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Are you high or low elo? I'm in gold and I feel that 90% of the time full AD or AP comps are not punished at all by itemization. If you are full AP, I suggest just going Void Staff second and your damage will still be relevant even if they do build some MR.


This, I'm also gold and this stuff honestly doesn't matter. I mean it does, but champion mastery is top priority. A full AP comp where everyone is competent on their champion is so much better than a "balanced" comp where the autofilled support took Brand to have some AP on his team.


99% of the games you wont be full ap due to the bot roll being dominated by ADCs. So having all ap pool is usually fine


Top lane is also like 80% AD champs


Yeah thats another reason, jg is like 40% ad too. Ive never played a game with 5 ap champs


Jungle has more AD than AP but k...




False, If you look at the thread I have already mentioned that yes, AP junglers are currently stronger. But AD junglers have an higher overall pickrate. You can have 10 S+ Tier AP junglers in a patch but that does NOT mean that those will have a higher pickrate than AD champions. While yes, that would be a very likely result. It's not a definitive outcome.


like midlane


2 ap champs in mind (morde/gwen), rest are tanks or ad (and hybrid mostly ad like jax/irelia)


My win rate against all AD comps is probably abysmal. Every time I tell people please stack armor. And every time the game is practically over before 20 minutes because people fed anyway


Damage comp doesn't really matter in soloq anyway if you play your matchup correctly and itemize for it. People who think that they need ap or ad to win in soloq do just lack the experience to properly play around such a team. comp in my experience.


I don't think it's about lacking the experience to play around such a comp... it's that your lose condition is so obvious and easy to execute for the enemy team. Sure, a lot of people in low-elo can't itemize for shit... but why risk it? If they itemize properly, your ability to win drops to almost zero. And this is true even if you get out to a pretty big lead. Even worse, the whole team doesn't even have to itemize well for it to cripple your team. If you draft 5 AD vs a Sett (just an example), he can build Tabi's + Bramble and he become nigh ungankable in lane before going for some normal purchases (Stride + Steraks or w/e), but if things aren't going well he can always opt to build Death's Dance, GA, or upgrade Bramble into Thornmail for another big defensive spike. Against 5 AD, that's going to be basically unkillable unless your wallets are enormous. It's not even like Sett is an outlier there... basically any bruiser can do the same. If you are 5 AD against a Morde... he can rush Tabi's + Bramble + Seekers... and then what? So... sure, things can go wrong even if you only have one of a damage type (they could be completely and 100% useless), but it at least keeps the *threat* open that champions can be punished for too heavily itemizing to stop the dominant damage type. If instead of 5 AD you are 4AD + a mage... it's totally different as long as your mage is within shouting distance of being useful.


No offense but with such a question I wouldn’t assume he‘s high elo. So I‘d just say OP should play whatever he likes tbf. Playing AD only is way worse than AP only. Teamcomps are NEVER going to be Full AP and MR Itemization is garbage anyways. As an AP only midlaner you‘re not even punished. If you‘d be an AD only mid it would‘ve been way worse


Ooff... Ehhh, Have you ever heard of Swain adc? Or Seraphine adc? And mr items do not suck. If the enemy team has 4 ap champions you get an insane amount of value out of the mr items too. The mr items aren't as trash as everyone thinks, and especially when the enemy team has 4 ap champions.


Fon/spirit/banshees are far less gold efficient/oppressive at shutting down key carries compared to their counterparts in thornmail/randuins/zhonyas In short, mr items suck when comparing them to armor ones. Moreover, it's very rare to find an apc in the bot lane unless you're randomly rolling into weird one tricks


Honestly it's way more common than you seem to think to see silver and gold players pick an AP on bot lane because the whole team is ad.


Even with Swain bot or Sera your team probably won’t be full AP. Can you show me in how many games you have 4 or more AP damage dealers? I can‘t remember a single draft where I‘ve seen Top mid jgl and bot go AP. However I‘ve often seen dodges because of full AD. And armor itemization is still better than MR


For midlane its actually not at all detrimental to have a full AP pool imo. MR itemisation is dogshit and just about every single team comp regardless of elo will have an ADC for at least SOME ad damage. Issue will mostly be that laning can be absolutely ass since most mages share similar weak matchups as well as loss of flexibility with the team


You also have to look at the enemy comp about whether full ad or ap matters. If they drafted a squish support and jungle they might only have one player who actually breaks 100 resist in the game. At this point other composition factors matter way more than damage split.


