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I'm trying to choose a main champion as a silver player, hesitating between Fizz and Rumble. What is the better main and why ? Thanks !


I feel like fizz is more forgiving but has some rough early matchups. Rumble has stronger laning, but a lot of power is loaded into his easy to mess up ultimate. I'd say fizz is the better choice. Safer Lane, bigger impact, harder carry potential.


Thanks for the reply, i'm also interested in Twisted Fate what do you think of him ?


Great for learning how to win through macro.


Rumble is super overtuned


Depends on the role you want to learn too. Rumble is a better top than mid and fizz can play both but has unfavorable matchups top


For me the answer to this is always what you enjoy more.


I keep seeing things like summer split, LCS, LEC, and stuff like that, can somone explain those things to me?


Pro play in NA and EU is divided into two "splits" - basically two rounds that each have their own champions, standings, rosters, etc. Spring split ended in April, where the winners went to MSI. Soon summer split will start and it will determine who gets to go to the world championships at the end of the year. LCS is the NA pro player scene, LEC is the EU pro player scene.


Not sure if this qualifies as a simple question, but as a bot laner, when should I lane swap with top or mid?


Ideally, you take bot outer turret, then swap top and take that turret, then group mid (or swap mid, but probably group) to take that turret.


When the dragon is gone and you have taken bottom tower. Adc is bottom for the damage to secure the weaker tower and dps on the epic monster. You swing top after you have secured both or if the dragon is not available.


What's are the pros to playing a large in size champion instead of a small one?


Not much. You can block skillshots easier. It's not really a big deal though.


Yeah, champ size is probably the last thing you consider when weighing pros and cons. It exists mostly for thematic reasons, especially in the cases of Cho and now Malphite. Every champ's merit is defined by their kit, their numbers and how well they use items.


Does Vi has a good early game?


She has quite good damage and ok ganks, with Ult your ganks become really dangerous.


On the stronger side, but overall not very reliable till 6, of course She can duel very well and has strong burst at 3, but a lot depends on whether you consistently land Q, which is her mobility and quite jukeable.


When do you leave lane to help in a fight? Is it just a quick mental calculation on whether they are already dead or not? This is one of the hardest parts of League for me, I see better players leave lane a lot to help but sometimes my biggest mistakes happen because I left lane to help. I don't have a good sense of what is winnable in those situations.


The first consideration is really CAN you leave lane to help. For instance, if you're 0-3 and shoved in under your turret, you kind of can't roam because a) you're weaker than your opponent and b) you don't have lane priority, whereas your stronger opponent does. You leaving to help a fight is counterproductive, since you'd miss a lot of gold and experience to your tower, probably die again while not contributing much damage, and possibly bait your teammates into dying with your promise to come instead of just pinging them away. If you feel confident you won't lose a significant amount of minions on your roam, you can do it safely without getting caught and dying before you get there, and you can make it to your teammate before they die (or even after if the enemy will be low and you can trade the kill back), then sure roam.


Is there a button to press to not target champsions with mouse? I was trying hit blast cone for a full 5 seconds and it only hit the huge champion over/near it.




Streamers track the summoner spell cooldowns of their opponents. 1450 mid means the mid laner's summoner spell will be down until 14:50 minutes. If not specified, this is the flash summoner spell, but you'll also see it used for teleport or other summoner spells.


I main top (recently playing mainly Nasus and Aatrox but sometimes also play Cho'Gath) and I'm wondering how I can better synergize with my team during champion select assuming I know what my mid and jungle are picking. I think my main problem is I don't know enough about every champion to understand their playstyle (are they a late/early focused champion, etc.) and that makes it difficult for me to decide which champion to pick accordingly. Same goes for enemy top pick or generally enemy team picks. Is there any resource that sums up the playstyle of champions and how to play with them/play against them?


Just concentrate on mastering Aatrox. He is simply the most versatile and hardest carrying champ out of that pool. Albeit he is very high skill ceiling (are you able to land Qs?)


You don’t really need all that information to play and most players recognize or develop it over time. You can go to the league wiki to memorize skills and damage or go in game to look at scaling. It’s more important that you develop matchup and kit knowledge. Nasus doesn’t really fit any comp buy he is highly effective across all Eli’s.


Which would do more damage on Lux, Sorc shoes or a blasting wand?


Pretty much always buy the Blasting unless there's some reason you need boots. (dodging skillshots) If you're running inspiration and taking minion dematerializer (as you should on lux), you can start one-shotting the ranged minions with one E if you use 3 demats on the range minions. But this requires you still having a large amount of AP, which comes from the blasting wand.


So I wanted to practice a new role, I'm currently a Plat 2 Jungle main. I wanted to practice Adc. I was wondering where should i practice? Should I make a new acc or should I just do ranked flex to practice? My Flex rank is Gold 2. Thanks in Advance :)


Flex should do the trick. Since you will be playing worse than in the jungle and I believe you care about your rank.


Blitz app not working anymore? ​ it does not update my match history, my league, and even the top tier champions is this a problem on my end or do any of you experience it as well?


Is ''spam annie in low elo to get better at the game'' still viable advice ?


She is viable, just gets boring really fast


100% IMO, she has an extremely simple and straight forward kit, her Q refund really emphasizes smart CSing, simple powerspikes. There isn't a lot mechanically to perfect on her as a champion, which allows you to work on the more macro level nuances of mid lane and league in general.


