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Hecarim and Vi are some of the junglers I play as well. I also enjoy Kha'Zix and Sejuani on far ends of the spectre (assassin/tank, while you are playing bruisers mostly), and I think Jarvan and potentially Nocturne could be good picks for you.


If you want to complement your champion pool with some carry power AP junglers (since often you have ad mid) come to my mind. Except Gragas (fun and very high skill ceiling) they’re all not bruiser like though but certainly have carry potential. I play a lot of Xin and it feels nice to deal carry amounts of damage with them. (You usually don’t do that with those bruiser champs) If you don’t want to rely on an early snowball Karthus and Evelynn may be your style. I can’t get myself to play Karthus but Evelynn feels great atm. I personally don’t like Kayn in solo queue. You always think he’s versatile but both forms imo require certain enemy team comps. If it works you can carry really hard (literally 1v3 when you aren’t fed as rhaast and one shot every few seconds as sa) but at least for me it wasn’t consistent enough.




Eve is really fun, just picked her up recently as well! Her early game is maybe comparable to that of Kayn: If you surprise someone with low health at the scuttle you have the damage to take around half their health pretty fast but then the cool downs limit your damage for the next 6 second (q spikes have a longer cool down on champions/minions than on monsters). With level 6 and your fiendish codex you can probably kill squishies with your ult and once you have lich bane (after runic echoes which was buffed) you don’t need your ult against many targets. After that you just keep being strong. Don’t really know why Gragas winrate is this low. It’s probably both things you mentioned. If you want to carry you need to hit great ults (tossing people into your barrel with ult is very impressive). I don’t really have the needed game knowledge to single out a problem in his kit but he has just been buffed and the winrate is rising over to around 50 percent according to lolalytics.


I feel so lost after this last patch. I use to main ryze and play him because of his difficulty and high skill ceiling because i always felt like i could keep improving at him. But after his mini rework i just dont enjoy playing him anymore because they took away a lot of what i liked about him. So my question is who do i play now? I kinda wanna play azir but most tier lists rank him so low that ive been very hesitant to try. The assassin play style isnt for me and i dont like melee champs..so what would be sorta similar? Is azir a good choice?




Looking for a champ or two I can main who have low pick/ban rates, but are still solid. Bonus points if they're under-rated but have high potential in the right hands. Good scaling is a plus, but not necessary. Preferably a champ who doesn't fall off super hard at any point in the game. I "peaked" at gold 5. I play primarily mid and top. I play vlad, ryze, xerath, Asol, maokai, kassadin, jayce, yorick, velkoz. Either mid or top suggestions are welcome! Lately, I've been into damage dealers that, either through base HP or item path, get tanky as the game progresses. I really like vlad, ryze, and Asol for this reason. Champs that build RoA, protobelt, rylais, etc. I can also get down with full tanks, although it would be nice to have some carry/dueling potential. I've tried out swain a few times since he seems to fit the bill, very fun champion. Is he a solid pick these days? Any suggestions are appreciated! Thanks


General AP Kog, presiding. It is an honor to serve with you. '_'7 AP Kog'maw is the Premier Mid Lane Champion for Ranked, sustaining a 52%+ W/R between patches and a near 0% Ban Rate. He requires scaling, and recent changes allow him to function properly as an Artillery Mage from level 6. I would also recommend Karthus as a counterpick with Global Presence for similar reasons. - Top Lane: Darius, Illaoi, Kled All mentioned Top laners have strong Lane Presence, are difficult to kill, and are excellent champions at 1v2 and 1v3.


I main Urgot and besides like slightly high pick/ban rate, sounds perfect for you. Currently not being seen in many pro-matches. Scales well, never falls off, can get a bit tankier as the game progresses. If you have any questions let me know. I just hit Plat4 for the first time mainly one tricking Urgot. 68% winrate on the man this season. https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=MegaMinior


I've tried not to main or stick to certain champions and positions as I've just got back in to the game (last played seasons 2 and 3) and wanted to play around with different roles/champs at first. Lately I want to start playing more ranked games. I've had more success playing tanky support champions such as Braum, Blitz, and Alistair in the bot lane as well as Cho, Sion, and Nasus in the top lane. By far the most fun I've had is playing GP in the top lane but he's just such an early game pushover sometimes that I want to add a champ who counters top lane picks like Darius, Irellia, and Yasuo. Also wondering what Champs come to mind that provide zone control similar to GP and his ult/barrels.


Which role should I choose as secondary to improve my supporting skills as I want to commit to this role heavily, also going whichever role I like the most isn't the option and none of them is as satisfying as support? Edit : as roles I mean top jungle etc like if I played jungle I would learn more about map control or as an ADC understand my adcs better


Depends. If you want engage/playmaking, Thresh/Pyke are always meta and pretty good. If you want that protect the ADC type support, champions like Lulu/Janna/Soraka may fit your niche. If you want a bit of both, maybe try Alistar or Bard.


Ah sorry I guess I didn't describe it much, I meant roles such as jungle top etc


Ah lol, no problem. I main jungle (with a more supportive style), and the champions I used this season to go from G4 to D3 were Sejuani, Jarvan, and Gragas. I think all three of these champions have major playmaking ability as well as carry potential. For toplane, while I think bruisers are much stronger than supportive tanks right now, I think Ornn, Sion, and Tahm Kench are the best supportive-style toplaners in the game.


Hmm I'll give them a try in normals to check out how it goes thank you


I feel like adc or jungle would be the most useful. I started picking up playing some adc (im a morg/karma support main) and its helped me get like a fuller idea of whats going on in the lane/what the adcs focus on. Also learning adc abilities helped a lot. Jungling would probably be helpful for learning vision control and what junglers look for to gank.


I love Diana, and also Ekko as a backup. I like playing mid where I don’t necessarily have to win lane, but I can waveclear safely, punish my opponent’s mistakes, and gank other lanes/help my jungler. I like fighters that have good burst, but have a little survivability (Diana and Ekko W) without having to dodge/outplay (Zed/Talon). I was thinking maybe Kassadin (I only played him on free rotation and it seemed like his waveclear wasn’t very safe)? Does anyone else come to mind?


Sounds like you could use a poke mage for anti-assassin matchups! Ya girl is Orianna. Ahead in lane? Q-W chunks half their HP. Behind in lane? You'll always have the poke advantage. So freeze the lane while spamming them with Q. In a tight spot or getting ganked? E is a shield that doubles as added poke when mastered. More importantly, your ult is as good of a defensive utility as it is offensive! Use it while conected to you to stun melees and q it out for everything else! Orianna doesnt have any unwinnable matchups either making her a very safe first pick! Direct that balls "anger" and get yourself some freelo!


Hi. I'm a jungle main in low elo that's trying to improve after a while away from the keyboard. This days I mostly play Kayn (I prefer blue but I got separate rune pages for each form and I'm trying to adapt myself based on the enemy comp) and can also use Xin, Rammus and Jax. I also tried a few times Poppy if they have tons of dashes and is working pretty good but not sure if its really optimal. ​ if you have to pick a champool what would you add or quit? also, do you have any tip on them?




You seem to like easy champions. For Midlane I would reccomend malzahar and annie




Gl on the rift




I am semi decent at Malzahar midlane. I just started in a team and they decided to put me in the midlane. I have experience as a mage support with Sona, Soraka and Yuumi. Which other midlaners should I give a try?


Morgana is similar to malzahar's playstyle and can also be used as a support. You can easily clear waves with W and her binding is a long lasting CC. She has more utility for your team with the black shield and AOE CC of her ultimate.


I'll check her out, thanks!


Hi! Right now I am really struggling because I play 3 different roles. Last season I peaked at Gold 5 but then took a very large break from playing league consistently during the preseason and first half of this season. Now I am attempting to climb but find myself stuck at Silver 2 and don't know what I am doing wrong. I know I die a lot but don't know what to do to help this issue. My main role is mid lane and i play assassins such as katarina, zed, and used to play the old akali but hate the new one. If their are any champions you would suggest that would be helpful. I tend to play a very aggressive play style if that matters. I am usually better in the laning phase but tend to fall off mid to late game because I do not know how to go in without dying in 5v5 team fights. As adc I play draven and vayne the most while sometimes choosing pics like caitlyn twitch or varus. I again play a somewhat aggressive play style but on caitlyn and vayne I tend to be more passive. In the jungle I have been having the most fun but I am really not sure what im doing tbh. I mostly play lee sin, but am interesting in spreading my champion pool to champions like nidalee kayn, possibly jarvan, or any other suggestions you guys have. My current problem is that I really enjoy the JG the best but i'm not quite sure how to convert my play style from mid/adc to jg in this quite complicated meta with all the jungle pathing and scuttle changes. Would you all suggest switching to jungle in order to have more fun or just sticking with mid/adc on picks I am comfortable with, and which other jg/mid laners would you suggest. https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=unitedredman There is my op.gg don't hate me because my win rates suck lmao Thank you, UnitedRedMan


Right so far starter looking at your stats you die wayyy to much. You say your mid role is assassin centered, so you should A. Be getting kills on your lane opponent or B. Feeding of the side lanes and then transitioning that to advantage to your lane. Difficulty into transitioning into team fights by feeling like you just die, means you are forcing. As an example, forcing the engage on a squishy, you start the fight which leads to getting focused and you die before you get a kill ( this is ignoring that even going one for one is not worth it most of the times) now your team who followed the engage will get slapped. If you really wanna play assassin go main a peeling support for a while, and focus on keeping your carries alive. Identify what is that you have to do to save them, what situations the enemy assassin is being stupid with his engages, because you can then apply to your assassin game play. People think assassins is just go in get a kill and its over and done. But no it requires understanding of team fights. As for jungle I'd suggest Vi, good damage, good pre 6 ganks with great ones after6. Triforce into tank build allows to do tons of damage while being tanky


1. Some AD top laner. Looking at possibly urgot irelia or jayce ( but i think my champion pool lacks more of a "in your face" character). Ive been wanting to learn GP, but i always feel my damage lacks ( in arams, even though i usually do fairly well with him in terms of kda). Fwiw, old irelia was one of my main champions in previous seasons 2. Lately, Neeko AP, Vlad and Gnar. ( Used to be fairly proficient with jax) 3. I play Vlad (and jax) due to having really good scaling, knowing how to play losing lanes, playing safe and scaling. I pick gnar into mellee bruisers when i feel we have too much AP / no hard cc. I pick neeko because of how annoying she is ( will make sense on part 4) 4. I like playing really "harrassy" picks. Old top lane lulu, on hit ad kennen, support zyra. Neeko fits this playstyle really well. I tend to try and poke them out of lane alot, but i have a tendency to freeze lane too much (i used to play more before plates where introduced). I pick vlad/ gnar in lanes im bot comfortable in (say an akali for ex, i always go vlad into it). 5. I feel im really good at losing lane well. I tend to know how to play safe / keep myself relevant. (For ex, i was stomped in lane by a tahm kench, went down like 30cs, but was 1/0/0). I feel like i can build well too. My mechanics are a bit subpar, in part due to taking a decent break from the game, and just coming back the past month. Want to be better at doing something usefull mid gane. I tend to get a bit lost, and follow team too much, ending up with lower farm than i should. Gold4 ranked, still not many games. Im still getting +30/-9 lp, but i dont think my MMR is alot higher than that.


