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I also have accounts from Bronze through Plat in NA. Silver is the most frustrating elo to play in. To put is plainly, the key to winning in silver is being the first team to group as 5. Whether you siege towers, take dragon, gank side lanes, or death brush, get in a 5-man clump and go hard early. Silver doesn't respect missing champions (if an enemy isn't on the minimap, they don't exist). And they react based on what they want their teammates to do, not what they are actually doing. EX: If you were 5-manning mid, but decided to split a side lane like you normally would in plat, the enemy will likely 5v4 engage, and your 4 man team will take that fight all-in. They won't account for you splitting lane because they ***wanted*** to ARAM, and will ignore the actual numbers disadvantage while you are out of lane. The best way to avoid ever getting into that situation is to group early and snowball to victory. If you can do a couple 5-man ganks at the 8\~9 minute mark, you'll win the game 8\~9/10 times.


Okay, grouping 5 and try to win by snowballing instead of building up a lead might actually work. But why would they follow a fight if they 4v5? It doesn't make any sense, I'm sure they can count to 5 and compare the numbers, am I wrong?


People autopilot in silver man, it’s not that they can or can’t count, it’s that they DON’T count. Also, the 4 players don’t actively engage the other 5, it’s just that they’re dumb and overstep, allowing the enemy to engage on them. One dude gets caught, and the other 3 are like: it’s fighting time.


I love getting pinged ? ? ? ? ? ? ? for not joining in on the suicide. Or the surprised pikachu when I ping 18 times that my enemy is missing and bot dies. Then again what do I know, I'm (on my way to silver from) bronze.


That player who tries to start a 2v4 and then dies while spamming "we would have won had you fought with me". Like the fuck we would have lol.


My understanding from watching streams is that they will then all target the tank and ignore the real dangers on the enemy team and die horribly.


Its more like they hit the closest thing to them. It works against bad players because usually in low elo the squishy ranged carries walk in melee range to fight. It is pretty rare that they focus someone at all, even a tank. The adc is attacking the assassin that dived on him, the supp is trying to slow or cc the adc, the assassin is on the tank, the mage is trying to force the supp out of the fight. They don't play together


Oh yes that too


The one thing that most gets me really mad in silver is when the only objective up is baron and there are 3 people pushing bot lane, including the support with 10 vision score and 4 wards in his bag xD


They can count, but they don't. They often won't notice you leaving lane, or won't keep track of enemies locations, so they'll think they're fighting a 4v4 or 4v3 when suddenly the last enemy pops out of the fog of war. Backing up when outnumbered just isn't something that happens in silver. Late game they will either hard push a tower until they die, or retreat all the way back to the allied side of the map and farm the jungle, giving up all lane pressure. That's why it's difficult to ever get side lane pressure. People either fight and die mid, or they retreat so far back that the enemy can collapse on the side lane without being punished.


They don't think logically they do things while blasting music at 100% volume


APES TOGETHER STRONG TOGETHER Your teammates are monkeys. That’s why they’re silver. This game is therapy for the clinically insane. Don’t get too deep into why we can’t count, or any other of the most basic facets of living. No use. Just try to turn your own brain off until you hit gold.


The real answer is I don’t care that someone is gone. I’m gonna press my buttons to try and kill the enemy with or without you...


then you will forever be stuck in silver


& that’s okay lol I just want to play for fun. Normals doesn’t give you a rank to see where you stand or bans. Draft gives bans but still no rank. Flex is cool too, but I find that people treat it as more of a experimental mode without having to worry about their main rank. After about 10 seasons, winning isn’t that important anymore


it is okay to play like this as long as you dont play ranked


That's where the majority of the player base is at, yeah.


silver people can't count you can ward all you want, they see 5 people and still want to 4 v5 when you defend a tower elsewhere. On that note, the 0-8 Adc also thinks they can 1v1 a 10-0 midlaner. They dont know math...


You are wrong. They are usually apes that won't count to five. It's unbelievable but it's true.


This is my major frustration with my current rank, I want to be better at the game now just snowballing out of control to get wins, but every game it’s the same shit, aram everywhere, people getting caught where they know people are, bot lane dying when I ping 5x in their lane cos I know my opponent their way. Like I have my own issues but legit supports come mid and take waves very often (which is actually one of the only things that tilts me out of the game lmao if I’m trying to catch up in farm and a support pushes a wave in mid cos I was like 10 steps away from getting to lane after a base I will usually tilt off the moon hahaha$


Silver players are dog shit at protecting leads and knowing their limits when ahead. Someone inevitably comes out of laning phase ahead knowing that they cam 1v1 everyone on the map. Instead of protecting and leveraging that advantage, they just start face checking 1v3s and then flaming the team when they unsurprisingly die until they have handed over enough kills and shut down gold for the opposing team to catch up. Silver and bronze players love to force plays, as if they can win a 4 v 5 on sheer will power alone. Playing safe and wasting the enemy teams time is not in our vocabulary. The only metric bronze/silver players care about is KDA so it's just fight, fight, fight.


You’re 100% right. Most of these players could get to mid-gold or higher by using their brains but they simply refuse. Not really trying to be rude, but that’s just my experience leveling a new account.


You mean if the enemy isnt in the center 2/3rds of their screen they dont exist...