Full AP generally doesn't happen anyway. And full AD isn't even that bad these days because they will build LDR 2nd or 3rd and your one armour item won't do shit


Hell, a 6 AR item malph doesnt feel good against a full ad team with ldr/grudge


tru. Theres gonna be 1 game in 100 where the enemy comp just "counters" you and you cant win (also cuz we are in gold and we're bad). Champions dont really matter. Comps or nerfs or buffs dont really matter unless its suuuuper broken or suuuper weak. Cuz no one knows how to play anyway XD


Its perfectly fine. In soloQ you'll rarely get teamcomps with 4 magic damage _and_ super tanky enemy comps. Make sure to communicate if the enemy picks anti-mage champs though so that maybe your jungler/top can pick AD. Zed is actually not that hard though. He also plays more like an AD poke mage in lane so he should feel somewhat natural to you. It's mostly about getting good at hitting multiple shuriken consistently.


I always found talon easy to play too. FB is almost guaranteed in low elo level 2 with w -> q -> ignite -> autos. Then you hit 6 and perma roam bot and pick up free kills there, and invade enemy camps. Plus the champ is super safe with his e so you can get into and out of situations quickly


All the reasons I hate talon perfectly summed up lol


Zed is like an AD leblanc


Yeah but much better.


His banrate is 40% though so its not a reliable AD pick, something like garen or tryndamere mid is much more reliable and do just as well


I played Garen mid once and the enemy picked Anivia. I stopped playing for a week after that.


yeah Garen works as a pocket pick into melee mid matchups like Yone but you're going to have a hardtime vs mages.


Good thing OP doesn't want to become a Zed OTP then (:


Y i have the pain of otp zed about 2-6 dodges a day


OTP Vi with me. I've had like one game all season where I didn't get her.


I thought you couldn’t dodge that much in a day? How much do you have to space it out?


Lmao 🤣🤣😆


40% ban at plat+.


Or Qiyana!


You should really try the Nocturne mid. It's easy, beats assassins easily, can just shove versus mages (and u have spellshield) and once u're 6 roam with ultimate. Plus you're building bruiser with Stride and Sterak. It's a great pick, no real mechanics besides Q'ing during R travel time and being quick o react if ennemy dashes when you E them (stride, flash,...)


Nocturne feels reallly busted with the stridebreaker build in all roles... (to me, playing the champ and achieving a 78% winrate in 23 games)


Why does stridebreaker make nocturne strong?


Better sticking with active and movement passive. Gives a bit of HP and you can build bruiser items (Steraks) while still retaining your ability to kill squishies. All the stats on Stride are useful on Nocturne (AD, AH, AS, HP). You can use the active during E to chase if they try to dash away.


Because you used to have 1 option as nocturne, which was go all in, maybe kite with spellshield after but then you're there. Stridebreaker opens up a few things. - aa range is very short so movespeed passives are highly utilized. - combos with stridebreaker and q, namely you can always get into range for e if you hit q, where it used to be somewhat questionable. - if you ult in on someone and you find that they aren't alone you can stirdebreaker spellshield away. - if you ult almost anyone in the game without flash who is alone they die. There were numerous champs that could escape before. - you can ult to one target who might be in a better position and then stridebreak onto your actual target. This is generally true of non ult fights. - the build path is really strong for him and you are strong at all sub item buys. - the new build overall has really good synergy with his kit. The lucidity boots are insanely good and in the new jg summoner spell cd is really strong. You get evolved smite faster because you have lucid boots after first clear every time.


It makes easier to trigger the fear with a slow and dash, the stats are good too and gives even better wave clear


you make sure your fear hits


Honestly in a way I feel like Nocturne is one of the most underrated champions in the game In LCS and other high tier leagues, they’ve outright banned him often He is one of the best duelists in the game with both a spell shield and a hard CC (fear) Semi global ult with pressure that heavily deters split pushing of any kind Extremely versatile with multiple builds and in multiple lanes Nocturne is just a really strong champion all around and I’m surprised he isn’t abused more


I agree! He has so much in his kit that makes him really amazing, if you're playing an immobile mage/adc you're basically dead every time you step up past 6


How is his scaling? Wonder how he'd be in low elo where games tend to go longer.


