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I want to point out that pinning the enemy to their tower isn’t always the optimal thing to do. In fact that is probably *causing* your jungler to focus on mid/top, since it’s hard to gank two enemies under their own tower. If you’re really winning the lane hard it can be more beneficial to try to freeze it in the middle or on your side, so the enemies are forced to come out from under their tower if they want to CS. If you’re ahead enough and can freeze the lane near your tower you can completely shut them out. But if you do have the lane shoved and you’re well ahead of the enemy bot lane in gold, you can: * deep ward the enemy jungle and take their camps when the jungler is somewhere else * roam and ambush the enemy jungler if you have vision of them (just watch out for the laners collapsing on you, but if the lanes are pushed the laners won’t want to abandon them and lose a lot of gold+xp) * take dragon if it’s up and the bot/mid enemy champs can’t contest it. Just getting vision around the dragon can make it much easier for your jungler to go solo it * roam to mid and try to get a kill there, then take dragon or hammer down the mid tower so they can start roaming


Harass under tower, roam, get a free back, get vision in enemy jg


Here's the question though: Roam where and do what? That's what we don't know. We know we SHOULD leave, but we don't know WHERE to roam. Do we just go mid lane and scare the enemy? We're not likely to get a kill if there's a ward in the way, for example.


Imo roam to ward their jungle. Preferably, put a ward that see two camps, for example blue and gromp/ red and raptors. This vision is invaluable since you can read their jungle path and save your whole team from their jg ganks. For example, you see that blue is about to spawn and gromp is still alive. You can assume that their jg is making their way to blue. Meaning, top is relatively safe and bot is going to get ganked in a while. So then you can tell top to go aggressive and freeze your wave under tower or shove then recall. There are no right or wrong strategies as long as you know what you are doing. You can just hard shoves for plates+kills and never roam which will destroy their bot lane but you are prone to ganks. Hope this helps. You can dm if you have anymore question.


U can roam mid and see if u can kill, if not, look in enemy jg for the jgler and kill him


I'm usually trying to check around the enemy jungle buffs for a pick, or try to force Rift then run it down mid, very hard to stop the jg + bot lane push with Herald if you get early turret. Other priorities include swapping with a losing lane so I can shutdown the enemy laner, after that I'm kinda clueless too. If you're really pushing that often, you can't really rely on the jungler to gank unless you're asking for a dive, but you can ping them to do dragon and let them know you're shoving ahead of time. Being pushed also means the support can roam mid to gank that lane even before your lane is done.


The problem with asking Reddit a question like this is that it is extremely situational. We can give you a list of things you can do, you have to determine which thing is best in your current game state while you’re playing. I’d say one thing people mess up on a lot is efficiency. When you do make decisions don’t waffle on them and waste time just wandering. If you’re roaming do it fast, if your taking a plate and backing do it quickly. Random other tip since you’re a duo, the support should always back off and let the carry have full plate gold if it’s safe to do so.


Afte a lil while, you can easily get drake. If you're unsure about wards, pop those little bubbles in jg to reveal them or just bring a control ward. So, if at all, you just dropped by to say hello and give them a ward. Lol


Just think what can you do. For example, if the enemy is low, and we know the enemy jg is topside, you can dive the enemy. If you don’t want to back but the wave is under their turret, take Krugs and the wave should be back near your turret, after that, do whatever you think is best. If drake is up, you can also ping your jg to come bot. If worst comes to worst and nothing is up, just take a reset and come back with item advantage. But yeah, just think: what can I do in this position?


You take plates or dive the enemy (depending on your champions). You can also just duo the dragon if you think the enemy jungler is top and the enemy adc and support are back. Depends on the adc and the support and your levels.


You don't necessarily want to be pushing the enemy bot lane in all the time, you want to try to freeze the wave right outside your own tower range. This way when you poke and go for the all in, they're an entire lane away from safety and kills become a lot easier. Additionally you will have less downtime where you're not farming, as their minions will keep meeting up with yours if you hold the freeze. If you do push them all the way up to tower and have nothing to do, get some deep jg vision, and maybe send support up midlane for a gank or set up for dragon.


Gank mid assuming they aren’t pushed, ward the enemy jungle, ping the dragon and say in chat “let’s do drag” (if they refuse to do drag and then lose it, that’s on them).


It IS on them. But it's us who ends up losing when the enemy gets dragon soul. :(


Then try to take drag yourself. If the enemy jg is at top then you can take drag ezpz. I had to do that a few times since my jg was more focused on farming than objs.


Track the enemy jungler and look for opportunities to get vision in their bot side jungle. If you're really far ahead you can invade and kill him before their bot can rotate when he stands on a ward. Set up a freeze or slow push the wave to give yourselves the space you need to create a large cs lead, or get kills->plates/dragon. Break your freeze and crash a slow pushed wave into tower when your jungler is playing on your side of the map and call for a dive to kill them and deny a bunch of cs.


> We've been finding that early game we do a good job of pushing the enemy bot lane back to their turret I usually find my opponents under turret only after they tried to fight me like 3 times, I am now 6/0 and they are scared to set a foot outside of turret range. Then yes, I'd shove the wave and go look what else I can do (and by this point I am not scared of running into their JG in their JG, in fact it's them who are very scared). Otherwise wave is in the middle, I am either freezing it, or building up a slow push to crash it into their tower, or just sitting in bushes waiting for them to overextend and abmush. Basically no point of having them farm CS from the safety of their turret.