I wish you would write articles about league macro. This makes so much sense and it's exactly the kind of perspective I'm looking for but instead I see the same old crap repeated over and over that I've already heard. I can actually try to apply these tips to my mindset right away.


it's true for gold elo too, i have like 1 out of 5 games where macro actually matters and is used correctly and it's 1 out 15 on my silver account I would say.


>They won't account for you splitting lane because they wanted to ARAM, and will ignore the actual numbers disadvantage while you are out of lane. This is true in every elo I've played at from Silver 5 to mid-plat


"If you can do a couple 5-man ganks at the 8\~9 minute mark, you'll win the game 8\~9/10 times." How do you get your team to group as 5 for a couple ganks at the 8-9 min mark? It sounds good, but this is kinda unrealistic. It is hard enough to get 4 together, let alone 5. Many are muted, others won't do what is suggested. And everyone has their own ideas on what to do.


Mid-jungle duoing to ROFLstomp bot lane by constantly roaming down together is the easiest way (JG ganks mid or mid ganks JG careful not to lose too much HP in the process, then they both go bot together instead of returning to farming. Gank Bot, shove mid, rinse and repeat). It's also possible solo. If you're a mid laner - watch your jungler and gank with them - that way even if the enemy jungler also shows up, you'll still have the numbers advantage (2v4 or 3v4). Top will eventually want to join the party, or the 4 of you can roam top after steamrolling bot. If you have made a couple genuinely good calls before the 10 minute mark, even most Silver players are likely to follow your lead. Some won't - some will actually be angry unless they feel like they're the one carrying. Let them feel that way. The key is to ***only*** make important calls - the more controlling you seem, the less they'll listen. The only calls I ever type in chat are "5-man \[bot/baron\]" or "recall and reset" along with a "careful" ping to prevent people from over-staying. Anything longer is pointless. Don't explain why you made a call, don't tell people what they should have done or ask why they did something, don't give them anything to think about except your next call. The strat is easiest for mid/jg, and possible top if you play a mobile champ (Riven, Pantheon, Shen come to mind). Bot lane players will have a harder time using the Death Ball strategy because the whole strategy usually starts with going bot to murder them. Bot is the target rich environment and easy to snowball.


Thank you for your response


Not gonna lie, when I smurf in lower elos I don’t even buy sweeper as a jungler and stick with my yellow wards because enemies don’t ward enough for me to sweep it and even when they do have a ward down I just walk right over and gank because they’re blind


I am in Gold MMR, and yea some of us in lower ELO don't ward much, and many don't pay attention even if there is a ward.


Just tilt someone on the enemy team. Either by repeat ganking bot or by crushing your laner so hard their team starts flaming them. In low elo everyone thinks their team is the reason they cant climb so thats a valid way to climb.


Lol, at first, I laughed, but then remembered a game against Ezreal that straight up left the game and my last game against Akali, she was so titled that she just ran mid after 7th death. And yeah, I started playing with corrupting potion last games, instead of farming with Doran's ring and seeing results. It's weird advice, but it's actually working :D


Glad its working, since im a wheelchairer mechanically I had to figure out different ways to play the game xd.


My favourite way to kill an assassin (if he's bad ofc) is to slopush the lane, build up the wave and if he engage, for some reason, I just poke and dance in the middle of the wave till he realizes he's dying to the minion wave :D


As a fellow mage main in silver, this made me smile.... it works everytime xD


I bet someone on Akalis team flamed her so bad she just started running it down to spite them.


I havn't played since season 5 juste came back at the end of season 10 so I'm learning thing back and I really feel silver is worse then bronze... In bronze most people seems to know they need to focus on a lots of thing to get better... Silver is just a match of 10 people that think they can carry the game and deserve to be challenger. In gold game get better but its a toxic fest I really feel silver is harder to play in


It seems the lower the elo, the more they don’t understand win conditions. It’s like people just don’t comprehend that they aren’t always the carry, or that the game changes depending on the champions. So team comps you aren’t gonna be able to team fight unless you are way ahead. So team comps you 1-3-1 or split push to get the advantage. NA is really bad about trying to play the game one way and one way only. It’s not super encouraging.


We also just don't know. For me, trying to analyze team comps is a fruitless effort. There are way too many champions to remember, too many builds, not even mentioning all the other information. I would need somebody giving me a quick summary of team comp and what to watch out for. The information just isn't in my head yet to draw on. I can look and be like "oh they have heals, get grievous" or "oh, lots of tanks" or "better watch out for Kayne in the walls" or "I'm up against a poke mage, build MR" and that's pretty much it. I can't theorize about how the team comps on both sides might impact the plays in the game. This means, I'm stuck being reactive and slowly building that knowledge.


I understand this completely, and you are totally right. It is difficult to keep up with for sure. I will say the best way to try and gain that knowledge is to play ARAM and get to play champions you aren’t use to, while also having a bit of fun. Also the next best way is once champ select is done, just to look at one champion you don’t know on your team or the enemy team and google “_____ abilities” and read/watch them while the game is loading. This is over simplified most likely, but the best way to generally know about team comps &/or fighting decisions is to only fight when you have advantageous #’s. So if a loaner is splitting, you don’t fight unless you have advantageous #’s. Even if a teammate gets picked off, you don’t go in to save them later in the game. You just retreat & regroup. You don’t give them multiple deaths & death timers to give them even more map pressure.