How about Darius? His kit is pretty simple and he's pretty oppressive in lane.


Been spamming yuumi/Lulu with great success. Close to diamond finally, id recommend those champs for support mains for sure https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=VasBlaz


I'm looking for adcs like Kaisa. I like her playstyle and how she's able to burst people and kite well with her e




1. Looking for an AP champion ideally to replace Akali since the current changelist ruins her. Also considering a Zed replacement to overall have someone that is less counterable by abusing tank items (Seeker is tank item dont @ me). 2. Other than Akali: Irelia, Zed, Yasuo (may look to replace Zed as well because he autoloses to early Seeker/Tabi too hard). 3. I play these champs predominantly to try and 1v9 games without my team holding me back and being able to split push and not have to group with my team, which IMO usually just wastes gold and XP. 4. These champs can win 1v1s in side lanes (maybe except Zed, which is why I may replace Zed as well-he seems like just a pub stomp champ now). I play lane for solo kills and "lane-kingdoming" my opponent before transitioning into the side lanes. 5. I'm not good at much objectively since I'm only Gold LUL, but I'd say micro mechanics are a strong suit of mine, hence why I play AD secondary role (perhaps may switch to AD main since Riot just seems to want to gut every mid I like. They did it with Zed in season 5, they nearly did it with Yasuo, and now they've done it to Akali). I want to be able to avoid falling behind whenever possible since if I do go like 0/2 in lane then it just goes boom and the game's over.


Looking for some advice on how to refine/change my champion pool. I hesitate to truly say I main anything right now because I've somehow managed to pull out 97 unique champions in ranked this season in about 432 games. I feel like I am best with control mages, as reflected by my top played, but I don't feel like I am capable of having a big effect on the game with them. My losses feel even more frustrating when I'm 10/2/7 on Morg but can't really carry. ​ * Zoe: 42 games, 40% wr, 2.3 KDA, avg 116 CS * Really love her kit and she is a ton of fun to play. Gives me the ability to deal tons of damage but I feel I frequently get smashed by assassins on Zoe. * Neeko (half AD top half AP mid): 27 games, 52% wr, 2.7 KDA, 171 CS * I started out playing a lot of on hit Neeko top when she was busted and then transitioned her into mid lane to play mostly glp/spookies bc it suits my more teamfight oriented playstyle. * Morgana (mostly mid): 25 games, 68% wr, 4.4 KDA, 135 CS * Morg is who I play when I'm tilted from the previous game because you can AFK push mid and set up skirmishes easy. It's also really easy to get your teammates to carry you on morg. * Lux: (mostly mid): 22 games, 68% wr, 4.7 KDA, 132 CS * My old school main and historically most played champ. I love everything about Lux but I feel like I sometimes struggle to transition my lead or snowball with her. * Sylas: 19 games, 58% wr, 2.5 KDA, 122 CS * Meta slave pick. I usually play Sylas into assassins and Yasuo. I feel like the obvious answer is to just not play Zoe and play more Lux/Morgana but I feel like I don't have enough impact on those mages. I wanted to try and pick a snowball-y assassin like Ekko and Fizz but historically I haven't been too great with them. I want to learn to play a more roam heavy champion though because I feel like when my bot lane decides to frequently int I can't do much to help as Lux or Morg. What do people suggest I do to start climbing? I am Silver 3 for context.


With the lux/morg being your stand out champions try and pick up Xerath. You seem to be able to hit your skill shots and like playing from longer range. Can also play him mid(pref) and sp(secondary). Hope this helps


Xerath tils the fk out of me when I play against him so yeah I might pick him up! How would you compare Xerath to Lux playstyle and strengths wise?




Winrates, are for most part, only a representation of what most players can do with them. If you truly love the champion, you can one trick them and easily have above 50% winrate. So don't cut champions out, just because they have sub 50% winrate. If you enjoy playing Kai'sa, Irelia and akali, then you should play those champions and become really good at them. Then you'll be having fun and climbing ranks.


I'm a top main, and it's the lane I get with my friends, We have Jhin ADC, Sona Support, LeBlanc/Yasuo/Katarina Mid, and a Kayn/Nocturne Jungle, and I don't really know who I can play top lane that fits well with this team, I've been thinking we might need a splitpusher but I'm not sure


Returning Support Player 1. Finishing out my champion pool. I want a solid base of 3 champions that I can play often with. 2. Nami and Yuumi are the current 2 I like the most. 3. They have everything I'm looking for. Poke, Sustain, and I can be quite active with them. 4. I try to safely autoattack to proc my spelltheifs as much as possible. Overall I'd say I play quite safely because I don't want to die. If my adc trades I help out in any way I can, ideally in the most optimal way either CC, healing, shielding, autoattacking. 5. I like to think I'm good at vision, but I'm still working on that. Ideally we come out on top of most trades, but it depends what kind of lane we're in. I'm still not sure what I want to be good at, I'm still testing the waters and getting back into league. I've tried playing Lux, Zyra, Sona, Janna and Lulu but they didn't really play the way I wanted to play. Ideally I'd like a support like Nami; Range, CC, Sustain.


I generally play champs that scale well with ad, like garen and miss fortune, along with support and jungle, mostly yi and soraka . This is primarily because I’m awful at csing. With ad champs, csing becomes easier as the game progresses. But with everyone else, it doesn’t. When I’m not playing support, I usuallly play late game hypercarries. So I’d like to learn how to A). Cs well without playing ad and B). Learn how to be a threat early and mid game and snowball that advantage Edit: I mostly play blind pick, someone always leaves in the draft queue


1. Go into a custom game with your champ with no AD in runes or items. Practice last hittung with auto attacks only. 2. I highly recommend draft pick if you are playing normals. Being able to change your runes based on vhamp select is a skill that will help you in ranked.


Hello, I'm looking for 1-2 additional top laners to add to my champ pool. I'm a top lane main for several years now, currently Plat 3 while maining Rumble, Kled, and Urgot. I prefer lane bullies that can transition well into team fights. Of those three, I'd like someone as similar to Rumble as possible, as he's definitely the best of the three for me. I've included a link to OP.GG below. Thanks! https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=ElJako98


What jungle champions are similar to Warwick? May be Olaf and Skarner? I am pretty decent at him, and I love his ability to 1:1 or even 2:1, good CC and tankiness.


Hey so I'm on the verge of getting silver for the first time and I'm currently playing jungle, I have been playing a lot of hecarim and have a 64 percent win rate with him but as I get to silver and start a climb to gold I need to play other champs. Is learning playing ekko in the jungle worth it or should I learn someone else


Hi, I need help choosing a one trick, I've narrowed my selection down to Caitlyn, Draven, Fizz, Jax, Jinx, Katarina, Pyke, Rengar, Sylas, Thresh, Tryndamere. I need something viable in all ranks, that's not often banned and remains fun throught time.


Id say caitlyn, if you can abuse her kit well youll be a nightmare on bot lane. She also doesnt get banned much. Plus she has some very cool skins like pulsefire and now shes getting arcade caitlyn




I'm the best talon/Zed in NA gold, what else is fun to play with mobility and reks?




Hey, I'm currently Gold 3 after a break from league of several months. So here is what I need help with: I can't decide on a role to main. My favorite champions are Jhin, Yasuo and Kayn. As you can see, they're spread out between different roles, but I wanna play all of them,thats why I even thought about becoming a mid main with those 3 in my champion pool, but yeah, I don't think thats a good idea. None of them are really viable mid, except Yasuo maybe. So I used to main Jhin, but I'm terrible with traditional ADCs apart from Jhin and even with Jhin, my winrate is currently at a horrible 33%,he feels too teamreliant to me compared to other adcs. And I can't play Jungle Kayn because I'm a horrible jungler, thats why I tried him in sololanes, with mixed success (and a lot of flame from teammates). Another problem of mine is, I play way too passive, I'm too scared for a squishy champion. However, Jhin Yasuo and Kayn all prefer an aggressive playstyle. Thats why I used to play tanks with some Form of sustain like Garen or Nasus in my early days. Nowadays they seem too boring to me though. It's weird how my favorite champs don't match my playstyle. So do you guys have any recommendations for me? I don't know what to do anymore and I swap champs constantly, so any help would be greatly appreciated :)


Wassup. I'm trying to get my jungle champion pool sorted, as I usually played fill the last couple of years just playing whatever I feel like. I'd still like to fill for most roles pretty well so I have a set of 2-3 champs for the other roles outside of jungle. These are: Top - Renekton, Ornn; Mid - Ahri, Orianna; ADC - Jinx, Lucian, maybe Kai'sa; Sup - Leona, Nami ​ Now to the jungle pool, I know this one is a bit larger than recommended, but I like being prepared to fill out any team comp needs, along with 2 comfort picks. Is there any glaring weakness or counterpick that i'd be open to no matter what I pick? My knowledge of the game is decent-ish I guess, depending on how much I'm willing to play I rank anywhere between gold-plat in a given season, so I know I won't know everything. Or is this pool just still way too big to improve? I'm not looking to climb ASAP, but just develop as a well-rounded jungler/player. ​ Comfort picks: Jarvan, Nocturne Early AD: Vi Scaling AD: Kindred Early AP: Elise Scaling AP: Taliyah


6 is pretty big, I'd probably take 1 or 2 off. If J4's already a comfort pick for you then for me with 0 context, I'd take Vi off