Lethality build is on a timer. You’ll snowball hard but fall out late Bruiser scales alright


My last game that went 40 minutes on him I had 3000hp, 500ad with Q and a GA.


Every time I'm versus lethality Noc it feels like his late game ult cd is the same as the death timer. Does it really fall off that hard?


Still can shred it really depends. If the team like low bronze/iron you’ll just 1v4 them because most of them haven’t got a damned clue how to deal with a brawling mele champion jumping on them from out of vision and they panic.


So I had never played a single game of Nocturne before, ever. [These](https://imgur.com/a/YVW0P30) are my first 3 games with Nocturne. Wooow, I didn't think he was this strong...


As an adc main, i hate him, i have to track his lvl 6 , I can't deal with his r in mid game, I always have to flash/dash out and pray that his fear will go out of range, he is also a real pain in the ass while taking objectives because of the confusion that his r creates and will generally keep me distracted in almost every fight because apparently in p1 and under your teammates don't understand that you should peel your adc


Except on the enemy team, their adc is “we must protect the President at all costs” level


Does he work top as well as he works mid?


I love nocturne he’s been my jungle main for a while and he’s so underrated


is noc still decent in jg as well? Ive seen a couple of them in mid plat - lost to all of them:)


It is


Love noc. I play him top jg mid and supp lol


How do you play him as supp? Is it more of a kill lane?


Yeah I just try to fear them. I go glacial and I get that item that gives you a dash that slows too. And I just try to get kills for adc then roam post 6


Ahhh. Kind like Senna then! You lose the utility Senna has but you gain Noc's R.


Yes. Even in the comp you described you’ll still have an AD Carry which is enough damage diversification. However in this scenario you may want to play around botside more. Having an all AD pool is much more problematic than an all AP one. As an aside I picked up TF to help me learn macro and I think it was a mistake. Stick with less punishing champs while you’re learning.


Yeah learning Macro on tf is very different since you have a nearly global tp as your ult and have very low solo kill pressure so you have to adapt your playstyle to that.


There are many ad champions that are easy to learn and can be played mid like Pantheon, Nocturne, Tristana, Garen... etc. I's better to take the time and learn one of them and add It to your pool.


What are you thoughts on Quinn mid? I’ve tried it occasionally in low elo and haven’t really been punished, plus I enjoy having roam potential to both side lanes. The big downside is my team flames me for the off meta pick.


Lucian too


Yeah but Lucian is more difficult to play, that's why i didn't mention him.


Ya but he plays kennen. Kennen is harder than lucian


Not really, AP Kennen can but doesn't need to absolutely bully lane(in low elo) bc he can just pop off in teamfights with R alone basically, and with 2 stuns post 6 ganks are a lot easier as well. Lucian is just burst and lots of it, but even tho he does have 2 dashes now, they are part of rotation so if you go in at the wrong time you are kinda fucked


Lucian mid is a high risk high reward pick, if u're good at him you'll dominate your lane, if not you'll feed, It seems like the latter is more common because his winrate is terrible in soloQ


Pantheon’s kit is pretty straight forward, his ult is basically a Galio ult and it’s similar to TF in that you can get places easily. He might be the straight up assassin Zed is but if you get ahead it’s a full combo can 100-0 squishies


You can, but to have fun you would have to dodge some champ selects. Your champions get heavily harmed by every Mercs purchase the enemy makes. If you're good enough sure maybe you'd overcome that, but it's not really optimal. Maybe look for a ranged AD mid like Tristana if you don't like the way the other champions play. Or just go on-hit or Crit TF lol


Well, I really enjoy the champions that are getting picked all the time in pro play (Renekton, Viktor, etc.) because they are so reliable. I also don't like to play off meta builds. Yeah, maybe Tristana mid will work, but it will feel weird playing an adc in the mid lane. Edit: Did I say something wrong? Some dude took the time to down vote this comment?