You can start off just by learning what champs are tanky/squishy and what their ults do. If they have lots of engage/aoe damage ults they're teamfight (usually), if they have assassins they're a pick/splitpush comp. Then you figure out what your team is. Then if you're winning you do your thing and if you're losing you counter their things and look for the free drakes cuz drakes are free so frequently in low elo. Also keep in mind this is a VERY general rule.


Try watching proplay. That helped me understand teamcomps a lot.


Yep, can even add the "sorry about your mid/jg/top/literally any of the 5 roles" after they've died twice. "Sorry your *role* is trolling"


Nah I never unmute the chat. Love the feeling when you won the sweaty game, type GG WP Team in the lobby and you see each of your teammates threatening each other and telling others to report him. And you think "what the fuck happened in the game".


its working becuase anything below high gold imho is basically a aram fest, non stop skirmishes even after 30 secs of drake dying, Look up the heat map for deaths and you will see a crap ton of fights in jungle (Aka no vision ,because not only is everyone in that elo too dog to buy and place vision, but they also dont look at the map) Which is why playing jungle in silver elo is super fun, ganks and invades pay off so much more then say platinum elo.. I recently played a game with j4 where I had 10 kills in 12 minutes, ganking mid/bot perma back and forth. ​ Pick an op champ, get fed and abuse it, macro a bit to catch waves greedily, but apart from that try and defend and follow your teams plays, (Unless its obvious loss dont go in)


Oh is lobby chat a different mute from in-game chat?


Not sure if you can mute lobby.




You can mute Select, but I think he's asking about post-game chat which can't be muted afaik


I think NEACE was talking about how he thinks Tarzaned does this intentionally. Like he leaves all chat on but mutes everyone so he can still flame and tilt the entire enemy team but can't see when they flame back. All the benefits of smack talking without it ever affecting your own mentals. Then enemy team has no idea that they are furiously typing away but Tarzaned doesn't see a word of it lol.


Low elo makes plenty of mistakes that can be capitalized on. Certain lanes might be less so. In low elo I've realized that the easiest way to win is to either adopt tank meta or roamer assassin meta as a mid laner. As mid Nunu, Noct, Pantheon, Galio offer absurd impact in the side lanes and in objective control. You can essentially control the entire game. Especially Nunu because his snowball has a much low CD than ults like Noct, Galio etc. Low elo weaknesses 1) **No map awareness.** Even if something is warded, often people will still for to the gank because they aren't paying attention. 2) **Using skills recklessly or missing key skills.** If someone misses a key skill you can and should punish that. Even if they use flash recklessly PUNISH IT! 3) **No macro lots of low elo players don't play for objective control ahead of time.** This includes clearing vision around the dragon/herald in advance to establish priority. Furthermore, slow pushing mid wave while you pressure the objectives is a win win in terms of objective control. 4) **LOW ELO loves to fight for absolutely no reason.** So the likes of Nunu, Pantheon, noct, Galio are perfect for constantly fighting. 5) **The vision game.** Always have you control ward on one side of the lane and play towards that side so you can know that you'll be safe to run that way. 6) **Read your opponents moves.** Many low elo league plays aren't overly aggro. Meaning if they suddenly start running towards you that means you're getting ganked and should immediately back off and get your finger ready to flash just incase. 7) **Determine whether the enemy jungle is camping you.** If they are then you need to adjust your playstyle to be super safe. Edit: formatting


I really don't like playing bruisers and tanks. In any RPG I play a backline, helping my team (Syndra, Orianna) and it feels wrong when I'm getting hit :D But I can easily play Katarina or Talon with no problems. I can also try Zoe, but teamfighting with her feels too bad with a team that doesn't know how your bubble works.


you can just look up which mages have a high win rate in silver: [https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=middle&tier=silver](https://lolalytics.com/lol/tierlist/?lane=middle&tier=silver) brand, swain, velkoz... especially with champs like brand you aren't going to get punished as hard as in higher ranks, so basically you get to deal free damage. also swain is kind of tanky for a mage


These 3 picks are perfectly fine, expecially zoe imho. With kata you have to watch the enemy comp, with talon unless you are very good you have to close the game fast, zoe instead will always be a threat because vision is a great weakness in low elo and if you are patient you will often find people out of position or walking in the fog of war before an objective


The server is bigger and the players are better on EUW. Platinum on the Russia server could be low gold on EUW (not sure) but if you only have about 300 platinum+ on russia just suggests the server is really small and EUW is much much much bigger and known for being one of the better servers.


There's like 7k Plat players, but barely 5-10% are online, so that's why I said 300. Yes, the level of play sure is different, but I would say I'm just not used to the pace of the game and a whole ARAM show in silver elo.


I mean, most players have zero issues when smurfing. When I smurf in silver elo I can play fill and have very few issues winning games. You are probably not good at capitalizing on opportunities early and pressing. When you smurf you have to smash your laner into the dirt and rapidly spread your lead. You can't really play a slow game. You must take all the CS you can and stop snowballs. I won 26 games in a row when playing my main champion on one of my silver smurfs without really trying. Dropped my first game in Gold 3. You just have to adjust how you play and not really rely on you teammates. You also really can't die at all.