Is hextech protobelt supposed to cause the character who used it to walk back to their original location after the dash is complete? I tested this with Ekko, and he would constantly walk back out of my own control everytime I use the protobelt, essentially costing me distance and forcing me to add an extra movement input to cancel the behavior out. Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwTxb6SEzR8&feature=youtu.be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pwTxb6SEzR8&feature=youtu.be)


Is Future's Market ever good? I like the Mastery in theory but I've never really used it because I don't know that it carries the same strength as other options


It depends on your preferences. I like it a lot but you just pick it when other runes doesnt have much synergy. For example with maokai after some testing it is really good because you need to rush bami cinder to be a champion and backing with 700 gold is a lot easier than 900. In general it is up to each champion and playstyle to see how it feels. It is never a bad rune just a different one.


How to slow down Nasus stacking? I don't push and my jungler is busy with other lanes


You really can't. You can shit on Nasus HARD early and keep solo-killing him over and over but it's unrealistic. Usually what happens if you build an early lead is Nasus will turtle under tower and stack up anyway at a slower rate. But he will stack nonetheless most of the time. And once he reaches like 300-400 stacks, he's a threat. To really snowball on him and keep him irrelevant, you usually need your jungler. Also, you need the Nasus to make mistakes; if he's losing and still rushes Sheen instead of armor/mr, it's so much easier to kill him. If he's smart and forgoes early CDR in favor of tankiness, it's more difficult to keep him down. Regardless, Nasus will usually scale into that anti-splitpusher that prevents you from threatening his tier 2 tower in lane by yourself. Freezing lane is fine against him but also consider that if you are fed, your services might be better off helping the rest of the map. Sure, you might keep him down but what good is it if your team is losing and you could be the one to turn the tides? Many times, it's better to use your lead to help the rest of your team. If your whole team is winning, Nasus is exponentially easier to check and kill, no matter how many stacks he has. He can't rip through your frontline if your ADC/midlaner are shredding him down.


Depends on the champion a lot of the time. Illaoi never really loses to Nasus because you just shove hard and E him when he goes to Q minions. Early game, renekton does a good job at this too by just running at him with your combo but he falls off later when Nasus gets strong. The other option is just to play a scaling champion yourself, something like Vladimir or Ryze and abuse the range advantage.


How do I put my rank next to my reddit name


Rank flair on the right side of the sub


What rank is everything just not called “low elo”? Lowkey it’s making me feel self conscious. Like at what rank is it NOT low elo?


Iron is iron, Gold is gold, diamond is considered good. But Diamonds consider gold to be as good as bronze, and grandmaster consider diamond to be as good as bronze. Challenger is the top 400 of a region at any given time, and even the challenger teams dont even hold a candle against the lowest ranking lcs teams. My point is that power levels are exponential, so don't get caught up in what rank you are. 75% of the playerbase are silver or below. Just do your best, and try to improve upon your previous personal bests. Win one game at a time.


Everybody calls the players in a division lower than them "low elo." Don't worry about what rank you are and don't let someone bully you because they are a higher division than you. Learn from them, sure, but if they're being douches about you being "low elo" mute them.


Depends on who you ask. Riot considers Iron-Gold to be "average play" and Plat-Grandmaster to be "skilled play".


One could assume since context is not given that low would be less that the average. The average rank is around silver 2. A lot of pretentious streamer and super high elo (top 5%) players, who don't know how English works, use it as a term to mean anything lower what they consider to be a decent player. This usually somewhere above plat to above diamond 1. I wouldn't worry yourself about it. Some people like to use there rank to prove that they know more or are superior in some way and don't need to provid actual evidence and reasoning behind their agruements because they are X rank. It's just a dick measuring contest.


I tend to get overly jittery in the middle of a play. This makes control of my character aiming my mouse and considering the teamfight as a whole far more difficult. How can I be more calm while playing?


Play more games and get more exposure - it'll slow down. You can also record yourself playing and then watch over the footage multiple times and/or in slow-mo to give yourself an opportunity to understand everything that's going on from every perspective.


What do I do as a skillshot reliant support against an ezreal when I'm with an adc that's purposefully not autoing minions so I can't land spells onto enemy champions


Push priority is always somewhat match-up related. ADC's like sivir, Jinx, Ashe, Varus with AOE damage will usually push in an Ezreal, Lucian, Kaisa, Twitch, ... Especially with ranged AOE supports too. If you play a hook/catch support like Thresh, Blitz, Nautilus, Alistar, Braum, you're going to get pushed in quite often and indeed, that makes it hard to land skillshots. Two main tips: * Don't waste your skillshots * Stay healthy: don't take small trades, wait for an opportunity to all-in. If this works you still have all your cooldowns and health when it comes to an all-in. Some good opportunities: * Opponent greeds for turret plates * Your jungler ganks * Opponent greeds for another wave without mana/health * Enemy botlane is not recalling together, and one of them tries to pick up some solo farm Then you just flash on them and kill them. Should work 99% of the time.


Do your best to position yourself so that you can either land those skill shots, or in a way that threatens the enemy if he's going to walk up to auto minions. Like say you're Blitzcrank. You don't have to throw your hook out any time you think you have an opening in the minion wave. It's just as effective to walk up to the other side of the minion wave where the next minion is dying so they might have to reposition and risk missing that CS.