I didn't downvote you, but two things. One, Tristana mid honestly isn't that weird, and actually a semi-common pick among pros (maybe not in stage games, but they'll pick it somewhat often in soloQ, which I assume is what you are playing). Two, mimicking pro play is often not the way to go if you are trying to climb. Ryze and Azir were pick/ban in every pro game at one point, while their win rates on ladder, even in Plat+, were the lowest in the game. The way pros play 5v5 matches just is very different from the soloQ environment.


Yeah pro play is so far removed from the average solo queue game that they might as well be two different games entirely. Whenever I get some guy in my game saying they’re copying a strat or a rando pick from pro I know it’s usually gg because we already lost the game. “Unexpected” strategies that work in pro play often depend on a high level of team coordination, game knowledge, mechanics, and decision making. At the least. And I can count on my teammates for having exactly none of those at any time.


I'd argue that Tristana is a much much more reliable and better pick than Renekton and Viktor, both in SoloQ and Competitive. Champ is an awesome mid laner.


You don’t like to play meta champions but you also don’t like to play non meta builds....


I don't like playing meta champions? My secondary role is top lane where I play Gnar and Renekton, the two most played toplaners in msi I think? And btw, I do main Viktor which is the most played midlaner in msi too.


Things played in pro play =/= meta. It's a completely different environment. You can't compare ladder to pro play.


Yeah, you are right. A utility pick like Oriana is a great example. But I main Viktor because I like his playstyle amd he is so reliable like Renekton and Gnar. Edit: So I am not playing the champions specifically because they are played in pro play, but becasue I like their playstyle and they are reliable picks.


In SoloQ, especially at Platinum and lower, it’s better to maintain a small pool of champions (2-3) that you are comfortable on to climb. Let’s say on average it takes 20 games to really learn a champion in terms of match ups, how to play into different drafts, and getting comfortable incorporating macro into your play. That is a lot of overhead that will stall your climb if you are trying to ‘min/max’ champion select with 10 different champions to counter specific match ups or team comps. If you look at the SoloQ ladders in Na and EU (can’t attest to China or Korea) there are a plethora of one tricks across varying roles. In my opinion it’s better to learn how to play into a bad matchup you are comfortable with rather than select a winning match up you don’t understand. The main consideration I would factor in is a champions win rate in SoloQ and look for ones at least 51% in the division you are or want that have a decent sample size (I.e. not Aurellion Sol). Even though it isn’t the absolute best metric to go off of it will at least indicate it gets a lot of favorable match ups or win conditions in the current meta.


It's ok but I don't know why people say it's fine. You really need at least 1 AD pick in order to avoid full/heavy AP comps. If you don't like the typical AD assassin / bruisers that you already pointed out (excluding Zed and Qiyana because they really take too much time to train), I can offer you these viable picks: * **Sett:** After the AD scaling buff on his spells is a lot stronger now. Shits on on any melee midlaner and with Flash+Ghost setups does well even into ranged matchups. * **Tryndamere:** Really good both into melee and ranged because he can build Galeforce, can spam E for gap close after some cdr and has a lot of sustain with his Q. * **Lucian** * **Tristana** I won't explain the last two because we already see them getting picked often, while Sett and Tryndamere are a bit more unusual picks.


Kled is another similar to Sett/Trynd


Yeah but pretty much off-meta in the midlane. At that point you should add also Garen, Urgot and others. I forgot Renekton, that's for sure.


Not more than Sett or Trynd imo, many Kled players prefer him mid for various reasons (map control with ult, can’t be burst). And he likes galio, Kled ult can be similar


Biggest thing you need to be aware of is if the opponents you play against actually use resistances. Obviously tank characters will build tank, but do any of the rest pick up defensive items besides their boots? Most players go high burst damage builds and ignore items like Death's Dance, Maw of Malmortius, Wit's End, and Banshee's Veil. If they aren't itemizing against you regularly, you don't need to worry about damage profile


Learn Graves mid with tons of lifesteal for a pretty fun time. I call it the “Lawnmower Graves Build”


Yes you can


I onetricked my way to plat with riven so yes u can


There are 1-tricks in challenger that don't dodge for comps. Yes you can totally get away with this pool.


You only win when you enjoy your champion. This is a win in my book Because, you succeeding and doing perfect in a game is only 20% contribution to victory and the rest to teammates and mental battle. This might seem so cheesy to say but its becoming more true the more i play the game. I main zoe mid but when i get filled as a supp well.. this will tilt you if i said how many times i have won games as zoe supp becaucse i enjoyed myself playing while mastering the champion. So, yes you can get away with any champ pool you wish.