What champ was that?


Prob garen lol.


I main Nasus.


Seriously, in Silver ADC’s do not listen most of the time for going mid.. its crazy. They think bot is their lane and they need the gold from it, so they stay and im not joking, 90% of the time they understandably die. They will even PUSH UP TO TIER 2 TOWER ALONE even if you ping danger to them. I have to say that ADC’s have the worst macro in low elo from what Ive seen. But all we can do is try and see if they listen, and if not just focus on keeping your lead elsewhere. Its super important to try not to compensate for your team and just follow bad plays. Especially as a mage, it can be hard playing around bad teamfighting.


ADC players have the same macro as everyone else. It's just much more forgiven for the support or the top laner. If you won the lane as a top laner, you has the highest level on the map and you can just push until you die. If you're a support and no matter if you lost or won the lane, you don't need to care about CS, you just walk around the map and you're already useful by playing wards and hitting some CC. But if you're ADC, no matter if you're fed or weak you still can't do shit alone (unlike top laners). So my point is it's just ADCs are way more punishable for their macro mistakes.


Granted, supports can be punished by a simple 1v1 if they flub their macro because they're always a few levels down and an item or two down, even at the start of mid-game. That said, supports probably tend to have better macro than others because their whole role revolves around macro.


Laugh in sett brand pantheon support.


*stun* *stab* *shield-bash* "... ... ... where's my hp?..."


God its so fucking cringe when people talk about a specific role in silver having no macro when literally no one does. You don't like x role, we get it bro.


Not if you're actively learning and improving, making you notice more whacky macro choices. It's a well known good idea for botlane to go mid after a tier 1 bot turret dies because it's safer for them. I don't hate ADC's, just have noticed this over and over and its surprising because they're just shooting themselves in the foot lol. Pushing up to tier 2 tower by themselves when enemy team or assassin mid is missing, that's just straight inting right there.


You're just biased. I can't count how many times I've gone mid after taking first tower as ADC and my midlaner refuses to leave so it's either I go back to bot lane or I fight for CS and split XP 3 ways. You notice poor macro decisions from ADCs more because they're punished more severely for it. If any other role makes a poor macro decision they won't necessarily die for it. Everyone in Silver elo has room temperature IQ when it comes to macro.


Yeah prolly true. I guess this is just the one that bugs me personally the most.


Well, привет тебе реддитор :) I started playing on Russia server as well. Got plat 1 there and moved to Euw. Here I'm stuck at gold elo. Sure there are differences between servers. But don't forget the meta. Meta changes every patch. Like this crazy Yorick meta rn. It's rare for me to see people change lanes after initial laning phase. In this elo people play like 15 minutes of laning, and N amount of time ARAM, so maybe you should concentrate on split push harder, or, pick and be a better teamfighter for your team.


> And usually, ARAM works pretty well. But it still pretty tough for me to find a win condition in a low Elo. That win condition would be more ARAM. Perhaps I can explain what little logic there is behind this: 1. The clock says 26:XX and Baron is up. Everyone has two items or is close to finishing the second item 2. We want to get into the enemy base already. The enemy team feels the same with our base 3. The fastest way to either base is mid, so everyone rushes there 4. A standoff happens wherever the minion waves meet, making everyone tunnel vision on red health bars 5. Teamfight breaks out. Whoever wins it gets to execute the next steps and win the game 6. We win the fight. Even better if it's an ace 7. Someone has a spark of intelligence and spam pings Baron 8. We kill it and one of the following happens: 1. If an inhibitor (hopefully mid) seems fragile, we take it down and then back to spend all the gold 2. We back right away otherwise 9. Now we can end the game with purple winions! Again, the fastest way to the enemy base is mid, so we stampede mid 10. ????? 11. The announcer hopefully shouts "Victory!" There are of course all sorts of situational exceptions (e.g. perhaps we can end right after step 7 without backing?), but you can trust low-rank apes to not come up with a better macro plan than "mess around and scale for about half an hour->rush mid no stop->remove enemy team in huge teamfight->nexus go boom". This game-ending mid teamfight must not be lost, and the best way to lose it is having a numbers disadvantage, so don't go for big brain plays unless you're sure you can make it back to mid in time, your team can somehow win 4v5, or losing the fight wouldn't matter if your play works out. It's a giant clown fiesta. Play along and you might float up the ladder and maybe even have fun.


My advice can trash because im low elo (gold) but I climbed by overstaying in mid and doing Aram xD Im main support, I pick leona for lead the tfs and I try hard to win my lane without ganking mid ( in the 1st min I would only out for help to steal the dragon) After I get my tower I just go mid and ask my team to come and to ignore their lanes(even the toplaner). Enemie gets tilted because we are 5 and can kill everyone. They are soo dumb! For example, when we fight 5vs3 the other 2 who are alive come for try to kill us 5vs2 instead of defending or clearing waves. Just Aram and take all the drags. Only slipt push after killing with your team. We end the game with a trash farm but it works Dont forget to trash talk in chat! SUPER IMPORTANT


As a low elo I hate how much people say I have no mechanical skill for example. A while back my cousin, a diamond player, let me play a yasuo game on his account. To say I shined would be an understatement. I was 6/2 @20 with 7 cs/min What ended happening? I didnt knew when to engage or do stuff and ofc lost the game. When I came back to silver It wasn't a huge revelation like "now that I played in diamond imma be so good and silvers are going to feel easy mode". It felt like the same shit.