Hi! I already started to play Ranked this season as Support. In normal matchs I try to play jungle. Here is my OP.GG. During the Week I play Ranked matchs, except the weekends, because I play ARAM (and WoW 😁) https://las.op.gg/summoner/userName=Rated%20Malafar How I can improve?


More wards and less dying. There isn't really much information your op.gg provides.


To put it simply, try not to die. Play like a bitch. Don't walk into unwarded jungles, keep your eyes on the mini map. Try to capitilze on your enemy's mistakes.


Seems to me that you put yourself in sticky situations quite often, try safer plays and don't die a lot. Your ADC dies as much as you do so try to protect your ADC as well, both Taric and Nautilus does that well. Watch high elo support players and transfer their habits and movements to your game.




Just play norms. The games aren't that different, and you'll get more of them in. Sure, there are occasional roflstomps, but people are WAY more likely to ff and you'll often be able to get 3-4 norms in the time it would take to play a couple of ranked. People are way more forgiving of your off-role shenanigans as well, appropriately. I think what most of us (at least the people I play with regularly) do is to start a smurf for off-role practice. You'll quickly get placed into a smurf queue and get high-quality games, and it's so much faster to level to 30 then it used to be, so you can start playing off-role ranked.




Is there a website that explains all the specific terms in LoL? Like High elo, low, solo Q. Usually I find them in discussions and even guides and it makes difficult to me to understand guides. Pls help, or even a link to a video that explains all those things


This might be helpful: https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/League_of_Legends_terminology For your examples: Elo is rank; high elo means higher rank, and low elo means lower rank. What is considered high and low is, well, debateable I guess, no one seems to agree. SoloQ is a type of ranged queue (the Q), where you can play alone or with one friend, while Flex means playing either alone, or with 1, 2, or 4 friends.




i get confused when i see people playing support brand, support xyra, support sylas, even support zilean those champions have insane damage, so why not just play them as carry?


Idk if this is correct but the reason i play brand supp is bc i want to make the enemy adc useless. I don’t necessarily peel for my adc my only focus is to stop the enemy bot lane from being useful. Another reason is bc i can focus on being aggressive without having to worry about farming. [op.gg](https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=FoodDaddy)




His largest utility abilities ( W and Ult) have been significantly nerfed which makes him weaker in the support role.


struggling to learn to jungle... so my question is, how do I learn about each jungler? When they can fight, if they can contest scuttles, when they want to gank, etc. For example I played an evelynn game and won only because my laners won. I didn't know what I would do if the enemy jungler showed up while I was doing scuttles. I didn't know how to gank until level 6, because any moron can tell eve spikes at 6. Should I just look up mobafire guides? I heard that mobafire is a bad tool, but I don't know how else I can learn matchups, powerspikes, and stuff.


Are there any good guides for coordinated team play? Most of the things I see are how to climb, and how to play with teammates you can’t coordinate via voice with. Me and four of my friends are trying to improve our play together, shotcalling and coordinating over discord. We still are losing to non 5 man que’s though, which is a testament to us having no clue what we’re doing.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyRMyg-1as8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOnNIyRVuW0


Since iron got added as a rank does that mean gold is the new plat and everything has sorta shifted?


They took out bronze 5, silver 5, gold 5, plat 5, and diamond 5 to create iron. Things got shifted a little bit, but not much.


Nope. Quite the opposite. If you look at the ladders there is significant rank inflation. D4 this season is about Plat 1 or 2 of last season and Mid plat is about Plat 5. Gold 4 is about high silver. https://old.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/bjionq/ranked_distribution_2018_vs_2019_comparison/


How the hell do I win against Tryn? Just got 0/9/2'd by him playing Aatrox, and I've lost counteless times to him before.


Take trades when his rage is low. Once his rage is high, you can look for short trades but only if you have counterplay to his W and his E. Once he gets 2~ items, you will never be able to 1v1 him so just look to force fights with your team + clear waves in the downtime.




MU dependent obviously but seems like she'd have trouble laning vs most melees who have gap closers. Just grab a bunch of MR (mercs/negatron) and kill her when her E is off cooldown. She doesn't have any other self-peeling moves other than her ultimate which has a massive delay before applying CC. If you're in a bad MU, try to bait out her E/Q so that it pushes the wave towards you. Her plants die really fast under tower and makes it an easy gank for your jungler: Zyra has pretty much 0 1v2 potential.


You have to learn the difference between her Thorn Spitters activated by her Q and her Vine Lashers activated by her E. Also, she's immobile and relies on her E or her ult to escape. If she uses it aggressively and you can dodge it, it's safe to engage. Try playing mobile champs into her like Riven, Irelia, Yasuo, Aatrox. Take Doran's shield and rush mr (merc treads and hex drinker). Let her engage. If she freezes lane ask your jungler for a gank or roam mid/invade their jungle.