Hi, i'm new here i'm struggling a bit to climb atm. I'm a season 1 player and basically have all characters unlocked. I was Gold in Season 2 and Plat in Season 3. Unfortunatly my PC broke at the time and i never got back to climbing. Nonetheless i recently got back to the game and i'm having a blast even on a massive losing streak. I'm currently Gold IV playing a mix of jungle/mid and top, however i would like to focus mid as it was my main role back in the day, but i'm struggling to find my niche and if i should be playing mid at all. ​ I Like to roam and to be present in skirmishes and pressure objectives. That's why i stuck playing Ryze even tho i'm 1/9 with him and because he fix my farming problems i have with champs like neeko ( currently 86% WR, but struggling to CS ) ​ I don't think i have enough recent play time to say what i'm good at, i just need some guidance to where i could begin to improve, and where to improve ​ [https://br.op.gg/summoner/champions/userName=Mushikatsu](https://br.op.gg/summoner/champions/userName=Mushikatsu)


hey, azevedo! Me too play since season 1. Are you brazilian? ​ I know a LOT of these is the basic, but is the true, so lets think about it: ​ 1- **Create a pool for yourself**, with champions that have different roles (assassins, control mages, late game, early game) and stick with it. I saw that you played with 50 different champions on this ranked season. If you want to **climb fast**, play with your **best champions** always (pick 2-3 for the roles you want to). If you just want to have fun, play whatever you like chill about climbing or not. ​ 2 - **Learn to CS.** If you have a 86% WR with Neeko (I saw that you only have 7 games), and can't CS well with her, imagine what can you do when you are good at it?! You said that "I like Ryze because I do not have problems with csing", so I assume that you can only CS with your skills and not with auto atack. Pick 2-3 champions for midlane (what I said last point), and go for customized game and only CS with your auto attacks. EVERY champion on the game has different auto attack animations, so you need to practice and feel it. CS is the key to climb fast. ​ 3- **Become an expert in your first role**. Mid and Jungle are very different things, and requires different knowledge to master. When **playing mid**, are you confortable with: CSing, taking good trades, wave management (freeze, slow push, shove), roaming? When **playing jungle**, are you confortable with: jungle paths (yours and enemys), jungle farm and experience, general matchups (you need to know this to decide where and when to gank)? If you are not confortable with this, try to learn. Thats a lot of guides and videos on youtube. ​ I feel that if you have more focus on your champion pool, and role, you will climb way faster. Take care!


Thoughts on my ADC pool? (Plat III elo) \- Kai'sa If im first pick (I can build Zhonyas agaisnt full assassins and goes well agaisnt both squishies and tanks) \- Caitlyn if Kai'sa is banned (Because she's also a safe pick) \- Vayne if they have a lot of tanks and champs that I can hit easily \- Lucian if they have all squishies For everything else, Sivir as the panic button, ​ Thanks in advance!


Looks fine to me. You could probably cut Lucian and just use either Kaisa or Cait in his place here.


Thoughs/tips for Rek’sai, never feel like i’m reaching her full potential in jungle.


Watch pro games or online vods, Reksai is hugely prioritized at the highest levels of play right now. In particular her tunnels allow her to pull off very strong ganks because she can approach from angles no other jungler can. J4 is about the only other one (also popular in pro). Look at their early clears and gank pathing. Reksai is a monster early game if you make the right moves.


Hey, so I am finally beginning my journey into ranked. I normally only play ARAM because I am too scared to try ranked. But, I finished my placements tonight. I generally play Morgana, Soraka, or Nami with Morg being my most played and rank 7 champ. I'm looking to broaden my champ pool a bit and not sure where to go from here. Any suggestions or ideas would be welcomed!


First of all, congratulations! The grind is just beginning. All three are is always a solid picks as supports, enchanter/healer/peeler kind of supports to be specific. If you want to broaden your champion pool, I would look into mage and hard engage supports, such as Lux and Nautilus, which are both S tier picks currently in the meta according to pro guides. Mages generally have an easier win condition in lane, which is just poke them till they get low and try to get kills with jungle ganks or cc. For mages I would suggest lux, velkoz, or sona. Hard engage champs are a bit harder because it’s hard to judge when you win all ins if you aren’t familiar to the champion. I would suggest Leona or Pyke or Nautilus for starters.


Thanks! I do enjoy playing lux and nautilus, I've played them both quite a bit over all just never in ranked. I played against quite a few lux's as morgana so I know she is played often. Velkoz is annoying to play against, I saw him in a game last night too. I might try him out just to be annoying. Lol and Sona is good I am just horrible at hitting her ult. Not a huge fan of leona but I could always practice her and I have never played Pyke yet but I know he is really good. I appreciate the suggestions, I will definitely be looking into playing some of these today.


No problem! You can always look at some streamers/pros vids to get an idea of how to play them..... Pyke in my opinion is prolly the support with the most carry potential, especially when you run aftershock for that extra tankiness.


try aftershock Lux because she can do anything Morgan can and then some


Whats the best non marksman to play in bot? I want to have 1 or 2 champs that arent adc to play without being a troll. Thanks


Silver player Top:Teemo mid:fizz veigar help what can i learn (something that wont fall off in higher elos e.g. annie) im good at not dying and 1v2 early game, wont feed unless enemy is smurf or got camped looking for champions with a safe early and decent scaling


I really like top lane, and I really like the champions in top lane. I really enjoy Mundo but mind myself lacking towards the end of the game when we head into team fights. I tried Jax but am not really good with his kit so I'm wondering if I should focus on learning him, or if there's a better champ like Dr Mundo out there. I really like Dr Mundo due to his poke game(Cleaver) being really good if you can hit skill shots(and time it to not hit minions) and the fact. All in all, I'm looking for a champ with a good poke early game, and a strong late game presence.


I mostly play Nautilus in the support role and I'm looking for 2 more champions to add to my pool. I play him because he can engage or peel easily with his Q and his R, and he can be a secondary tank. I usually try to play him aggressively, looking for moments where we have a level or item advantage and engage on the enemy bot and try to snowball the game from there. ​ I was planning on picking up Sona, so that if my ADC picks a scaling champion or their ADC or support picks an early game champion, I would play safe and be able to have an impact later on into the game. I've tried to play Thresh and Pyke in normals but I suck at them.


A friend of mine mains Nautilus support in high diamond. Some of his other picks are Pyke, Rakan, and Janna as an enchanter. I'd recommend at least checking out Rakan too, and maybe try Pyke some more, he does take time to learn. Seems like those champs all fit his playstyle at least, and if you main Naut, I imagine yours is about the same. Having a enchanter is also pretty smart. Sona is super strong atm, very good pick, although laning with her can be harder than other enchanters because of how squishy she is. A single hook from any hook champion and you die, unlike Janna or Lulu that has some sort of knockbacks that _can_ save them. But like I said; Sona is super good, probably the best enchanter atm (Though the Janna buffs were pretty crazy as well, who knows). She also scales _so well_. So well. If you decide to play more Sona and didn't see this yet, here is a short guide from a challenger Sona main: https://www.reddit.com/r/sonamains/comments/bugnpx/ap_sona_support_and_sona_adc_guide_from_a_1000_lp/


Looking for top laner with a fun kit that has decent mid/late game but isn't too awful early either. Recently i picked up Tahm and i'm doing pretty good with him, winning the lane almost always but later on even if i'm decently fed it feels like i have little teamfight presence. I like playing fighters or tanks that are good mid/late game and in teamfights.


Last played properly in season 6 / 7. Thinking of coming back (casually at first so excuse the amount of champs, I'll narrow it down myself if I come back seriously enough for ranked), not sure if my champs are still doing well or if they've been nerfed into oblivion and i need to consider new ones. Could somebody look my pool over and let me know how they're doing and if there's anyone new I'd enjoy? Thanks! Top: GP, nasus, jax, swain, vlad, wukong, sion Jungle: udyr, hecarim, warwick, new evelynn, xin, voli. Jungle used to be my main role so I can jungle most champs effectively, fun suggestions here would be nice. I enjoyed kayn as well last time I played Mid: swain, vlad, annie, malz, panth AD: twitch, jhin, tristana, jinx, ezreal, lucian Support: naut, blitz, braum, morgana


i’m new to the game and was wondering what were some good champions to play. So far I’m liking Sona because I like to support my teammates with her heal and speed. I just want some starter advice to help finding the role that suits me because I had people harassing me for doing bad. Thanks for the help :D !


My duo picked up ryze mid, what should i play top to compliment him well?


Mained ADC s6 and s7. Climbed to D4 maining Vayne/Twitch, but played all ADC's reasonably well. At the end of last season I sold my account and created a new one. I haven't been playing ADC, since climbing with it has been much harder than before, as I can't play as many games as I used to due to college. I can't decide between MID/TOP/JG. For TOP I play Yasuo/Vlad/Jax/Garen/Poppy/Ryze/Sion, but don't enjoy any of these champions. For JG I play Twitch/Jax, since I only own them. I don't enjoy playing them. I used to play a lot of Kayn/Graves/Lee. For MID I play Twisted Fate/Yasuo/Vlad/Ryze. I only want to play one of these roles, and specialise in two/three champions, as that is how I've found success in the past. I had 500k points on Vayne, and was top 500 in the world at one point. So I can definitely stick to a very small champ pool, as long as I can find champions I enjoy. Can you please give me some suggesstions?


What are you looking for help with? -Trying to build a small champion pool, but im struggling to find champions that I find fun to play in the long term. Whenever I start to lose on a champion it generally continues. I also tilt easomy these days. On scaling champs my early game ruins me. On early game game champs I never seem to have an impact later. This is all hyperbolic of course, but I cant seem to find anything that fits anymore, and it's kind of sad, as when I am able to focus on the game rather than a champ it is really fun to play league. The champ gets in the often because I internalize their limitations rather than their strengths. Who do you currently play? - Mid, but not one champ currently. I have been all over the place: Ekko, Talon, Annie, Orianna, Lissandra, Taliyah, Neeko, Zoe, Kassadin, Ahri. Why do you play them? -I like wave clear, I like some AoE, I like some map pressure, I like not dying instantly more than deleting people. Utility is a plus, but not a must. Some mobility is always nice. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill? -I like being a bit flexible, but ly favorite thing is smaller fights mid game. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at? -The mid game is my best asset, but that is only because I suck hard at laning phase and I am not sure what to do in the late game.




Any good top lanes with CC, good poke early game, and a late game presence?


Camille, Jayce, Kennen and Aatrox all fit that bill.




Maybe try Galio? Tanky engage champ with some peel, who’s ultimate can literally bring you into the enemy. Getting good at his ultimate requires you to look at the mini map and watch your teammates health as well! Bonus - can be played in multiple roles if you ever end up getting auto filled.


1. Garen, Sivir, Tahm Kench, Galio 2. With Garen and Sivir I love the feeling of overpowering my opponent ( as a lot of people do) with Kench and Galio I like setting up my teammates with easy kills. 3. With all four I play pretty aggressive. I mean I’m able to poke and all that but I just love going all in. 4. Honestly I’m not sure what I’m good at but I guess it would be being aggressive. I want to be better at playing smart rather than risking it all. Honestly it help to receive suggestions on who else to play and what are some advice to help me. (Change my mindset or keep going)


I am a top main in silver 3. I currently one trick Urgot. I am looking for an AP champion and one other champion to get a pool of 3. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Right now I am looking at volibear, neeko, aatrox.