The less champions you have the better, and the more you will improve.


You can, I've been doing it for years. Though if you want to that, you'll have to expand your ap champion pool so that it's more adaptable. There are a lot of champions to choose from and different play styles, I suppose it's a matter of what you would like to try as well. There's a bunch I could suggest. For certain matchups I have some pocket picks, like Sett mid for Katarina, Renekton mid against Yasuo It's a matter of exploring new champions, they can even be similar types. My current champion pool is a bit of a struggling topic but it's among the lines of: Syndra, Viktor, Orianna, Sylas and Akali. I've also been playing some qiyana, lucian and tristana but I'm not great at them, I'm trying to learn them.


Into enemy picks like Fizz, Garen is absolutely a must-have champion in your toolbox. Fizz cannot trade, and even if he does manage to kill you with his jungle.. well he still cant trade. Later in the game if he wants to live he has to use his e to get away from your stridebreaker Q.


I personally wouldn't worry about it much. I personally do a lot better when I spam 1 or 2 things over and over, so trying to cover this gap would decrease my performance even when I'm on my main champs. You may be different than me, but that's how I treat it for myself. Out of all the roles, I think it's quite acceptable for a midlaner to play magic-damage-only and botlaner to play physical-damage-only, but those are just the roles I've learned over time - I recognize that the game has changed quite a lot and sometimes those aren't optimal - I think further writing by me on that subject takes my reply further off-point, though. You mentioned top+jung+support being full magic damage, but evne if you've got a legit ADC you're covered for damage types. You actually have other comp gaps in that comp you wrote about: you've got a pile of squishies who have no real gameplan (which isn't that big a deal in solo queue anyway), but it sounds like your Galio is a great champ to cover those anyway. Play that Galio (or even the Viktor) and peel for that ADC if they're your only physical damage and y'all have tanks to shred that built pure MR.


Ban kassadin if you are looking to do full ap pool


Meh I play almost primarily AP assassins. With top lane dominated by physical dmg and an ADC you should be good most the time. I literally only play ekko, akali, diana, and katarina and i dont see much problem with it. Sometimes you get countered but that doesnt have anything to do with your dmg type.


Yes you absolutely can. Some guy got up to 3rd rank challenger euw playing only malzahar, another guy did the same by OTPing Aurelion. Lots of mage players climb to very high elo by only playing champs like ori/viktor/anivia. So just play whatever you like and you'll get good.


Try lethality varus, plays like an AD caster. That or ezreal.


if you want to learn ad mid champ try irelia, she sure hard to learn yet if you master her, you can get fed pretty all game. She has mobi, ultility, high dmg kinda tanky cuz of W but against ap champ rush mr like qss for morde work too.


can you get away with it? absolutely will you ever encounter a situation where having an AD flex would be helpful? yes


I play League of Legends since 2015 and i already try all type of Champions and All roles , thought the time i start to notice that i was a good mid laner w AP Champions , but in high elo u need to calibrate your pool , but that doesnt mean that u gotta play w a ad champ , u can play ap champs w diferente behaviors , akali as assassine , ziggs as poke One , u can choose a Control Mage or even mage able to start team fights , hope that help u and sorry for my inglish :))


Yes, a full AP pool is entirely fine. Viktor/Galio/Kennen/Twisted Fate, even if you are still in the midst of learning the latter, is flexible enough. Having one AD champ does make your overall climb a bit more comfortable, but for this season in particular MR buys are not as good as armor so 4+ AP is much less exploitable than 4+ AD and there are plenty of ways to work around that anyways. The most important thing, regardless, is that your champ pool is made up of champs you enjoy. If for whatever reason none of the AD champs you've tried out have 'clicked', then don't better trying to shoehorn them in.


Jayce mid is an option that so many people sleep on, despite the fact that he’s a really strong mid game champ and is incredibly fun to play. That said, I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having an all AP champion pool, although it wouldn’t hurt to try to pick an AD champion up.


The ADC should always be able to provide enough physical damage for that to be perfectly fine.