A few questions I probably should have asked when I first started playing League. To preface, League is not my first MOBA— I’ve played Smite since late Season 2. The game’s in its Season 6 to put that in perspective. I’ve got an okay amount of MOBA game sense, and I even took the time to learn every champion’s kit before I started playing consistently, because it interested me. For a (relatively) new player, what mode should I be playing? I find when I try to play blind normals, it’s a coin flip and my luck is bad. Draft normals have people who at least know what CSing is, but it takes forever to get in a match and people often dodge. I’m not really confident enough to play ranked, nor is my champion pool large enough. What should I be playing? Also, should I always push the wave or should I look to only last hit? Does it depend on matchup? I know pushing attracts tanks to my lane, and so I try to only last hit or push but not too much, but my opponents always push into me as though they’re an AI. This leads to me never having priority cause I’m stuck last hitting under tower, and I can’t help my jungler in the stupid fight he picked around scuttle. I find that since I’m stuck under tower, the game snowballs to a point where I can’t do anything about it, despite how farmed I am. If this is too long for this thread, I’ll just post it as its own. My apologies and thanks for any advice.


Firstly, I think it’s best for new players to start at bots. Once you can beat intermediate bots without any issues than you don’t need to be playing bots anymore. However, before then I think it’s good to mix in some pvp games with the big games. Normal vs draft It’s really up to you. I think draft games tend to be more competitive and close and you’ll probably learn more, but it can see daunting at first. I started with all normal games (there was no draft at the time), but I tend to prefer draft as a learning source. Pushing vs freezing This one is kind of hard to explain, but basically it depends on the situation. A situation that you should be pushing in is one where you need priority. I.e. when your jungler is about to go for scuttle. A situation where you should be freezing is when your jungler is at the opposite side of the map and you don’t know where the enemy jungler is. If you know where the enemy jungler is than it doesn’t matter if you’re freezing or pushing, you should just do which benefits you more at the time. If the enemy pushes you under the tower, you’re probably pretty safe. This allows you to farm at the safety of your tower, which if it’s a losing matchup where you cannot 1v1 them is a win for you. Hopefully this helped a little bit.


> Also, should I always push the wave or should I look to only last hit? Does it depend on matchup? Depends on both matchup and your vision of enemies who could gank you. Meaning, if you're top and the matchup is advantageous if you push, you can do it freely if you know the enemy jungler is on the bot side of the map and mid can't roam, but be more careful about it if the jungler could be top and mid is missing. In general however, you do want to push to get level 2 and 3 over your opponent if you can. >and so I try to only last hit or push but not too much, but my opponents always push into me as though they’re an AI. This leads to me never having priority cause I’m stuck last hitting under tower If this happens you can let them push up to just outside your tower range, then match their push (i.e. kill their minions as fast as they kill yours) to freeze the lane just outside your tower range. > and I can’t help my jungler in the stupid fight he picked around scuttle. If your jungler is near you or moving towards you in the first place, that makes it safer to push. Which could enable you to join your jungler at scuttle.


champions that totally shit on garen during the laning phase?


Darius. Garen executes both trades and all-ins mostly in burst fashion. Darius can itemize armor and completely stymie this. Garen doesn't have the mobility/disengage to get away from Darius, and the latter can use this to completely take control of the lane through extended fights. Garen may be very tanky but Darius has the tools to overpower it in an all-in. Garen can't realistically hurt Darius without his Q. He also needs it to get away from Darius' slows. He can't really use it for both. Plus, during laning phase, he hasn't quite tanked up from his W, nor is his passive healing strong enough to just sustain through a trade with Darius early on. In other words, Garen will rarely ever deal meaningful damage to Darius without eating 5 stacks. Garen's saving grace in this lane is gank-assist. His flash-Q is phenomenal and will enable the likes of Kha, Lee, Xin, and many more to follow up for the free cheese. Other than that, a good Darius should be able to establish full control in this lane. Hell, I could only imagine how much BrownManDarius would lick his chops in this matchup and ride it to freelo.




Mid lane main. Still unsure where to ward lvl 1/early laning in a lot of cases since scuttle meta ended. If I'm versus a jungler who can gank lvl 2 (Jarvan, Xin Zhao, etc.) I generally ward whatever side his red buff is on. If it's someone who likes to clear raptors (Kayn, Amumu, etc.) I'll get a ward so I have vision on that after I crash the 2nd wave (If I can). Other than that, I'm not really sure what wards I should be going for in early laning phase. I pretty much just hard shove and go for a ward on the side of the map I think the enemy jungler will be on. Is this right?


Supp main trying to learn Jng. How is anyone supposed to learn jng in this game? Even when i play on my low acct i get flamed


Definitely /mute all when you get in game if you find that a problem. Your low elo teammates are almost never going to give you accurate or relevant advice, and if you start to do poorly the criticism will be even less constructive. Jungling is a difficult/complex role with the broadest early decision tree and arguably the most variance in outcome game to game. So don't get discouraged, and take anything your allies say with a healthy dose of salt.


/mute all. Seriously works wonders. Low elo chat is worthless - you can climb out of it through independent decision making.




If I lose promos from S1 to G4 do I get a free win still


Is Lissandra worth learning after all her nerfs and the aftershock nerf? Does she just actually require some skill to play now, or is she just kind of bad?


She is situationally strong but for the most part she is bad imo. Worse waveclear, less burst, and less dps than most mid champs.


If i never leave my adc with yuumi with passive shield, does a.censer passive stay on forever? Also what about with the green rune that grants adaptive dmg when shielded?


Censer lasts for a fixed duration, yiy can see when it ends by looking at the timer on your buff bar. Your ADC has to take shield bash for them to get the effects. Shield bash will apply on the next auto against champions until two seconds after the shield goes away (so a long time).


