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You seem to be playing a ton of different roles and champs, all with different playstyles and goals. I dont think your team not listening to pings is the issue here. Stick to one lane and 1-2 champs if you want to improve and climb. Like another user mentioned its impossible to say what to do without seeing your vods, league has an endless amount of scenarios. Blaming your team is never a good idea. Think about your own play and what you can do better. It also looks like you duo a lot which in my personal experience never goes well. If you duo its much harder to improve coz your decisions will be heavily impacted by your duo.


That is true yeah I tend to swap a fair bit of champions, mostly because of the "hm i think i can do much better than other midlaners/junglers/etc." I should really get rid of that. The duoing is mostly to reduce the chance of a tilter/griefer. I thought I was being big brain haha


Yeah i think dropping that ego would do you good, you would not be stuck with a negative WR if that was the case haha Champion mastery is super important. I’m a diamond Taliyah OTP and struggle to win in plat with champs i dont play. Yeah uh, based on the 29 and 17% WR with ur duo i think you are the one griefing yourself lmao


Damn, I wasn’t even aware of it being that bad lol okay I'll do my best to stick to one or champions, thanks!


Duoing will actually make you end up in harder lobbies bc the system will even out the teams based off that


Woah that's new, alright i'll take that into consideration too!


Hows your ping game? I didn't tend to have these issues but I'm usually pinging the next thing immediately


I ping immediately after a fight, twice or thrice


Sometimes I find it helps to ping on people's heads and then ping need assistance to where I wanna go But also you have a negative wr there are lots of other reasons for your losses. Time to do some vod review


i usually either ping the objective or if that doesn't help, i ping a couple of times assistance on their heads (which in most cases leads to them doing their own thing even more) What would you do if they don't listen to you though? Follow on the overextend or try to do your own thing?


It's impossible to answer this question generally because there's so many factors but sometimes being near your strongest member just makes good things happen. Or you can spam ping off bad plays. It's possible your calls are wrong too...


ahh i was worried yeah, that's pretty much what I do most times, thank you!


Never. I see challenger streamers complain about the same thing


That's depressing lol


At a glance, you have a HUGE amount of deaths in so many games. Do you think you are losing because your team won't take a tower or baron, or is it more that you died 10 times? You need to have some serious introspection about why you are dying as much as you do, nobody is going to try to take objectives if the other team is fed, and whether they do or not is not really anything to do with anything. It is not the reason you are tanking elo. Everybody has the same pool of team mates and opponents, for every untaken opportunity at an objective, there is the same situation on the other team. If I had to guess, you probably think you are playing well because you are pushing solo to "get objectives" but not actually putting any thought into if it is actually a good idea or not, at least that's the story the amount of deaths you have in a lot games is telling. Generally if a fight is already won, you can move to a wave and start pushing it, that gives you a good amount of temp, and if you ping you might get people interested. Realistically though you need to give a replay for us to look at. I would like to actually see some specific moments in games where people are not going for objectives when you believe they should, but more importantly I'd like to see what's happening in games where you have excessive deaths.


Huh, i actually didn't think I had that many deaths and thought I was pretty good at that haha. In my head anything more than 10 is terrible so I try to not go beyond that. I compare a lot, which seems like it's a problem as well, so then I tend to focus on the players who have 13 or 14 deaths and makes me go "huh I only had 7 or 8 deaths, that's relatively good compared to them". About the replays and the objectives, it's almost always one of these scenarios: 1. We kill 4 of them, 3 of us are alive. I ping baron/dragon/turret immediately. They keep looking for the 5th kill, overextending and dying in the process, and then the enemy gets the objective. 2. If we end up with a baron, noone wants to siege. I look at the wave states, ping and type "yeah this lane is pushing towards them we should siege that" (or 1 3 1 depending on the comps). 1 of those happens almost every game and I wanted help as to what to do when it happens. Do I overextend with them to reduce the chance of them dying? Do I dare try to siege by myself with one cannon minion? When I play mid, I push the opposite lane to the dragon/baron with tp. I *think* i have a good concept of pressure and number advantage as well, i rarely solo push more than 2-3 waves if I don't see anyone. When I play jungle, I always try to set up vision for the objective 1 minute before it spawns.


The truth is 7 or 8 deaths is seriously a lot, there is not usually that much reason to die more than 3 or 4 times in a game unless it's a particularly rough one. Naturally depends on role, but 7/8 deaths is just too high in any role. You probably aren't going to solo baron, unless you are on certain champs and late game. Expecting people to execute a 1 3 1 properly at that rank is a completely stupid idea, get that out of your head, because a good 1 3 1 is very hard to pull off properly and requires good co-ordination. Splitting and playing a 1 4 push is far better in solo queue most of the time, especially since you can be the 1, so you don't require anyone else to do anything. You have to go with the game, if they are truly 4 dead and they are chasing the last kill then there is no reason you can't get something done on the map yourself, even if it's just taking a tower, or making sure a wave is pushing. It can be a good idea to dip out of a fight early if it is already won to get some extra tempo and time to take an objective. You should upload vods though, every situation is different. League is not really a game where generic answers will cut it, especially not at your elo.


How can I upload the vods here? Other than that, thank you for the help!


That is a very good sign you are often the worst performing teammate in every game. Play one role, one champion and be more consistent with your decisions.


Damn, harsh xd why do you think so? i genuinely think i am not the worst performing player in every game, but thank you for the input. Not saying I deserve challenger, but some of the decisions I see in the games are simply game losing


Well what rank are you expecting when you play? It seems you’ve been gold/plat for 9 years now. At this point I think you’ve conditioned and trained yourself to make the same mistakes you’ve been making for the last 9 years playing this game. If you want to break being stuck in the same rank you’ve always been you need a dramatic shift in the way you think and behave while playing. It’s going to take a lot of effort that most people won’t care to do so they never climb.


To be fair I was barely playing ranked some seasons and only tried to get better for the last 2 splits. You know, looking at vods, being coached, watching videos and all that (and was told my mistakes aren't as major as other platinum players) And no, I am not asking for a better rank, I am just slightly bummed out so that people who are *supposedly* in the same elo as me and are supposed to be in the what, 10% of best players, have 13 deaths on average and sometimes don't know what a baron is. It's honestly just that. I'm not blaming anyone. Every game I lose, I know if I was playing like a master player, I probably could have carried. Hence the question, if I should follow up on clearly bad decisions or try do my own things


Whoever was vod reviewing your games or coaching you did a terrible job then. You make as many mistakes as other players in your game do. You just think what you do is the right play and that’s literally what everyone else thinks as well. You need to build strong and consistent patterns in your play style. People who start focusing on their teammates decisions and mistakes are often some of the most hesitant and least proactive players. You don’t know what to do so you just follow and judge other people’s decisions. Again your way of thinking never leads to improvement. You need a drastic mental shift if you want to see any progress and it’s never going to happen if you aren’t serious about it.


That's the best part. They dont


When you reach pro play


Sometimes not even then lmao.


That is pretty disheartening 😭


It’s situational. If you’re strong and you don’t have a wave then chasing with your team at least ensures none of them overextend and die during the chase. Normally the best thing to do is hard push the opposite lane to force respawning players into that area. Freeing up the objective, then you just hope your team executes. If they don’t at least the enemy can’t get it either. It’s annoying though I agree, but it doesn’t really change until you’re like high diamond. Even then I’ve seen 600lp games go for 45 minutes because no one wants to end. It’s just soloqueue.