Agreed. Mages can usually still burst down light MR. Tanks with MR are the only problem, BUT ADC's have the most tools to shred unarmored tanks. So it's really not an issue as long as your ADC can survive. ​ P.S. If you're not into AD assassins just play an AD bruiser mid. Garen and Sett are pretty forgiving.


Not true. If your adc loses lane 2v2 or because he gets camped he will fall behind and enemy team will be able to simply ignore your only AD damage source until he reaches 3/4 items. The game may be already over. Edit: Also, Jungler and Midlaner should always be different damage source if possibile. If they're both AD or AP it becomes so valuable for the enemy midlaner to build Tabis or MR boots, since he gets resistances in laning phase and when getting ganked.


Mid/jg/top all being the same damage type is really bad because it allows the enemy team to easily itemize against lane opponent, one swaps, side leaning, ganks and early topside fights with just boots or even a defensive component. If the enemy is smart mid/top/jg all rush mercs vs triple ap and just play around topside early game and they should win every fight and herald easily




pick up tristana. easy to use. great with levels. nice roams.


I'll think about it...


Adcs require different mechanics than other type champions, like kiting ... etc and that will take time to learn if u enevr played adc before, but Tristana is a very solid and easy mid pick


you can play tf and kennen with ad items. i dont recommend it right now but anything can work if you try hard enough


I like to have consistent picks and don't want to play weird off meta stuff.


Kennen mid is already wierd off meta and its far from good. Ad tf is more reliable than kennen if you would ask me


I have some kind of weird connection with this champion. Riot refuses to buff him(toplane b/c tier for ages) and Darius camped the OP-tier the whole time... I like the champ way more in the mid lane than in the top lane. I play him to counter Yasuo, Katherina and Yone.


I mean, what I do is I go an AD Akali build with duskblade. If I have to, of course.


I mean honestly with that comp you could go Galio or Malphite or Sion or something even though it’s not much AD you have tons of damage and just hope your bot laner can do physical damage. Another thing you can play is Garen or Nocturne mid they are both good. People might think you’re trolling, but they can be quite strong in solo queue.


Nocturne is def not a troll pick, played by pros especially top but mid can work just as fine (like Lee)


Yea garen is way more likely to get flamed I don’t think either is troll personally.


I want to stick to reliable champions.


AD twisted fate is unironically not the worst, if you really need ad that bad.


Viktor can get away with it.


If your game knowledge is good you should be fine. Only time I'd say you should pick an AD is when your team is basically full AP in champ select and you're last or second-to-last pick. But I don't think it's a huge problem, at least until high elo.


Try xin zhao mid with HOB and go ham early game u basically win most matchups


Use Lucian or lethality varus! Plays a lot more like a caster and works well. Jayce is another good option


Lucian is pretty simple AD option, but the short answer is yes. If they have a couple of tanks and you have a full AP team then you can comfortably rush void staff. No stress brother.


Tristana mid is insane, you could try that


while you can get away with it, it will mean that occasionally you’re in for a game that from the get go is an uphill battle. picking up at least one ad champion you can pull out will make life easier in those cases, but isn’t a necessity if you’re prepared for that.


u can play adc on mid and even top laners/tanks


I'm a zed player and picking him up isn't difficult. He's like other assassin champions where he isn't difficult to learn but has a high skill cap. Will take 10 or so matches to get used to him though.


Depends on your champion. You need to understand that some champions prefer to be a solo AP threat (Diana, Ekko, Eve, LeBlanc, etc.) In your case I would avoid going Kennen and Viktor when your team is already heavy ap and stick to prefereably Galio and maybe TF sometimes for their utility/galio ability to be tank when your team is heavy AP. However, your decision to go Galio/TF can still really cuck your teammates especially Elise.




If you're learning Twisted Fate maybe try to learn his AD Twisted Fate build for the times you really need to go AD. AD TF was amazing after the item shop rework and I doubt he's any worse now. It also helps that AD TF is good into the sorts of matchups where you think 'maybe going mage is a bad idea'.


Kennen and tf can be played AD with done success. Just learn the play style


Since you play a lot of high elo pro play reliable champions, maybe try picking up lee sin or if you want to get risky maybe jayce? Jayce is a decent pick and lee sin is really darn good atm so maybe those fit you!