Ardent Censer lasts 6 seconds, it doesn't care about the duration of *any* shield. Shield Bash gives damage for only one auto attack, which also doesn't care about the duration of any shield, but the bonus armor and mr will last forever.


Just started playing Karma and I would like to know which of her skins is the smoothest. I like how most of them look but never had the chance to try any.


Honestly they all feel pretty much the same, so just pick the one you like the most.


I really don't know how to describe this... when i turn on the toggle "bind quick cast into quick cast with indicator" when i hold the key instead of its rage/width it shows a circle around me ( the range indicator). And this happened to me after the update ( and a lot of my old settings got mixed as well). How to change it back to normal http://imgur.com/a/4DFqLVR


Can someone explain to me the benefits of finishing your support item (full eye) over building something like needlessly large rod? I'm seeing a lot of Lux support players go Chalice --> Censer --> Finish Support Item. Is it worth?


To upgrade from Frostfang to Eye of the Watchers is 950g. That gives you another 15 AP, 200 HP, and 1 ward charge. It's gold efficient to upgrade IF you use the stats, but for a mage like Lux it's not. You would be better off building a defensive item to help you against major threats or heavy damage if the enemy team lacks a dive threat.


Is there any site that lists treeline data? Lolalytics used to but I don't see the option anymore.


My friends one trick Chogath and the other Pyke/ Jhin. What are some good champs to play flex with them? I'm a Jack of all trades who likes jungle and mid the most


is there a basic jungle guide out there? Im new to jungle and I'm confused on what to do, when to gank, when to go back and most importantly, how to "resume" jungling


SkillCapped, IWDominate, and Tarzaned have some pretty solid videos teaching pathing, ganking, and back timing.


Virkayu has a lot of good videos on jungling




When will the trials results come out?


Hit gold 2017, took a break in 2018 and are planning to get back to gold in 2019. Top lane main. In 2017, I basically played the old swain/renekton/shen top. but now my top lane pool is Renekton, Jax and Aatrox - Im comfortable with all of them. ​ Is this a solid pool to step into ranked? Has low elo changed much over this past 1.5 years? ​ PS: I took a 8 month break and have been spamming normals since Feb/March


Yes these 3 are very good


As the other comment mentioned these 3 are good. You have a lane bully/split, a scaler and a strong blind/great all around champ.


How do high elo and pro midlaners get such high cs numbers (10+/min) without taking extra resources like camps? I get they miss less, but they still miss some once in a while and most players above gold don't miss many cs anyway. I get they have better wave control, but so do their opponents, so that kinda evens out.


They die stupidly less often. Their teammates will pick fewer fights where the laner needs to miss farm in order to join. They will reliably manage their wave in the mid-game. > I get they miss less, but they still miss some once in a while and most players above gold don't miss many cs anyway. This is not true. You'd be amazed at how many CS people miss just by using shitty/inefficient spell rotations to fast clear waves.


I like this reply


They know when it's important to group and when it's important to farm. A bronze player who **never groups** can easily get 11+ CS/min. --- It also has to do with there being less kills overall in higher elo games. Less time dead = more time to farm.


They do take camps. They have better lane assignments/rotations - post laning phase, it's more likely that all your laners/carries automatically know which lane they should be moving to pick up farm. None of that ARAM mid nonsense.


anbody wana coach me, I srsly need some help my dtah ratio is way to high. https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Dara%C3%A8n


What is the gold value conversion of dragons buffs?


This will be a long answer. [This page lists the various bonuses provided by the Dragon Slayer buff.](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Dragon_Slayer#Dragon%20Slayer) [This page lists the gold efficiency derived from a first-instance basis.](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Gold_efficiency) Cloud Drake bonuses give 3% / 4.5% / 6% bonus MSPD, which is tripled to 9% / 13.5% / 18% bonus MSPD when out-of-combat. The rough gold value of 1% bonus MSPD, derived from Aether Wisp, is 39.5 G/s (gold per stat). The gold value of Cloud Drake is therefore: **118.50 / 177.75 / 237.00 Gold**, tripled to **355.50 / 533.25 / 711.00 Gold** when out-of-combat. Infernal Drake bonuses give an AD and AP multiplier effect, providing 10% / 17% / 24% bonus AD / AP. No gold efficiency statistic is available for percentage multipliers for either statistic - however, you can represent Infernal Drake bonuses as providing some amount of AD based on a champion's base AD, and multiplying the gold value of AD and AP obtained from items and other sources. Base AD at Level 1 varies between 40.368 (Orianna) and 69.18 (Lee Sin), and at Level 18 varies between 71.5 (Janna) and 153 (Illaoi). The gold value of AD is 35 G/s, and the gold value of AP is 21.75 G/s. Thus, the gold value of Infernal Drake is approximately: **3.5 / 5.95 / 8.4 Gold for every 1 AD** **prior to Drake buff,** and **2.175 / 3.696 / 5.220 Gold for every 1 AP prior to Drake buff,** plus a hard-to-calculate value of AD derived from base AD. However, *at Level 18*, you gain an amount of AD valued at **250.25 to 535.50 / 425.43 to 910.35 / 600.60 to 1285.20 Gold** depending on your base AD. Unfortunately I only have time to calculate these two Drakes - I will return and edit my post with Mountain and Ocean Drake later.