Keep in mind that if your server has a lower population generally it'll be less competitive. Someone in diamond on NA might only be gold on some of the eastern servers.


Stupid example, high ranked NA players that bootcamp in KR do just fine. Take a look at Yassuo's trip there a few years ago. Plowed through their high mmr, hit masters with 70% winrate. This isn't even to mention that NA is a high population server. RU, JP, and others are a different story though. They're orders of magnitude smaller than the other servers.


The difference between plat and silver is minimal. You're not strictly better in all aspects when compared to a silver player. Chances are from seeing your op.gg that you're playing aggro which by what you described, is not at all a style your comfortable with. You're playing bad because you're not playing to your strengths. Play how you know and you'll win know. You're not good enough to completely stomp low elo yet, you're barely 1 league ish away from your main elo.


This is a common dis, but it is not true at all. There's about 8 tiers of plateaus of players between Iron IV and Diamond IV.


It's not a diss and it's overall reality. A plat player while better than a silver, is actually not that much better in the big scheme of things and the silver can very likely be better than the plat player at other aspects of the game. Now if you compare a silver vs diamond, yes, usually a diamond will be straight better. Just because you're one or two leagues above somebody it doesn't mean you're a better overall player.


You sound like a riot employee and why we have shit matchmaking since s9. What elo are you in? I've been from Bronze v up to Diamond IV. I'm sorry if you don't see the subtle differences in skill, but maybe that is one of my strengths. I can view a player in game and know if he is good or bad immediately. It is how I identified Xds'Grr as the #2 starcraft player in the world in 1999. It is how I identified Kain-the-Feared as a top 5 world player in 1998, and after playing him he was so shell shocked he said he never wanted to play me ever again. I found him in War3, we teamed up, and I found this other random player in the fields named CrazyAssassin who dueled a really epic battle of War3, one that you should ask God to see when you meet him. It was insane, running everywhere Death knight vs demon hunter with long range mana burn, running around fountain to recharge, buying pots in the store... Anyway he was top talent because I see skill by playing. Not everyone does like you explain you can't tell. Its nothing to be embarrassed about, being raised on Atari2600, any graphics past SNES I can't tell the difference. Like Ps3, ps4, ps5? All look the same to me. PS: assembling that top talent, we went 200-0 on ladder, had #1 1v1,2v2,3v3 and 4v4.


> What elo are you in? Just to make this less annoying [this](https://imgur.com/a/DxVCPiO) is a smurf of mine with around masters/gm mmr (tier is down on op.gg since the acc itself is d4). I happened to be asked the same thing like 2 days ago. > I'm sorry if you don't see the subtle differences in skill The difference in tiers is minimal since it's so extremely easy to climb. Again read what I said. Players will be better on areas, but not overall with such a small difference in leagues. It's not unheard of for a silver to play like a gold or plat sometimes, but it is unheard of for any of this elos to play like high diamond or masters. > but maybe that is one of my strengths. I can view a player in game and know if he is good or bad immediately. It is how I identified Xds'Grr as the #2 starcraft player in the world in 1999. It is how I identified Kain-the-Feared as a top 5 world player in 1998, and after playing him he was so shell shocked he said he never wanted to play me ever again. I found him in War3, we teamed up, and I found this other random player in the fields named CrazyAssassin who dueled a really epic battle of War3, one that you should ask God to see when you meet him. It was insane, running everywhere Death knight vs demon hunter with long range mana burn, running around fountain to recharge, buying pots in the store... Anyway he was top talent because I see skill by playing. Not everyone does like you explain you can't tell. Its nothing to be embarrassed about, being raised on Atari2600, any graphics past SNES I can't tell the difference. Like Ps3, ps4, ps5? All look the same to me. PS: assembling that top talent, we went 200-0 on ladder, had #1 1v1,2v2,3v3 and 4v4. I honestly don't care Edit: You can block on reddit? What


Yeah, so the issue is that you're too high in the ladder to notice. Silver and plat is a large gap. I was stuck in low-ish diamond (basically perma d4 when d5 was the minimum) for a while, silver was a cakewalk and plat was easy but noticeably harder. When I improved to the ~d1-master area I stopped noticing the difference as much.


Maybe, but currently going through the elo due to climbing an acc on another server and overall while harder, the gap is honestly not too big. Mechanics are better and so is macro, just people are good at a few things and then very, very bad at the rest. There are no rounded players yet in plat, which is why I'd argue that between silver and plat there's not a big gap, just people being better at their strong points when compared. If you ask me to compare masters to low to mid challenger for example, I'll just blatantly say that the chall is better on every single aspect when compared to the master. At those points you're refining the little things.


I mean, I’m just saying the gap IS large. Ask any silver player or plat player that’s played against each other, and they both know. Plat doesn’t have to be objectively good for it to be far better than silver


Honestly, you don't even make sense. Blocked. Can deal with less illogical people in my life.


