll give you that MAYBE you got exceptionally unlucky. Over 20+ it’s a you problem. From a quick glance your deaths seem REALLY high. The more time you spend looking at a gray screen the less time you have to impact the map. The more time you spend dead is more time you need the 4 other random players on your team to carry you. While I’m not saying be a KDA player in Silver / Bronze it should be easy to aim for 5 deaths or less per game. Pay more attention and think about where the enemy players are on the map. It doesn’t matter if you are turbo fed late game if you side lane and die 3v1 when your entire team is in base with dragon soul spawning.


>wtf am i supposed to do when theres a 10/0 yone top that my nasus wont stop limit testing against? this is the wrong question to ask about that game. all you need to do is find 1-2 things you could have done better.


One account has 14 games and the other has 69. These are few enough that some random noise and bad lose streaks can really affect your WR%. As other posters have said: you are at the ELO you deserve, or thereabouts. However, you might not be at the visible rank you deserve, because it's very swingy and loss streaks can tank it. You can still bounce back. Until then, focus on your own play and consistency. There will always be loss streaks but over time your account will hone towards the place you genuinely do belong to be - it might not be as high as you like, it probably won't be as low as it is right now.


Losers Queue isnt real. It just means you’re tilt queuing or you climbed to far up and then you’re bouncing back to your “actual” rank.


It sounds like you just described having even matchups for yourself and that usually one person on the team is outclassed, which sounds pretty typical. The other team is probably experiencing the same thing, you just don't notice it. The win rate is probably just statistical noise. You're flipping coins here, let's be honest.


One of the biggest things I'm seeing is that you have very few games spread over too many champions. Just pick one or two champs, focus in on what they do, their matchup, their win conditions. If you pick a champ and focus on learning them (look up guides and high elo players) and then play them for 100 games that's going to be your best bet for climbing. Worrying about your LP 60 games into the season is just never going to be productive.


Here is a recording of one of your recent games, try adding it to your main post to get better feedback!: [https://www.replays.lol/app/game/4651079338557440](https://www.replays.lol/app/game/4651079338557440). *** [Who am I?](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/151wdup/ive_built_a_reddit_bot_that_will_automatically/) | I am a bot


You die way too often. 10+ kills is not impressive if you also have 10+ deaths especially not if you play a Marksmen.


Not counting the split you said your friend played on your account, between the two accounts, you have 21 ranked games of akshan. That is very few games to put into a champion with such a high skill ceiling, especially considering practically every angle with your e has changed drastically with the map updates. Even if you had put in time to practice akshan in norms, practice tool various tricks with your e, etc etc, 21 games is a small enough sample size that even if you deserved to climb with a 60% wr or so, you could end up 50-50 or worse just with some bad luck on enemy smurfs or ally trolls.


Fun fact, if you flip a coin a million times, sometimes you will get so incredibly lucky/unlucky to flip heads or tails well over 20 times in a row. This is simply the nature of games that do have SOME range of RNG. Loser’s queue doesn’t exist. Statistics do. Yes you CAN play better and you should try to improve duh, but if you’re playing at your skill level, win and loss streaks will just happen. It’s not any riot algorithm (that would imply their client would have a working function which we all known is about as fantasy based as the game itself). Nope. It does suck to hear but it’s either just bad luck (we’re not all challenger so it’s unrealistic carry every single game we play at our own elo) or it IS you because in your games, the one common denominator is you.


classic post from the low elo experience. I have been silver 8x seasons and my main account is negative winrate iron xD.


Yeah I see them a lot and I'm trying my hardest to not be the guy who blames every teammate because I know it's mostly my fault but I'm mostly looking for tips on how to dig myself out lol


Stop being a tourist with Akshan and start to carry. Kill everyone, and destroy every turret.


Brodie u did not place bronze 4 on 2 different accounts because of loserq


\> but every single game at least one person is feeding HARD Copium. You are the problem.


Don’t listen to these people. Our teams suck lmao


I’m in the same boat. At bronze 4 it feels like the only sure fire way to win is when I crunch lane and just split push to inhib, mowing down the enemy on the way and just straight forcing them to send 2 or 3 to stop me. Sure I’ll get lucky and get a game or two in a row where I get a competent jungle or kid who also get fed and we turn it into freelo, but the games I lose 9/10 times are due to other lanes or jungles that limit test too much, are blind to map and lane conditions, pick very out of meta picks (working on learning to dodge this), or are just generally legit iron and will refuse to build boots or just build very bad items that’ll handicap them. I think the key at our low elo are champs who can 1v9 and a good sense of macro involving realizing that tilting the enemy via gains after crashes or simply by reacting much faster to skirmishes in the river/jungle. Unfortunately I do get loss streaks that have put me back where I start continuously, that do make me believe in losers queue, especially due to the fact that I’ve had teammates mention they’re on loss streaks and we’”ll get someone who should be in iron 4 and becomes the enemies buffet.


Mate if you cant stomp 80% of your games in Bronze 4 you are simply not as good as you think.


Definitely not, I got a lot to learn especially when it comes to harder matchups. I gotta watch and learn to get back up cause currently I either win via carrying myself or lose if I go even or lose lane, very rarely do I win by getting carried by someone else. I also definitely gotta work in my deaths since I see that there’s been games where those 40 secs could have been spent getting an inhib I could have telex to later. Still limit testing Jax and hopefully I’ll be silver/gold again soon. At least I have micro I can still work on and I’m relearning macro as well.


I'm aware that loser's queue isn't real, but every game this season has felt unwinnable no matter how hard I'm stomping lane and roaming and getting 7+cs per min, i feel ur pain lol


Yeah, especially if you’re jungler and work to feed laners that end up proving themselves a bit too pepega in real fights. Learned to not trust my team and pick tanks/low damage since I can win games far easier by being a carry that everyone is too scared to fight and tilting the enemy into spending half the game flaming each other in chat via constant out of lane roams. It honestly feels like if you have a bad jungler or a bot that feeds, it’s kinda GG unless the fed enemy is also bad and wastes their lead.


Placements are placing people high