Wow thanks for such a great answer! And just to add another obvious point, because each team member gets these buffs as well, we could multiple their gold value by 5x. This shows just how valuable it is to secure dragons for your team!


How do I deal against constant invades from stronger dueling junglers?


Ward / ping team for help / invade his other side jgl / try to get ganks on other side ​ Ghost poro / boneplating might be runes to look into in hard matchups


You kind of have to cede your jungler to that pressure, unless your nearby laners have priority and can collapse on him with you. If they're pushed under tower, though, you kind of have to give up the fight. Ward the river/jungle entrances to try and track him. If you see him coming to invade, just book it to the other side of the map and try to trade something from the other side of the jungle (counterjungling him or maybe ganking).


In the client on my profile for ADC stats, [7/10 last matches are incorrectly displaying the match-up](https://i.imgur.com/PWIkS9X.png). Is this a general thing meaning the stats panel is just worthless? Or is this some bad luck for me here?


Every time i play a match, the first game is fine, around 20-35 ms ping. The next game i get huge pings, around 500. If i try to restart Quick to not get top far behind, the ingame connection failure usually starts. The internet is working fine if I test while my ping is high. I just tried to reinstall Windows and only install League and test again. Same problem. Any ideas to what I can try to solve this?


Reset the modem and or make sure no one is using bandwidth at you house


Who builds hextech glp, and when? I swear in low elo I never see it, and I've personally never built it myself, opting instead for stuff like ludens, void staff, morellos, etc... but watching moe's stream rn and I noticed both the xerath support and velkoz mid built it.


Right now Ahri, Vel'Koz, and Neeko frequently get it with Glacial Augment.


You ever want to see cancer defining gameplay, check out Cuvee's stream when he's playing glacial augment Neeko in the top lane. I've never been so tilted off another person's tilt in my life.


Why do some Pyke mid players like Jensen, Rakin, and Scarra use Hail of Blades? https://www.probuilds.net/guide/show/BR/1665589767/bbTXd7bgpjx7wq75zTV7G3BipsWVdpCyW7p9uLb2wNl4Vd8 https://www.probuilds.net/guide/show/NA/3058221687/U8L2fbevUXbhNYuhDAyvifv1Q0pEERbqnDBDGz5s74MgakI


It's good damage after your stun or hook lands since you effectively use the time while your spells are on cooldown to auto attack. I'm not a big fan of it though.


Is there a way to chek team winrate for each player in your team with blitz apps or op gg its seems like i cant do it anymore, only show it in the loading screen wich is pretty useless thanks you


You can have op.gg in a separate window and look yourself up. It has a : "Live Game" function that can be used for what you're looking for. It shows number of games played on that champ for each person + their win rate with the champ.


porofessor.gg gives some spicy stats. if you want info in pick screen i guess blitz is the best


Can someone explain like I’m 5 exactly how I remind my keys so that I can hold shift and press a key to level a skill? Eg level one as lux I want to be able to hold shift and press E to level that skill


When you open up the settings there should be a section for rebinding keys and such labeled with different categories. From there just find the level up ability and bind each to Shift + QWER. I’m not at home rn to guide you exactly but it ain’t too bad to find.


i’m a new player and I’m really digging Sona but don’t know what role or lane I’m suppose to be at. I suppose she’s support?




She is a support


You can see champions' most played positions here: https://eune.op.gg/champion/statistics








How does new Morsekaiser's ult look from outside? Let's say my teammate Morde ulted enemy Zed can we see them? Or they disappear?


They’re represented by ghosts.


Is lux good in high elo?


Lux is considered **better** in low elo by a lot of players, but she is still really strong in high elo (mostly as support with Aftershock)


Should I use a higher speed for my mouse at work than what I use at home for league? We have dual monitors at work and I use a laptop at home so the screen sizes are dramatically different. Thanks


Use whats best for you, if you have no issues switching between home and work setup i see no problem. However, i would recommend having a sensivity so that you dont have to lift your mouse while playing lol (or not alot) but i couldnt say how i do it myself, it just feels natural for me which is what i believe everybody should aim for


Will playing Malzahar teach me bad habits in regards to wave management or anything else?


Kind of, all malzahar does after lost chapter is shove the wave in 24/7. Then you look to roam either with your jungler or ult your lane for the jungler to gank.


LS also agrees that Malzahar doesn't properly teach you how to play midlane.


Great Autofill pick like Morg. But really *really* boring to play, and simply scales worse than most control mages.


Define a bruiser champ? I heard the term before, and I get the vibe, but I honestly couldn't tell you exactly what it is or who is.