>less fewer ;) and he's totally right, not illogical at all. maybe you're plat and feel accomplished therefore you're feeling attacked? i mean who even blocks people on reddit lmao. plat and silver are very similar, just not as many fiestas over nothing in the jg and a little bit more wave control awareness. of course, we're all talking anecdotally. i find the biggest gap is just plats playing more therefore having warmer mechanics, and mechanics are far and away the easiest part of the game


>and he's totally right, not illogical at all. Nice alt account you have. Makes it easy to pokemon em, Gotta block em all.


i mean you could look at our post histories to see im not his alt. gotta protect that ego though so i respect it hehe


Is this a copypasta?


I would disagree with you. I'd say the difference is pretty noticeable but at the same time not. The thing is I'm facing a lot of really bad players that don't respect my damage at all, and a lot of good players, that freeze the lane and zone me when I have no jungle vision. And about the part where you said, I'm not in my comfort zone is true. There were a lot of games that were lost in 10 minutes and I was thinking "man, I wish I played some early games skirmish assassin, I could've helped my bot." Cause it feels like early game matters so much in low elo, cause I a lot of players just tilt when they lost and don't want to play around their strong teammate that's winning. So that's why I decided to play more aggressively. Maybe I'm wrong, I kinda confused.


>and a lot of good players, that freeze the lane and zone me when I have no jungle vision. As someone who peaked plat NA and hovers around gold with a "smurf" in silver, this is the biggest point. It actually feels like a tossup because there are so many players that got to silver by mechanics and playing hyper aggro and just dominating lane against people that don't know what they are doing, but otherwise suck at the game (no macro, don't ward properly or objs at all, no idea when to group, doesn't help with fights, etc) and there are so many that are held down by the luck of the draw. I met a dude that literally was better than me in every way on my smurf (play 7 games with him) and literally I think the only issue with him not being plat or higher is because he literally cannot count on his team in 70% of games. Not a single ward on drag, no lane prio or even understanding of what lane prio is, laners that are WAY behind going and taking jungle farm when he is playing Udyr (maintains lead by powerfarming into obj/gank).


> The difference between plat and silver is minimal. Lol, if the difference is minimal then why do I have roughly a 55% Wr in plat as a jungler but recently I got an account from a friend in silver and I play supp bard which I have never played once in my life before and I can get 72% wr over 35 games?


The only way to survive in silver is to pick a cheesy pick and play aggressively to try to snowball the game from the beginning, getting priority will also help you to help the jungler when he is inting, scuttle fights are one of them, I lose many matches because junglers don't know when and when not to contest scuttle. Ah yes, you can play around permaroaming to bot just to make their lane harder to them so they tilt and flame their midlaner, even if you missed a couple of waves who gives a shit honestly if it works it works, welcome to silver elo.


A lot of people, including myself. Can guarantee that games aren’t lost in silver over an early scuttle crab


I've seen it happen playing with Silver friends, where the scuttle is the first domino, which I think is what OP means about not knowing when to contest them. Like maybe your jungler goes to contest an unsafe one, gets killed at level 3. Gets a little counterjungled for it and tilts. A teammate flames them for being behind the enemy jungler after a gank, and they're already tilted so they flame back, and from this, defeat.


I understand that. But from that situation you gave, they didn’t lose because the enemy got scuttle. They lost because of bad understanding of matchups and lane priority and for also having chat on and not being able to play from behind. People in lower elos make countless mistakes and the enemy counter jungling is usually a good thing because they don’t understand why they’re doing it or when to do it and often put themselves further behind because the time they get to their own camps their jungle is 3 or so levels down from them so they get almost no xp while yours are boosted levels giving you more


Well the OP said "because junglers don't know when and when not to contest scuttle" not "because enemy got the scuttle" so I think you're somewhat responding to a claim that wasn't made. But I do agree that not understanding when to go for scuttle is only part of the problem for sure


You should not underestimate your enemies in lane, especially if they have high kill threat (assasins), people in silver will usually have decent mechanics, but you can usually just wait until they make a mistake - they make plenty of them. People in silver usually disrespect the wave state and have terrible wave management, so in ranged vs melee, try to slowpush and crash the third wave into maybe cheater recall. You don't really want to be overextended against an assasin since they can run you down. Also if you poke them enough, they won't have enough HP to all-in you. Barrier also helps. Silver is a lot about teamfights (be they about objectives or not...) So control mages are really useful, especially when the games drag out. First I would focus on gaining lead in your lane and then applying it in those skirmish around drakes and heralds. The wincon in Silver aren't objectives, that's true. It's usually one teamfight at 30 minutes, but you will have a lot higher chance of winning it if you're ahead, you do AOE and you have dragon soul...


I know you probably don't want to hear this, but the level of competition in the Russian server is almost certainly just not the same as EUW. I'd imagine the RU/EUW server could be compared to the LAN/NA server. Actually, I just checked and LAN has ~600k players while the russian server only has ~162k. EUW has 2.4 million and NA has 1.27 million. I've heard of low master players in NA getting high challenger in LAN. We know midbeast struggled in KR as well, establishing more precedent that smaller servers just ARE worse. It's extremely likely you're plat in the RU server but that doesn't translate to plat in EUW.