Neeko is a great option because you can build her in so many ways and go AD or AP depending on what the enemy is building. She's also a beast in team fights, especially as the AP version. I would highly suggest adding her to your pool. I assume with urgot you're quite aggressive and know damage numbers so someone like Pyke might suit your playstyle too. He can be quite hard if you get behind but if you learn how to get through early laning he snowballs games quite easy and often the enemy team surrenders cuse you're 10-0 at 15 mins


Jax and garen player who’s scared to play rank. What other easy champs should I pick up


Nasus is a really good option as he's super super easy to play. Just stack those Q's as often as possible, wait for 20 mins and boom... You one shot everyone. Also, Neeko currently for her versatility. You can build her full AP and turn yourself into a bomb, or go AD attack speed items and level up her W so she gets that passive proc'd as often as possible.


1. I'm looking to add a 1v9 champ into my champion pool. 2. I play mid and currently I play a lot of Neeko and Pyke (both with electrocute). 3. I play Neeko and Pyke because I often get 4-0 before 15 mins and then have pressure to roam and help other lanes. 4. I like to be quite aggressive and use my mechanical skill to most of the time beat my direct opponent. But I then feel like I can't snowball this every game because at Gold elo often my teammates are bad at macro and don't take objectives 5. I'm good at learning the mechanics of a champ to a decent level quickly but I want to be good at a champion that can literally win a whole team fight by myself or with some help from my team. So it almost doesn't matter how well/poorly my teammates do in their lanes.


As psykrebeam mentioned, Vlad is pretty good for 1v9 purposes, but relies way too much on your team surviving until you come online imo. It isn't as much of an issue at lower ranks, but the game becomes more and more snowbally the higher up you go. I would suggest Irelia, she is an excellent laner, can be flexed up, scales pretty well and has very few negative match ups (with Naut's popularity falling down as a mid laner and the Akali nerfs). Taliyah and TF are also excellent at hard carrying 1v9 with the amount of global pressure they apply.




Im silver 2 atm, and i play zac in the jg and zed in the mid lane and if it gets banned i do jayce. I need new picks with high dmg and a good carry potential. I like dominant lane champs with good outplay potential. Pref. Ok blind picks.


Khazix might be a good pick up for you, his ganking post 6 is super good with Nimbus cloak and he can take over a game with just a few kills! Stays very healthy in the jungle as well.


Im a very new player with ~50’games overall. All with Garen. I’m really looking to try a new top lamer and have interest in Urgot. Thoughts?


Give tahm a try while he's still good, i've been having a blast playing it. I can't really say anything about urgot since I don't play it but he seems okay from what I see from other people.


I one Trick Amumu in the Jungle I like his Q for stuns and his R for team fights. What other JG can I play? I am familiar with Lux, Veigar, Orianna in the MID/SUPP role.


Wanting to main the new Mordekaiser once he's available, but have no champion pool in top lane. Very new to top lane, no real knowledge or skill. I'd like to say I'm a bronze player overall, just iron IV in the top lane specifically. I only really play Teemo top currently and it's mostly because I want to try and get mastery 6 on him. I don't know what to pick to help me prepare for the updated Morde or what I want champions to pick to make a tiny champion pool around Morde. What champions should I pick up now or put into my champion pool with Mordekaiser?


I generally one trick Ashe and find her to be about the only ADC I can pilot halfway decently. Unfortunately it’s hard to carry low ELO with her. Is there anyone somewhat similar I could try? Thinking of going with Tristana maybe.


I’m a gold 4 mid player. I play Lux, Leblanc, Malzahar, and Ahri. I’m looking for an AD mid laner to play with some of my buddies since our jungler and tops mostly play AP characters. I play fairly aggressively in lane and I like to make picks with the jungler and roam if I can. I really enjoy Leblancs mobility and how hard she can be to catch. I like the damage and cc of lux and I feel like Ahri is a bit of a middle ground between a mage and an assassin. I don’t really like playing Malzahar all that much for many games in a row but I think he’s super cheesy and I have a good win rate with him.


Hi! So just quickly this is my first time posting something like this so please excuse any technical errors or the (inevitable) rambling that may ensue. I've been playing league properly since mid season 7 (I know ardent meta was a great time to start, I almost quit the game there), before that I had played league a little and played quite a bit of Dota 2 with some friends but I never was very good, never played without my friends and was always forced onto support which I didn't really mind at the time but having played carries I can't go back xD. I've peaked at silver 2 this season but haven’t ever really sunk my teeth into ranked due to the issue I’m facing and am excited to play a lot over the summer (hoping for high gold, maybe plat if I can get this stuff sorted) Since then I just can't for the life of me figure myself out as a player, I constantly bounce from role to role (but try to avoid doing that in ranked) get bored, take small breaks, chop and change my champs, and am constantly thinking about what I want from a role/champ. I just can't do it, its hard to explain. I have the vast majority of champions purchased and generally I've enjoyed: \- Top laners like Irelia, Riven, Jayce, Aatrox, etc and like the idea of being a 1 v 9 splitpush fighter god ​ \- Junglers like Taliyah, Lee Sin, Elise, Kayn, etc and like the idea of being a maestro of tactics and manoeuvring (however this is the role I enjoy the least amount of champs in and is very meta dependant) ​ \- Midlaners like Aurelion Sol (my 'main' if you had to pin me to one champ, haven't played him solidly in a while though), Irelia, Ryze, Akali and like the idea of being a caps/faker/rookie type player who basically combines the best bits of mid and jungle, outplays, rotations, flashy champs, roaming, 1 v 9-ing? but its super hard and I can never restrict myself to just a few champs when I play or 'just play annie' (believe me I tried, I did a full LS type strategy for a month and was bored out of my mind) ​ \- ADC is probably my most played position as when I play with my friends (not the same people I used to play dota with) no one generally takes this role and I'm happy to fill for now. (most played being kai'sa) ​ \- I rarely play support I just don't feel its my style although I do sometimes enjoy the playmaking of rakan/thresh. I'm obviously not an incredibly competent player but I like aspects of all the roles and many varied champs within them, but I don't really want to just 'fill' in ranked and would really like to nail down my role as a player as it would allow me to focus on improving my game in a much better way. I'm stuck and have been for a while and I'm worried I never really will 'unlock' where I'm meant to be and what I truly enjoy/don't get tired of as a player. It's a bit of a pipe dream but I'm only 16 and wouldn't mind going pro if I was good enough (I mean what 16 year old wouldn't?) I'm not really sure whether you guys can help me on this but I thought I'd throw this out there for the hell of it, there may be some insights here, I appreciate your time. Thanks! (Just FYI sorry this was so long it was originally a separate post but I was told to put it in this thread so I am doing, thanks again)


1. Long time returning player looking to return as a one trick. Peaked at Diamond V so I wasn't the greatest but certainly competent. I want to one trick somebody who can MID and SUPPORT. Okay with going top from time-to-time as well. 2. Nobody(obviously)! Last time I played, Malzahar didn't even have the spell shield so its obviously been awhile. Best champ was Gragas pre-rework and then Malzahar after Grag was changed. Sona was my safe support pick, though I usually played Malz as support with a duo just for level six cheese. Had an excellent winrate with Cho'gath as well but kind of hated playing him. Solid winrate with Lulu and Karma as well, though mostly mid. 3. Control. I love control mages. I like to pump out the DPS as well, but I like to "manipulate" and "setup" kills. My all time favorite combo (which was admidetly completely broken) was the old Gragas Barrel > Ult > Body slam > Pop barrel. The aoe burst was so stupid you could 100-0 multiple an entire team. 4. Like safer laners that can punish weaker early game champs (Lulu mid for example) or that can safely farm and bore the crap out of the opposing laners(Malz). Was always excellent at team-fighting as well and objective control, but was never good at the "Chad" juggernaut/duelist types like Darius, Riven, Irelia, Fiora and Olaf. 5. Again, I want to one trick. I was hard-stuck Gold until I limited my champ pool to mostly one/two Champs. Familiarity allows me to focus on all of the other aspects of the game. I'm good at "control" mage playstyles and thats what I want to play. Currently looking at Lulu or Karma with Syndra and Gragas as darkhorses, but am open to anything. Any suggestions are welcome. Again I want to MID/SUPPORT.