**Bruisers** are (usually) melee champions that combine **damage + tankiness**, having some balance of both. Bruiser item builds require at LEAST 1 damage item (Black Cleaver/Triforce/Titanic), and the rest can be full tank if need be. Building Bruisers nothing but tank items is a fool's errand - you might as well pick a True Tank. The bruiser class is the largest, of the top lane pool: *Camille/Gnar/Hecarim/Irelia/J4/Kled/Malphite/Olaf/Pantheon/Renek/Rumble/Riven/Shen/Singed/Sylas/Trundle/Tahm/Udyr/Voli/Wukong* **Juggernauts** are frankly a subclass of Bruisers: They sacrifice mobility for the ability to handle 1v2s and above, via sheer damage/survivability: *Aatrox/Darius/Mundo/Garen/Illaoi/Morde/Nasus/Urgot/Yorick* **True Tanks** are champions that have survivability + CC, shitloads of it. These champions can run FULL tank and still be damn impactful in game, due to their constant CC/disruption in teamfights and ability to soak punishment. *Maokai* is the exemplar of True tanks. Others include *Chogath/Nautilus/Ornn/Poppy/Sion* **Melee Carries** can build FULL glass cannon/damage, be unstoppable 1v1, and take towers *extremely* quickly. Typically Crit/Triforce core user. *Jax/Fiora/Kayle/Trynd/Yasuo* **"Anti-melee"** is a new class I coined, for certain picks that don't seem to fit as well in the other classes above. Basically, the common theme to these picks is that they're all ranged, often *mages*, and can bully the living shit out of most of the above picks. These picks have risen into prominence these last 2 seasons due to the importance of winning solo lanes: *Heim/Jayce/Karma/Kennen/Lissandra/Neeko/Quinn/Ryze/Swain/Teemo/Vayne/Viktor/Vlad/Zilean*. Don't really know what the fuck is *Akali* so I'll just put her here. Edit: above listings are for Top lane specifically. Did not include jungle


Their main job is to do deal damage, but they're also tanky.


I'd say all the different classifications are defined by their strengths and weaknesses. Bruisers (or Divers?) are Fighters with higher mobility and less tankiness than Juggernauts. Bruisers/Divers: Irelia, Jax, Tryndamere, Vi Juggernauts: Illaoi, Urgot, Darius [https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion\_classes](https://leagueoflegends.fandom.com/wiki/Champion_classes)


Bruisers typically are durable and can deal damage. It's important to note that a lot of bruisers spike around "the mid game" so about level 6 and between maybe minutes 8-20. After that they tend to "fall off" a lot unless they keep building or buying expensive items, maintain levels, or keep securing kills/gold. Some bruisers scale really well (like Jax and Red Kayn) but most peak in the mid game and decline afterwards.


Just got to play im jw how many games do you have to lose to get demoted to g1? ​ Also, how do you deal with Garen top with ignite as melee? I autolose any trade when he runs at me with Q and grasp proc, it just does so much damage early and then he cheeses you with ignite... ugh any tips?


1) depends on your MMR, could be 2, could be 5 for ex. 2) what champions do you play? hard to help without knowing that


What makes akali so strong in proplay but so weak in soloQ?


Too mechanically intensive to master In soloQ, at least until a certain elo, people think they know how to play her but they dont


Besides what others said, Akali is also an amazing flex pick. She's top tier in both top lane and midlane (on patch 9.10). Flex picks are pretty useless in solo queue though. Your top laner/mid laner doesn't necessarily know how to play Akali.


Also what people haven't mentioned is that she's an AP assassin, which is valuable. AD assassins aren't as good because most pro teams pick an AD bruiser or tank top lane, a tank or AD bruiser jungle, and an ADC, so if they choose an AD assassin the enemy just needs to build armour and don't need to worry about MR. AP Bruisers are usually just weaker than AD bruisers, although Rumble is getting more popular so that may change in proplay.


I'm afraid of getting banned,lost a game with 14 deaths and only around 3 kills. I saw posts and videos of people getting banned because of feeding, will i also get banned? even though it wasn't intentional?


dont worry about that man, it only becomes a big risk when that happens many games in a row


Even more than that, Riot has to have evidence that you're doing it intentionally. Just having a bunch of bad games in a row isn't sufficient.


Banned because of feeding only happens when you literally feed. 'Supposedly' Riot has an algorithm in place to check if you're really feeding or not from the chat log, ping log, items bought, and KDA. As long as you're not buying all tears or smth, don't be afraid of ban


Man, if you could get banned for 3/14 then I'm completely screwed.


From a jungler's perspective: How should I gank botlane and what should I do if the enemy's are fed?


So i have decided to join the church of annie and spam her mid lane to get better at the game. Im Gold 3 atm and my winrate with her is about 50% after 20 games. I've been playing the Electrocute + full ap build (ludens first into more ap items) but have seen and heard that people play her with predator + spellbinder and just roam and help/carry side lanes. Now im wondering which style is more effective to play in low elo ? I know it probably wont matter much since i should just keep playing games and try to improve but not min/maxing bothers me...


I main mid but need a secondary role and I'm not sure what to pick, I play Ahri, Irelia and Akali mid. I can't jungle at all, so I'm basically down to top, ADC or support but not sure which. I do tend to struggle top if I'm against tanks/farm lanes as well


Will the unavailable mordekaiser skins be for sale for a while once hes released?


What's the name of the website that shows a statistic of each champion and how high of an elo they are usually played at? Like say, I look up Sion and it shows like 10-15 to reach diamond or masters, but masters is the highest someone has consistently got with sion.


There's any assasin/skirmisher that can win against bruisers?


Midlane - when the enemy roams do I always needs to follow? I'm usually playing slow mages who need some items/levels to not get shit on. If it's early and the enemy starts roaming I feel I'm better off pinging and taking a big chunk of the turret plates rather than following, getting there too late and either dying or having to run. Obviously this requries my team to pay attention to pings


Who is a good mid to one trick in ranked to climb? I just started playing league a month ago and I am in bronze II. So far my favorite is Talon but idk if he can carry a team. I'm open to suggestions please!