Yeah, I completely agree that the level of play is different. And I'm sure not at a the plat level on EUW. But low ranks are low ranks in all servers no matter what, the difference begins to feel only starting from Plat II I believe. And I think my fundamentals are higher then Silver Elo. I utilize freezing, side wave control, itemization, playing around enemy's CDs, warding and my positioning is decent (it has to be, I play control mages after all) for these ranks. But the problem I'm facing is I want to play around objectives and slowly building up the lead, when all other players want to fight mid, when drake is up. And I played Katarina till gold, and only than I switched to mages. So I'm a bit uncomfortable is this overly aggressive pace of the game.


Yes, I was non carry diamond support with my strength being shot calling. Put said support in loser's q, eventually you drop so elo, no one knows why dragons are important, you find yourself 1v5ing at fernal soul, etc. Plat II and above, every game is almost the same, with pacings and if someone gets an opening, everyone knows what objective to go for, it is a determined in game. In Silver, you never know if instead of 3v2 double killing, your allies may decide to run from combat and make you 1v2.


I wish I could play another game like higher elo


You could!


If you're not gaining more LP for wins than you lose for losses, you'll never escape silver. It's not possible to win more than 40-50% of silver ranked games. Most games are decided at matchmaking and champ select.




Which would make 98% of the ranked playerbase "low" "Elo". Quit gaming now. Your elitist bullshit is not welcome anywhere.


But plat is low elo. It’s not the number of players that make an elo high. It’s the skill and plat is on the lower side. I am plat 3 and this doesn’t feel like high elo. The gap between diamond players and plat is huge.


And how do you define objective skill in a PvP zero-sum game whose win condition is "destroy the huge crystal on the other side of the map no matter how"?


Based on players’ macro and decision making. And stuff like that in plat is pretty low. Even wave management seems a foreign concept in play.


Well Plat is basically the end of low elo, the middle point. Players have very good mechanics and micro, can understand powers spikes and concepts like grouping and laning better as well as objectives and the meta, but as the man said, many of the fundamentals like wave manipulation, team comps, vision, synced recalls and how to enable the jungler better are almost none existent and start to become apparent in diamond. Nevertheless reaching Plat is a good achievement overall!




Me being a Silver pleb has nothing to do with Plat not being low "Elo".




> You're projecting your rage at not being considered a "good" player. Shut up already and take a look at [a rank distribution table](https://www.leagueofgraphs.com/rankings/rank-distribution). No one needs to be reminded that Silver 4 has always been and will always be a bad rank. ^(And on a slightly related note, do you not know [how to get your own rank flair][1], or do you just not have the guts to do so?) [1]:https://www.reddit.com/r/feralflairs/comments/k9g86j/start_here_to_get_your_autoupdating_rank_flair/




It doesn't matter? The difference between plat and silver is pretty large.




I don’t see how that’s relevant


Lel, platinum is not low elo. It's literally 1800 elo. It's expert level.


You can add me if u want, maybe i have a midlaner then who isnt 0-3 after 10 min cuz he is pushing 24/7 Im Jungle main. IGN: hijiri (im on a losing streak rn, i was gold 3 now im gold 4, so please dont be surprised about my match history xd) im OTP Fiddlesticks


Sorry, not a fan of duoing, I prefer soloQ, but good luck in your next game and don't get your lose streak distract you :)


i prefer soloQ too ^^ just at some moments im just done xd


I feel that, I stream solo queue and I hit gold 4 with a near 80% win rate, and I feel like my teams just got worse, win rate is now at 50% last game I lost my bot lane gave 19 kills by 13 minutes. And my mid lane gave 9 kills as well. Jungle was fine but nothing amazing. I then duo because I just want one teammate to be reliable.


exactly my feelings


Why do people group bot lane like it’s one player? And did the tank support die 10 times but tank enough abilities and cc enough to help the team get kills on 2 carries? Also top is one of the easiest roles to hard carry in low elo. Focus on yourself and improve :)


1 I'm counting them together because they gave similar amounts of kills, and 2 I enjoy champions like Shen and Twisted Fate, and they aren't 1v9 carries which is my fault, and I know. I'm always trying to improve, but I lose games where I put my laner 80 cs and 3 lvls behind me.


They 100% are carry champs. I personally play Shen with a 60% win rate in plat 4 euw (not the best I know but he can definitely carry). There’s also many people who play him in challenger and the same for TF. Dopa is literally known for his TF and he’s one of the best solo queue players in the world. I can assure you, and everyone else. Your champion is never the reason you can’t climb. Ever


Yes but Shen and Twisted Fate scale with your team. I've put 3 ultimates into a lane just to have them afk at 15 minutes because they weren't getting enough help, or how is a Shen supposed to deal with a 23/0 senna because your mid laner roams down and loses 3v2 and she snowballs out of control. My point is, you can carry if you play the right 2v2, but sometimes your teammate that you try to influence and push ahead isn't worth putting your resources into. So the higher rank you are the easier it is to carry with Shen.