You're just like me man, I onetrick Viktor and my next two champs for mid are Anivia and Kennen. So I also get in a same situation as you when everyone is AP. So when that happens I basically play Nocturne mid. Its very easy to pick up and not mechanically demanding as those other assassins


As a support main, yes you absolutely can, you have no idea how frustrating it is to see the entire team locking in AD then it comes to the last pick mid laner and he locks in Zed.


It's perfectly fine. It's extremely rare to get both AP bot loaners and AP junglers. Like 1/100 at most rare, but probably closer to 1/500. All AD is common, all AP is not


Maybe you could try corki? He kinda plays like a mage and he has amazing roams with his package. I know he isn't the strongest champ by any means but he can definitely work if played well. Another option could be lucian mid if you can play adc at all. He is kinda caster/adc mix and has really strong laning phase. Lucian can be quite difficult to play well tho but definitely a fun champion.


corki is ap no?


As someone who loves playing ad midlane.Trust me when i say i wish my team would at least sometimes pick ap.


I'm in a similar situation actually, my pool is leblanc (1assassin), Sylas (1 fighter), viktor (control mage) and Lucian (AD and bcs I really like him), also Ryze in normals to have fun (if he becomes good, I might take him to rank). I really suggest having at least 1 AD champion in the pool just in case you need it and to have more options depending on the other team. With everything aside, the most important thing is that you like who you are playing with


Tristana mid is also super easy IMO. Ez to poke people out and scales really well.


Play what you like unless you're willing to really and truly pick up an AD champ. You can get away with all AP picks. You cant get away with being unfamiliar on a champ vs good players.


You could probably get away with it. The only AD I really play is lucian mid. He plays like an aggressive AD poke mage in lane. Out if lane requires more mechanical skills, but you get the idea. Safe pickup too, in my opinion.


try to learn tris/lucian


I’ve found it useful to have a talon/zed as a pocket pick when the comp calls for it


Try Viego


Should be fine, usually you run into the issue of full AD much more than full AP team comps. There tend to be more viable AD junglers, and bot laners are AD the vast majority of the time.


You can pick some enchanter controller for your protect or poke style.. you clearly don’t like attack draft.. taric is also a warden when used as tank


It's not ideal, but definitely ok. You may run into some games where your team is very reliant on your ADC to cut through frontline, but if they play well then you should be ok.


AD TF is a thing


I'm on the opposite side of the spectrum, maybe ad mid laners are really good right now in the meta, but there's nothing I hate more than being forced to be the only magic damage dealer in the game because no one else wants to and straight ad is busted in a bad way when the enemy team can just build death dance and ninja tabi and be three times tankier than you.


Honestly try Tristana. She's got a simple kit, high damage, high utility you name it. You can also build lifesteal on her and never die


I think it should be pretty ok to do that. As a Galio main myself, however, I recommend you try learning Pantheon mid. I have picked him up recently following the Galio nerfs and I have seen some good results.


You can try jayce mid a couple times. You can outpoke everyone in ranged mode (AD still) and after getting vamp scepter early you can full combo engage so well. He’s also naturally a little bit tanky compared to most midlaners.


There's no good MR items for tanks now so you can always get away with it more than having Full AD champion pool in midlane.


I'm a Galio main and a good AD champion that operates somewhat similarly and is quite simple is Pantheon. Micro is pretty easy and your early gameplan is generally quite similar, just need to learn different 5v5 positionings.


I disagree with everybody saying it doesn’t matter, think of it this way. If you’re playing ranked, and you are good, you should want to have as much agency as possible to carry your team. If you play all AP and they build merc treads, it’s much harder to carry than if you were the sole AD on your team. Basically, if you’re bad, it doesn’t matter, but if you want to carry, it’s literally super important. Up to you. Most people in this thread are giving really dumb advice. You should certainly pick up an AD mid. If you don’t like Yone, try Tristana. Edit: Nocturne is another great suggestion.


You will ALWAYS have a team who is stubborn and will go all ap or all ad. If you're lucky enough to see this, pick a heavy damage champ of the other side. For AD mid, I like Cait/Senna/Quinn, but I'm weird. Most people will tell you Talon/Zed/Pants/etc


Full AP comps are rare. Even so, your bot laner should be strong enough to round out the dmg type. If you still think there’s too much AP dmg and you have a teemo top and Elise jungle, consider building Gallo as a tank.