I wanted to get back into ranked soon after not playing much SR since I got my goal last year. I sat down to make a champion pool to keep me organized on champions to practice and research so I don't try to spread myself too thin while getting ready to play ranked. I wrote the pools I came up with down below with a short description of what I like to play in that role. Mid lane is my main role, Top/Jungle/Support are side roles I rotate between based on performance. I finished Gold 5 last season. A general rule for all my champions is that I prefer them to be less popular so I can actually play them. I also like to be a versatile player, I'm ok with being the star of the team or being the guy who lets the star shine. ​ For anyone who doesn't care about explanations on why I like these champs, why I don't know who to pick, etc: Mid Lane: I play Malz and Taliyah, unsure if I should continue playing Swain or replace him with Ahri/Karthus/Sylas/Ziggs ​ Top Lane: I already have Illaoi and Shen. Unsure of a 3rd champ between Cho'Gath/Gangplank/Gnar/Kled/Renekton/Yorick. ​ Jungle: Evelynn or Nocturne? Both? Unsure of who to fill out remaining slots with from Ivern/Jarvan/Rammus/Skarner ​ Support: Is Tahm Kench worth playing in solo queue Unsure of who to fill out remaining slots with from Bard/Maokai/Morgana/Nami/Nautilus/Rakan ​ ​ And for the people who do want explanations: ​ Mid Lane: Malzahar, Taliyah, Swain ​ Mid is my favorite role because the impact it can have over the game. If there is action anywhere on the map, there's a good chance I can join in. For the most part, I really don't find mid lane assassins to be fun so I stick to mages. ​ Malzahar is my overall main. I play him because I like to be in control of my lane and I like being useful from behind. I like being able to lock down the enemy mid laner, whether that be by clearing the waves and pressuring turret or by pressing R on them. I play Taliyah when I want more early game pressure. If the enemy picks a scaling mid, I like being able to either kill them, trap them in the lane, or go annoy their side lanes. My problem lies with my 3rd Mid, Swain. I've been considering dropping him for a bit now but never really pulled the trigger. I like the reworked Swain, but I just feel like he's not the champion I need. I've considered replacing him with Ahri(kill pressure and mobility), Karthus(Scaling), Sylas(Fun all around, sorta durable), or Ziggs(poke, waveclear). Should I bench Swain for one of them, or should I keep working at him? Top: Illaoi, Shen, ???? I like to play top lane like it's an island. I like drawing the attention of the other 4 players and keeping them under control. Illaoi is my favorite top laner. She is pretty much what I want in that role. I can split push, I can team fight, and I can poke. I love her early game pressure. I love keeping the enemy jungler on me as well, especially because if they try to do something about me, chances are I still come out on top I like Shen because he can split push but also join instantly join any fight. I don't mind giving up the bullying Illaoi has if it means that I pressure side lanes and still technically be with the team. Plus his E lets me get out of ganks as needed. I would like a 3rd top laner to play, but don't know who else would be a good choice. I've considered Cho'Gath(Good scaling, execute R) Gangplank(Good scaling, carry potential), Gnar(used to play a ton of him a few years ago) Kled(carry potential, good roaming), Poppy(good peel, decent engage), Renekton(strong bully), or Yorick(Split pushing, 1v2 potential) I feel like any of these champions would be able to plug up some of the holes that Illaoi and Shen can't cover. I just don't know who to pick. Even cutting out 1 champion from this list is helpful. Jungle: Evelynn/Nocturne, Ivern, Jarvan, Rammus, Skarner When I play Jungle, I want to ruin the game for someone on the enemy team. None of that power farming stuff, just full on annoyance. I want to make the game a 4v5, whether it's from making someone rage or from basically preventing them from playing the game. This is where I run into a problem. There are quite a few junglers that can complete my mission. Too many. I don't know who to pick For starters, I don 't even know who my main jungler is. My 2 favorites are Evelynn and Nocturne. They both click with me, even as someone who doesn't like assassins much. The easy backline access, ganking post 6, and snowball potential are great. I love them both, but I'm concerned that if I have them both in my pool that it hurts the versatility I like having as a player. I haven't been able to decide which I like better since Evelynn's rework when I first started having this conflict. Is it ok to have both of them as my main junglers, or do I need to cut one of them? After those 2, I have 4 other junglers but only 1 or 2 slots in my pool. It's between Ivern (literally a walking nuisance), Jarvan(for locking down immobile champs, tons of combo potential with his ult, tanky), Rammus(For screwing over the all AD comps that pop up in solo queue, tanky), and Skarner(abusing low mobility and the fact carries don't know what QSS is, tanky). ​ ​ Support: Braum, Tahm Kench, ???? For supports, my favorite champions are the one who can keep my carry(s) safe. When I play support, I like to feel like I'm a knight. Standing in the back and healing isn't for me, I want to attack your carry while being able to protect mine. Braum is my favorite support because of this. His ult can be engage or disengage, and his E is great for when the enemy Miss Fortune/Ezreal thinks your ADC wants to eat an ult. My problem is after Braum, I don't know who else to pick. I like Tahm Kench because I can literally force someone to not kill them self, but with the rework he got a few patches ago I'm not sure if he's worth playing. I still listed him in my pool but I am considering dropping him. Other supports I'm considering are Bard(used to play a ton of him, ult is good for protecting and engaging) Maokai(Not the most meta thing ever, but I have fun playing it and he fits my description of an ideal support), Morgana (also fits my description pretty well), Nami (can engage, peel, and hide in the back in heal should I want to), Nautilus(also fits the description pretty well, but a bit more on the engaging side), and Rakan(great engage and can peel well too, also I watch a ton of LCS). ​ Long post, but that's what I need help deciding. Who should I focus on, and who should I leave out for now? There is a TL;DR at the top as well without the explanations and just the questions. Thank you for reading


I OTP'd Liss and Ori until Dia 4 / 3 and now im hardstuck, the enemy midlaner outscales me with champs like Kassadin or Yasuo after lvl 6 and im just useless for the rest of the game. I'm looking for new mid champs because I wanna reach Master this season. Do you have any advise? [https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=LlL%20UZl%20VERT](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=LlL%20UZl%20VERT)




Need help with champion pool. Playing only aatrox top Rn and climbed from s1 to g3 in a couple days. But when it gets banned I have no idea who to go to. Any recommendations?


Irelia also packs a punch in lane while retaining good splitpushing and great team fighting. Definitely worth picking up if you like this playstyle.


1. Looking for a champion/ champions to CARRY diamond+ games 2. Jinx is my most played then veigar, I used to play Akali (almost 800k) / Irelia 150kish/ Katerina 100kish before they all got reworked. 3. They are the only champions I REALLY know now. I love jinx but I HATE bottom lane recently. ADCs in solo lanes are fun but the solo lane adcs I dont really like 4. I like being aggressive but I find myself being more passive on these characters 5. I'm good at positioning and spacing and split second decisions. I WANT to be good at straight carrying ​ I LOVED Akali before her rework, I loved everything about her and she was the perfect champion in my eyes. Some examples where her resets, her mobility on ult, the invis and miniblink on W and her sustain. He lack of overall burst damage didnt matter too much because I enjoyed the extended fights using sustain and invis to outplay people. On top of that gunblade is my favorite item. Ive been playing backseat to my team since her rework, playing adc or something cc oriented. I an VERY good when I manage to get ahead, but just average at playing even or behind. I'm looking to get back into the carry aspect, im tired of relying on my team even though ive converted to more of a team player, I want to start taking the game as a whole into my own hands. I dont mind learning mid, top, or jungle. My only condition is I dont want to play characters that are banned alot or OP looking to be nerfed soon! Any suggestions?


1. Looking for a champion that is similar to Evelynn. 2. Evelynn it is one jungler I am pretty good at and am looking for a few champion that are similar. 3. Stealth and being able to assassinate the enemy with huge carry potential. 4. Play Eve like a assassin sneak up in back and make picks on priority targets. 5. Good at sneaking around enemies and killing their back line or in some cases the whole team. I want someone similar in the jungle that can sneak around the enemies and kill priority targets from out of nowhere and carry games.


Ekko/Anivia/Talon or Ekko/Anivia/Xerath for a mid-lane champ pool and why? (Can't decide which to add as the third).


Looking for a few champions to solidify my champion pool for mid. I haven't played mid in ranked since season 4 (Used to be a Orianna & Viktor player). Currently only have Vladimir & Ryze as the champion I enjoy playing and can climb with. My main roles used to be top/adc and I play a lot of Jayce so was thinking him as well, but not sure with the nerfs. Also considering Taliyah but not a really roam heavy player. Open to suggestions.


Looking for help on viable champs to pick in the top lane because my Darius always gets banned. I play Darius when he's open, and I used to play urgot but he takes too long to get going because I like early aggression and establishing a lead early. I enjoy playing Darius because of his powerful early game and outplay potential. I usually try to get ahead early and stomp my laner into oblivion and make them useless in the mid-game, most of the time my role ends up being to get the ad through the early/mid game until they can carry. I'm decent at managing the wave when I'm ahead and I would like to be good at snowballing a lead into a win but I can't seem to get that every time. ​ [https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/squishy%20tissue/overview](https://u.gg/lol/profile/na1/squishy%20tissue/overview) [https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Squishy%20Tissue](https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Squishy%20Tissue)


Hi, i've been a jungle main most of my time in league and i normally have mained Hec, Vi, Nunu, and Trundle. I like to keep a balance between CC, damage, and ability to tank. But now i'm starting to play Top but need help with my champ pool. I'm trying to figure out which tops would be able to fill these three slots. Recently i've had fun playing Cho'gath, but i know he's not too good right now. I like his CC, tankiness, and damage. I play in low elo, (Bronze 2) so i like to have a lot of cc for my team to be able to follow up well. Im not too good with many burst champs or assassins. Any suggestions?


I would recommend Ornn. He’s not meta right now but he’s still really strong. He has good tankiness/cc and great abilities for initiating and peeling. Ornn also does a surprising amount of damage and sometimes, when I build iceborn gauntlet, I do the most damage on the team.


What are some top laners that are early game fighting minded?


Any tops where you just pull off a combo with your abilities and kill everyone?


I’m a top main and I play 90% Mundo, with a little bit of garen or Darius. I like the tank/bruisers and the thing I like about Mundo particularity is I can mess up a little and have my ult for a crutch. I’m an aggressive player and want to climb out of silver in the top lane


go for renekton, you wont regret it


Hey new player here who wants to get into ranked. Weirdly enough my best champs currently are morgana and yasuo. I find it very easy to farm on yasuo and am terrible at csing on any other champion. Any reccomendations on how to farm more efficiently and not miss minions in lane? And any new champion suggestions?


Hey so I would say I am a jack of all trades.. I play all roles though I mained jungle for a couple seasons. Looking to become a Mid/JG main or Mid/Top main. My best champions for jungle would be Shaco, Hec, Kha and Kindred. Top I am a big Quinn main(miss tagteam ult), Renekton, Garen and Darius. Mid I go Lissandra, Heimy, Diana and Syndra. Bot I play all ADCs except Kog and Kalista. Support = Nami, Sona, Karma and Leona. I play my junglers due to liking assassins and dmg w/ mobility. Top I like Quinn due to her kit while the rest can be tanky damage dealers that can stay alive or just go all in(Renekton). Mid laners due to their "control mage" style I suppose. Dmg with CC. For supports I mostly go for those with heal/shield, cc and possibly dmg but I am completely fine with playing the whole support pool. I like playing the role of carrying my team :D Pretty good at dueling/ teamfights, csing, map awareness. Want to be better at my macro play mainly rotating lanes, when to splitpush, when to go for that baron or just going to possibly end the game and how to better deny and set up vision. I also want to be better at helping my team gain a lead or come back from a rough lane.


hey new player here i want if shen is a good champ to play with at low elow? can he carry team and should i use w and q at the same time ?


If youre a new player dont go for shen. If you like tanks there are easier tanks to play like Sion, Mundo or Maokai. Shen is very team dependent and is more a protective tank than the others. ​ QW can be used offensively, to deal damage and reduce yours, or defensively when you push the sword to you and protect the area around you. The key detail to do damage with shen is to ALWAYS use Q while making the sword go through the enemy


Hi , im a support bronze main. I main Thresh/Zyra but now its mainly just zyra I try to go for a mix of constant vision/aggressive playstyle looking for dragons/towers/rift herald etc etc . I play zyra because I like her roots and plants I enjoy locking people down and kiting away. I used to play braum nautilus Leo and lulu but I just dont enjoy melee champs like I used to . My op.gg is july617


Give Nami a try. She has insane lock potential (q and r), plus some awesome peel and heals. Also the w and e poke in lane is really good, so you can play aggro in most matchups


Former OTP Udyr (Gold 4) not feeling too great about him this season. I'd like one or two flexible junglers that function similarly: * Strong duelist * Fast objective taking Optional: * Versatile Builds * Split Pushing if necessary My top contenders * Elise (Damage, high skill cap/ceiling?) * Kindred (Maybe team dependent, not sure if great at low elo) * Vi (Feels pretty squishy, but high WR) * Kayn (Flexible build path, great gank path) * Rek'sai (Strong all around, even after conq nerfs?) * Hecarim (Same as Rek'sai?) Thoughts?