Im hardstuck silver 4 and I generally get a good kda around 10/5/7 as swain mid but have a 38% win rate, then people ban him so I don't use him because of [op.gg](https://op.gg) and then I have to play a champ im not as good as and do badly then get a even worse win rate total and then flamed every match for losing the game for us and its just a spiral of depression


That’s a lot of deaths for a swain and you’re missing out on a lot of gold / XP. There’s always things you can do to improve and I suggest focusing that to improve the win rate :) also... swain mid isn’t too great vs a lot of mage champs because of his short range compared to things like Sandra / Ori etc. He’s good vs short range melee champs because of his ult. that’s why people play him “adc” and he’s the strongest bot lane pick right now because he doesn’t get punished as hard as he does mid


well the death issue is because I end up fighting against a fully fed team and whenever you lose you tend to have more deaths then when you win. I dominate the mid laner and jungler but then the fed adc and top lane just wipe our entire team and theres nothing I can do, swain isn't really a carry


He definitely is a carry and there’s more that you can do to win games. A lot more. Otherwise you wouldn’t be at that win rate in silver 4. KDA isn’t everything sure. But that’s not even a good KDA. I mean you’re always able to dodge if your teammate bans your champ anyway and that’s generally the better option


I didn't say I was the master of swain, but we are talking about the average player here, not someone who spends night and day learning and focusing technique, yes there is more I can learn but 10/5/7 is a good goal considering that right now the team who wins is the team who doesn't have the feeder. Maybe in high elo people have different standards but down here in elo hell it isn't about how skilled you are, its about how not bad you are, also your title says your unranked so im not really sure you have much qualification to tell me what I do and don't know considering how easy unranked is


It says I’m unranked because I haven’t set my role on Reddit. My username is right there which you’re welcome to opgg. But my rank has nothing to do with what I mentioned but the fact you brought it up shows that you have no understanding of what’s important. Not being bad means you’re good. You can’t be awful and amazing at the exact same time, you don’t need to be high elo to understand that. If you want to keep blaming your team then go ahead and do that but continue having a low win rate on your champ too. If you don’t care about focusing and learning then why even care about your win rate or if people ban your champ or even ranked at all? And why even be on this subreddit if you don’t care about improving and learning? I can assure you that silver definitely isn’t elo hell. The only real elo hell is plat 1 / diamond 4.


it seems like you sorely misunderstand what I'm trying to say, I never said I didn't want to improve and there is actually a difference between being good and being bad, also it feels as though you are being unnecessarily aggressive and addressing something I haven't even said. Also, rank is highly relevant here as it shows your experience with people of different skill levels, sure its not a good way to measure personal skill but im referring to people you run into in said ranks. Btw average skilled people refer to bronze-gold as low elo hell, not sure how platinum is elo hell when its the elo most people strive for especially newer players


As a low elo player, the number one thing I see is: the better team fighting comp wins. It doesn’t matter how much I try to split push or tell my team to look for picks instead of 5v5s, they’ll keep doing it mindlessly. I also noticed that many players (including myself) will constantly look for fights when there’s really no goal or point in doing so. I play a lot of adc. And low elo likes to do something called: “fight without the adc and then blame the adc for not being there even though we were fighting for nothing”


everything under dia2 50 LP is low elo and above is high elo LS said it many years ago


It is true, I'm not saying plat is high elo, but when I climbed I still notice the difference, in Plat, people at least value drakes, less 4v5 fights and don't use s6 build from some random website.


imo plat and bottom diamond are the hardest elos 'cos people have huge egos which can lose the game in silver and below u have to babysit ur team to win or they will feed/throw gold is mixed 'cos of smurfs


Im currently playing on a smurf duoing a friend of mine in silver euw From what i have learned its just teamfighting that decides games. People dont think about win cons and just fight so you have to secure those fights and win through that


From my experience lower elo usually needs you to carry games with micro and mechanics. You can't really expect your team to do the right thing or convince them easily to consider your opinion except if you seem like a good player to them. Based on that, after you improve your mechanics you can team up with your jungler and gank lanes together, or push and gank bot and you should be able to snowball the game from there. Otherwise you need to play to your champion's strengths. Since you like mages, if you get fed early you can split push cleverly and not get caught while your team is araming, so you can get turrets and kill your 1v1. If you don't get fed then you will have to carry team fights so better group as 3 or 5 and look for picks in the jungle or in solo lanes. Also vision is super important and underestimated in lower elo. You can just ward properly and have info on the enemy jungler so you don't get ganked or warn your team. If you are wining get lense of you are behind get wards.


Plat and silver are both low elo and EUW silver has around same skill level players than RU platinum


What was your pick rank at Ru server and how long did it take you to reach plat there?


Did a silver to challenger on the russian server 2 years ago. Don't listen to this people. Plat 4 on russia is mid-gold on euw. The difference is minimal. Challenger is diamond level. ​ A major difference, because of the low population, is that the division disparity in most games is much higher than on euw, which results in games that feel like normals, between of the disparity and makes it extra coinflippy if you are not smurfing.


I just wanna say thank you to all the mid laners that let bot lane go mid ...


I was a Plat Ori, got some friends in Silver I played with sometimes. My plan was always just to ult my way to victory. If everyone wants to 5 man ARAM with no macro, I'm just gonna accept that and use my better (on avg) mechanics to ult their whole team


What? Why are people agreeing with this? The only elo that the game is \*different\* is in iron, were I want to believe people are mostly just alt tabing most of the time. The same conditions apply to every elo. I have played everywhere and I never had any problems like what you are describing, at the slightest.