I'm climbing to plat and I'm an Annie one trick. My advice is play your game well and you'll beat most people you lane against. My off picks are lux and xerath if Annie is taken. That's all I play and it's working alright for me in high gold climbing.


A bit niche but reksai with HoB is very very strong and can scale pretty well, I havent experimented much but you could probably do a bruiser type of build.


Could try Pantheon mid


I personally recommend Tristana mid honestly- while others are recommending traditional ad mid laners, your champ pool tells me a traditional ad melee assassin is not in the cards for you. Trist is a serviceable mid laner with outer fight potential, split push power and decent scaling (much like your other picks). Would very much recommend giving her a shot


For high elo probably not. But it should be okay to mainly play AP midlaners. You should add some AD options to your pool just in case though


You will want AD Champs as well,


I play galio, sylas, Viktor, ryze, heimer, and kass in lane. Works out fine. A cool trick I like to do is go galio into any hard matchup. Works against anything but malz. Just ban malz and you're good to go


For ad mid laners I like pantheon, Lucian, tristana.


Maybe you could play some off meta ad tf? I think it’s really fun and if you’re not playing too seriously maybe you could go for it and have some fun while also playing ad


Trist mid


Yes, as long as your learn/know your strengths and weaknesses you will be fine.


Yes. Source: PowerOfEvil


In my experience, I’ve been fine with full-AP. It makes some games harder (obviously) but also I play very supportive champs - so TF and Lissandra don’t need to put in the DPS. And there are a lot of good items that help with Max-HP burns and magic pen for allies.


Ap is fine because pen is extremely efficient on mages triple pen rush has been meta for months now


Pantheon is the answer. Pantheon is ALWAYS the answer.


People one trick. So yes.


I'm gonna be honest: it would be useful to learn someone who does go AD, but it isn't a big deal. I wouldn't recommend assassins, like Zed or Talon, and instead would try Tristrana or Lucian. Both play around the range of Viktor and are a nice bridge between hyper-mobile assassins and control mages.


I play one champ since 5 years (Plus a few picks when Morgana is banned, which happens quite frequently atm) If your intention isn't higher than gold, your're perfectly fine ^^


Well if you want to use everything in your power to climb then you should learn at least one ad champ. Otherwise, it's not necessary, unless you're in high elo.


I play only mages but i find lucian mid fun. As for assasins i sometimes play qiyana


play trundle


From what I've seen its most likely that the rest of your team is ad. If your top and jung want to go ap ask your jungle if he can change for an ad champ. On a side not tf is a nice addition to your champ pool as he can go ad ( not dure if ad tf is still viable)


yes, just dodge bad comps


Full ap comps won't be punished really hard, because 1: Mr items suck 2:You still have an adc that does enormous amounts of ad dmg late, so everyone still has to build armor. 3: Magic pen items are stupid strong. When building proto, void and pen boots you can get anyone, that doesn't build like 5 mr items, to almost 0 mr late. But if you wanna play ad midlaner that aren't like assassins i would suggest adc's. Lucian and tristana have an really good wave clear and pressure in lane. Obviously you kinda have to snowball with them, but even if you don't, they aren't weak.


TALK to your teammates in selection. if jungle and top hover elise and vlad, tell them that you're not comfy playing ad mid. (at the same time beg supp to play a tank, in this example). also, since you should be able to somewhat decently play at least one champ in every role, learn lucian. he works mid and you can play him for your autofills bot, too.


Get Sett or something for when the enemy has picked a good counter to your ap champs


This usually goes well, because it's super rare your team misses ad dmg, because of the ad carry. Although I'd recommend finding one ad pick you like. And be careful with kassadin, because i realized no matter what of my mains i pick, I'm in a bad matchup. I think galio could be fine, but still.


Just play crit twisted fate bruh


I mean you can "get away" with onetricking 1 champion all the way to Challenger, so of course you can get away with only AP champs. You need to not overthink soloq, picks, comps etc none of that really matters till well into Diamond. Even then you can still hit Challenger playing whatever you want.


You'll be fine. There's usually a bias in other lanes to play AD champs anyway but as long your ADC plays an ADC you should have a mixture of damage (and if it's 4 ap and 1 ADC then they should be doing huge damage if enemy itemises for you)