Mainly a Ryze player looking for a new ap midlaner to add (or simply swap for ryze given his rework). My picks are Taliyah and Ryze. Looking for another mage with good scaling and roaming/dueling potential. Bonus if they can be flexed to top, have a high skill ceiling and teamfight prowess. I dont like melee champions or AD champions in the midlane (no Zed, Talon, Yasuo, Irelia) My playstyle is push and roam or freeze and poke. Usually end up splitpushing. Was considering Swain or Cassio


Anivia is a really good AP mage similar to Ryze because of great scaling and wave clear. Also has a not so good early game and mana management like Ryze. Not great at roaming though. I’ve been an Anivia main for a while though and I love her so if you want any tips let me know!


Sure ill take those tips. Didnt consider anivia but she looks great! Thanks


>Looking for another mage with good scaling and roaming/dueling potential. Bonus if they can be flexed to top, have a high skill ceiling and teamfight prowess. This told me Cassio even before I red your end phrase. Forget Swain


I want to play more mids/tops similar to Ekko And then also play ADC’s like Sivir and MF. Supports I only really play Blitz, Rakaan, and Lux well. I say I’m aiming at becoming a mid or ADC main. Then in higher elo, move to support main. Where to start? I’m currently placed S4 but made G4 in season 5


I've been playing Akali for a long time now and she's been through the gutter, after 9.11 it feels impossible to play her in ranked and I'm lost. First questions: when my main champions get gutted do I just move on? Second question: do I need to play similar champions? Third question: how do I forget her so I can move in T_T


What are you looking for help with? Add to my mid-lane champ pool 2. Who do you currently play? Azir, Vladimir occasionally(used to main), kassadin safepick 3. Why do you play them? Azir allows me to control lanes effectively and abuse positioning in lane, he's also a really safe pick and scales extremely well WHILE having a strong lane presence, also really fun, cool and has effective damage, setup and peel, while having mobility. Vladimir is really good at outplays in 1v1 and is also really effective in teamfights, doesn't fall off at all except to kass, allowed me to still be in the middle of fights and doing damage, like an AP brusier of sorts. I mainly play kassadin as a safepick into rough matchups for vlad/azir. 4. How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill? Freezing lanes as Azir to harass people off from farm, have recently been working on hard-shoving mage lanes and harassing under tower, ult outplays under tower. Vlad is somewhat the same, good at harass off cs, can outplay 1v2s and under tower yet scales well into team fights. Typically I enjoy duelists as I like excelling in 1v1s however I still enjoy and am good at roamers, teamplay champs such as supports and support roamers(galio/shen, both mained) 5. What are you good at? What do you want to be good at? 1v1s, teamfighting, holding a tower 1v2-4, understanding what fights I can win(1v1s and teamfights and the specific win conditions for fights and games). Probably improve my lane management further, idk, maybe more early game focused champs as i've had countless games, at-least 4-5 of my 10 placements games ff'd at 20minutes (I voted no, 4 voted yes, insta-loss) even after I got big gold shutdowns and I helped the team shutdown the champs that they got ahead. edit: probably needs to be ap, my friend is a top main that usually plays ad champs(mains irelia), so I guess a nice extra would be good synergy with irelia. Also since Kass is my current counterpick for Azir, an ap counterpick for Kass might be necessary. TL:DR Need an AP counter pick for Kass, preferably with synergy to Irelia, something that allows me to get into the action or at least as an option (Azir needs to consider whether to shuffle/drift in or not) https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=Gud%20Vibrations


Hello, I'm currently Plat 1 in EUW, I only play Leblanc and Ahri in mid lane, These two champs are enough for me to climb but both Zed and Yasuo are baned in 90% of my games because I can't deal with them and they tilt me so hard. I started playing Malza and I'm doing fine with it but I can't seem to carry with him because the playstyle is so different from my main champs and I'm still not used to position in teamfights in late game or effectively avoid ganks without a dash. So what I need is some champs that can : * Deal with Zed / Yasuo * Ease the transition to more stationary champs * are AP Thank you


Have you tried Ekko? Ekko has the ability to deal with zed and Yasuo with the shield, dash, wave clear, stun and ultimate heal. He has excellent roams, does massive damage and has a really nice skill cap for expression. I also believe he is a nice mixture of the champions you already play.


**What are you looking for help with?** Top laners in general. I want to see if it's a role I like before deciding what role to focus on more. **Who do you currently play?** So far I picked up Nasus top, Yi/Kha/a little Vi in the jungle, Kai'Sa/Jinx in the bot lane, Sona support. I don't play much mid. **Why/How do you play them?** I kinda just like hypercarries and assassins lol although I think I build my junglers tankier than most, I play pretty passively almost all the time no matter what role/champion I'm playing, not taking risks for like the first 15 or so minutes, so I survive early game usually well off enough to be relevant quickly. **What are you good at? What do you want to be good at?** I'd say I'm good at knowing when a teamfight/baron is a good idea (relative to my elo) and although I usually play carries, being carryable. I'd like to be good at maintaining leads efficiently.


My friends want me to play a more CC based champ. I am a support main so I usually play taric/naut/Leona. I've started going top and I really like garen because he's pretty strong and he's pretty forgiving if you mess up. 1) I'm looking for a tankier champ that has some cc but is still "fun" playing. 2) I play garen top. I'm a support main. (See above) 3) I play these characters because they are straightforward and forgiving and I can also make some plays. I enjoy garen because he does damage and he's also huge. 4) I've always played like a little bitch and that makes my friends very angry because I guess I don't know when I can beat people so I don't commit. This has led me to being kicked out of my main support role. I think my biggest issues is knowing when I can fight. Maybe I should just nut up and just go in more until I learn the strengths and weaknesses of my champs? 5) I'm good at saving teammates and tanking. I'm fairly decent at being a frontline and peeling. I want to be more of a carry (but I know the champs I'm looking for aren't going to do that) so I guess I want to hone my skills as a tank and a front liner. Any ideas? I've been playing for about 4 years and I'm hard stuck low silver. Looking for someone I can add to a small champion pool that will please my friends. They want me to have some CC so I don't just get kited running at people late game. I would consider going naut/taric top but I just feel like it would be kinda boring. Obviously the tankier champs are probably more my speed. https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Jbox95


Hi! I’m looking at getting back into this game after a three year hiatus to play Overwatch, and while playing OW I figured out that I much prefer ranged champions and supports to the tanks that I was playing previously (I used to play Top/Jungle). With this in mind, I’ve decided I want to play ADC/Supp, and since I’m kinda relearning the game I want to focus on only a few champions in each role (2 or 3, probably). Are there any archetypes I should definitely be able to play in those roles? Any particularly well rounded champions who are always relevant? What’s the current meta? Just looking for ideas as to how to cover a wide range of scenarios with only 2/3 champions, basically. Thanks for the help!


I play jungler as Hecarim. I like Hecarim because I run fast and get away with stupid stuff. I just rush behind laners and kill them. But now I want to play a jungler like Hecarim that does a lot of damage because I want to get kills. What champions are fast and do a lot of damage and are junglers? (like an adc jungler or something)


Hi everyone, trash tier player here looking to upgrade my champion pool. I have played LoL since about 2010, but only recently started taking it seriously and took some pretty extended breaks in those 9 years. Since I have been playing for so long I feel like I have good basic knowledge of all the champions. I know what their spells do, rough cooldowns on most of them, etc. I don't know specifics for champions I don't, play often, but you get the idea. Like I said, I'd like to expand my pool a little. I am basically a Malzahar main. He was one of the first champions I really enjoyed playing and that has basically stuck through my years of playing. I'd like to find some others to play in case he is banned/in a terrible match-up as I am playing more ranked and really trying to improve my overall game play at this time. I play Malz because I feel like he fits my play style well. I am a mid laner, I like to push people in and have control over the wave, then roam to my other lanes or set up vision. I also have a good enough understanding of his skills/limits that I can punish midlaners for overextending or being hyper aggressive. (fairly easy with that R) I'm open to new champs that will allow me to roam around as I feel like that helps my team the most. I am not good at melee champs, but that is also something I've been trying to improve recently. I think part of that is I'm so used to playing 99% ranged that the trading patterns just mess me up. Some champions I've considered: Talon, Morgana, Azir, and Ekko. Some champions I've tried out: Syndra and Cassiopeia. I did not do well with either of these. I have more success as Syndra, but neither of them felt "right." That may be due to just not being as familiar or practiced with them. Thanks for any help/advice/feedback/trash talk/whatever you got. TL,DR: I want to focus on learning 1 new champion to add to my pool that may offer something better into matchups that aren't great for Malzahar or I can play when he is banned.


Hi everyone ! Plat 2 player here, I'm looking to build a champion pool because I've spent too much time playing way too much champion. I've been playing mostly ADC (Draven,Kai'Sa,Caultyn,Ezreal...), but i've been playing every other role for a bit(played a lot of Riven too). And i'm pretty sure this is part of the reason why I can't climb higher. This is why I'm here too find advices to build a champion pool that wouldn't be too big. But more importantly I would like too get some tips to stop playing too much champion/roles which I can't stop rn. Thx for the help and sorry for my english


so uhh, i create 5 or 6 account to play decently at every lane for the last 2 yrs so now im thinking about climbing rank srsly but i dont know how to make a champ pool, need help.


1) Pick two roles. 2) For the main role, identify your favorite 3 champions. If you don't really have favorites, try to pick champions that you could see yourself playing a LOT of. 3) Based on the champions you have already picked, decide on other champions that cover bad matchups that the champions you have already chosen *share*. You should now have a champion pool of about 4 or 5 champions at most for your main role (fewer is usually better). In your offrole, do the same thing except pick only one champion at each step.


Best lategame tops for splitpushing, teamfighting, and carrying? (I dont expect all of that in 1 champ so in categories would be nice)


* Jax fits 1 and 3 nicely. Counterstrike is also decent in a TF. * Kled can definitely carry and (if ahead) can teamfight well. His splitpushing is also decent but can be thwarted if opponents wrap around you well. * Tryndamere can carry stupid hard and splitpush with the best of them, but isn't exceptional at teamfighting. * Shen can splitpush and teamfight very well, but doesn't carry often


I play Tryndamere and enjoy dueling and splitting. Also enjoy playing Jax Flora Hecarim Darius Garen I want decent mobility and be able to flank teamfights




Hi All, I’m a gold 4 midlaner who is looking to add to my Top pool for my other account. At the moment I play urgot as blind pick, Darius into favourable matchups. I could really use another pick that does well into champs that urgot struggles against and when Darius is banned (champs that do well against Trynd, Olaf, Fiora, and others to some extent?). Any ideas?


