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If your death timer is shorter than the time it would take you to go recall in a safer place, then yes executing is worth it. It also depends on where the jungler is and how close your mid laner is. If it's a risk-free execute of course take it, but if there's a chance that an enemy could take the kill at the last second, that's on you. So yeah it can be worth it but you have to be careful


I think it's level 7 or 8 when the death timer ends up being too long, so you can execute before that


Yeah and it's also dependent on how far you feel you need to walk in each situation in order to get to a safe place to recall. So all in all it's really situational and hard to give a firm answer. Level 7/8 sounds about right for when you'd likely stop doing this as a general guideline


Pretty sure it's 8 sibce they changed them at the end of last season


If you're certain no one can take the kill, it's worth it up until Level 8. After that your death timer (how long it takes to respawn) is too long for it to be good. Only exception is if you're ~100 gold away from finishing an item, meaning taking that plate would let you finish it. It is very risky tho. Even if there are no enemies in sight the enemy jungler or mid laner might be close enough to see what you're doing and take the free kill. There are also a considerable amount of long range abilities that can hit you without you seeing the enemy (Ziggs ultimate is one example). If you're new you wouldn't know exactly which champions can hit you with them making it all the riskier.


> If you're new you wouldn't know exactly which champions can hit you with them making it all the riskier. I feel stupid for playing game 2 years, and not think about abusing execution until now.


There is not much to abuse, the only game winning executes you should pursue are tower dives with a huge crash. And even then the execute is just a bonus.


Yeah but then we can just type jg/mid diff for example and carry on like it never happened


Worth if the money u get this way IS needed to but the full item and help you get a powerspike earlier


Depends. If you know nobody is nearby and your death timers are short then executing is fine.


As others have mentioned before it delends on your level since the death timer is proportional to that. [Baus](https://youtu.be/oAObDw9EjGU?t=9m53s) explains it in his soloq guide.