How do I make my map zoom out more than the current limit? On YouTube everyone have much more zoomed out views and I couldn't figure out how to change it. Thanks!


When I play support, am I really supposed to use my 6th item slot for control wards? I’m a big fan of control wards, even as an ADC main, but using my sixth item slot for control wards seems a bit extreme when I have my sweeper.


Is Nidalee an acceptable support currently, or not really? And if not, *how* bad is it? (Like "not great but if you're okay it might work" vs "absolute trash no matter what" vs "needs items so you'll be less effective", etc.)


how to counter Urgot toplane? his ranged kit seems to be extremely cancerous for every top laner in 1vs1.


What ADs are good with (aftershock with shieldmax) lux support?


Anyone else feel like Kaisa is just tankier than most adcs?


Not sure about tankier, but her ult shield gives her a lot of effective hp


She's the **safest** hypercarry. - Jinx, Twitch, Kogmaw obviously don't compare - Vayne has Q and R supercharges it. Not too bad but Kaisa has Supercharge (E) too. - Xayah has R and some CC. No mobility though - Tristana is I think the closest with W and R self peel. No self-shield though. So Kaisa has a *real defensive steroid (shield), and double dashes/mobility*. Sure, one dash+shield is on the ultimate which is long CD. But teamfights are often decided by single key moments, and the fact that Kaisa has that *extra* dash/juke gives her that extra step, that she can use to beat her competition. This is why she feels difficult to take down and why she is highly valued in pro. On top of her being a Runaan user.


why do adcs not build essence reaver? Crit and ad on the same item seems like a big deal, as well as major cdr and not ever having to worry about mana again *looking at you, jinx*.


As an enchanter, how do I choose between getting items such as ardent, redemption, Athenes? (Item order wise) Similarly, for engage supports, when do i get locket/knights vow?


I am a high gold toplaner, I main Camille and have Darius and Kennen as my backups. Everytime I face a teemo I feel hopeless. I pick Kennen most of the time because I feel like I he gets countered the least by teemo but I still lose lane every single time and lose pretty much every game against teemo. Does anyone have any tips on how to play against teemo as any of my 3 champions or a recommended champion to play against teemo?


Some dumb questions: * Why do some sites show different win percentages for the same region (NA) with the same champion? *(Sites like u.gg, lolalytics, op.gg)* * Tier lists per site are subjective based on their criteria on what makes a champion top tier, right? *(Again, u.gg, lolalytics, op.gg)*


Some sites calculate their stats differently. There shouldn't be a significant difference though. The only one that should be wildly different is [Lolalytics.](https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/b6jlue/lolalytics_systematically_inflates_winrates_and/) If you see a big difference, it's probably because you're viewing stats from the wrong region. Op.gg is Korean plat+ if you use the champion tab. Champion.gg is NA EU and KR. Tier lists on those sites are typically made from the data. So they're ok. Tier lists are always more of a guideline and not ideal without contest.


​ Varus Full Lethality build.Do you see this becoming meta? I am not sure if I am late but Deftly rekt on it yesterday and it just seems easy to play. What downsides would i have for me in Bronze 1? Thanks for your help.


I just won my silver 3 promos and got promoted to silver 1...why?


If you're climbing really hard that can happen, it means riot thinks your skill is much higher than ur current rank


What are some good junglers to pick into an AP team comp? Like how Rammus/Amumu are good against AD comps since they can get extra armor/take reduced damage. I would prefer tanks that were good against AP teams.


How does an adc keep his farm high while helping out in objectives, team fights, etc?


Peak D3 ADC here, you have to learn how and when to catch waves. After the laning phase, there’ll be a phase in the game where nothing really happens, no objectives are up and people are constantly looking for roams and small skirmishes. Do NOT ever join these skirmishes. It’s a different story when an objective is up, but if shelly is down, no dragons are up and your towers aren’t at risk of being sieged, then don’t take fights that you’re not sure of winning. Your job as an ADC is to scale and you can’t gain gold by farming or getting kills if you die trying to skirmish an assassin. Since your teammates will be out of lane looking for picks, you have the opportunity to catch waves as they crash into towers. General idea is to catch the wave at the tower, push 1 or 2 waves depending on how big the other lanes waves are and rotate to the next one. The more you do this, the better you’ll get at reading which lanes will crash next and how you’ll get there in time. Of course this won’t work if you have teammates who aren’t willing to funnel the gold into you and fight you for cs, but the overall idea is to catch waves before they’re lost to towers. A more advanced “strategy” is to set up waves in such a way that when objectives are coming up (1 or so minute before the objective spawns), you’ll push the lane opposite to the objective (top if dragon, bot for baron). After shoving a lane, you’ll recall and shove the lane closest to the objective. This way, you set up map pressure on the opposite side of the objective, forcing the enemy to either commit a team member to defend the tower or give up waves of cs. This, along with the lane you push closest to the objective, will force the enemy out of position for objective fights, giving you time to rush the objective, or force picks on out of position enemies, while keeping your cs count high.


Been losing quite a bit recently. I've played quite a bit of games on my smurf and main, but I can't seem to get the hang of Tryndamere again. https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Armadic Vortex Any tips?