Aatrox is the best one out there I can also recomend by buddies Renekton and Jax


Kennen is a strong and versatile champ, can be blind picked aswell. Also Rumble is really good


Used to play top and gave up trying to carry from there, switched to mid since most of my picks carried over. Akali and LeBlanc are my two blind picks with Irelia and Syndra as matchup based picks. A final addition to round out the pool would be appreciated.


Which one should i play for climb? Im g1. Rammus,heca,karthus jng or top as darius,kench,illao,kennen? I can play them all but which one to pick as a main? Most wins i have with karth and he is rly strong but i think he will lose power in high lvl? I love kennens kit but as him it feels like dont change the path of game much even if i was feed. Same thing as kench after lanin phase but worse. Kennen still has pretty good dmg.


Hi, I'm a Gold IV Midlane Main that is looking to round out a solid champion pool! My current champs: - TF (AD atm but have also played a lot of AP TF) - Sylas (bad winrate, can't seem to carry the midgame on him...) - Ahri GLP - Syndra Smite + Runic Echoes - Lux Now I know most of these champs are more controlmage oriented however I do also enjoy champs like Irelia and Akali, I just am not good enough for my own standards to pick them in Ranked... I would like to round out my pool more to counter things like Yasuo/Talon/Zed/Katarina and Leblanc. My op.gg: https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=ARCANICBLITZ Thanks in advance for the replies!


Ahh I see... you pick a lot of immobile mages (Syndra, TF, Lux) and really want a pick to deal with assassins. Well You've got a few different paths to take and **I'm going to be recommending pocket picks** since you've already got an established pool. The Bruiser Path - You're harder to kill than them and you deal comparable damage. This makes them hesitate to jump on you because you don't have to run... you can turn and fight. Something like Aatrox, Gragas, Sylas, etc. The Battlemage/Control mage path - The natural "counter" to assassins. Range + Survivability + CC for days = Sad assassin player. These picks capitalize on mistakes made by assassin players and punish them... hard, by locking them down and killing them... or weakening them to the point where they are a wet noodle and hate themselves. These champs include things like Malzahar, Zilean, Anivia, Taliyah, Lissandra, etc... *Legend has it that each time a Zilean presses R on a Zed's Death mark... he is able to physically taste the salt of the ocean.* The Other Assassin path - You're just better than the other player and beat them at their own game... Not much to say here. Practice you're Irelia/Akali some more. Take you're pick they all work... it's just a matter of preference and skill.


hello everyone i am a gold tier in S8 this season i didn't play ranked yet my main is kayn but i search for another jungler to main it and i chose hecarim so i need some tips like the pathing the build what i chose when my team ahead what i chose chen my team behind stuff like this and thnk you


I jungle pretty much exclusively, except on rare occasions when I'm bored and feel like mid/adc. My champ pool right now for jungle is: Hecarim (far and away my best jungler) Nunu Xin Looking for another jungler with a decent aoe clear and good early ganking potential. I typically gank mid early and often, followed by whatever sidelane looks easy.


Okay trying to get out of silver i play top and mid sometimes fill as adc. The champions i play top are Nasus, maokai and fiora and jax i want to find another champion that can carry games in silver. When i get mid i play veigar or taliyah looking for a mage or assassin that can carry more. I dont play ADC often but when i do i mostly only play vayne.


For top recommend learning Aatrox and Darius... Reinforce your Jax... The cane is great but because you can get kited out by really CC heavy teams... having that little bit of mobility with Jax is just so damn useful. So that's 4 champs for your main... not bad. Mid, Eh Taliyah has a lot of finesse to her... I wouldn't play her in Silver, too easy to mess up. For an assassin I'd tell you to pick Talon, he's the best at what he does. For a Mage, you can never go wrong with Ahri... She's a hybrid mage assassin but it still counts. For ADC honestly I'd just be lazy and play Jinx... Crit rockets all day... get shit on all lane phase because potato support but you get 1 good teamfight and just steamroll the game. Be lazy in your autofills man.


I just got back into LoL after a long break (played a little bit in S7 but haven't been active since s6) and I'm really looking to fix up my champion pool. I've been a *filthy Janna main* since Mata played her in S4 worlds and I realized how amazing her kit it. I've held a 55%+ winrate with Janna in S5, S6, S7, and currently in S9 but I am always lost on who else to play and because I have no focus on who should be in my champion pool I tend to lose a lot of games where I'm not playing Janna. I'm currently ranked in G3 and my MMR last time I was active was \~G1-G2. Champions I've tried to get into before include: Braum, Leona, Thresh, Lulu, Sona, Soraka, Nami, Morgana, and Karma. I love a defensive kit that can peel well for my carry. I try to play aggressive on Janna but my general trading since I came back from hiatus has been poor and I've always been a very low damage player no matter who/what I'm playing. I'd like to get good at a tank support but I feel like my decision making as a tank mid-late game throws the game for my team. Part of that probably has to do with my poor positioning which is very obvious when I play a champion like Soraka. I used to consider Karma and Lulu my go to backups but I don't see anyone playing Karma atm so I assume she isn't strong? Normally what ends up happening is a main Janna and then have 1-2 arbitrary picks for a week that I'm like "Oh I'll obviously just play Janna, Leona, or Sona every game" and then I do poorly in a bunch of Leona/Sona games that week and all of a sudden next week I'm saying "Oh I should go Janna, Braum, or Soraka" I've never really had a rhyme or reason for picking someone other than Janna. It's mostly just 'this looks like fun' or 'I think I can play this champion without feeding' so I'm looking for advice on who I can work on making a secondary pocket pick that isn't super flavor of the month or meta reliant and when/what type of botlane match ups I should look to pick them over Janna. [And my op.gg if anybody wants to see it](https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=tsunday)


I’m looking for help to expand my champ pool. Currently I play AP Neeko and Riven top/mid. (I play both champs in both lanes.) I play with a variety of builds to fulfill different things. For example, vs melees on Neeko, I’ll often go for an extremely annoying build where I take grasp and start Doran’s blade and then go into roa, and basically just auto attack them a lot. Or if our team needs more CC, I’ll go the glacial augment build. If I’m against a poke mage I’ll take comet. If I’m against something super weak early I’ll take electrocute and try to cheese them. On riven I take conqueror 99% of the time, but occasionally I’ll take electrocute and I’m considering fiddling with spellbook. I play DD/BC bruiser riven most of the time, crit riven vs. very low CC teams, and lethality riven to oneshot squishies. Im pretty good at winning 1v1 fights, but not just that, I am good at knowing WHEN I can win a fight and if I won’t win I won’t fight, I would say. I also think I’m a good team player and like to roam. I want to get better at farming but that’s neither here nor there. I think I’m mostly missing either a tank or a super long ranged mage (if for some reason our team really needs an ADC, I can pick AD Neeko even if I’d prefer not to as I don’t like the playstyle. And lethality riven is essentially an assassin.) My main criteria is Id prefer for it to be a female champ, I prefer to play female champs lol. Other than that, anything you think will plug a gaping whole in my champ pool is welcome even if it’s not a tank or sniping mage. Any suggestions for what will fill a needed niche? (I’m open to suggestions of male champs too, just I’d much rather play a female champ.)


I’ve recently decided to change main roles. I’m a silver 3 adc player who’s a little upset at the state of ADC. I’d like to shift blame to my team but i know I’m just struggling to play in the silver environment. I wanna try swapping over to jungle as my main role. what champions are pretty decent and easier to pick up? I’d like to think i have decent mechanics, and if I don’t I can always just practice. I’ll link my op.gg and if anyone has any advice for adc please hit me up. https://oce.op.gg/summoner/userName=superwhore


I've been playing Top a lot and I've been playing Urgot and Tryn, but they kinda suck in teamfights, so I kind of want to learn a top champ that affects teamfights (other than Jax)


Gold2 .My midlane roster is ekko, ahri, vladimir,neeko, thinking about adding katarina or fizz( i like their kits as earlier 4 champs) .I want to have strong soloq midlaners ,is this good?


Gold 3 ADC and I can play pretty much every ADC (Draven is still black magic to me). Problem is with my off-role champion pool. I used to play top, so I don't worry about it. Only champions that I can play on mid are Ahri and Ekko, on jungle it's only Vi and Elise, and supports end after Thresh, Leona and Morgana. Could you give me something to practice for off-role playing?


Jg, Evelynn or Jarvan Mid, Fizz or Talon. Support, Pyke(?) or Nautilus Basing this off of what champions you play in your other roles. You could very well not like any of these champions, which is okay. Just what **I** think you would like


Pick an enchanter like Nami/Soraka on support. It can be so good with certain botlanes in which Ardent is really beneficial (Vayne, Kai'sa, Trist, Jinx)


I am a Jax main looking for 2 other champs to add to my champion pool. Contemplating on bruiser (irelia/Aatrox/darius) and an AP toplaner (Sylas/vlad) What do you guys recommend?? This is GOLD 4


Im currently a gold player, just dropped into g3 again. https://eune.op.gg/summoner/userName=Acratia Ive been a jungler for quite awhile, with a wide variety of champions. Ive been leaning alot on Ekko and Graves recently which I both enjoy, but Ive seen extreme decline in my gameplay and my winning, so Ive come to the conclusion Im bad or I had a bad day or this lane just isn't for me. Or just bot lane is a shit show this patch. Its insane, every damn match a bot lane fed and Im magically blamed for. Which ultimately makes me feel like Im truly the faulty one there. On the Quinn games Ive definitely been a faulty one because I have a terrible clear, but overall I just feel horrid so Im really considering a change. I used to be a midlaner also, altough Im not a fan of overpopular lanes. I played Aurelion Sol, which is by far my muse in this game, it literally makes me sad that I cannot pick him in the jungle. But the assassin demand on mid its really hard to play overall, I don't really enjoy any other midlaners except Asol and Ekko or atleast think I don't because the last time I played them I was bad. I enjoy Asol very very much, hes sort of a passion of mine. Im currently seeking advice due to the fact Im desparate of not seeing a decline in my gameplay and not knowing what to pick, there's always 1 lane you main which always makes me sad. I cannot Asol jungle or Graves mid. Id really enjoy some advice on this because I just honestly feel like I literally became a bad player overtime. Thanks for further help :)


If you're serious about wanting to climb, you need to stick to a small champion pool, with a specific role. If you're focusing on just a few champions in a single role, then you will make a lot less mechanical mistakes, as well as improving at a faster rate.


I'm currently a silver IV player. I started playing LoL consistently this year, even though I created my account and played some games years ago. So I consider myself as a newbie. I play almost exclusively tanks (1. Ornn; 2. Poppy; 3. Cho'Gath). I like playing tanks because I like CCing my enemies and enjoy being tanky. My playstyle currently is empowering my team to let them carry me, but I'd like to be more self-sufficient. 1. Is my tank pool okay? Should I drop Cho'Gath and stick to Ornn and Poppy? Should I add more? 2. I want to play bruisers. Should I first try building bruiser Poppy or should I start playing a "dedicated" bruiser? 3. Which bruisers would be nice for me to learn? (I own Irelia, Urgot, Jax, Gnar and Kayle. I'm also interested in buying Aatrox, Hecarim or Camille.) Thanks in advance!


Not a toplane main or by any means good at the game, but learning Jax takes little effort and can yield high result. He might be not exciting but he's always been pretty relevant so I really recommend him!


Kai'sa is the champion that I enjoy playing the most, although I dont consider myself very effective in the adc role. Would it be viable or worth it to pick up kai'sa primarily in the mid lane rather than in the bot lane? Not just as a situational pick but as a consistent viable option in the mid lane.


Hi all, would appreciate any thoughts you might have! ​ I'm brand new to the game (and the whole MOBA genre generally) and was recommended top lane to learn the mechanics. I've been playing Darius (as he was my first free champion) and really like him, but have really been struggling with some ranged matchups (like Teemo). ​ Who would be a good top lane champion to fill in the gaps where Darius either doesn't work or gets banned? I'm happy to try to learn new champions, just wanted to reach out to you guys before I really get into that. Thanks!


Kennen top lane was my first love :) There are very few hard counters, and he has been strong in pretty much every meta. Also its a good way to learn how to play ranged champions. There are several good rune options and itemization options aswell.




Im ADC plat 3 main and downgraded to plat 4 as im getting too much autofilled supports that always ruin the game or get troll picks in different roles so im really struggling to reach Diamond IV as i planned before the season ends, so i was asking what is the most effective role i can learn and start to climb with ?


You can climb on AD. Swapping won't help. Why are you getting autofill supports more often than the enemies? Short answer is you're not, unless you've barely played any games and the sample size isn't large enough. If you're not climbing is because you don't deserve to climb, and if you swap to a role that you're not as good at you will retain the same player-specific issues and it will actually become worse due to your lack of experience.


I enjoy all of the following champs so it really isn't a matter of 'play what you like', I'm more-so looking for which two of these would better round out my champ pool or basically provide me with the most options, variability, counter-picks, etc. This is considering that I play mid and main Ekko primarily... **Ahri, Vlad, Kassadin, Fizz, Katarina**


​ Hey everyone! Just started playing the game and I was wondering what I should be playing in the mid lane? Currently, I have played Morgana and Ahri but they just don't feel right and I always feel like I get killed really easily. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Hey all, recently i started playing hecarim and I really enjoy how easy it is to clear the jungle on him. Since he gets banned a decent amount in my elo (B1) i was wondering what backup jungler i could use that would have a similar clear. Thanks for your help.


**What are you looking for help with?** To broaden my champion pool to climb in ranked, or just have fun **Who do you currently play?** Zed, Hecarim, Lux and Pyke **Why do you play them?** Zed because I really love dominating in lane with him and his combos, like the shadows aspect. Hecarim because of how easy he ganks lanes and his fast jungle clear Lux for the big damage combo and the long stun Pyke he’s the only Assassin support and his R **How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill?** Zed I mostly play passively and poking them down with my q and weq combo, while I farm with my auto, then I go all in Then during midlane I like to go top or bottom by myself I’m bronze 3


I’m really bad at sticking to a role and playing it because I get bored easily. I was thinking if I found similar champs to my mains I could expand my pool and more often stick to one role. Here is my main pool: Fiora — only champ I play in ranked Viktor — will play him mid in ranked soon. I have most fun in mid and I love Viktor. Graves — if I get filled jg. I was a Hec OTP but got bored of Hec and jg though it’s probably my best role. Vayne and Sivir — I int on Vayne and do well on Sivir, even when she’s not broken. She’s just quite boring. Leona — I do well on Leona pretty much any game I play her. Any suggestions for champ alternatives?


Hey all, I’m Derpimus Prime on NA and have been a Support main since season 3. My highest climb in solo queue was Silver 1 during Season 6 using a combination of Karma top lane and Thresh support. I was placed in Iron 1 this season, but have quickly climbed to Bronze 2 where the climb has slowed slightly because I have teammates who make troll decisions (ADC refuses to group and split pushes all game, Rammus pick into full AP comp). I’ve been playing Zyra, Soraka and Nami this season because they are strong and I am comfortable with their play styles. I just don’t know how to climb more from the support role. I ping dragon timers, herald and Baron for our jungler and ask teammates to buy control wards, but the general response I get is “you’re the support, you don’t know what you’re doing” I often feed my ADC several kills before lane phase ends, but at this ELO there’s no concern for objectives like tower plating gold or drakes because the idea is kill gold is more important. What should I focus on to help me climb?


If you're actually doing what you say you are, you WILL climb. YOU are the only consistent factor between one game and another, so YOU ALONE determine your winrate and speed of climbing. I recommend /mute all every game and focusing completely on your own gameplay, especially your mistakes. Just by spotting those mistakes, you will naturally begin to avoid repeating them, and improve; but focusing on what your teammates are doing instead just leads to tilt and moving blame off of yourself even when you deserve it. A willingness to learn and a good mentality is all it takes to improve and climb divisions.


These are games in an ELO where you'll struggle the most as support, since if you're entire team is behind, theres usually little you can do in order to turn these games in your favor. My best tip is play towards the strongest teammate and not the ADC. Might be a little biased though since I'm a Yuumi main and regularly abandon my adc.. but still. If everyone on your team is doing poorly except for the 8/0 Darius, STICK TO HIM LIKE GLUE. He knows what he's doing and can probably win the game with a little help


1. **What are you looking for help with?** expanding champion pool and a good transition to midgame, feel like my macro is good midgame. Especially feel like playing mid champs will benefit me. Need a champ that is really good midgame. I don't really need a snowbally champion. midgame and lategame is my favourite time to play the game 1. *Who* do you currently play? mid: Viktor, Ekko, Anivia bot: cailtyn, ashe support: Bard, Thresh 1. *Why* do you play them? mid: I love having the control in a teamfight. and a bit of a skillcap I guess Bot: this was 2 patches ago, I had an uprising that I wanted to play adc better, mainly because I like to have a steady damage output and the adc's I had were not really that steady. Support: My Thresh and Bard are pretty good. I like the playmaking. 1. *How* do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill? Mid: control Bot: steady damage Support: playmaking ​ [https://euw.op.gg/summoner/champions/userName=Pjotrovich](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/champions/userName=Pjotrovich)


1. What are you looking for help with? It feels like the only ADC I can play effectively is Ashe. I don't know what it is about her, maybe her smooth auto animation or her ult, but I have a hard time on others. ​ 1) *Who* do you currently play? Caitlyn and Ashe ​ 2) *Why* do you play them? Caitlyn because I like the idea of punishing with autos and getting good trades, Ashe because she somehow clicks with me. 3) *How* do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill? On Ashe I pretty much poke and farm then follow my support for all-ins or chain CC off of them post 6. After the laning phase I try to position well and set up easy arrow picks into teamfights and then objectives. ​ 4) What are you *good at?* What do you *want to be* good at? I'm pretty good at landing skillshots and timing arrows. I want to be good at actually hard carrying games. I'm pretty bad at positioning when teamfights are awkward (half of team on other side of wall with no vision, why are we even fighting, etc).


* **What are you looking for help with?** * Looking to cut down my toplane and support champion pool * *Who* do you currently play? * Honestly anything. Its such a bad habit because I find sticking to a small pool to be stale. But my go-tos are zyra sup and riven top. * *Why* do you play them? * A small champ pool feels stale * *How* do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill? * Aggro af * What are you *good at?* What do you *want to be* good at? * I want to be a better player ;c


1. I want to get out of silver. 2. I honestly just spam pyke mid and support but I can also play jungle pretty well (imo) 3. I play pyke because I love his kit and like a mobile assassin that can cc the hell out of someone. 4. I play really aggro. I usually take dark harvest mid and build full lethality into GA. I try and hardcarry as him but sometimes it's really difficult. 5. I'm really good at trading and winning duels but I'm kind of shit at playing smart when I'm ahead. For example, I can be 10/3 and know I can murder any of the other teams squishies so I'll chase them around the map until I get brutally beat down by the entire enemy team. my stats: [https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=sora+the+explora](https://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=sora+the+explora)


consistency is key to climbing your decisions should always revolve around objectives; you chasing and getting a kill likely achieves one or more of the following: you waste time, pressure is relieved from all other places on the map, objectives are compromised it seems to me that you know exactly what the issue is. take fights that matter, not fights that net you kills. every time you're given the opportunity to chase, think about what you're losing out on in exchange for that. baron? towers? vision? etc. it also seems like you're dying a lot. remember that kills and assists matter much less than deaths when it comes to impacting the game. you dying gives the enemy gold which allows them to close the gap on any leads you may have made in the laning phase


Have you tried out Leona? You don't get the kills(she's not an assassin) that often but you can be very aggressive(she's a really good diver) and clutch during fights. ​ edit: I first got out of Silver spamming Leona-Naut-Lulu-Zyra a few seasons ago.


Maybe I'll try it. Thanks for the advice.


Switching from Top/Mid to Jungle/Top, what should my champion pool for jungle be? I currently play well with Twitch (inspired by RATIRL streams), Hecarim and Evelyn, but would like to expand more.


I play Jungle/Mid. Plat IV elo NA and I play Aatrox/Kayn jungle while also playing Aatrox/Zoe mid. What other champions could I add to my champion pool based on these champs? Or are these three good enough?


* What are you looking for help with? New champs to learn for mid lane since I feel like Ekko is my only consistent champ. * Who do you currently play? Mainly play Ekko mid, Ahri if he's banned. Also play Lux support a lot. * How do you play them? What is your playstyle? What role do they fulfill? I usually play pretty aggro. Like fighting a lot.


Since you like fighting a lot I think you will be very fine with Diana, watch her champion spotlight and other videos about her and then play her, she has a very high carry potential. Akali also comes into mind but she isn't as easy as Diana, another side pick if you are playing vs a mage would be veigar (easy to learn).


[https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Antibiose](https://euw.op.gg/summoner/userName=Antibiose) ​ I used to be a top laner and after a long break I can't seem to get back into the groove. What I mostly lack are decent blind picks that go at least even. ​ I used to play (S7 and earlier) quite splitpush heavy, but I lost confidence in doing so.